Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3484: Temple Adventure

Antique shops in the state capital,

After reading Wanlidao in three days,

Talked to the antique shop,

There are jade carvings, come and take a look,

Out of the state capital,

I finished reading the antique shops in the state capital,

In the county,

There are not many antique shops,

Wanlidao walked towards the county,

To the county,

The whole county, but small shops,

Buying and selling antiques,

Wanlidao asked here,

There are fewer jade carvings here.

Half a year later,

Wanlidao walked many shops,

I received some jade carvings,

this day,

Wanli Dao returned to Rock Mountain,

The director of Panshishan and the sword cyclist returned to the mountain,

It has been thirty days.

The director of Panshishan, Wanlidao, and the sword cyclist gathered in the hall.

The manager and Wanlidao bought many jade carvings,

Take out the jade carving,

Opposite the original jade carving of Wanli Dao,

The jade carvings received are good,

Opposite the original jade carving of Wanli Dao,

But it's not right,

"It seems, go to the antique dealer,

See if you can receive the jade carving. "

The manager said,

Wanli Dao and Sword Cyclamen nodded,

Let the waiter serve the banquet,

Director, Wanli Knife and Sword Cyclamen ate,

After eating the feast,

Flew towards their respective practice courtyards.

Wanlidao practiced for five years,

Different rules merge,

For a monk with a cultivation base like Wanlidao,

In five years, the cultivation base has not improved much.

this day.

Wanlidao walked out of the courtyard.

Walk towards the state capital on the side.

Go to the antique shop.

The waiter came up,

Wanlidao was sitting, talking to him about jade carvings,

"There are people selling jade carvings in this state capital,

The supervisor passed, and the supervisor passed,

There is a monk. "

When I heard Wanlidao,

"I gonna go see."

Waiter and Wanli Knife. Out of the shop,

Walked towards the street,

Walked three streets,

There are a lot of people on the street,

Arrived at the other courtyard,

Wanli Dao Spiritual Thought urged,

In the other courtyard, there is a monk in the Qi training period,

The antique shop supervisor is sitting,

There was a monk sitting nearby.

Boom the sky?

At this time, Bang Potian held a jade sculpture in his hand.

And steward, after talking,

Walked towards the other courtyard,

Walked out of the other courtyard,

Wanlidao and the waiter came over.

Director, Wanli Knife, Sword Cyclamen,

For this jade carving,


Yuan Ying Hua Shen master deduced,

Looking at the jade carving in the hands of Bang Potian,

Wanlidao deduced,

This jade carving,

But it is possible to face the jade carving in his own hand.

Bang Potian saw Wanli Dao coming,

Dao Fa urges it to rush towards the distance,

Wanli Dao Fa urged,

Like lightning

Blasted through the sky and flew thousands of miles,

Wanli Dao reached the edge of the sky,

"Blow through the sky,

Your jade carving is good. "

Wanlidao said,

Blasting through the sky and shaking his hands,

With a sword and shield in his hand,

"This time I took a shield,

Can be played against. "

Wanlidao saw that the shield mana urged,

But it is more than the flying sword in the hand of the broken sword

A lot tougher.

Take out the warhammer in your hand,

Warhammer urges,

Like thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Boom and cut towards the sky,

Bang Po Tian didn’t need flying swords this time,

The shield in the hand is urged,

Ten thousand heavy mountains blasted towards the warhammer,

The magic weapon of the plane committee,

Really tough,

Wanzhong Mountain and the warhammer hit,


The loud noise spread thousands of miles,

Thousands of mountains and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers burst wildly.

Like a great mountain,

Slashing towards the air.

Thunder fire erupted like a volcano.

Ten thousand heavy mountains, ten thousand miles of mountains and rivers hold each other!


Bang Potian’s magic weapon this time,

Similar to the magic weapon of the Wanli Knife,

Wanlidao looked at,

Plane Committee,

Taking out such a magic weapon is not considered precious,

Booming through the sky but horrified,

This magic weapon,

He found the strong of the Plane Committee,

Only then got it,

But the magic weapon of blasting the sky,

Make a tie.

