Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3488: Lian Xuan

There are three hundred guards practicing here,

Formation urges,

The Taoist monk who transformed the gods blasted over,

The mountains burst, the formation burst,

The five rules merge monks,

Harmony with the magic power of the gods,

Turn into smash!

But there was a blast,

The Taoism of the Transcendent Monk is urged,

Speeding towards the middle of the mountains,

There is a rock wall there,

In the mountains,

The mysterious lines are spinning,


The Yuan Ying monk in the formation,

Dao Fa urges,

Comprehend towards this pattern,

not far away,

The formation flew toward the edge of the mountains,

this time,

Monk Huashen, Monk Yuanying,

I have been here for thirty days,

This rotating mysterious pattern,

But it is a relatively good level of the cultivator of God.

On this day, comprehend that the monks of the rock wall lines received their merits!

The giant stood,

"Where is the mysterious Taoism?"

The giant said,

"Among the magic weapons I got from the plane,

Know this place. "

The real person Hong Lei said,

This said,

"This temple, a more mysterious place,

They are all methods of returning to the void. "

Slashing the Fire Sword said,

After talking for a long time,

Dao Fa urges,

Fly towards their respective origins,

This monk of God is here,

But came from a different plane,

Honolulu, the fire-slashing kendo method urged,

To that passage,

The teleportation array appeared,

Dao Fa urged it to the teleportation formation.

Dao Fa urges,

After a long time,


In the temple,

Honolulu and the director. Wanli knife, sword cyclist,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the Rock Mountain.

Arriving at Panshi Mountain,

Tanshan said to the Yuanying Flower God,

"How do you feel about the rock face?"

Director, Wanli Knife, Sword Cyclamen.

Talking about their own feelings,

Honolulu listened,

Their feelings cannot be practiced to the fusion of the three rules.

Honolulu listen,

Speaking three thousand words of Taoism,

"If the deduction is enough,

You can practice until the three rules merge. "

Tan Shan said,

With that said, walked out of Rock Mountain.

The teleportation array gallops towards the Ruixian plane,

Director, Wanli Knife. The sword cyclist arrived in the hall,

Speaking of the Taoist teachings of Honolulu,


To the ancient temple, the Taoism on the rock wall,

I have improved a lot,

This is just a preliminary deduction,

Director, Wanli Knife. The sword cyclist said for thirty days,

"The deduction is more mysterious.

That needs Yuanying Taoism."

Wanlidao said,

"It's true."

The manager talked with the sword cyclist.

Honolulu arrived at the Summer Palace.

Banao came over,

"Honolulu, adventure in the ancient temple,

How is the harvest? "

"Enlightened the part of refining the mana formation during the Void Return period."

This said,

Ban Ao's eyes flashed.

"Refining the magic circle during the return period?"


After this adventure, Honolulu said,

To urge the plane communication array,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian, Tan Tian, ​​is here.

Honolulu took out this book,

The harvest of this expedition,

Commissioner Qian and the powerful Jin Guo Ying deduced it.

The Taoist book searched by Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhi,

The deduction of the fairy book,

Tanshan’s deduction of the refining circle during this rebirth period,

Is imperfect.


This time in Honolulu,

Let Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Dao Fa at the peak of the **** of transformation, Dao Fa at the rebirth period,

A lot of insights.

This time,

After thirty years,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo urged the exercises,

Mana lingers,

Become more and more mysterious,

It looks a bit mysterious and mysterious.

this day,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying collected contributions.

"With this array, the Taoist book to the peak of the **** of transformation,

The Taoist book and the fairy book deduced during the period of rebirth, which improved a lot.

Mana refining is quite mysterious,

Can not reach the level of returning to the virtual. "

Commissioner Qian said,

This is so mysterious,

It is towards the practice of returning to the void.

"The circle that Tanshan brought over this time, but part of it,

The deduction and improvement of the fairy book and the rebirth period Taoist book,

In this reversion period, the Dao law array will be deduced. "

"In this way, you can use the magic circle of God to deduce

This refining plant mysterious circle,

The refined plant mystery,

Similar to the gathering place of the spiritual energy used in ordinary golden core cultivation. "

Tan Tian said,

Tan Shan nodded,

"Able to cultivate mana to such a level,

During the thirty years of practicing the golden fruit of the law, Tao fruit,

Cultivate some mana,

Can’t comprehend the shadow of the golden fruit of the law,

These thirty years,

But it can cultivate a little such mana. "

Tan Shan said.

The golden fruit shadow of Commissioner Qian,


Only then did you practice the law and Tao fruit!

After finishing the practice,

Speaking of this noisy circle,

Refined as a magic circle.

"Mountain flower plane plant,

The texture is relatively high,

Refining this kind of magic circle,

It is just right to put it on the plane of mountain flower. "

Will return to the virtual circle,

Turn into a magic circle of God,

This deduction, after ten years,

Profound material,

Rushed towards a mountain,

There is a mysterious flame and thunder,

Surround the mountains.

Refining this mountain with the magic circle of transformation,

But in the ancient temple,

That part of the mountain,


Like a mountain of three hundred feet,

Refining this magic weapon,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

It took five years.

this day,

The law is collected. The mountains emit noisy mana,

This magic weapon is finished.

Tanshan has this magic weapon,

Teleport to the mountain flower plane.

To the plane of mountain flower,

Honolulu flew towards the other courtyard where he lived.

Honolulu House,

There are mountains and rivers on the edge.

There are various precious plants growing,

Honolulu walked to the edge of the mountains,

Between the mountains and the river,

Reach out,

The mountains are separated,

Put the magic weapon in.

