Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3490: Fire Mystic

When the waiter heard,

"Three thousand years of Ten Thousand Years of Fire Mystic Grass is here,

Ten thousand years,

This is the need to be sent by the picker,

That can be picked up to ten thousand years of fire profound grass,

They are all monks with a relatively high cultivation base! "

Huo Xuancao, on this ten-zhang plain,

Can grow everywhere,


Fire mystic grass is relatively small.


I want to find this fire mysterious grass,

Not so easy,

The waiter looked at Commissioner Qian and said,

Wannian Fire Mystic Grass,

But very precious,

Commissioner Qian was walking around in this city,

I received some Taoist books, alchemy prescriptions, medicinal materials,

Arriving at the edge of Fangshi,

Commissioner Qian took out the other court to urge the issue,

In the other courtyard,

I took out the Taoist book and read it for thirty days,

At the level of profound cultivation,

It took a hundred days,

These Taoist books are deduced from the Jindan level to the Tao Yuanying level,

Ordinary golden core, I want to cultivate from ordinary golden core to Nascent Soul,

It may take three thousand years or more.

Deducing with the pill and medicinal materials,

This time,

After half a year,

Commissioner Qian walked out of the other courtyard,

When we arrived at the market,

I collected some medicinal materials from 500 years to a thousand years,

Commissioner Qian began to refine alchemy,

This time alchemy,

These ten zhangyuan medicinal materials are placed,

Refining in the furnace,

The medicinal materials brought by Commissioner Qian himself are refined.

The medicinal materials brought by Commissioner Qian,

It is generally more than a thousand years.

Thirty days,

This time the alchemy is finished.

Commissioner Qian went to the Fang Market,

Take out the table and set it up,

Spiritual urges,

There was a voice shouting immediately.

"Yuan Ying Huashen uses pill,

The standard is very high, the three diamonds transform the gods. Four diamonds can be used,

In exchange for Ten Thousand Years Fire Mystic Grass. "


A monk came in the distance,

Three diamonds transforming gods, four diamonds transforming gods, and Yuan Ying transforming gods have all,

When I arrived at the booth of Commissioner Qian,

"This pill is like the sky, like a plane.

Top grade pill! "

The cultivation base has reached the three-diamond flower god, the four-diamond flower god, and the Yuan Ying flower god,

The level of immortality,

God will know at a glance,

"The top grade pill,

This market may not appear in ten years. "

With the Yuanying Flower God speaking,

This is the workshop where comprehension items gather.

Ten years,

It is not always possible to appear top-grade pill.

It can be seen that alchemy is difficult.

These monks asked,

"Each person can receive three pills."

Commissioner Qian said.

Commissioner Qian opened the furnace to refine the pill,

A pot of elixir,

Different kinds of remedies,

Able to refine a thousand!

After the evening,

Commissioner Qian sells hundreds of pills of all kinds of pills.

After ten days,

Some monks came,

"Your pill, the effect is really good."

Gongfa, pill recipe. After being deduced by Chairman Qian,

The training effect on the fusion of profound and mysterious.

It is not comparable to ordinary pill.

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

"These pills. Collect the Ten Thousand Years Fire Profound Grass."

It seems that Dan Fang deduced for more than half a year,

It can be deduced by Dan Fang,

Without these three thousand years of cultivation, alchemy,

Member Qian’s cultivation base cannot reach Lian Xuan,

Less than three years,

From the exercises, alchemy, medicinal materials,

After the deduction,

This pill can be refined.

Thousands of years of medicinal materials are produced in the Golden Fruit Shadow Manor,

But refining a dozen types in the pill furnace,

The effect of these elixirs,

In this city,

The elixirs used by the Yuan Ying monks are,

But it can't be compared with the refining pill of Qian Da Committee.

The medicinal materials of the mountain flower plane are more mysterious,

Commissioner Qian has a profound way of refining,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian sold more than 300 pills,

After thirty days,

In front of Commissioner Qian’s booth,

Relatively deserted,

Commissioner Qian is good at refining pill,


Three pills,

Not enough is the cultivation of the Three Diamond Flower God for hundreds of days.

