Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3522: Myriad Miles

This giant's war sword slashed,

"Boom and boom----"

In the thunderous roar,

Member Qian’s Warhammer released Dao Fa,

Was bombarded by the giant,

There was a loud noise,

This method has more than half,

This sword slashed,

Member Qian’s Warhammer released Dao Fa,

Then it burst out,

Warhammer Dao,

Without the money, the committee members themselves are mysterious,


Warhammer Dao, the magic circle is very,

At this time,

Mountain fire kendo law urged,

Thousands of thunder and fire,

Flying swords gathered in the hands,

This flying sword looked like a mountain range with a radius of 30,000 miles,

Very mysterious,

Slash towards the giant,

The giant urged the war sword to block the flying sword,


Thunder spattered,

Three swords in a row,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Three thunder and fire rushed to the sky,

The giant retreated,

Commissioner Qian’s warhammer urged,

Tao Fa Wanli, blasted towards this giant,

This time, the giant showed his escape card in his hand,

Dao Fa urges,

Toward Committee Member Qian to urge Dao Fa to block the past,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Wanli Daofa blasted wildly in the air,

The thunder and fire burst out,

Commissioner Qian’s urging of this magic weapon is comparable to the giant’s urging of this magic weapon.

The giant urged the magic weapon,

Refining and refining the profound way,

Compared with Qian Dao Fa, it is even higher.

Commissioner Qian’s magic weapon urged the thunder and fire mysterious.

It is more than this monk's shield.

In the loud noise.

Mountain fire kendo law urges, thunder and fire,

Blasted towards the giant,

At this time,

Mountain Fire Sword, this giant,

After fighting for a long time,

Member Qian Dao Fa urged.

The magic weapon still releases Taoism,

Sword Jue urges,

Mysterious and incomparable thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Blasted towards this person,

The volcano sword urges the Dao Fa, as heavy as ten thousand mountains,

Commissioner Qian urged the issue of sword tactics,

But the tea time for war,

This giant.

Back again and again,

Fight with this giant for a long time.

This giant Taoist law urged,

Fly away towards the distance,

far away,

The three powerhouses by the Xuanlu River,

Watching standing.

"This person still cannot beat these monks."

The cultivation base is similar to the giant monk,

Put it on the surface,

This is the strongest on the plane.

At this time, these three monks,

Flying towards the distance,

Shanhuojian, Commissioner Qian went back to the Lotus Lake,


The mountain fire sword still refines alchemy,

Commissioner Qian has been practicing for ten days,

Dao Fa urges,

The mountain fire sword array, mysterious and incomparable mana,

Extending to the distance.

After thirty days,

Mysterious and mysterious,

Go towards the lotus pond,

Shanhuojian looked over,

"How is the mystery in the depths of the plane?"

With that, the lotus was placed in the pill furnace.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"There is a mystery in the depths of the plane,

He Ruixian is thousands of miles deep in the mysterious Obi,

Not as profound as the Ruixian plane,

But it is extensive. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Three years have passed,

Here lotus, more than half of the time,

this day,

Mountain fire kendo law reminds,


There was a thunderous sound in the furnace,

Ten pills flew out of the furnace,

The mountain fire sword was packed in a jade box,

"Master Shanhuojian cultivation base,

Put it on the plane of Ruixian,

It can be said to be a legendary character.

Four years of alchemy, but ten pills! "

Jian Zhentian opened his eyes wide,

"This kind of Taoism has the legendary powerhouse,

The furnace pill comes out,

Ten thousand pills are not uncommon. "

Jian Zhentian said,

Shanhuojian listened,

Thunder flashed in his eyes,

"Ordinary pill, I can refine ten thousand pills,

This is the elixir of law. "

With that said, take out a rule of medicine,

Put it on the plate,

"Come over and take a look."

Commissioner Qian, Huo Lian, Jian Zhentian came over,

Watching around this pill.

"Law pill, this is the legendary level,

The plane of Ruixian,

For three thousand years,

Ten pills of this principle have appeared.