This magic weapon is refined by plane mana and plant mana,

Fa Jue urges,

To play the mysterious magic trick towards this magic weapon,

Then he walked towards the Great Hall of Shanhua Plane.

Practicing mysterious and mysterious mana,

Panshishan Manager, Wanli Knife, Sword Cyclamen,

Practice the integration of different rules,

Tanshan teaches profound Taoism.

Less than three hundred years,

Different rules merge Taoism,

But most of the deduction.

Commissioner Qian. Honolulu,

The profound and profound magic power cultivated,

Compared with the fusion mana of different rules,

That can't be compared.

Thirty years have passed,

Tanshan only cultivated some of this mana.

Ten years later,

Dao law formation in the rebirth period,

The expedition of the monks in the transformation period,

How much can you get?

This time the ancient temple,

There are four gods to fight.

Only then did I get some insights from the rebirth phase formation,

this day.


There are cols in the mountains on the edge of Honolulu,

Out of the mysterious mana.

But one thing,

Honolulu's Dao Fa flashed,

Got there,

Watching the mysterious and rising,

This is the mystery of the refining plane and the mystery of plants,

The mana revealed.

The place where the aura on the ordinary plane gathers,

Jindan monk level,

But this effect!

Compared with the land of cultivation on the plane of mountain flower,

This place of cultivation is the most mysterious.

After three years,

On the edge of Honolulu Courtyard,

There are three places for such cultivation.

The magic weapon refining this time has the effect.

This is a plant grown by Shanhua,

Compared with the plants on the ordinary surface,

More precious.

Bloody wasteland, in the mine,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

The lines thirty feet away on the mine,

Appeared in Commissioner Qian’s palace,

Mana refining is more mysterious,

For this mine,

Commissioner Qian urged Dao Fa,

Reached thirty feet away.

Banged past,

Mining is similar to the surface of the Bloody Wasteland.

In the mine,

A good rough stone appeared.

World beads urged,

This original stone is mysterious,

Commissioner Qian's enlightenment has some effects.

Commissioner Qian collected this rough stone,

Dao Fa urges,

Blasted out of the mine for hundreds of miles,

So rough,

But it is missing,

Commissioner Qian just got out of the mine.

Speeding towards Red Wolf Town.

Arrived at the Red Wolf Town Jieshi Museum,

one look,

The sky thunder volcano thunder is sitting eating, drinking and chatting,

Commissioner Qian walked over,

"How is the harvest."

Commissioner Qian said,

"This is to mine rough stones,

How can it be compared with a master. The harvest is ordinary. "

Volcano Lei said,

Most of the mysteries in ordinary rough stones,

Not as good as the mana cultivated by Chairman Qian.

Commissioner Qian learned about ordinary rough stones,

Nice rule fusion,

From good rules fusion,

Cultivating to the mysterious and mysterious mana cultivated by Committee Member Qian,

Commissioner Qian’s cultivation base,

It may take three hundred years to cultivate.

"Old money, it's better to visit the ancient temple on the surface of Wanli Mountain,

The valley temple on the plane of Wanli Mountain,

Deduce the formation from the Temple Hill,

Can go to the ancient temple,

These ancient plane adventure places,

Temple Mountain on the plane of Wanli Mountain is a good place for adventure. "

Volcano Lei said,

Sky Thunder nodded,


Volcanic thunder and skylight,

The practice rules are merged and encounter the mysterious,

It is difficult to practice.

I want to see Wanlishan,

Could it be from the ancient temple on the plane of Wanli Mountain,

Get the Taoist book.

If you can get a more mysterious Taoist book,

Soaring thunder, volcanic thunder practiced to the peak of Nascent Soul,

All possible,

Commissioner Qian thought,

The Void Returning Circle that Honolulu brought this time,

But part,

Commissioner Qian and the more powerful Jin Guo Ying,

Deduced for thirty years,

For this circle, the deduction part,

If you can go to the ancient temple in Wanlishan,

It's good to be able to get the method of returning to the void.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Standing in the sky,

"I'll call Xuan Huolei."

Sky Thunder said,

Urge the communication circle,

The ancient temple that Commissioner Qian visited,

Now, speaking, there are many.

The ancient temple on the plane of Ruixian needs paintings and articles,

The ancient temple on Rainbow Mountain needs alchemy,

The ancient temple on the plane of Huozhou,

Need a magic weapon, to the half plane of the giant, the ancient temple,

Does not necessarily appear.

In this way, the ancient temple of Wanlishan,

You can go by deducing the formation, not bad.

After a long time,

Escape galloped toward Red Wolf Town like lightning,

Xuan Huolei came,

To understand the stone hall,

Walked towards the table of volcano mine.

At this table, I poured myself a glass of wine,

After drinking the wine in the glass,

Ate some dishes,

Just now,

"Just come back from the mine."

"How is the harvest."

Volcano Lei said,

"I harvested some ordinary rough stones."

"Xuan Huo Lei, to the ancient temple,

You look for more,

What a good ancient temple. "

Sky Thunder said,

That said~www.wuxiaspot.com~Volcano Lei drinks,

"Most ancient temples,

You need a magic weapon to get there,

The entire plane, vertical and horizontal for 100,000 years,

Where can I find the magic weapon of the ancient temple?

Why not mine rough stones in this **** wasteland? "

Volcano Lei said,

"I think it's good to go to the ancient temple in Wanlishan."

This said,

Wanjian Sashan came over from outside the Jieshi Pavilion,

"Adventure on the plane, not bad."

Wan Jian said. (To be continued) ()

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