Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3532: Work plane

Commissioner Qian was shocked,

"Watching the besieged people here, the cultivation base has surpassed the stalactite giant."

Commissioner Qian thought.

Only then did the divine mind urge the mana to be closed,

Sitting, thinking,

Commissioner Qian and the Shadow of Golden Fruit, the plane of Shanhua,

Get the Xuan'ao Dao Shu,

Fairy book,

These contents,

In the Great God’s Mansion,

Profoundly rotating,

At this time,

To this mountain, river, universe,

This is the deduction.

This enlightenment took a hundred days.

Commissioner Qian took out this Taoist book,

This Taoist book was made by Commissioner Qian, using various materials.

This book,

God level!

Dao Fa urges,

The magic weapon turned into a pen,

Towards this book, wrote in the past,

The realization of the Taoist method of transforming gods,

Ordinary jade slips cannot be written,

Commissioner Qian wrote towards this book,

Wrote a word,

Turned into mountains 30,000 feet!

Very mysterious,

Looking towards this text,

This text,

Like a scroll stretching thirty miles,

Like a wonderful landscape painting,

Stretched towards the horizon.

These hundreds of days have been enlightened,

Commissioner Qian is on this book,

Thirty pages are written.

Commissioner Qian then walked towards the white jade building next to him.

Arriving in the Baiyu Lou, I am enlightened.

This enlightenment, after half a year,

This book contains sixty pages.

At this time,

far away.

A monk looked over.

Five white jade buildings.

Commissioner Qian has been enlightened for five years,

This book,

This is full.

At this time,

A middle-aged monk came over,

The cultivation base is not comparable to the stalactite giant,


It is on the same level as the stalactite giant.

This monk,

Than Tian Pavilion in the main hall.

The highest-level monk is higher,

Commissioner Qian has been to so many adventure places,

This is what Commissioner Qian has seen,

To this ancient adventure place,

The highest level monk I have ever seen.

"In this white jade building,

How to understand these parts. "

The monk said,

But in this white jade building,

The five most mysterious places,

If Commissioner Qian did not get the fairy book,

The most mysterious part of these five places.

Can't comprehend the least,


With fairy books,

Commissioner Qian said to these five places,

But there are some insights,

These insights,

The deduction of the fairy book has improved a bit,

Commissioner Qian thought,

But I said,

Three thousand words.

This monk listened,

"Mysterious, it turns out, this can be deduced like this."


The mysterious Taoism was released and began to practice.

Commissioner Qian stood,

After a hundred days,

This monk released Taoism,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers have become extremely mysterious,

This monk practiced for a hundred days,

Commissioner Qian has practiced refining mysterious techniques for five hundred years,

Can't compare to this monk who has practiced for a hundred days!

Commissioner Qian opened his eyes wide,

This monk practiced,

The mysterious Taoism released,

It’s just the part of this monk practicing Taoism,


Commissioner Qian felt that

Less than one percent.

"You understand these white jade buildings,

There is a powerful way of speaking. "

With that, the monk said a hundred words. "

Member Qian heard,

These hundred words,

To the top Taoist book of refining Xuanfa, the Taoist book of Crossing Tribulation,

Deduction and comprehension,

There are a lot of insights. "

Arched his hand towards the monk,

The monk nodded,

"Here, the teleportation array is not fixed,

Can you get here,

See how Tao Fa is. "



The teleportation array urges,

Commissioner Qian went outside the mountains,


Urge Dao Fa by yourself,

To the mountain here,

It was only thirty miles away.

That mountain was blasted into pieces,

This plane of labor,

Compared with the ancient temple on Wanlishan,

If you are lucky,

It’s easier to go to the Great Ancient Adventure,


But it cannot be compared with the ancient temples on Tianyuan Mountain,

in this way,

Commissioner Qian has a considerable level of cultivation in practicing Xuan Fa,

Only then can we get from this white jade building,

Get some Taoism,

Rule fusion monk,

When it comes to this beast arena,

How much benefit can be gained,

It's hard to say,

Commissioner Qian galloped toward this working plane,

When we arrive at the Xuanzhao plane,

Commissioner Qian flew towards the other courtyard of Tan University,

After a long time,

Tan Da is here,

Commissioner Qian and Tan Da said,

Tanda finished listening,


"This time to the working plane,


However, luck accounts for a lot,

Not as good as Wanlishan Temple. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"So, to this ancient temple,


More important. "

Will comprehend the book of Taoism,

To Tanda,

This book, Tan Da and Jin Guo’s shadow,


Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Flying towards the mysterious plane,

After thirty days,

Bloody wasteland,

Commissioner Qian walked towards Red Wolf Town,

Arriving in Red Wolf Town,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the Jieshi Pavilion,

To understand the stone hall,

Sky Thunder said to Committee Member Qian,

"Old money, come and sit down."

Commissioner Qian walked towards Sky Thunder,

Let the waiter serve wine and dishes,

Sky Thunder said,

"There is a nice mine,

The three cultivating gods have all gone.

It's not bad for you to come.

But go to the mine to mine. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Soaring thunder, what is the gain from the adventure of the plane."

Sky Thunder shook his head.

"In the past hundred years, I have not ventured to the plane,

The six rules merge,

Can't cultivate,

Going to those ancient adventure places, the harvest is relatively small. "

Commissioner Qian went to the plane of Ruixian,

Practice for the next hundred years.

Three hundred years,

As if passing by in an instant,

Soaring Thunder obtained the mysterious Dao Fa in the plane adventure,

However, the six rules merge,

None of them were able to practice successfully.

