Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3520: Lotus pond

At this time, at the Baibao meeting,

There are thirty challenges,

Over half the challenge,

The rules integrate the level of Yuanying Flower God.

At this time,

A monk who transformed into a **** came over,

"These babies,

I need three hundred pieces,

Speaking, said some baby. "

Huo Lian listened,

"All you need lotus flower,

But very precious,

Able to take out these plants,

Not bad. "

"Yes, these magic weapons you said,

Among these magic weapons,

The most mysterious pill. "

Shanhuojian said,

These lotus flowers that the real fire lotus took out,

Itself is more mysterious,

The medicinal materials that Committee Member Qian brought out,

In terms of individual medicinal materials,

Better than these lotus flowers,

In terms of comprehensive medicinal materials,

These lotus flowers that the real fire lotus took out,

More precious medicinal materials,

Better than Commissioner Qian to take out medicinal materials,

Commissioner Qian’s cultivation of Taoism is very mysterious,

However, the effect of this medicinal material itself is improved,

The effect of medicinal materials is improved,

Reach a considerable level,

It’s harder to improve,

At this time,

Reach the ten thousand year level,

Only the effect of medicinal materials can be improved mysteriously.


Wannian medicinal materials, the effect is improved,

It is the natural mystery of medicinal materials,

"Those herbs, I can take them out,

Your lotus flower is gone. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"I have lotus, but. These years.

Hundred years. Three hundred years old.

This effect cannot be achieved if the magic weapon is used. "

Huo Lian said,

Thousand years of lotus,

The year is higher lotus,

And the arrangement of the medicinal materials that Councillor Qian brought out,

The monk mysteriously urged,

Can see the mystery,

Hundred years. Three hundred years,

Insufficient years, insufficient efficacy,

Can't achieve that effect,

"You are talking to the monk,

Can it be delivered after 13 years? "

Commissioner Qian said.

"Then I will talk to him."

Huo Lian said,

In this ten-zhang original plane,

After three years,

Xuanyu Temple needs materials.

How can it be received like this,

Real Huo Lian talked to this monk.

After thirteen years,

Come to this city,


The monk walked towards the seat,

Baibao will be over,

Changed some materials,

If the materials that the cultivator of God took out,

It can be suitable for the materials required by Xuanyu Temple.

"Go to Mining Xuanlu,

There, it is suitable for growing lotus. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"We people plant Taoism,

Old money repairs the highest. "

Shanhuojian said,

Making these magic weapons,

Commissioner Qian planted Dao Fa, surpassing the mountain fire sword,

Commissioner Qian, Shanhuo Jian, Huo Lian Zhenren, Jian Zhentian,

Dao Fa urged it to go out of Juxian Pass,

This place where the Hundred Treasures will be held,

Called Juxianguan,

Flying towards the distance,

This is flying,

Flew for ten days,

Real Huolian, Jian Zhentian,

Dao Fa is fully urged,

Only then did we reach the mining Xuanlu Mountain,

After a long time,

Commissioner Qian found out the valley,

The river is hundreds of miles wide here,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Prosperous formation urges,

This formation,

But it is used to gather planes, mysterious formations.

Convergence of plane mystery,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Open a thirty-mile long river course,

The river rushes along the thirty-mile long river,

Opened a pool here,

Then the lotus was planted,

The real fire lotus took out a hundred years, three hundred years of lotus,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Mysterious and incomparable Dao Fa, gathered three thousand li towards the side,

The plane mystery gathers here,

Commissioner Qian,

Only then did the plane wave towards these lotus flowers,

Here the planes and mysteries gather,

Real Huolian and Jian Zhentian are practicing,

Commissioner Qian used to plant the mystery of the plant plane,

For Huo Lian and Jian Zhentian,

It is very mysterious,

For the practice of Huo Lian and Jian Zhentian,

Very useful.

The mountain fire sword is practicing here,

Thirty days,

The mountain fire sword stood,

Here the background plane is mysterious.

Shanhuojian is almost ready to practice,

Dao Fa urges,

Three thousand miles on the edge of this lotus,

More mysterious,

Pouring over here.

This mystery surged over,

Only thirty days,

Huo Lian and Shan Huo Jian looked at,

These lotus flowers are growing,

"These lotus flowers you brought,

really not bad. "

Jian Zhentian said,

"Growing on the Huolian Mountain,

This lotus flower cannot achieve such an effect at all.

I grew up here for half a year,

He Ruixian has grown for thirty years. "

Huo Lian said,

"In this old money and the mountain fire sword, the mystery of the plane is urged,

I practiced here for half a year,

Ruixian plane practice for ten years. "

Jian Zhentian said,

"He Ruixian has cultivated for ten years,

There is no level of profound cultivation here. "

Huo Lian said,

Three hundred years of lotus flower came out,

But tall.

At this time, there is a half height.

Compared with the 30 years of growth on the plane of Ruixian,

The color is more vivid.

Real Huo Lian can see,

The medicinal value is higher.

If you don’t gather the mystery of the plane,

The lotus flower has grown here for thirty years, its medicinal value,

He Ruixian has grown for thirty years,

The medicinal value will not differ greatly.

After three years,

At this time, a lotus flower grew thirty miles away.

this day.

Huo Lianhua had finished his cultivation.

With Jian Zhentian, bring some beasts,

Stir these beasts,

I picked three lotus leaves from the lotus,

Fried meat with these and put it on the lotus leaf,


Half a day passed.

Profound and mysterious transpired from the lotus leaf,

These animal flesh is more colorful,

Eat it, it's very bright,

Shanhuojian came over,

Eating with some vegetables,

"really not bad."

Shanhuojian said,

"The dishes are fried well, and the lotus is even better."

Shanhuojian said.

