Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3509: Scarlet Villa

Go to a plane, look for jade slips,

There are monks from the mountain flower plane.

"Ontology talked to Honolulu,

The Flying Immortal Plane, the Mountain Flower Plane sets up the manor,

Be stationed in Sanyuan Ying, ten golden pills,

The Qian family gave birth to an infant.

This is looking for the treasure of ancient cultivation,

It's not that simple. "

Bandun said to Tan Hong.

With that, I arrived at the Ruixian plane teleportation array.

After a hundred days,

Flying fairy plane teleportation array,

Out of thirteen monks,

Sanyuanying, ten golden pills,

For ordinary monks,

This is a relatively powerful monk,

Inside, there are Qianli knives, which are the sons of the Qian family.

Out of the teleportation array,

Flew towards the Fei Xian cultivation mountains.

I have walked to Feixian Mountain and Bian Shang Prefecture for 30 days,

"On the edge of Feixian Mountain,

Larger mountains suitable for planting medicinal materials,

There are monks stationed there. "

Qianlidao said,

Thousand-mile knives plant mysterious,

It is the strongest among these monks.

Suitable for planting precious medicinal materials in mountains,

You can look for it within three miles.

These people, Sanyuanying, ten golden pills,

These three-mile areas are not applicable,

After walking on this flying fairy plane for more than half a year,

At this time, what kind of medicinal materials are suitable for planting on the plane of flying fairy,

Sanyuanying is a golden pill,

I understand almost.

It’s 30,000 li away from the Fei Xian training center,

On this day, I went to the mountains,

Yuan Ying Flower God. Spiritual urges.

"Three miles below this mountain. There is a place to practice."

Qianlidao said,

Yuan Ying Flower God, Golden Core Flower God God’s mind is full of urging,

Within a hundred miles,

There are three places for monks to practice,

The deepest part,

Ten miles under the mountains,

But it is possible to practice with the Diamond Flower God.

"It's fifty miles around here. The plants are growing well,

The mountain flower plane, with the ability to stimulate aura,

Refining the mountains, so, here, you can circle a hundred miles. "

The Yuan Ying Flower God on the side said.

This is Aotian Sword,

Served as the deputy director in the resident of Shanhua plane,


Go to the resident of the Flying Immortal plane to serve as the general manager.

"This mountain flower is pretty good, it's called Bright Red Mountain."

Aotianjian said.

Monk Yuan Ying nodded,

Bailaili, compared with the original resident, a bit smaller,

Aotian Sword and Yuanying Flower God said,

Walking towards the side,

Within three thousand miles,

I found two places where spiritual energy converges,

Built a villa, this villa, with a radius of fifty miles,

in this way,

Three villas,

Five places where spiritual energy converges,

Thirteen monks,

In the mountain flower plane station,

It's pretty good.

Yuanying Flower God and Jindan Flower God arrange their formations,

Various planting and irrigation facilities are arranged,

Planting and Guan Kai set up,

Decorate with mountains and aura,

in this way,

Only in this way can we distinguish the best places to produce medicinal materials.

Used to grow the most precious medicinal materials,

At this time,

The mountain flower plane sent hundreds of people to build the foundation,

these people,

Specific planting of medicinal materials,

in this way,

After half a year,

These three villas,

The medicinal materials are planted in Dabanshanzhuang.

this day,

In the Scarlet Villa, Sanyuan Ying and ten golden pills gather,

"Set up the Scarlet Villa here,

It’s more important to find the baby of the flying fairy plane,

At this time, the mountain village medicinal materials were planted,

Build a foundation to adjust the circle,

This flying fairy plane,

You can walk to the state capital. "

Aotianjian said,


The different rules of Aotian Sword are integrated and cultivated,

Deducted most of it.

However, from

The garden wave plane comes out,

Aotian Sword,

But he has never been to the mysterious adventure place,

Come to this flying fairy plane,

After the medicinal materials are planted, they grow well,

Aotian Sword,

For looking for ancient treasures,

Said to Yuanying Flower God.

