Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3524: Wolfvine

This time, after half a year in this market,

Banao walked out of the market,

Dao Fa urges,

Flying towards the distance,

Go to the Fire and Thunder Rock to collect various treasures,

in this way,

On this plane of thunder rock,

Ten years later,

The formation in Banao Bieyuan,

Gather the mystery of the plane of fire and thunder,

Arrived thousands of miles deep in the Fire Thunder Rock Plane.

this day,

Banao walked out of the market.

Flew thirty thousand miles,

Towards the state capital,


With Yamada,

Three hundred miles in radius,

Most planted medicinal materials,

The medicine field surrounds the formation,

But it is relatively simple,

This is an ordinary comprehension school,

Banao is here,

Arched his hand towards this mountain,

Saying: "Banao came to visit."


With that said, Xuan'ao went through the formation incomparably,

Wandering in front of this comprehension school hall,

This cultivation hall,

It seems,

But it's ordinary,


In the main hall, a monk came over,

Three diamond flower god.

These three diamond flower gods,

Dao Fa urges,

Out of the formation like lightning,

Hand over to Banao,

This is hosted here,

Banao walked the road with the host,

Dao Fa urges,

What kind of medicinal materials are grown here,

How are the medicinal materials grown, and about their quality,

Banao knew,

Ban Ao and the host went to sit in the hall.

The waiter served tea.

Banao took a sip of tea.

"I heard that Guipai has an ancient magic weapon,

I don't know if I can show it. "


The host said,

Banao took out some medicinal herbs,

The surface of the medicinal materials is bright and moist,

This host looked,

This medicinal material.

It’s almost the same as planting medicinal materials in the 300-mile medicinal field in this school

This medicinal material has flowers,

Herbs are grown in this medicinal material,

The flower has five petals,

Banao took out the herbs,

Similar to this medicine,

This medicinal material,

But the flower blooms with ten petals.

"The flower blooms with ten petals. Among this kind of medicinal materials,

This is top grade! "

The host said.

Revolving around this medicinal material,

"The flower blooms with ten petals. Among 100,000 medicinal materials,

May appear. "

The host said,

In these three hundred miles of medicine fields,

Plant this medicinal material,

Seven petals of medicinal materials have appeared,

The medicinal effect is three times that of ordinary medicinal materials.


Seven petals medicinal materials,

This comprehension school,

Can't scale production.

Banao took out the same medicinal materials,

There are five herbs in total,

The flower has ten petals.

This host is standing,

I watched these herbs for a long time,

"These medicinal materials are ten times stronger than ordinary medicinal materials!"

The host said,

Walk towards the side hall,

After a long time,

This host comes back,

Holding a baby in hand,

"This is an ancient baby one hundred thousand years ago."

The host said,

Said it was Gubao,

Still has the power of Yuanying Flower God,


Yuan Ying Hua Shen magic weapon,

In today’s market,

Not less.

Banao watched,

This is what Heiyanshan jade slip says

To the magic weapon of the Tiange,

The host received these five medicinal materials,

Banao took this magic weapon,

Out of the cultivation school,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards Fangshi,

When we arrived in the city,

Open the shop,

Immediately there was a flower **** with diamonds coming over,

Come here to view treasure,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian came over,

Talking to Banao,

"Banao. Your cultivation base now,

Surpassed me to go to the Tiange to refine the profound technique cultivation base,

Hold the world beads,

Take a look at the Tiange. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Banao nodded.

"Cultivating here for ten years,

There have been many improvements in refining, propagating, and publishing. "

Banao walked out of the shop,

Flew towards the depths of the fiery thunder rock plane,

After a long time,

Flew thousands of miles,

To Chushanyan,

Three hundred miles away from the rock,

Has a town,

There are many monks in the town,

This rock,

Commissioner Qian visited before,

The entrance to the pavilion,

Banao is here,

The jade slips given by Heiyanshan,

There is this magic trick of urging,

Dao Fa urges,

This magic weapon emits flames,

A teleportation formation emerges from the rock,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

Flew towards the teleportation array,


Hundreds of escape methods flew out of town,

Flew over here,

"This person has obtained the Heaven Pavilion magic weapon."

These monks said,

"Now, it's not time for the Tiange to open."

Banao arrived at the teleportation array, but the teleportation array was missing.

These people just take a look.

There is a wide passage in front of us,

The whole body is blue,

Same as last time,

But I didn’t see the thunderous noise last time,

Banao is here,

The channel turns into a mountain of three thousand feet,

On the mountain,

Three hundred boulders,

Bounced towards Committee Member Qian,

The boulder burns on fire,

This is a boulder,

This is the mountain,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

Showing flowers, with hundreds of petals,

There are thousands of mountains on the petals,

It looks like a flower, heavy as a mountain,

Fight against this boulder,

Profound fluctuations are released on the boulder,

There are thousands of petals on the mountains,

But it is extremely mysterious,

To absorb this mysterious wave, surround it,

The boulder burst open.

The thunder fire rushed into the sky.

Originally channel. Like the sky high,

This mystery,

It's almost the same as the cultivator of the gods who releases thunder and fire.

This flower blocks thirty thunder.

The mountains on the petals turned into thunder and exploded,

Sputtering three thousand feet,

Banao walked towards the mountain,

Blocked Bai Lei,

The petals began to explode,

The hundred petals exploded.

This mountain has only been halfway through.

Has a tactic,


Flew over here,

This thunder fire,

Go around on this mountain.

In an instant,

Thousands of boulders gather on the mountain,

Turned into mountains,

Has thousands of miles,

Thunder is burning in the mountains,


Arrogantly came over towards the board,

Banao watched.

