Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3506: Genro

Talking, booming,

A dozen mountains turned into giants,

Walked towards these monks,

Epee, sword, and warhammer appeared in his hands,

Dao Fa urges,

The thunder and fire is immense, carrying the mysterious thunder and fire and power.

Shanhuo Jian's Dao Fa urged,

Flame flowers appeared,

The petals are like mountains,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

There are thousands of miles of mountains,

The mountains are like fire,

Blocked the thunder fire that came towards this giant,

In the thunderous sound,

Real Huolian, Jian Zhentian watched,

Thunder spattered,

Commissioner Qian urged the mountains,

The boulder flies,

The mountain fire sword urges Dao Fa,

To avoid the ripples,

Dao Fa urges,

The flame, the sword tactics flying across the mountains,

It looks less than thirty feet,

The flame inside,

Real Huolian and Jian Zhentian looked like,

As if there is a radius of three hundred miles,

There is even more flames inside,


Flying towards the giant that the mountain turns into,

The giant and the sword in his hand,


Walked to the middle of the mountain,

A dozen giants blasted away.

Formation and Dao Fa urges,

Thirty or so mountains turned into giants,

Came over suddenly,

At this time,

The real Huo Lian put out a formation to urge it,

Turned into a lotus flower,

Real Huolian and Jian Zhentian,

Dao Fa urges,

Arrived in Wanli Lotus.

Thunder blasted over.

Wanli lotus.

Rushed out of Wandao Sword Art,

In the thunderous roar,

Thousands of miles of lotus, blasting away ten thunder fires,

About thirty giants,

Turned into splash mountains.

Commissioner Qian, Shan Huo Jian, Huo Lian real person. Jian Zhentian,

Walked to the main hall,

At this time,

A teleportation array appeared in the hall,

At the edge of the hall, a guard came over,

It was just now that he rushed out of the main hall guard,

"To this teleportation array, you can reach the powerful plane,

Search for some materials.

To get a good book.

In this hall, there is no book of Hua Shen Tao. "

The guard said.

"This Profound Jade Palace, but so."

Jian Zhentian said,

"This is the outermost hall of Xuanyu Hall."

Shanhuojian said.

With that, speeding toward the teleportation array.

In the teleportation array,

Immediately there was Taoism passed on,

"Go to that plane and search for thirty types of materials."

Shanhuojian said,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

Thirteen ten thousand-year fire mysterious grass.

With that, Dao Fa urged,

After a long time,


They came to a plane,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

Wanlishan Temple Adventure,

Three million miles of planes visited.

However, this mysterious jade palace, formation method, monk level,

But it is not as good as the Wanlishan Temple.

Commissioner Qian said,

Those thirty types of materials,

Came here last time,

Commissioner Qian searched a bit.

Talking to Shanhuojian,

"Some materials, this tenzhang original noodle market,

I have not been there,

These materials,

In this noodle market,

In the past century, it only appeared three times. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian came to collect Ten Thousand Years Fire Mystic Grass last time,

These precious materials,

Put out in the market,

Commissioner Qian took some,

It was not displayed in the square market,

Commissioner Qian did not search,

And the Taoism passed down from this Xuanyu Temple,

The materials received by Commissioner Qian,

And this Xuanyu Temple request,

There are many gaps,

Talking to Shanhuojian,

"Look at that city."

Shanhuojian said,

The teleportation array they came this time,

It is different from the mountains where Commissioner Qian came last time.

Unlike the teleportation array that Commissioner Qian came to last time,

These monks,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew thousands of miles,

Only then did I reach a town with a radius of a hundred miles,

Towards this town,

Shan Huo Jian, Qian Da committee member, Huo Lian real person, Jian Zhentian,

Walked towards the shops in this town,

"This ten-zhang original plane is very wide.


Flew thousands of miles,

This is a town with a radius of a hundred miles,

It's incomparable with ordinary planes of cultivation. "

Huo Lian said.

In the shop,


The various materials required by the Xuanyu Temple,

But here are the more common ones,

Went around this town for three days,

Only then did I know,

300,000 miles from this town,

Is Wanxuan Mountain,

Wanxuan Mountain has a temple,

Beside the temple,

Has a town,

Some materials can appear there,

This said,

Huo Lian and Jian Zhentian opened their eyes,

It’s just the distance in town,

Bigger than the entire Ruixian plane.

Commissioner Qian, Shanhuojian, Huolian, Jian Zhentian walked out of town,

Dao Fa urged it to fly towards the distance.

Three hundred thousand miles,

Flew for ten days,

Arrived at Wanxuan Mountain.

The mountain fire sword walked towards the temple,

Commissioner Qian and Huo Lian, Jian Zhentian,

Look at this temple. ,

Mountain fire sword, in this temple,

Walked for three days,

Only then came out of the temple,

Walk towards the Fangshi on the side.

After going to the shop for ten days,

This Wanxuan Mountain,

Commissioner Qian went to the Wanlishan Temple last time,

After five years in Wanxuan Mountain,

But received ten types of materials,

Commissioner Qian, Shanhuo Jian, Huo Lian Zhenren, Jian Zhentian,

I have been here for ten days,

Xuanyu Temple needs some materials,

Received very little.

this day.

In this Wanxuanshan restaurant.

Commissioner Qian. Mountain Fire Sword, Fire Lotus Real Man, Jian Zhentian

After eating the feast,

"Huo Lian, Jian Zhentian is watching this Wanxuan Mountain,

See if I can receive some materials,

Lao Qian and I, go to the place where these materials are produced. "

Shanhuojian said.