In this way, the skyrocketing thunder even the Nascent Soul Transformation God peak master is not counted,

For exploring those ancient temples,

Cupola is just drinking some tea, eating and drinking. Talk about it.

in this way,

The soaring thunder has rough stones mined from the **** wasteland.

Can be used as an insight,

Ordinary monk,

From the fusion of five rules to the fusion of six rules,

Three thousand years, it is possible to improve.

Commissioner Qian and Sky Thunder ate and drank,

For a long time, volcanic thunder, profound fire thunder, ten thousand swords and mountains came over,

Let the waiter to the feast,

While eating,

After a long time,

Commissioner Qian, soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder, ten thousand swords spreading the mountain,

Get out of the stone pavilion,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward the depths of the **** wasteland,

Flew thirty thousand miles,

Mountains appeared,

Commissioner Qian and soaring thunder, volcano thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Speeding towards the mine,

In the **** wasteland,

Three thousand seven hundred miles away,

"From the mining to the **** battle in the depths of the wasteland, three thousand miles,

Almost five hundred years have passed,

None of them have been mined four thousand miles deep in the plane. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Dao Fa urges,

Deep in the mine here,

Mysterious lines, this mine wall,

However, it has reached the level of regular fusion materials!

"Not bad."

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian’s spiritual thoughts stretched towards the entire mine,


The three spiritual thoughts are like huge mountains,

Coming to the Qiang Committee member,

And the Qiannian committee member,


Rule fusion material level mine wall,

Burst out,

On the side of the mine wall, it exploded ten feet away,

A rough stone came out.

"This is the old money."

Spiritual mind burst into the thunder and fire,

There was a voice.

This monk said,

"Five hundred years, the deduction of refining mysterious methods,

Only then did some mysteries be deduced,

This old Qian's Taoism is mysterious and mysterious. "

The monk with the **** of transformation said,

"You are a veteran of the Blood War Wasteland,

This old money cultivates profound methods,

How good is it? "

The cultivator Huashen said,

"very high."

This deduces some mysteries and cultivation bases,

But the monk said that it was impossible to refine the mysterious method.

Commissioner Qian was urged by spiritual thoughts,

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian just walked to the pit,

Dao Fa urged, slashed towards the mine,

Dao Fa urges,

Out of the fifty-zhang mine,

30 miles out of the mine,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the mine not far away.

Dao Fa urges,

Boom towards the mine wall.

30 miles out of the mine,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the distance,

At this time,

The volcano mine came over,

"Old Qian, it's good for you to open the mine this time."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"This mine, you are driving."


Dao Fa urged, banging towards the rock wall,

Commissioner Qian opened five mines,

Some mines are good,

Some mines are ordinary.

Commissioner Qian then walked around the mines,

Dao Fa urges,


The volcano mine looked at,

The pit that was mined by Commissioner Qian,

Distance yourself,

But Baili!

Hundreds of days passed,

Commissioner Qian blasted three hundred miles into the mine,


The mine in front of Commissioner Qian,

The stone walls have become very mysterious,

There may be top grade rough stones,

Committee member Qian Daofa urged a frenzy,

But for thirty years,

A rough stone appeared,

But half a foot old,

Commissioner Qian took this rough stone,

World Pearl reminder watched,

In the mysterious Taoism,

In half a fist,

Mysterious and mysterious,

It can’t be compared with top-grade rough,


Surpassed the top grade rough,

Between top-grade rough and top-grade rough.

Good harvest this time,

Commissioner Qian said,

Dao Fa urged, banging wildly.

Blasted out for thirty years,

"This is a high-grade rough mineral vein."

Like a mountain, very mysterious pressure,

Pouring over here,

Commissioner Qian’s warhammer urged,

Blasted towards the monk Huashen on the edge,

In an instant,

This monk,


This warhammer is mysterious and mysterious,

Profound like a plane.

Shield and sword appeared in the hand,

Dao Fa urges,

Blast towards this warhammer,


This monk sees,

Five thousand miles of mountains and rivers,

Very mysterious,

Bounced over here.

Five thousand miles of mountains and rivers,

May have a hundred thousand swords,

The cultivation base of this monk,

Dao Fa is fully urged,

The sword and shield in his hand showed the mysterious Taoism,

Bounced towards this sword,

And this mystery is incomparably 50,000 miles of mountains and rivers,

This cultivator urged the mysterious Taoist method,


"It's almost the same as those master guards of the Ancient Adventure."

This monk yelled,


This **** battle against the wasteland,

There are many plane adventures,

Ancient Adventure,

This monk has been there,

Those adventure places on the ancient planes,

Some master guards

But so,

The shield urges the mysterious Taoism,

All burst open,

This monk, the sword tactic urged,

Wan Qianjian and Commissioner Qian urged 50,000 miles of mountains and rivers to blast,

Burst out loudly,

The sword trick flashed,

On this monk,

There was a thunder and fire,

This thunder,

Rushed across a radius of thousands of five hundred miles,

In the loud noise,

The monk’s battle armor shot, blood spattered,

Dao Fa urges ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to fly towards the outside of the mine.

The monk on the side,

Is urging Dao Fa,

Against the warhammer,

Rumbling thunder,

Commissioner Qian Jian Jue blasted over.

Thunder flashed,

This person has a flying sword in his hand and urges Commissioner Qian to issue this sword technique

Block it,

In the loud noise,

The flying sword in this monk's hand, and the whole arm, half a shoulder,

Wan Lei fires! (To be continued...) ()

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