Seeing, set up a stall here,

After half a year,

this day,

Some monks came over,

Take out a jade box,

"This is Ten Thousand Years Fire Mystic Grass,

Change your 500 pills each. "

Commissioner Qian looked into the jade box,

With divine thoughts, I can feel primitive, vast and vast.

"It is indeed Ten Thousand Years Fire Profound Grass."

Commissioner Qian talked to these monks,

Delivery in 30 days.

In the other courtyard,

This most half a year,

Shizhangyuan collected a lot of various medicinal materials,

Similar to the plane of Ruixian,

This kind of Dafang City,

There are general medicinal materials on the plane,

Commissioner Qian went to the other courtyard,

Dao Fa urges,

Dan furnace urged,

In less than thirty days,

Refining the elixir.

Take it to the Fang Market,

Some days later 1,

These monks came,

After taking ten thousand years of fire mysterious grass,

Commissioner Qian gave the medicine to the past,

in this way,

Commissioner Qian, used alchemy,

I got a ten thousand year fire profound grass,

The ancient temple on Wanlishan,

Need 30 Fire Mystic Herbs!

On this day, in the magic weapon,

Commissioner Qian is refining materials,

From this ten-zhang original plane,

Commissioner Qian received a lot of materials and medicinal materials,

For the member Qian, who is very highly refined,

Refining these materials,

Can comprehend the mystery of a good plane.

There are monks here,

Take out Ten Thousand Years Fire Mystic Grass,

Talking to Commissioner Qian,

There are 300 pills of various medicinal pills, and a total of 1500 pills are exchanged.

These monks,

Coming from fifty thousand miles away.

After thirty days,

Commissioner Qian gave me the pill,

These monks have seen the pill,

Bring the Huo Xuan Cao over.

"Where can I find Ten Thousand Years Fire Mystic Grass?"

Commissioner Qian said,

Counting this mysterious fireweed,

Commissioner Qian for more than half a year.

Collected three Fire Mystic Grasses.

"Five thousand miles away from here,

There is a valley.

May have ten thousand years of fire mysterious grass,

However, the Ten Thousand Years Fire Mystic Grass there,

There are strong guards.

However, there can be strong ones. "

The different rules merged, the monk who deduced halfway said,

This is among these monks.

The repair is the highest.

Commissioner Qian accepted the booth and the courtyard,

Out of Fang City,

Dao Fa urges,

Towards the distance,

Speeding like lightning.

Most of the day passed,

Commissioner Qian went to a big mountain,

This big mountain stretches for thousands of miles,

Divine mind probes the past,

There are a lot of mountain peaks!

Commissioner Qian was walking towards the mountain.

On this mountain,

Find a plant,

Commissioner Qian went for three days.

Only then did I find a mysterious fireweed,

Looking at Huoxuancao, less than a thousand years old.

Commissioner Qian looked at the fire mysterious grass.

Walked for ten days,

The mountains only traveled three thousand miles,

The medicine is like this,

Picked a lot of plants,

The herbs for this face. Has deduction,

Seeing a hundred miles away.

There is a fire mysterious grass, showing the mountains. It's half a foot.

This is the Mystic Fire of Ten Thousand Years,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Flew towards the ten thousand year fire mystical grass,

Three miles away from Wannian Huoxuancao,

This fire mysterious grass flashed,

Escape into the mountains,

Flee to the distance,

Commissioner Qian reminded him of the law,

Thirty outside in the mountains,

This fire mystic grass is surrounded by mystery,

There are passages in the mountains,

Thirty miles long,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the fire mysterious grass,


Thousands of miles away,

There was a thunderous shout,



Thousands of miles away,

There are giant beasts flying from the mountain,

It's like passing half of the sky.