It is the same as the pill that the Mountain Fire Sword refines this time. "

Huo Lian said,

Ten rule pill appeared on Ruixian plane,

The Five Principles of Medicine, refined by stalactite giants,

Towards this pill,

After watching for a long time,

This pill is really mysterious,

Jian Zhentian came out of the lotus pond,

Flew thousands of miles outside,

Bring these beast meat back,

Fry these animal meat,

Put it on the lotus leaf and steam it,

After eating for a long time,

Shanhuojian has been practicing for thirty days,

Only then can I practice with the Pill of Law,

Shanhuojian practiced,

Commissioner Qian has practiced for five years,

Commissioner Qian came to Lotus,

Walking, watching,

With the mysterious gathering of thousands of miles deep in the plane,

Less than ten years,

These lotus flowers appear more mysterious.

Commissioner Qian came to this lotus to watch,

At this time, Commissioner Qian used these lotus flowers to refine alchemy,

Various medicinal materials have been adjusted,

Refining the rule pill from the mountain fire sword,

Thirty years have passed,

At this time,

These lotus flowers grow, and the tallest one has five feet,

Lotus pond,

Extend to a radius of three hundred miles.

At this time, Huolian Zhenren and Jian Zhentian,

Urge Dao Fa,

Surrounded by this lotus pond,

Can comprehend the mystery of plants,

"All kinds of lotus here have been enlightened,

And to the ancient adventure place.

Pentathlon fusion monk.

The books that can be obtained are the same. "

Jian Zhentian said.

"Jian Zhentian, you originally had the knowledge of the Taoism of plants,

Really ordinary,

In recent years, plant attainments have improved. "

Huo Lian said,

With that, Commissioner Qian flew over from a distance.

Commissioner Qian went to Fang City to collect alchemy materials.

The distance from the law material is relatively small,

The mountain fire sword is useful for alchemy,

Commissioner Qian has collected some over the years,

Principles of medicine,

Commissioner Qian can be refined.

Seeing the real person Huolian and Jian Zhentian talking about this lotus,

"The various lotus flowers here have different mysteries."

Commissioner Qian came over and said,

Talking to the real man Huo Lianhua about the various lotus mysteries here,

At this time, Shanhuo Jian came over.

Ten ruled medicines,

Shanhuojian has been practicing for thirty years.

"Go to Xuanyu Hall."

Shanhuojian said,

After speaking, I looked at the lotus of 300 miles,

"These Lotus Olympics are still growing."

Commissioner Qian said.

Shan Huo Jian, Commissioner Qian, Huo Lian, Jian Zhentian said,

Practicing in this lotus pond,

This practice,

After thirty years,

At this time,

The lotus absorbs the mystery of the tenzhang original plane,

Stable, not growing,

At this time,

Back to Xuanyu Palace,

Shan Huo Jian and Huo Lian said,

I gave the real man Huo Lian a practice technique,

Here lotus,

Shanhuojian took a lot,

Are the best growing ones,

These lotus planting methods are planted by Qian Yuan,

Commissioner Qian took some lotus flowers,

Speeding toward the incoming teleportation array,

To that mountain,

The teleportation array appeared,

Shan Huo Jian, Qian Da committee member, Huo Lianhua real person, Jian Zhentian,

In the teleportation array,

After a long time,

The main hall of Xuanyu Hall appeared,

The guard appeared,

Commissioner Qian passed the materials,

"Put it in the hall."

The guard said,

Commissioner Qian took out these materials,

Put it in the hall,

Dao Fa urges in the hall,

Show this book,

Commissioner Qian and Shanhuojian stepped forward to take it.

The transmission method urges,

Commissioner Qian, Shanhuo Jian, Huo Lian Zhenren, Jian Zhentian,

Arrived on the plane of Thunder Mountain,

Mountain Fire Sword looked,

"The Book of Refining Profound Dao, from the peak of Transforming God to the Book of Returning Void."


Commissioner Qian came forward,

Looking at the mountain fire sword,

"The level of profound cultivation far exceeds that of giants,

Good for me and you,

However, it is not the legendary fairy book. "

Shanhuojian said,

Talking to Commissioner Qian,

"Xuanyu Palace is not comparable to the various ancient adventure places in the legend."

