Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3371: Xianqin Mountain Extension

Cangshan plane,

The monk walked out of the teleportation circle,

There is a monk in flames,

Body shape,

Like lightning,

Has flown to the horizon,

The whole plane,

It all seems to extend towards this person,

Less than half a day,

This person has flown 30,000 miles,

Outside a formation,

This is Cangcui Gorge,

Commissioner Qian just stood here,

The flame on his body swirled,

The whole formation has been separated,

Showing a passage,

Commissioner Qian has arrived in the Cangcui Gorge,

It’s where I went to the Immortal Book Hall last time,

Bring out the magic weapon,

Towards that boulder,

A reminder of the law,

As if Xuan Ao passed from the horizon,

Began to sparkle with mystery,

Member Qian’s Dao Fa reminded him of a dozen ancient piano scores.

Fighting towards this mysterious. . 23uS.

See you in ten or so moments,

This mysterious, whirled towards Committee Member Qian,

Commissioner Qian has already arrived next to the hall,

The monk is sitting,

I saw Commissioner Qian,


"I got the guqin score."

Commissioner Qian said,

Give that jade slip to the past,

Inside, it is the Guqin score performed by Commissioner Qian.

This monk took it,

After watching for a long time,

"The fairy book in this hall,

You can't turn it over.

I deduced this score. "


This monk is working.


There is Dao Fa ascending.

It sounded like a very sweet bell.

But it was extremely mysterious.

The money is in the market,

The rules are integrated with Taoism, and the rules and Tao fruit are fully urged,

I only sat here for ten days,

The Taoist changes in this person,

It's like the entire sacred mansion that is flooded with committee member Qian.

This man’s Taoism deduction,

Commissioner Qian can no longer deduct it!

Commissioner Qian in the Shenfu,

Like Wan Lei violently.

Law Tao fruit,

Began to grow,

After a year,

This monk just stood up,


It seems that

To the Xianqin score that Committee Member Qian brought over,

I'm quite satisfied.

He deduced here for a year,

Commissioner Qian can only watch for ten days.

This man walked towards the hall.

Commissioner Qian is still sitting here,

Five years have passed.

As on the plane,

Commissioner Qian stood up,

This deduction,

It's five years.

"how is it---"

The monk’s voice,

Passed from afar.

Commissioner Qian gave his hand:

"Thank you, I know how to comprehend this score."

"No, I still thank you."

The monk’s voice said,

Commissioner Qian's eyes flashed,

I'm already outside the green canyon,

Step on,

Commissioner Qian has stepped out of this battle,

Body shape shook,

Has gone to the horizon.

Xia Dian, Commissioner Qian came in,

Banao came over,

"Let Honosan and the others come over."

Commissioner Qian said,

After a long time,

Some of the more powerful Golden Fruit Shadows,

Already here,

"The lines of Xianqinshan,

It is so deduced. "

Commissioner Qian began to say,

This said,

Six months have passed.

These golden fruits began to practice,

Practiced for three years,

In the Taoism released by the shadows of each golden fruit,

Or thunderous sky,

Or mysterious,

Each has made a lot of progress.

"What the body said this time,

Already and part of the fairy book,


The deduction of the fairy book,

Some progress. "

Tan Shan said.

"That's it."

Banao nodded,

"Before, for the fairy book,

Some incomprehensible parts,

This time,

There has been a lot of progress. "

Commissioner Qian came over,

"The lines in the mountain,

But extended for three miles,


It is already an ordinary rock. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"That mountain is already on the edge of Xianqin Mountain,

Outside the Xianqin Mountain formation,

There are some mountains. "

Tan Tian said.

"Expanding in that direction, it can probably expand thousands of square miles."

Banqin said,

"If there is no Xianqin score,

This is thousands of square miles,

For the shadow of our golden fruit,

The effect is really small.

With this piano score,

That's different again. "

Commissioner Qian took a sip of tea and said.

"So, this matter,

Hosted by you. "

Tan Shan said.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

After a long time,

Commissioner Qian has already appeared in Hanshan.

Immediately, Wandering Knife rushed over with Jin Dan,

Salute to Commissioner Qian,

"See Master."

"I go to Xianqin Mountain,

Xianqin Mountain needs to expand thousands of square miles,

You don't have to come over. "

Commissioner Qian said.


The Wandering Knife and the Golden Cores of Hanshan hand over.

Commissioner Qian gave a reminder,

Has arrived at Xianqin Mountain,

"See Master."


The Tashanjian brought the golden cores of Xianqinshan over.

Commissioner Qian walked into the hall,


Mountain Sword and Golden Core of Xianqin Mountain,

This was sitting next to him.

"Xianqin Mountain needs to expand thousands of miles."

Commissioner Qian said,

Reach out,

The formation of Xianqin Mountain.

Expanded frantically at once.

Commissioner Qian needs to expand the mountains.

It seems.

It's fifty miles away,

Many monks,

As soon as Xianqinshan's formation expanded,

Body shape,

Speeding towards the distance.

Soon, the formation of Xian Qin Shan,

Shroud these mountains,

Expanded by nearly a hundred miles.

After half a day,

Three flying ships are fully open,

Surrounded by volcanoes,

Flew over.

The master of the general hall of the plane,

The master of this sword battle plane is worse than the master of the main hall,

The master who came out of Xianqinshan,

Punch and fly,

This master from Xianqin Mountain,

And the masters of the general hall of the plane,

Not far off.