Three miles long,

Flying to this mountain like lightning,

In a flash,

Turned into a monk,

Wearing armor, ten thousand mountains, flames,

The level of rule integration is relatively high,

And Lei Zhan Shanzhu master, almost repaired.

"Universe monster?"

Commissioner Qian said,

This is a cosmic monster,

Commissioner Qian went to Huozhanshanfang City before,

Protoss in the void came to trade.

Monsters in various universes,

"Bring the Ten Thousand Years Fire Profound Grass."

The universe monster said,

Seeing Commissioner Qian put the Ten Thousand Years Fire Mystic Grass in the storage bag,

Crashed like thunder,

This cosmic monster,

Take out the epee,

Sword Jue urges,

Thousands of swords,

Bounced towards Committee Member Qian,

Commissioner Qian reached out to urge the issuance of the sword,

A mountain swept across,

Boom to a sword in the thousands of swords,

This is exactly the Universe Monster Epee,



This cosmic monster,

The man with a sword was blasted out for ten miles!

Standing, Dao Fa urged,

Fly to the distance!

Commissioner Qian urged the issue of sword tactics,

There are 300,000 mountains,

This sword,

But a mountain appeared,

This monster,

Was blasted three miles away.

Commissioner Qian was walking along the mountain,

Cosmic monsters,

There are not many people who occupy the mountains and cultivate in the place.

Commissioner Qian thought,

Walked thousands of miles,

After ten days,

far away,

The escape method flew over towards Committee Member Qian like electricity.

A monk on the side,

It was the monster that turned into a monk,

Beside this monk,

But he is a monk with thunder in his eyes,

Passed thousands of miles.

"Have you taken Ten Thousand Years Fire Profound Grass?"

Commissioner Qian nodded,

Sword Jue urges,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

This person’s cultivation base is a god-shifting monk,

This man's sword art is reminded,

Slashed towards Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian Jianjue urged,

The flowers bloom, so mysterious,

Master, it seems,

The petals of flowers stretch like ten thousand mountains.

This man hit the flowers with a sword,


The fireball shoots far and wide,

Flowers, but half bombed,

Commissioner Qian Jianjue urged,

The petals are so heavy,

Blasted towards the monk,

Like ten thousand mountains, but as fast as lightning,

Very mysterious,

This man's sword art is reminded,

Ten thousand thunders exploded,

In the thunderboard loud noise, ‘

In the Dao Fa that this person urged,


Three bursts of thunder fire.

This monk practice urges to issue,

After ten moments,

This is when the sword art is collected,

Said to the monster monk beside him,


Dao Fa urges,


Fly away towards the distance.

The cultivators fought,

Fighting ten thousand swords with ordinary monks is almost the same!

This monk and this giant beast flew thousands of miles away,

Into the mountain,

Dao Fa urges, the formation opens,

Inside is a five-hundred-mile villa,

There are a lot of medicinal materials in this Shizhangyuan,

There are many medicinal materials on other planes.

The monk and the monk of the monster are walking here,

Compared with the original plane of ten zhang,

It's like a fairy here.

"I have been here for thirty thousand years,

This master has cultivated to the level of profound cultivation,

Such a master is rare. "

The master of transforming God said,

Commissioner Qian walked along the mountains,

Walked for ten days,

This mountain is covered,

this day,

There is a hillside,

A plant emerged from the hillside,

Is starting to practice.

Three hundred miles away,

Commissioner Qian reached out to urge the issue,

This person looked,

The plane of mystery rises,

Walk around this plant,

This plant escape method urges to erupt,

But it cannot break through this mystery,

Member Qian Dao Fa flashed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and walked over 300 miles away,

Reach out,

This plant arrived in the storage bag of Committee Member Qian,

Traveled all over the mountains,

The Ten Thousand Years Fire Mystic Grass received by Commissioner Qian was only five.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Speeding towards the Fangshi where the stall is set up.

When we arrived in the city,

Commissioner Qian placed the other courtyard,

Set the table out,

Dao Fa urges,

Take out the Taoist book and look at it. (To be continued) ()

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