Wanlidao and Bangpotian,

Dao Fa urges,

This magic weapon flew into the hand,

this time,

Wanlidao and Bangpotian both urged the release of magic tricks,

The mysterious magic formula, struck towards the magic weapon,

this time,

It’s a magic weapon with all my strength.

Wanlidao and Bangpotian,

A reminder of the law,

Magic weapon flying by,

The flame is shining across the sky!


In the thunderous roar,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers and thousands of mountains,

Cut frantically.

The volcano shoots,

this time,

But in ten moments,

The shield is back.

If you talk about the power of magic weapons,

A warhammer is similar to a shield,

If it comes to the cultivation of the humanity law,

The repair of Wanlidao,

It is better than the other party.

Blast through the law of heaven to urge it,

Flying sword flashed,

Boom and cut towards the sky,

Wanli Dao,

More shields,

The shield is fully urged,

Ten thousand heavy mountains,

Slashed towards the shield,

In the rumbling noise,

Blasted thousands of miles,

this time,

Flying swords slashed thousands of mountains,

Thousands of mountains burst out,

Ten thousand heavy mountains,

But it is urging the mysterious magic power,

Blasted towards the flying sword,

In a bang,

The flying sword bounced off.

Seeing through the sky,

The warhammer and shield in the hand of Wanli Dao,

Dao Fa is similar.

In their own hands.

The shield is more powerful.

Flying sword,

It is much worse than the opponent’s warhammer and shield,

Hand shake,

Fa Jue urges,

Take the shield and flying sword in your hand,

Wanlidao looked at,

"Boom into the sky, take out your jade carving and have a look.

If the jade carving is right,

Ancient temple adventure,

Can go together. "

Wanlidao said,

"There is a magic weapon, I want to open the ancient temple,

Need to transform the gods into cultivation,

Rock Mountain,

Can there be a cultivator? "

this time,

Boom Potian said,

Bombing the sky belongs to the Plane Committee.

"Last time. A master that Lei Zhanshan master knew came to attack Panshi Mountain—"

Wanlidao said,

Think about it.

Last time,

There are five rules of fusion monk,

To urge the powerful Taoism,

Attacked Rock Mountain,

In Rock Mountain,

Someone made a move,

These five rules merge the monks,

Was shot three miles away,

"So, take the jade carving out and take a look."

Boom Potian said,

Wanli Dao and Bangpotian, took out jade carvings,


Can match,

"This time, go to the ancient temple."

Boom Potian said,

Wanlidao talked to Hong Potian.

Wanlidao galloped towards the Rock Mountain,

Blast through the sky,

Speeding towards the Ruixian Plane Committee.

Wanli knife reached the rock mountain,

Fa Jue urges,

The manager and the sword cyclist came over,

Talked to Wanlidao,

Wanli Dao reached out to urge the communication circle,

After a long time,

The plane teleportation array is spinning,

Tanshan appeared on the plane teleportation formation,

Director, Wanli Knife, Sword Cyclamen,

Hand over to Honolulu,

"See the head!"

Tan Shan nodded,

"Able to find the magic weapon of the ancient temple,

Director, Wanli Knife, Sword Cyclamen,

You can go together. "


Wanli Dao, General Manager, Sword Cyclamen,


Dao Fa urges,

Speeding in the direction of the ancient temple,

Yuanying Flower God is flying,

Evacuation is like electricity,

Flew for a long time,

To the ancient temple.

Zhanhuo Divine Sword and Boom Potian, beside, stood Jian Zhentian!

Honolulu walked to the temple,

The fire sword urges Dao Fa,

The cultivation base of Honolulu,

Higher than Banao!

Wanli knife, Jian Zhentian took out the jade carving,


At this time,

As can be seen,

This jade carving turned into a painting,

Can paint where on the temple rock wall.

"This painting, you come to Honolulu."

