Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3486: Powerful God

This ancient temple,

Stronger than the **** wasteland,

Honolulu thought,

The sword in his hand shakes up,

Showing three swords,

The sword art swept away,

Profound and profound, profound,

Through the Thousands of Thunder and Fire Sword Art,

Blasted onto three battle fortresses,

Three battle fortresses,


The material of the magic weapon,

Than the magic weapon in the hands of Tanasan,

More mysterious,

There is no transgender monk presided over,

A reminder of Tanshan Sword Art,

Immediately blast away.

Take a look at the fire sword,

Sword Jue urges,

Still three swords,

The sword art is extremely mysterious,

Through the thunder and fire of thousands of swords,

Hit the battle fortress,

There was a loud noise like thunder,

Three battle fortresses blasted open,

The Fire Slashing Sword, as the master of God transformation on the resident plane of the Giant Rock Temple,

The rules are integrated and cultivated into the mysterious,

Better than Honolulu.

This is the shadow of Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo,

There is a fairy book deduction,

Honolulu, the fire-slashing kendo method urged,

Speeding up the mountain,

Director, Wanli Knife, Sword Cyclamen

Blasting the sky and Jian Zhentian, this urged the formation,

Speeding up the mountain,

Passed this mountain.

"In this temple, it would be nice to be able to reach the main hall."

Slashing the Fire Sword said,

Tan Shan nodded,

this day,

I saw a mountain in the distance,

There is a hall on the mountain,

On the edge of the main hall,

Has a complex of buildings,

Thousands of monks,

Practicing in this complex,

Honolulu watched.

Similar to the place where the aura of Huashan gathers

A place of practice,

There are hundreds of places here!

This is Honolulu, and among the magic weapons obtained by Fire Slashing Sword.

The production hall of those mysterious magic powers.

Under the Temple Mount,

Standing a tall giant.

There is a monk of the god,

Looking at Honolulu,

This cultivator of God Transformation is the real person of Thunder Thunder.

This giant is in the Giant Mountain,

That three-foot-tall giant!

This ancient temple adventure,

This giant is here!

Seeing Honolulu and Fire Slasher,

Came over with the formation.

The giant and Hong Lei looked over,

There are not many monks who can reach here!

"The cultivator, how does the cultivator in this formation work?"

The giant said with thunderous sound!

"Ordinary Nascent Soul, the rule fusion cultivation level has not been completed."

Slashing the Fire Sword said,

Jian Zhentian started to merge different rules.

The Yuanying Flower God here,

Blow through the sky. There is no practice in the integration of different rules.

"Ordinary Yuanying, urge the formation,

This hall. No need to go! "

The real person Hong Lei said,

"In this hall, the guards of the gods, and us guards of the gods,


You can fight! "

The giant said,


The giant and the real person,

Thousands arrived here in thirty days.


This hall is guarded. There are four gods,

The giant and the real person of Thunder. Three times in a row,

Can't rush,

Seeing Honolulu and Fire Slasher came,

Turning God into cultivation,

Looking at Honolulu and Fire Slasher,


There are four gods in the hall,

Tanshan and Zhanhuojian rushed, but they couldn't rush.

Giant, Honolulu, Thunder Thunder, Fire Slasher,

Dao Fa urges,

Gather to the side,

Monk Yuan Ying urged the formation,

Four gods,

Aftermath of battle,

Can urge the Yuan Ying monk to send out formations,


Giant, Honolulu, Thunder Thunder, Fire Slasher,


The God of Hua guards the Taoism in the main hall,

In the main hall, there are four cultivators,

There are about ten Yuanying Peak monks,

In the middle of the hall,

With a mountain,

The whole mountain is an incomparable magic circle.

The magic power used by the monks’ magic weapons,

From this mountain,

Giant, Honolulu, Thunder Thunder, Fire Slasher,

Went to the main hall,

Feel this mountain.