Shanhuojian, a master of profound practice,

Cultivation is back to the void

Come to this ten-zhang original plane,

It feels the same as Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian and Shanhuo Jian walked out of Wanxuan Mountain,

Dao Fa urges,

Flying towards the distance,

This flight, flying 300 thousand miles,

Down towards a big mountain,

In the mountains.

With valleys,

Walk along the valley.

There is a river in the valley, thirty miles wide,

Galloping along the valley,

There is a river thirty miles wide in the valley,

Commissioner Qian took a lot of adventures,

These are relatively rare.

When I walked out of the river, this river is a hundred miles wide,

It’s deep here,

The mountain fire sword urged towards the law of the river course,

Thousands of feet deep in the bottom of the river,

Three hundred feet away from the river.

There is a boulder of three hundred feet,

On the edge of the boulder,

Immediately appear mysterious,

Being held by this mysterious Otto,

Ascend towards the river,

On the river,

Mountain fire sword waved,

The three-hundred-zhang boulder is missing,

There is a half-foot-long piece of material left,

Like jade,

But it is surrounded by the magic power of the god.

Commissioner Qian looked,

There are ten thousand year stalactites inside.

This half-foot-long material,

The effect is thirty times stronger than Wannian stalactites.

Ordinary plane,

Can be compared with this material,

Cang Xuanlu,

However, Cang Xuanlu, compared with the material on Shizhangyuan,

But it can be compared to this material part.

This piece of material appeared,

Three hundred miles away on the mountain,

Monsters appear,

Body hundred feet,

Dao Fa urges,

Surrounded by fire and thunder, it blasted towards the mountain fire sword,

"There is this kind of material here."

The monster said,

Mountain fire kendo law urged,

There is a spark of debut,

Blasted towards this monster,


In the thunderous noise, thunder and fire are like mountains,

This monster was blasted out three miles,

Thunderous eyes,

Looked over,

"Where is the strong."

This monster,

Cultivation for the peak of Yuan Ying,

Combat power,

But it can be compared with the ordinary god,

"This is an insight into the fusion of rules and rules,

Reached a rather mysterious level. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Come here to get some materials."

Shanhuojian said,

This monster Dao Fa urges,

Rushed into the mountains and disappeared,

Shanhuo Sword just took out a ruby ​​box,

Put this Xuan Lu in the ruby ​​box,

This Hongyu River,

Commissioner Qian looked,

They are all precious materials,

Shan Huo Jian and Commissioner Qian said,

"This material is more than Wannian medicinal materials,

The effect is good. "


Talking about some materials, urging them in practice,


"You are talking, monk at the peak of Lianxuan,

They are all used. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"All the monks in the rebirth period use it."

Shanhuojian said,

Along the river,

Walked forward.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

This material,

Fight against the wasteland like a stone!

Walked thousands of miles along this river,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

In the mountains and rivers,

There is a very mysterious point,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

In the river,

Rumbling loudly,

A big boulder of thirty feet rises,

Commissioner Qian waved,

This boulder,

Rumbling and splashing,

Volcano Sword took out this piece of material,

Money Dao Fa Dao Fa deduction,

Know immediately,

This material,

Not only is it more difficult to detect,

Harder to mine,

There is a piece of material,

Half an egg,

Similar to the piece of material received by Volcano Sword,


It is much worse than the material in Volcano Sword's hand.

This is the cultivation base of the profound practice, the cultivation base of the profound practice,

It can be detected only after reaching a certain level.

In such a big stone,

Lots of various materials,

This material is mined,

Commissioner Qian came up with a magic weapon,

Put this Xuan Lu in this jade box,

Mountain Fire Sword looked,

In this jade box,

There is no need to refine the magic weapon yourself.

Thousands of miles away,

That monster,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the distant mountains,

Flew thirty thousand miles,

Dao Fa urges,

Turned into a monk,

Falling towards the mountains.

This mountain has a radius of five hundred miles,

It is surrounded by various precious medicinal materials,

With thunder and fire formation,

It's incomparable to other mountains on this ten-zhang original plane.

The monk went to the mountains,

Dao Fa urges,


On the hills, a monk appeared.

Arched his hand towards the monk,

The monk walked into the mountains,

In the mountains, there is a hall,

In the main hall, there is a monk,

Playing chess.

Seeing this monk coming over,

Sitting monk, nodded.

"A master mined Xuanlu by the river,

It is half a foot old. "

At this time, the chess monk looked over,

"Half-zhang Da Xuan Lu is suitable for me to practice alchemy."


Talk to this monk,

Three monks,

Out of the hall and the mountains,

Dao Fa urges it to fly over to the distance,

Flew thirty thousand miles,

I saw the river,

This river,

There is a river, running from the mountains,

This monk arrived here,

At this time, by the river,

There is a mountain, thousands of feet high,

At this time,

Commissioner Qian and Volcano Sword,

Taoism surrounds this mountain,

Profound Dao Fa urges,

The rocks rumbling and turning into boulders,

Fly to the side.

Half of the mountain is cut off,

Revealing the color of top-grade jade.

The refining Xuan Fa monk urges the Tao Fa to wind around,

You can still see this bright color,

Seeing Commissioner Qian and Volcano Sword,

Using the mysterious Taoist method ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to mine the top grade, thirteen meters,

The color of this top grade jade,

Still going on,

These three monks,

Eyes wide open,

"We have been here a thousand times,

This mountain is an ordinary mountain. "

The monster monk said,

"This is Cong Xuan Lu,

The effect is better than ordinary Xuanlu,

It looks like green onions. Dao Fa urges it to be issued, almost like ordinary nephrite. "

The eyes were like the monk Changhe said. (To be continued...) ()

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