The monks in these ships,

The repair is the highest.

It's just Jin Dan,

Flying around Xianqin Mountain,

Commissioner Qian was sitting,

With a wave of his hand,

A thunder fire flew out of the formation,

Like lightning,

Sweeping from the three spaceships,

The cultivators in Xianqin Mountain,

one look,

The thunder fire urged by Commissioner Qian,

And the thunder fire they urged,


It passed by five miles beside the three spaceships.

Three flying ships,

Rolled ten times in the air,

Only then did the spaceship be straightened,

Dao Fa urges,

Turned around,

Speeding toward Guan over there.

This thunder flashed,

Has leaped a hundred miles,

In the formation,

The monks in the Xianqin Mountain, the golden pill of Yuan Ying, the foundation period,

Everyone is stunned,

Inside the 30,000 li gates,

Ten Yuan Ying stunned!

"More than a hundred miles long and thirty miles wide,

The plane of ten thousand li is average. "

Yuan Ying Huashen smiled dryly.

The great power that Commissioner Qian has seen in the Wasteland,

Ordinary stones,

Can urge thousands of miles of thunder fire,

The formation of Xianqin Mountain,

The setup has been around for almost a hundred years,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Like ten thousand mountains!

Commissioner Qian spent ten days at Xianqinguan.

The opposing ship’s ship, never seen it,

"Thirty miles wide, a hundred miles long, and a radius of three thousand square miles,

Master waved his hand. "

The wandering sword, the mountain climbing sword and the cold mountain, the monk in Xianqinshan said.

Fleet battles,

The monks fought with flying swords,

As soon as Commissioner Qian came,

Never appeared.

Commissioner Qian spent 30 days in Xianqin Mountain.

Commissioner Qian deduced the lines in the mountain.

Compared with the original deduction,

Some progress,

Not much progress,

Those guqin scores,

Under the deduction of the monks in the main hall,

It can be deduced as rules, rules fusion,

For Commissioner Qian,

It's still a bit esoteric.

The understanding of the law is more profound,

It is better to practice one's own original laws and Taoism.

Commissioner Qian talked about the Wandering Sword and the Tashan Sword.

Take a battle,

Reach out,

The battle was on display.

Commissioner Qian has arrived in Hanshan,

Out of Hanshan,

Body shape,

Toward the plane of the sword war plane teleportation array, speeding past.

Arriving outside the teleportation array of the sword war plane,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and reminded him.

The plane communication circle urges to issue,

one look,

The image of Banao appeared,

"I'm going to fight the wasteland.

Compared with the law of enlightenment,

Rule fusion Dao Guo still needs very high improvement! "

Commissioner Qian said,

Banao nodded.

Red Wolf Town,

Wanjian Sashan’s grocery store,

Commissioner Qian came over,

"Wan Jian Sashan, what good mines are there?"

General rough,

Comprehend the profound inside,

Chamber of Commerce,

It can be said to be a more mysterious Taoist book.

Thousands of swords are scattered on the mountain, the rough stone in hand,

The deduction is endless.

"Sky Thunder went to a nice mine,

Let me talk to him. "

Commissioner Qian nodded,

Wan Jian Sa Shan opened the magic weapon of communication,

Talked to Sky Thunder,

I talked to Commissioner Qian about how to get around the mine,

Commissioner Qian nodded,

Out of the Red Wolf array,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the depths of the **** wasteland.

Arriving at the mine called the Bloody Battle Wasteland,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Three hundred miles along the mine,

They are all ordinary rocks in the **** wasteland.

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Walk towards the mine.

Arrived at 1,500 miles in this mine,

Shennian detected five miles deep in the mine wall,

This has a good pattern,

Three thousand miles deep in the plane,

You can already see a lot of rumbling mining sounds,

Dao Fa flashed like flames.

The lines here,

This has become good.

In the pit far away,

Lei Huoshan came over,

one look,

It is skylight.

"Master, the mine here is good."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"I find a good mine by myself."

Comprehension world,


Commissioner Qian gave a reminder,

Commissioner Qian came in the morning,

In the evening,

Commissioner Qian looked at the lines for about 30 years,

Commissioner Qian chose a pattern.

But one mile deep from the rock wall,

The texture is already good,

Commissioner Qian came to the side of the line,

Dao Fa urges,

The fairy book, the content of rules fusion,

Has begun to deduct,

With a fist, he banged towards the rock wall,

But three punches,

That nice pattern,

Has begun to show up.

Throwing a fist for fifty miles,

A rough stone has been mined,

The world bead mana has a look,

This rough stone,

It's good to practice.


Member Qian’s cultivation base improved,

Deduction of the lines on the rock wall of this **** battle wasteland,

Improve a lot,

A mine pit for thirty miles or so drove forward,

The lines have become ordinary,

Commissioner Qian just turned to the mine on one side

walk over.

Fist and boom,

This time,

It was a five-mile long mine pit,

This shows good lines,

Drive towards the inside of the mine,

Blasted for ten miles,

The texture is good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a hundred-mile pit was opened,

Picked a rough stone,

one look,

This rough stone,

For example, the rough stone just picked,

Even better.

Looking at other lines,


Thunder and fire in the mountains,

Speeding over here,

In less than ten moments,

Thunder Fire Sword Art,

Has begun to boom! (To be continued...)

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