Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3478: 10 a magic weapon

"With a dozen magic weapons,

Transform the mountains,

This is the first time in three thousand years. 》>》..

Magic weapon,

For the shadow of the golden fruit at the level of the body and the god,

They are more difficult to refine. "

By Honolulu,

The golden fruit shadow of Commissioner Qian,

Cultivated the cultivation of the gods,

This is equipped with the magic weapon of transforming gods.

For a long time,

The Dao Fa of Honolulu urges

Back to the mountain flower plane,

In the main hall,

The Dao Fa of Honolulu urges

Dan Lu appeared,

Various materials,

Flew towards the pill furnace,

God-making materials,

Regarding the quality of the refined materials in Honolulu,

Half a year later,

Only then can the furnace material be refined,

These materials,

You can refine the magic weapon to transform the mountains,

The magic weapon to transform the mountains is comparable to the magic weapon in battle,

The formation is mysterious,


There is no need for so many magic circles like the magic weapon of battle,

in this way,

A dozen magic weapons to transform the mountains,


It took five years,

Only then finished refining.

this day,

Tanshan urges the plane to spread the magic circle,

After a long time,

From Honolulu to Summer Palace,

Banao came over,

"Have you finished refining the circle of Huashan?"


"So, I will set it up and see."


Honolulu and Panao,

Speeding towards Huashan,

Dao Fa urges.

Arrived at Huashan.

At this time.

Painting mountains,

Expand to a radius of three hundred miles,

The depths of the plane are different from the surface of the plane,

Higher peaks,

It’s just a thousand feet tall,

Tanshan began to set up the magic circle.

Most of the day,

Ten magic circles,


The Tanshan Dharma is urged,

Ten or so magic weapons to urge the gods,

Release the mysterious mana,

After ten days,

Mysterious plane,

Converging towards here.

This time the planes gather together,

But it is a magic weapon to urge it,

Banao watched,

"Cultivating Dao Fa with me, the planes of mystery gathered together.

There are many gaps. "


Banao and Honolulu.

Back to Xiadian.

"If the magic weapon of Huashan works well,

The common and precious medicinal materials grown in this painting mountain,

Can be used by cultivators! "

By Honolulu,

Painting mountains,

Three hundred miles deep in the plane,

Banao transformed Huashan for a century,

The medicinal materials that can be grown in Huashan,

Medicinal materials suitable for painting mountains.

Common precious medicinal materials include,

There are medicinal materials that can be used by the cultivator of God.


The Dao Fa of Honolulu urged,

Planar Teleportation Array urges

Teleport to the mountain flower plane.

Banao has practiced for thirty years,

The mystery of the plane is improved,

On the plane of Ruixian,

The planting array of each medicine garden,


On the plane of Ruixian,

Various medicinal materials have reached five thousand years,

Banao left the manor,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards Fangshi,

When we arrived in the city,


Collect some materials,

Go to the restaurant in Fangshi to drink.

this day,

The monk in the restaurant is standing,

A monk walked over quickly,

"There is a mountain in the main hall of the plane,

Thirty feet tall medicinal materials appeared. "


The monk in the restaurant,

Immediately asked the monk,

There are monks,

"Thirty zhang high medicinal materials, turned into monks,

The cultivation of this method—"


Pan Ao listened,

Out of the restaurant,

He Banao walked out of the restaurant,

They are all monks above the Three Diamond Flower God.

The master walked out of the restaurant,

Dao Fa urges,


Fly toward the general hall of the plane,

By the Jindan monk in Fangshi,

"Go and see."

Brother Jindan walked out of Fang City,

Dao Fa urges,


Speeding toward the general hall of the plane,

Banao urged Dao Fa,


Flew thirty thousand miles,

Seeing the front of the mountain,

More than 300 monks urged Dao Fa to stand,

There is a medicinal herb on the mountain,

Is urging Tao Fa practice,

Profound as from the entire plane,

Converge towards here,

The board is like electricity,

Flying over from the sky,

The spirit of this plant,

Looking at Banao,


The cultivation base of this plant,

Higher than yourself.

At this time,


There is a way to escape,

Across the sky,

Speeding over here,

"The Master of the Plane General Hall!"

There are monks,


This escape method,

To this mountain,

Dao Fa flashed,

Monks appeared,

It is the master of the general hall of the plane,

The master of the Mianzongdian,

Prosperous Taoism urges,

Walk around this plant,

This plant Taoist cultivation base,

Higher than the master of the plane main hall,

The master of the Mianzongdian,

He bowed his hand at the monk,

"Franker He Fang, practice here."

This monk, Dao Fa flashed,

Turned into a monk,

Banao took a look,

It’s the powerhouse who is at war with himself,

This person,

Dao Fa urges,

Covering a radius of more than three hundred miles,

"This mountain, I used to practice."

The Master of the Plane General Hall listened,

A reminder in the hand,

A flying sword appeared,

Flames flashed on the flying sword,

It was like burning the entire sky.

This monk.

Dao Fa urges in hand.

A flying sword appeared,

Dao Fa urges,

Feijian slashed towards the main hall of the plane,

The flying sword in the hands of the main hall of the plane is urging,

Dao Fa urges,

The volcano winds around 30,000 miles,

Like a volcano erupting 30,000 feet,

Boom and cut towards this flying sword.

The flame flying sword, and the flying sword in the hands of the monk,

Loud like thunder,

Thunder thunder!

The flying sword blasted away in the hands of the Plane General Hall,

This sword art blasted towards the master of the plane main hall,

In the hands of the Master of the Plane General Temple,

More shields,

Shield issuance,


Bounced towards this flying sword.