After talking for a long time,

The giant, Honolulu, the thundering real person, the fire sword urges

With the most profound way,

The law of Honolulu, the fruit of the law, the law of the law,

Fully urged,

Flowers appear,

The petals weighed 300,000,

As deep as a mountain of thousands of miles!

After a long time,

Giant, Honolulu, Thunder Thunder, Fire Slasher,

The most mysterious way, the urging is over.

The cultivator of God, holding a sword and shield,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding up the mountain,

In this hall,

This hall is a thousand miles wide!

There is a mountain in the main hall,

Five hundred miles in radius!

The sword is like lightning,

As if flying across the entire plane,

Towards the giant, Honolulu, the real person who thunders, and the sword of fire,

Boom over,

The cultivator who guards this hall has taken action!

The Dao Fa of Honolulu tried its best to urge the issuance of shields,

The shield urges thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Very mysterious,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers look like huge mountains, like thunder and fire,

Like a flame,

Sweep toward this sword art that is flying!


Profound magic power,

Blasted like a volcano,

Rushed to the hall,

The sword art that blasted over,

Shows a monk,

For an instant,

This shield is the shadow of Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo,

The most powerful magic weapon that can be refined,

The Dao Fa of Honolulu urged,

Flowers are very mysterious,

Fly towards the mountain,

Fall towards the mountain!

Three feet from this mountain,

The mountain transpires mana,

The flowers release profound magic power,

The mana rising towards the mountain blew,

Very mysterious,

The mana released by flowers,

With ten magic powers,

Boom to the mountain.

Begin to comprehend the mysterious Taoism on this mountain!

The giant, the real person who blasted thunder, took a look at the fire sword.

The giant shouted,

Like a huge thunder. Shocked!

Epee in hand,

Thousands of swords blasted out!

The opponent shook,

Mysterious sword flashed,

The Taoism released by the giant,

The fire thunder bursts into the sky,


The giant took out the magic weapon,

Boom towards the mountains.

This magic weapon,

And the Dao Fa blasted from the mountains,

Thunder fire bursts into the sky!

The Taoism released by the magic weapon,

But there are five mysteries,

Hit this mountain,

Began to feel the Taoism on the mountain,

Not half as good as the Dao Fa released by Honolulu,

The thundering real person, the fire sword and the opponent,

But it was a thousand swords fighting in an instant.

Holding magic weapon in hand,

At this time,

A dozen monks flew over from the edge of the hall.

Holding magic weapon in hand,

Fa Jue urges,

The mysterious thunder and fire,

Bounced towards Honolulu and the giant,

These mysterious thunder and fire,

And Honolulu, fire sword,

To this ancient temple, those monks in robes who fought.

Holding a magic weapon, the mana released.

Power increased a hundred times!

On the Honolulu shield,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers released.

With this thunder and fire,

Mountains and rivers, huge mountains, thunder and fire,

They all burst out suddenly!

Tanshan Sword Art flashed,

Fend off a bang,

On the Honolulu shield,

Show a pit!

During the ancient expeditions,

The monk at the top of the gods,

Urges the sword art, but so powerful,

With this thunder fire, blasting over,

The monk who fought with him,

Dao Fa urges,

But it is flying past Honolulu with flowers,

He serves as the guard of the hall,

How can adventurers understand the mystery of this mountain.

Tanshan Sword Jue urges to issue,

Cut out three swords like lightning,

This cultivator of the gods stopped!

Tanshan Sword Jue urges to issue,

Thousands of sword tactics passed,

Blasted towards the monk who was holding the magic weapon,

Thousands of swordsmanship together, one volume,

In the loud noise,

The monk holding a magic weapon,


At this time,

The giant's epee flashed,

The opponent was blasted back three steps!

This giant epee,

Commissioner Qian fought against the giant,

The sword is like a mountain,

The giant slashed with the heavy sword,

The sword tactic passed towards the monk holding the magic weapon,

This holds the magic weapon gambling card to urge the issuance,

Crashed like thunder,

This monk holding a shield,

And the shield burst wildly.