Slashing the Fire Sword said,

Tan Shan nodded,



Take out the pen,

Fa Jue urges,

Painting towards the temple wall.

He has practiced for three thousand years,

Practiced painting,

This painting begins,

Is a master level,

Halfway through,

Honolulu paintbrush meal!

On the edge,

The three hundred monks said immediately,

"It is indeed a magic weapon to the temple."

The Honolulu paintbrush meal,

Rule mana urges,

Amidst the thunderous roar,

Honosan's paintbrush,

It is Xuan'ao painting,

After half a day,

Only then finished painting,

On the mural,

Step out of the monk immediately,

Toward Honolulu, cut the fire **** sword, Yuan Ying flower **** took a look,


"This time, I can go to the real ancient temple."


The teleportation circle opens,

Honolulu, fire sword, Dao Fa urges,

Director, Wanli Dao, Sword Celestial, Jian Zhentian, Booming Heaven,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward the teleportation array,

This teleportation array,

More mysterious than ordinary plane teleportation array,

Speeding in this teleportation array for a long time,


Out of the teleporters,

Inside is a passage,

This passage is thirty feet wide.

Monk Huashen, Monk Yuanying,

Divine Mind urges towards the channel,

"Material of the magic weapon!"

Slashing the Fire Sword said,

Blasting the Heaven Sword Art to urge it,

Slash towards this passage,

The sword jue blasted onto the channel,

A thunder fire came from the channel,

The sword art urged by the blast,

Touch this thunder and fire,


Blast through the thunder fire urged by the sky,

Turn into nothingness!

"Hua Shen Dao Fa!"

Slashing the Fire Sword said,

Seeing this thunder and fire,

Blasted to the flying sword that blasted the sky,

Fire Slashing Sword Sword Art is urged,

Resolutely cut to this thunder and fire,

Thunder fire blasted away,

In the loud noise,

The blasting genius arched his hands towards the fire sword,

Five miles ahead,

With a sudden, lightning-like,

Fly towards here,


There are ten guards,

Sword Jue urges,

Thousands of swords tactics blasted over,

On the sword,

There are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, thousands of miles of flames, like mountains,

Tanshan, a reminder of the Sword of Fire Slash,

Thousands of swordsmanship are like mountains, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, thousands of miles of flames,


"Using the formation!"

Tanshan, the Fire Slashing Sword said to the Yuan Ying Flower God,

Director, Wanli Knife, Sword Cyclamen,

Booming through the sky, Jian Zhentian immediately took out a formation to urge the attack.

Escape towards the formation,

"In this ancient temple,

Yuan Ying's cultivation base, but it can urge the formation. "

Wanlidao said.

Bang Potian and Jian Zhentian said,

"Ancient temple, so powerful."


Director, Wanli Knife, Sword Cyclamen. Blast through the sky, Jian Zhentian,

Sword Jue urges,

The formation blasted out thousands of sword arts,

Blasted towards these guards,

Ten guards, urging the sword tactics,

Harmony formation urged the sword art to blow,

Thousands of fireballs detonated,

In less than an instant,

With guards,

In the Dao of urging,

The fireball exploded suddenly!

These ten guards,

Some four rules merge, some five rules merge,

The formation is fully urged,

Thousands of swords,

Some guards were hit by the sword tactics,

Panshishan Zhoutian urged,

There was thunder and fire,

The thunder fire stepped far and wide,

But the power of the universe is immense and profound,

Blasted onto a guard,

In a bang,

The guard urged Dao Fa and blasted half of his shoulder,

This time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to this ancient temple,

The director, Wanli Knife, and Sword Cyclamen took the strongest formation on Rock Mountain,

What this urges is the powerful Taoism,

There are rules and laws!

These guarding Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the passage,

See you in an instant!

The battle formation on the plane of Shanhua,

Compared with the strong in these ancient temples,

Not a rule fusion circle

This power is not great!

Tan Shan said. (To be continued...) ()

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