Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3504: Ancient magic weapon

A jade slip came out on the side,

Huo Lian took the jade slip and looked at it.

Out of the ring,

Like a master of the plane master,

Disappointed on the face,

Banao walked over,

"Huolian, how about it."

Huo Lian nodded to Banao, "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

"There is an ancient adventure place on the far plane,

Having said that I need treasures to this adventure place,

If you can send treasures directly,

That Bùcuò. "

Huo Lian said,

"It can be said that the Ancient Adventure Department needs those Bùcuò."

Banao said,

Dao Fa urges,

When it comes to the ring,

The monk came out on the opposite side,

"This is the ancient adventure place."

The monk said,

Ban Ao Jian Jue urges to issue,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,


Go to this monk,

This monk’s sword tactics urged

There are thirty thousand ways in the sword art,

This thunder is very hot and looks like a mountain,

Against the Ban Ao Jian Jue,

The mountains and rivers of Banao Wanli turned red,

Compared with the profound mystery of Banao and the real-person mystery of Fire Lotus,

More mysterious,

Refining this mystery into thousands of miles of mountains,

This person's cultivation is only a preliminary refinement.

Mana is very deep,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

In the mountains, shooting out mana,

These mana,

Converging towards the flying sword,

Turned into Dao Jian Jue,

Thunder blasted towards the other side.

This swordsmanship. Very mysterious.

And 30,000 thunder and fire,

Thirty thousand thunder fire burst out,

Burst of flames,

Like a mountain.

Banao made three swords in a row,

Amidst the roar of the board,

Thirty thousand thunder and fire,


The monk opposite,

But ten steps back.

This monk Taoism urges.

this time,

There are still thirty thousand thunder and fire,

These thirty thousand thunder fires,

Frantically gathered,

Turned into a swordsmanship,

Very mysterious,

Come arrogantly towards the board,

The sword art did not hit,

300,000 times,

Shrouded to Banao. Banao urged thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to revolve,

Three hundred thousand times the gravity is missing.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers converge towards the flying sword,

Blasted towards the opponent's sword,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

The river, like a volcano, shoots far and wide.

Both sides urged stronger mana,

Against the sword,

The mana of the other monk,

Still shot a lot,

Banao made five swords in a row,

The opponent urges the sword tactics,

Then it all shot away,

The flying sword in this person's hand still urges thunder and fire,

But he said to Banao: "Sword Art Profound."

At this level of cultivation,

There are many gaps in cultivation base,

Unless there is a mysterious magic weapon,

Banao’s profound practice cultivation base,

Magic weapon is stronger than Banao,

That is the peak magic weapon of transforming gods.

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

There are many adventures in the ancient adventure place,

Never got it.

Fight for the side,

Come out Tao Yujian,

Commissioner Qian took a piece of jade slip,


Sure enough, as Huo Lian said,

The ancient adventure place on the far plane,

To that ancient adventure place,

What magic weapons are needed,

Banao got out of the ring,


The monk said,

"This is Banao, the cultivation base is watching,

Higher than the master of the master of the plane. "


At this time,

There is this figure flying up towards the ring,

Banao took a look,


The Lord of Thunder Zhanshan passed the **** of transformation,

Master of rule fusion,

A lot has come.

At this time, Jian Zhentian's three rules merged,

But more than half.

At this time, come out the opponent,

Dao Fa urges,

Jian Zhentian urged thousands of swordsmanship,

The opponent urges thousands of mountains,

Dao Fa urges,

Jian Jue, three hundred miles,

For a long time,

Jian Jue flying by,

Jian Zhentian urged Dao Fa,

Three bursts of thunder and fire,

The thunder fire shot three hundred feet,

Jian Zhentian Sword Art is urged,

Speeding to the edge of the ring,

The opponent took the jade slip and looked at it.