Thousands of mountains, fluctuating,

Heavy as a mountain,

Profound like a thousand swords,

Like the gathering of thousands of thunder,

Like a thousand miles of Cangshan in summer,

This is a powerful urging method,

Ban Ao’s sword tactics reminder,

Mysterious and incomparable thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Slash out,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers turned into ten thousand swords,

Against these thousands of mountains,

The rivers and mountains burst open,


Thunder and fire,

Towards Commissioner Qian,

Extend a hundred miles,

Arrogantly came towards the board,

Extending hundreds of miles to the thunder and fire,

There are ten thousand swords lingering,

Wan Jian and this thunder and fire hover,

Burst open,

Turned into fragments of mountains and rivers,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers converge,

In the mountains and rivers,

Into a sword,

This is Banao Refining Xuan,

Such a mysterious sword,

Crashing in these thousands of miles of mountains,

These thousands of miles of mountains,

It’s not like Xuan Tie Wan times,


Ten thousand heavy mountains,

Still like Banao's urging of ten thousand swords,


This is a confrontation between Xuan Ao and Xuan Ao.

Seeing blasting away ten thousand swords,

Burst more than halfway,

The opponent blasted over thousands of miles of mountains,

Explosion is longer than Banao’s urging thousands of miles of mountains,

Banao urged Dao Fa,

Compared with the Taoism of these thousands of miles of mountains,

But it has a slight advantage.

This is the Dao Fa that the opponent blasted over from the air,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

Urge Wanjian,

These thousands of miles of mountains,

This blasted open.

At this time,

Monks appeared on the mountains,

"Yes, you can go to the Human Pavilion."

Here is the Pavilion,

Banao visited last time,

I got the book last time

Not as good as Banao’s current cultivation base,

"I have such a cultivation base, of course I went to the People's Pavilion."

The monk nodded,

This person's cultivation base is of mountain fire sword level.

The guard of the pavilion,

Host channel,

It's not coming out, it's returning to the virtual repair.

"Tian Pavilion, I can't go often by myself."

The monk said,

At this time,

A monk in the distance said,

"If you go to search for some materials,

Go to the Tiange. "

This said,

Banao said,

"I didn't need to collect materials last time."

Banao said.

"Last time I came, it was open normally.

This time, you collect some materials,

There is no need to pass the battle. "

This distant voice said,

in this way,

The monks in the pavilion,

Similar to the monks in Xuanyu Temple,

Need to receive materials.

Banao nodded,

This monk Taoism urges,

The teleportation array appeared,

Daofa flew towards Ban Ao,

This is the material that Banao needs to collect,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

Speeding in the teleportation array,

After a long time,

Board proud,


There are huge rocks everywhere in front of me,

There are various plants growing on the Jushi Mountain,

Various plants here,

Not high, many vines,

The vine grows to three feet,

Extending towards the side,

It's still similar to ordinary plane plants,

The pavilion needs plants,

Plane surface,

But within three miles,

But there is this very precious fruit.

Tiange needs fruit,

It has grown for thirty thousand years.

Banao Dao Fa urged,

Galloping towards the distance,

But not very fast,

Thirty thousand years of fruit,

Like a monk,

That is ordinary,

It’s not uncommon to transform gods into cultivation.


Within three miles of the plant,

Arrogantly came towards the board,

Like a whip.

These plants,

And Banao urged contact with thousands of miles of rivers and mountains,

Immediately turned into liquid,

This is wolf vine,

The 30,000-year fruit that Banao came to harvest this time,

There are three kinds of vines,

Thirty thousand year old vine fruit.

This wolf vine is among these three.

But half a day,

Banao was to this wolfvine mysterious,

There are a lot of performances.

"It's really mysterious,

However, growth is relatively slow. "

Commissioner Qian,

can be used.

30,000 years level,

Return to repair

Can be used,

Banao said,

Profound cultivation level has a considerable level of cultivation,

Refining for a long time,

This Fuji Xuanou,

The deduction is quite deep.


This plant,

Ten thousand years,


From the mountain,

Rushed out three hundred monks,

Dao Fa urges,

Pounced towards Banao,

Holding a flying sword and a sword in his hand,

Dao Fa urges,

Flying swords, war swords came like rain,

These monks,

Cultivating single-item mysterious monks,

Cultivating the mystery of the earth system,

Xuanao cultivated to a high level,

Dao Fa urges,

The same can generate force field, escape method,

This kind of cultivation,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

The ripples sway in the air,

In an instant,

Three hundred monks, stopped in the air,

As in the statue,

The statue does not move,

Like a bird.

"There are wolf vines that have been cultivated for 30,000 years."

Banao said,

At this time,

These three hundred monks can speak,

"Wannian Wolfvine, here,

It can be said to be powerful. "

The three hundred monks said,

Said something about this powerful face,

This face,

It's almost the same as the original plane of ten zhang,

Rebirth monk,

They are not always reachable.

Banao waved,

These monks fell on the mountain,

Able to move,


Banao Dao Fa urges, like lightning,

Passing thousands of miles in the sky,

Flew towards the distance,

Three moments,

Banao flew thousands of miles,

Falling towards the mountain,

On the mountain,

Has a hall,

But half of the building is in the stone mountain,

Formation urges,

Showing tens of thousands of mountains,

Banao stretched out his hand,

Toward these tens of thousands of mountains,


With a thunderous roar~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These tens of thousands of mountains open!

In the main hall,

There are monks' Taoism urged,

Holding a heavy shield,

Holding an epee,

come over.

"Your cultivation base hasn't been for 30,000 years."

Banao said,

This monk is the master,

Furious: ‘Arrogant—"

Dao Fa urges,

The heavy sword is like a mountain,

Slashed towards Ban Ao. (To be continued...) ()

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