"To this flying fairy plane,

Who came to find a place for immortal cultivation,

There are many monks,

This baby is not so easy to find. "

With Jin Dan talking,

"Speaking of the battle plane with the main hall of the plane,

This Flying Immortal plane is pretty good. "

The waiter went to the banquet,

Aotian Sword, Thousand Miles Sword, Golden Core Monk, after the banquet,

Walked towards the border state mansion,

Sword Fighting Plane,

Red Tieshan and Tan Hong urge Dao Fa.

Mysterious and mysterious,

The mysterious power of the universe,

Charged towards Tan Hong,

Profound Taoism, like rushing into the plane,

But like rushing into the void,

Where the mysterious Dao Fa passes,

It can be seen that the mysterious thunder fire is erupting thousands of times,

This is the manifestation of the law of the sword war plane.

To be able to practice this law,

On the sword battle plane,

The unique cosmic forces play a lot,

The mysterious power of Yuguo Mountain,

For these cosmic forces,

Use a lot,

For the plant monk,

There are indeed many benefits.

Tan Hong said,

On this day, Tan Hong received his power,

Take out some jade boxes,

This is the unique cosmic power of the sword fighting plane gathered by the Red Iron Mountain Zhoutian Great Array.

Urge the plane array,

Send it to Honolulu.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Mysterious and mysterious.

Taoist cultivation base, when it comes to comprehension, practice profound cultivation base,

Practice times, usually 30 years.

Tan Hong walked towards the thirty medicinal gardens nearby,

At this time,

The medicinal materials in the medicinal garden,

Ordinary has a thousand years.

Tan Hong adjusted the planting array,

At this time,

Planting circle adjustment,

There is no need to be as complicated as just planting medicinal materials.

Tan Hong walked to the magic weapon,

This magic weapon is ten feet in radius,

The texture is more than half of the top-grade jade!

Such a jade has a radius of ten feet.

It’s hard to find in the entire plane,

This is using ordinary jade material,

Refined using the Xuan Tao method,

The same circle,

Use this material to inspire,

For the effect of planting medicinal materials,

Improve a lot.

For the plantation of Commissioner Qian and the Shadow of Golden Fruit,

Such a magic weapon is commonly used.

This is a profound magic weapon,

The mountain flower plane has a similar magic weapon,


The magic weapon of the mountain flower plane,

Compared with this magic weapon in Golden Fruit Shadow Manor,

Can't compare.

Only then did Tan Hong walk out of Red Iron Mountain,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward the sword battle plane Nianfang City.

Take a look at Fangshi,

There are good materials and jade slips, magic weapons,

In less than ten moments,

Tan Hong arrived in Fang City,

Walked for a long time,

Xuanhuojian came over,

"Tan Hong, I haven't seen him for a hundred years, my cultivation base has improved,

Profound and ethereal. "

Xuanhuojian said,

"Your cultivation level has been improved to the fusion of the four rules, not bad."

Tan Hong said,

The Xuanhuo Sword was originally a combination of three rules.


The cultivation base has improved. At this time, precious medicinal materials appeared in Baishantan.

It's almost 500 years in the past.

The cultivation base of the Profound Fire Sword is far from Tan Hong,


Giant, Thunder Volcano master,

He is a master at the Ancient Comprehension Department.

"What's the gain."

Tan Hong said,

"Some good materials,

Magic weapon is more ordinary. "

Xuanhuojian said,

At the level of Profound Fire Sword,

Ordinary magic weapons, look down upon,

Ordinary cultivation centers, generally speaking, don't get much.


In this city, I walked half a circle.

At this time,

There is a booth,

A monk said,

"Mysterious magic weapon, exchange the four-diamond flower **** to the Yuan Ying flower **** book,

Profound magic weapon----"

This said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Tan Hong and Xuanhuo Kendo,

This monk, level three flower god!

Can make the three-diamond flower **** yell at the mysterious magic weapon,

Yuan Ying Hua Shen magic weapon is up to the standard.

Tan Hong, Xuanhuojian, toward this stall,

Walked over.

Come to this city,

Originally, I came to look at various materials, magic weapons, and jade slips.

When I arrived at the booth, I saw a shield in front of the booth.

Xuanhuo kendo law urges divine thoughts,

Go around the stall. (To be continued...) ()

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