Disappointed on his face, galloping toward the side of the ring,

Disappeared in an instant,

Thirteen monks were surrounded,

Able to get jade slips, but more than half,

These monks,

They are all rules fusion cultivation base,

At this time, a monk was in the ring,

Ring Road Law urged,

The monks in the main hall,


Stood outside the hall,

At this time,

Lei Zhanshan led God Lei over,

"Ordinary Nascent Soul, it is not enough to reach the periphery of Heiyan Mountain."

A monk said,

At this time, Lei Zhan Shanzhu, Juhuodao walked towards Banao,

Gave a jade box,

Inside the jade box, there are three hundred catties.

This Cang Xuan Lu can refine the elixir of the god-transforming monk,

Lei Zhan Shanzhu and Fire Gathering Sword,

Talk to Banao,

Got on the airship,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward the plane of Ruixian,

At this time, the real person Huo Lian, Jian Zhentian came over,

Talking to Banao,

Dao Fa urges,

A spaceship appeared,

On the spaceship,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward the plane of Ruixian,

After a long time,

To the plane of Ruixian,

this time,

But it was three thousand miles away from the Ruixian Plane Committee,


This state capital is a hundred miles in radius,

Went to the state house restaurant,

This is the most Bùcuò restaurant in the state capital.

The waiter came over immediately.

Arched his hand towards Jian Zhentian.

Jian Zhentian and Banao, Huo Lian went to the restaurant to sit,

The waiter served wine and food,

After eating and drinking for a long time,

Talking about each dish,

That’s why I said this time Black Rock Mountain,

"The Ruixian plane, there is a master of transformation."

Huo Lian said. Jian Zhentian nodded repeatedly,

Having said that,

"This Black Rock Mountain was opened in ancient times."

The real Huolian talked about the legend of Black Rock Mountain,

After talking for a long time,

In ancient times, Heiyan Mountain was open,

To reach the depths of the Black Flame Mountain,

But at that time,

Talking. Real Huolian, Jian Zhentian went to the plane.

Looking for treasures that can go to the ancient adventure place,

Banao left the restaurant,

Dao Fa urged, flew towards the Ruixian plane,

The Plane of Fire Thunder,

In front of a stall in the square city,

Many people stood,

The magic weapon Bùcuò on this booth,

,magic weapon,

Compared with big shops,

A lot stronger,

This monk’s magic weapon,

But it’s changing all kinds of magic weapons,

Most of the day,

There are various magic weapons in this booth,

Replace with a lot of antiques.

"This man is a treasure hunter."

Brother Jindan, with diamond flower god,

Talking with various swords and shields.

This booth looked at all kinds of magic weapons in hand,

"Now, the various magic weapons given by Heiyanshan,

I didn't get it.

The Heaven Pavilion on the plane of Fire Thunder Rock,

It's not good. "

Banao got the jade slip,

Talking about the pavilion on the plane of fire and thunder.

Banao went to this Fire Thunder Rock plane for five years,

Never received the magic weapon on the jade slip,

This is not,

When we arrived at the largest market on the plane of Fire Thunder Rock,

Set up a booth,

No, after five years,

This jade slip was not received.

this day,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

Fly towards the plane of the fiery thunder rock,

After ten days,

Banao reached the plane of Ruixian,

Summer Palace on the plane of Ruixian, Pushan,,,

Compared with the small mountain village,

Adjust, apply Taoism,

Arrived at Xiadian,

For a year and a half,

Three years have passed.

this day,

The communication circle rang,

Banao watched,

But it was Huo Lian and Jian Zhentian who came back.

At the side of the Ruixian Plane Committee.

Banao left Xiadian,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew over with the sound of the distance,

Flew thousands of miles,

Seeing the Baili state capital,

Banao landed towards the state capital,

Real Huolian and Jian Zhentian are standing outside the prefecture,

Ban Ao said to the real fire lotus and Jian Zhentian,

Real Huolian and Jian Zhentian,

Jian Zhentian got the magic weapon,

Real Huolian, on that plane,

Did not get the magic weapon.