Shield in the hands of the main hall of the plane.

Blasted wildly,

Half of the shield in the hand,

Feijian hit the Wanli volcano,

A lot of volcanoes exploded,

The main hall of the plane urges the mana,

Ten thousand flames spurted flames,

Touch this flying sword,

The flames burst wildly,

Flying sword blasted through the volcano thousands of miles,

This stopped.

The monk reached out to urge the hair,

Feijian flew back,

The head of the main hall of the plane,

Body shape,

Speeding towards the main hall of the plane,

The monk turned around,

Walked into the mountains where the methods of war were manifested,

The monk beside,

"This is a war of transforming gods!"

The rule of the master of the plane's main hall merges with the cultivation base,

Bibanao’s rule fusion cultivation base,

Slightly higher.

Flying swords and shields,

But it was not as good as the flying sword and shield in Ban Ao's hand.

"This medicinal material can be cultivated in this way."


This medicine,

Common precious medicinal materials,

Planted in Banao’s Xiadian and Baihe,

The cultivation of this medicinal material,

Rule fusion repair base,

Reach a higher level than Banao,

For the mysterious plane,.

Can practice like this,

in this way,

Banao’s cultivation methods for this medicinal material,

There are many improvements.

Come here,

Many Yuan Ying monks!

"Watching the cultivators fighting,

It's so profound. "

Ordinary Yuan Ying Hua Shen,

"Master Banao."

Banao took a look,

There are monks,

Hand over to Banao,

"Huolian real person."

Ban Ao arched his hand towards the real Huo Lian.

Real Fire Lotus,

Now it's as good as ten thousand swords,

The cultivating monks are merging towards the five rules,

For Banaolai,

The repair is ordinary,

But it is the elder of the Hanlian School,

"Look at this strong person's cultivation,

For the lotus of Hanlian School,

How to grow,

There are a lot of improvements. "

Huo Lian is real,

I spent a long time with Huolian,

The fire lotus real humanitarian law urges the issuance,

Speeding towards the Hanlian School,

But Banao was thinking,

This monk occupies this place,

The planes of three hundred miles are mysterious here.

To this monk,

It is quite good.

There is a formation on Xianlian Mountain,


On Xianlian Mountain,

But half of the lotus is missing,


I practiced for 30 years,

To find some precious lotus flowers,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

Arrived at Xiadian,

After thirty days,

Banaojiang’s cultivation method of that kind of medicinal material,

A lot of performances,

Facing this kind of medicinal materials, they are playing.

Summer Palace, in the White River,

There are tens of thousands of these medicines,

Banao will plant Taoism,

After using these ten thousand herbs,

Dao Fa urges,

Towards the distance,

Speeding past like lightning.

Dao Fa urges,

A passage appeared in the mountain,

But Banao has reached the depths of the plane,

Hua Shen Dao Fa urged,

This is mysterious and mysterious,

Looking for the level of precious plants,

Improve a lot,

Banao picked many precious plants,

Profound Lotus,

But I can't find it,

this day,

Banao reached a lava river,

The lava is rushing,

This lava river,

A hundred miles wide,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers surround,

Walk towards the lava river,

This lava river,

Three-diamond flower **** or higher cultivation monk,

Urge Dao Fa,

To pick materials here,

Banao thought,

Walked thousands of miles in this lava river,

Seeing there is a rock wall ahead,

There is a lotus growing on the rock wall,

Like a normal lotus,

The lotus color is fiery red,

This is the flame lotus,

For ordinary Yuan Ying monks,

This is a precious medicinal material,

For Banaolai,

But I went.

Stronger than ordinary medicinal materials.

Banao reached out to urge the hair,

This flame lotus,

In Banao’s storage bag,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

Fly toward the surface of the plane,

Arrived at Xianlian Mountain,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

This flame lotus,

Planted on the outcrop on Xianlian Mountain,

this day,

Rock Mountain,

Manager, Yuanying Flower God gathered,

Eating the feast,

That thirty-foot-tall plant cultivation,

The mystery gathers thousands of miles,

Manager, Wanli Dao, went to the plane main hall,

At this time,

Wanli Dao is facing the plant mystery,

"Watching the cultivating monk Huashen,

The mystery of the opposite plane, the mystery of the plant,

This is a different practice. "

Wanli knifed,

"Wanli, you deduced to improve the method of planting medicinal materials,

Ten years have passed, and the effect is mediocre. "

There is Yuan Ying Hua Shen,

Yuan Ying Hua Shen,

Walk towards Feiyuan Mountain,

Arrived at Feiyuan Mountain,

The mysterious above the flying garden,

Still converging towards Feiyuan Mountain,

Looking at the various medicinal materials on Feiyuan,

"Not bad."

Yuan Ying Hua Shen,

"Some medicinal materials, five hundred years old, planted on the plane of Xuan'ao and Shanhua

The medicinal materials have different mysteries. ‘

Wanli knifed,

At this time,

The Milky Way in the distance,

There is a plane,

Commissioner Qian and soaring thunder, volcano thunder, and monks in black armor walking,

Last time the temple adventure,

A hundred years have passed,

Found an ancient temple,

Commissioner Qian and soaring thunder, volcano thunder, monk in black armor

To this plane,

It’s different from the last temple adventure~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this time,

In the mountains,

The beast flew,

"There are fewer monks here."

Thundering into the sky.

"Last expedition to the temple,

I went to a dozen planes,

Only then did I find this temple. "

Xuan Huolei started.

Xuan Huo Lei is a monk wearing a black armor in the last temple expedition,

The ancient temple does not appear,

These five rules merge monks,

Walking here. (To be continued...)

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