Commissioner Qian said,

"You talk to the real person Huolian, Jian Zhentian."

Shanhuojian nodded,

Jian Zhentian talked to the real person Huo Lian,

It's only three thousand words.

It is very mysterious.

"Huo Lian, Jian Zhentian, return to the Ruixian plane."

Commissioner Qian said,

Real Huolian, Jian Zhentian,

Flew towards the teleportation formation on the Thunder Mountain plane,

Commissioner Qian,

But it was towards Banxuan Mountain Villa, galloping past.

Arriving at Banxuan Villa,

Commissioner Qian and Ban Xuan said,

This refining propaganda book,

But to the plane of Ruixian,

Comprehend with the shadows of the stronger Golden Fruit,


Commissioner Qian flew towards the teleportation formation on the Thunder Mountain plane,

After thirty days,

Commissioner Qian arrived on the plane of Ruixian,

In the summer palace,

Banao came over,

"How did you gain from this adventure in Xuanyu Temple?"

"This time the Xuanyu Temple adventure, but it is the original plane of ten zhang."

Commissioner Qian and Ban Ao said,

After talking for a long time,

"In this way, the lotus flowers planted by the real fire lotus,

It can be grown for at least 300 years. "

Banao said,

Commissioner Qian took out these lotus flowers,

Planted to Xiadian, Baihe, Luoxiahe,

It took thirty days,

At this time, the shadow of the strong golden fruit,

Arrived at Xiadian,

And Commissioner Qian,

Deduced these Taoist books,

This time,

This is in the practice of Xuan Tao,

The cultivation base is more advanced,

Deduce these Taoisms, deduce how to practice,

Commissioner Qian and these cultivation bases are more powerful and the shadow of the golden fruit,

It took 13 years,

At this time,

Ban Xuan, come from the plane of Thunder Mountain.

After taking the deduction,

To practice on the plane of Thunder Mountain,

At this time,

Commissioner Qian went to Baihe, Luoxiahe,

Look at these planting lotus flowers.

"Thirteen years have passed,

These lotus flowers are growing normally. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"From Shizhangyuan,

Shanhuojian said,

Shizhanghara this noodle,

From the plane of Thunder Mountain,

It's not a real fairy, can't get there. "

Banao said,

Come out from the ten-zhang original plane,

Commissioner Qian talked to Shanhuojian,

Shizhangyuan is like this plane,

The practice is really good,

Shanhuojian said,

"Shizhangyuan is such a plane,

It's not a real fairy, can't get there. "

At this time,

Commissioner Qian arrived at Xuanshan,

Practicing this time to show the Dao Shu,

This practice,

The noisy lingering around Commissioner Qian,

Mysterious and mysterious,

After thirty years,

Commissioner Qian received his credit.

In Xuan Zhi You Xuan Dao Fa,

Detonated with a huge thunderboard,

It seems,

But it's like summer on the ordinary plane.

Has lush greenery.

This is Huo Xuan,

When I arrived at Xuanyu Hall, I got this Taoist book,

Huo Xuan has a lot of content,

During the past 30 years, Commissioner Qian,

Huo Xuan Xiu Wei,

Increase a lot,

The power of Taoism has improved.

Banao was practising on the side.

"The body, the mountain flower plane these years,

Received some law materials,

Refining the rule of pill,

When does it start? "

This said,

Commissioner Qian said,

"These years of cultivation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the cultivation base of the mountain fire sword,

There is a gap,

Refining the rule of medicine,

At the cultivation base of Shanhuojian,

This is more certain.. "

Commissioner Qian said,

I practiced this book for thirty years,

And a hundred years ago,

Compared to Shizhangyuan cultivating mountain fire sword,

There are many gaps.

Commissioner Qian looked at the principle of refining the mountain fire sword,

This law Dan,

The Dao Fa is urged to be more powerful than Qian, and now the Dao Fa is shown. (To be continued...) ()

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