"I got the magic weapon of the plane,

I went to Thunder Mountain for thirteen years,

Thunder Mountain plane,


I have a lot of cultivators like this,

This adventure,

Master Banao and Huolian can take risks. "

Jian Zhentian said,

Banao nodded: "Of course."

His cultivation of the gods,

Various adventure places,

There is a magic weapon to get there,

Go and see,

Jian Zhentian said,

To that adventure place,

It is passing through Lei Volcano magma,

Jian Zhentian arrived at Leihuoshan,

Walked five hundred miles in the magma,

The power of magma,

It was almost the same as Jian Zhentian Dao Fa's full force to urge the power.

Deep in the Thunder Volcano,

There is an ancient hall,

Jian Zhentian said,

It’s different from the depth of magma that Commissioner Qian went to last time.

The deep magma where Commissioner Qian went last time,

Similar to the plane of mountain flower,

Talked to Jian Zhentian,

Jian Zhentian, Huo Lian,

Refining all kinds of magic pill,

Go in a half year.

Ban Ao returned to Xia Dian,

Dao Fa urges the super plane communication array.

Commissioner Qian appeared,

Board Ao and Commissioner Qian said,

"Thunder Mountain's Profound Jade Palace,

In the Thunder Mountain plane, it is legendary. I gonna go see. "


Commissioner Qian walked out of the wasteland mine,

Dao Fa urges it to send forward, sending an array flying towards the plane of blood war wasteland,

After thirty days,

Commissioner Qian walked out of the teleportation array from the Thunder Mountain plane.

Flew towards Banxuan Manor,

To the manor,

Ban Xuan came over,

"Last time I promoted the plant Taoism display,

These fire and thunder medicinal materials,

There are many mysterious growths. "

Banxuan said,

And Commissioner Qian went to the pharmacy to watch,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

Many of the five medicinal materials collected from the Leishan Plane,

After these years of planting,

Year of medicinal materials,

Up to three thousand years!

"The Thunder Mountain plane is indeed more suitable for the growth of fire-type medicinal materials."

Commissioner Qian said,

Ordinary plane,

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Deduced the mystery of planting Taoism,


It’s only five hundred years,

Let the original 500-year-old medicinal materials,

Reaches three thousand years,

It is really difficult,

Commissioner Qian looked at these fire-type medicinal materials,

I picked some fire-type medicinal materials,

Refining ordinary pill,

Use Lianxuanxiu to refine ordinary pill,

More mysterious,

Refining a pill,

Commissioner Qian used,

After thirty days,

Commissioner Qian finished his training,

"The fire medicinal materials here are indeed Bùcuò.

Compared with the ordinary medicinal materials collected from Leishan by the Commissioner Qian 500 years ago,

There is indeed a mysterious place. "

Commissioner Qian said,

However, Commissioner Qian’s practice is mysterious.

These fire medicinal materials,

If it can reach five thousand years,

More applicable.

"The cultivator of the gods applies the pill,

How does it work for five thousand years of medicinal materials? "

Banxuan said,

The cultivation base of Banxuan Huashen,


In terms of refining the mysterious method,

Not as good as the Qian Qian.

"Still useful."

Commissioner Qian said,

Talking to Ban Xuan about the cultivating elixir made by the **** transforming monks,

Refining the magic power of the gods!

This said,

After talking for thirty days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this time,

Mysterious and mysterious,

Surpassed some of the Shinto books obtained by Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhi,

The Book of Gods Peak.

Dao Fa urges it to rush towards Leihuo,

Within half a day, Commissioner Qian arrived at Leihuoshan.

The thunder fire on the mountain is still,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Speeding toward the thunder and fire,

In the thunder fire, on the magma,

Magic weapon, fire medicinal monk,

Compared with three hundred years ago, there are more monks. (To be continued...)

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