His cultivation base,

Lian Xuan Mana.

The cultivation base is higher than the Qian committee member,

Of course it can be seen,

This is the Lotus Mystery,

Was urged by the real Huolian.

"You lotus is good,

This gathering plane is as mysterious as a mountain,

Common medicinal materials cannot be absorbed. "

Shanhuojian said,

On the edge of this lotus,

Shan Huo Jian and Qian Da Committee both planted medicinal materials,

But three years,

The medicinal value of these lotus flowers,

It can’t be compared with the mountain fire sword and the medicinal plants planted by Qian

If it is said that its medicinal value is improved,

These lotus flowers have improved the fastest,

These lotus flowers are the real fire lotus,

The lotus flower is the best,

Better than these lotus flowers,

That is the legendary lotus,

At this time, Commissioner Qian came over,

Eating with these dishes,

"These lotus flowers, all kinds of animal flesh,

Put it on this lotus and use Taoism to barbecue,

Like roasting like steaming,

All kinds of animal meat are very good. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Here gathers ten zhang original planes with a radius of three thousand miles,

Commissioner Qian took out a lot of medicinal materials,

It’s the medicinal herbs on the edge of Xiadian,

Planted by the lotus pond,

At this time,

There is an escape method in the distance,

Three hundred miles away,

The monk is revealed in the escape method,

Looking towards here,

It is this river that is strong in the gods,

Looking towards this lotus pond,

Shan Huo Jian and Qian Da members are experts with a relatively high level of refining mysterious techniques.

After five years,

far away,

Escape flew towards here like lightning,

Three moments,

Flew thousands of miles,

Falling towards here,

The mountain fire sword fell towards here,

Mountain fire sword from Fang City in the distance,

Fell towards this side,

This time I went to Fangshi, Shanhuojian collected some materials,

Shanhuo Sword is here,

But walking towards the lotus,

It seems that from stepping on the water,

But it doesn’t touch the water,

Spent most of the day,

The mountain fire sword walked away from this lotus,

"very good."

Shanhuojian said.

Commissioner Qian came from a distance,

Shanhuojian, this person is very good,

I said at the last Baibao meeting,

Coming back from the Baibao meeting,

Almost ten years,

Just now,

"In the past century, the president of Lotus has planted it for 300 years,

But look at the mountain fire sword. "

Commissioner Qian came to the lotus cluster.

Shanhuojian has a very deep fire cultivation base,

However, if you use the fire system of profound techniques,

To cultivate to a very high level,

There is still a lot of gap.

These hundred years, three hundred years of lotus planters,

The mountain fire sword urges Dao Fa,

Converging plane mystery,

It is more mysterious than the gathering plane of the Qian Qiang committee,

These hundred years, three hundred years of lotus,

But look at the mountain fire sword,

At this time,

Go to Fangshi to collect materials,

The mountain fire sword is walking through the lotus flower,

Commissioner Qian talked to Shanhuojian,

Out of the lotus bush,

Commissioner Qian took out some beast meat,


Real Huolian and Jian Zhentian ate,

"This ten-zhang original plane is very mysterious.

These lotus flowers are better. "

Shanhuojian said,

Said something, said some plant Taoism and plane Taoism,

With that said, the rules of the law and the rules of the law,

Real Huolian and Jian Zhentian listened,

Arched his hand towards the mountain fire sword,

"Master Shanhuojian was talking about these Taoisms,

Ancient Adventure, such a book,

It's harder to get it. "

For Huo Lian,

The cultivation time of the real Huo Lian was about the same as that of Committee Member Qian.

Planting lotus for three thousand years,

Can't deduct so mysterious

Thirteen years have passed,

On this day, Shanhuojian, Commissioner Qian,

Real Huolian, Jian Zhentian,

Sitting by the lotus pond, practicing,

Real Huo Lian and Commissioner Qian urged Dao Fa,

It can be said that it is very mysterious,

Commissioner Qian and Volcano Sword,

Making a magic weapon.

"These lotus flowers have top grade lotus,

Nice lotus,

Good lotus and medicinal materials are enough,

Old money, cultivation method is relatively strong. "

Shanhuojian said,

These lotus flowers,

If you don’t have money to plant Tao Fa,

Converging the profound and profound planes,


Thirteen years have such an effect,

These lotus flowers cannot grow.

Plant lotus, medicinal materials, into magic weapons,

The Shanhuo Sword used a formation to urge it,

This lotus pond is hundreds of miles away,

Surrounded by mountains,

On the mountains, there are thousands of thunder and fire like water.

The mountain fire sword took out the formation,

It’s not as big as Zhou Tian.


With this power, Commissioner Qian Zhou Tian made a great formation,

Urges mysterious and powerful changes,

Only then can we use this formation against the mountain fire sword,


Shan Huo Jian, Qian Da committee member, Huo Lian real person, Jian Zhentian,

Out of the formation,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the distance.

After ten days,

This is the Juxian Pass,

In the main hall,

After three days,

The Huashen monk came over,

Watching the mountain fire sword take out the magic weapon,

Dao Fa urged it to be issued, and looked at these magic weapons for a long time.

"These magic weapons, compared with thirteen years ago,

More mysterious. "

He said,

This person's cultivation base is better than Qian's committee.

There is a gap with Shanhuojian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Speaking, take out the materials,

Commissioner Qian, Shanhuo Jian, Huo Lian, Jian Zhentian watched,

"The Xuanyu Temple needs materials have been received."

Huo Lian said,

Walking in this Juxianguanfang City,

"That lotus pond is really nice, but you can practice here."

Shanhuojian said,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

in this way,

Shan Huo Jian, Qian Da committee member, Huo Lian real person, Jian Zhentian,

After walking in this city for ten days,

Received some materials. (To be continued...) ()

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