This giant urges to issue sword tactics,

It's almost the same as Talsan's urge to issue a thousand swords.

At this time,

Holding the magic treasure Yuanying Peak monk,’

Urge the magic weapon,

Boom towards the giant,

The mysterious Taoism flickered,

Dao Fa inspired by giants,

Burst out,

The armor of the giant,

Was blasted out of a hole!

The giant shouted,

Sword Jue urges,

The deep sword art flickered,

Slashed towards the monk holding the magic weapon,

At this time,

The cultivator of the gods fighting against the giants,

Sword Jue urges,

Boom over,

The monk holding a magic weapon,

Sword Jue urges,

Thousands of swords slashed over,

At this time,

This giant slashed a sword,

This was shattered!

At this time, the fire sword blasted out the magic weapon,

Hit the mountain,

And the Dao Fa released from the mountain,

The magic weapon released by the fire sword,

Fire thunder for three thousand miles,

Slashed frantically,

Only then blasted the Taoism released by this mountain,


The way the fire-cutting sword releases,

That surrounds this mountain,

But three things!

The giant said toward Honolulu,

"You cultivate the Dao Fa of plants, if you say that you are comprehend

It is indeed stronger than the fighting method. "

The giant monk is much taller than Honolulu,

At this time,

The magic weapon released by the real person,

Flew towards this mountain,


The mysterious Taoism is lingering,

Rumble like a huge thunder blast,

The magic weapon released by the real person,

There are three ways,

Winding towards the mountain,

Similar to the magic weapon of the fire sword,

At this time,

Honolulu, the giant, the sword of fire, the thundering real person,


Release divine thoughts,

Controlling magic weapons,

Honoshan waved like lightning,

Release the warhammer,

The warhammer blasted towards a monk at the summit holding the magic treasure Yuan Ying,

The magic weapon in the hands of Monk Yuan Ying,

Toward the ten thousand heavy mountains released by the warhammer!

Thousands of mountains, bursting like a volcano,

Was bombed in half!

Visible the power of this magic weapon!

Tanshan Sword Jue urges to issue,

Qian Jian slashed towards the monk,

This monk was blasted off his shoulder while talking!

Xuan Ao Lei Huo suddenly blasted towards Honolulu,

Tanshan urges Dao Fa,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Burst frantically,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers swirled,

Release the mysterious mana,

This mysterious thunder fire,

This is blocking,

Xuan Ao Lei Fire,

Boom from the side,

this time,

Ten thousand heavy mountains burst out,

Tan Dao Law Dao Fa urges,

Before the thunder fire,

Show the mountains,

It seems to have a lot of feet,

Very mysterious,

Law of the mountains!

This thunder fire blasted towards the law mountain,

Crashed like a huge thunder,

The law of the mountains blasted halfway through,

This thunder and fire burst out!

A reminder of the Tanshan law,

Hit the mysterious magic trick towards the warhammer,

In the rumbling epicenter,

The warhammer released thousands of thunder,

Blasted towards the monk who was holding the magic weapon,

The monk holding a magic weapon,

The shield moved towards Wan Lei,

The shield exploded.

A reminder of the magic weapon in hand,

The magic weapon turned into three feet big,

One block towards Wan Lei,


The magic weapon was bombed in half,

At this time, the monk Yuan Ying holding the magic treasure,

Can urge the magic weapon to fight,

But five people!

There is a guardian of the god,


Outside the hall,

There was a monk rushed over,

Everyone has a magic weapon!

The magic weapon is similar to these ten Yuan Ying monks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ holding the magic weapon,

The cultivation base is not as good as this Nascent Soul Peak monk.

At this time,

On the Taoism released by Honolulu,

The mountains are numerous and mysterious.

This time the giant urged the sword art in his hand,

Thousands of swords,

Booming towards this monk,

In the thunderous detonation,

The fireball in a radius of a hundred miles, rising thousands,

The three monks screamed,

Exit the hall. (To be continued) ()

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