Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3534: Zhou Tiantan

Walking in this hall,

Refining mysterious magic power to urge,

No teleport can be found in the hall,

Ban Yue came here,

For five years,

But still can't find the ancient adventure place,

this day,

Banao walked out of the hall,

Walk towards the medicine field beside the main hall,

Look at the medicinal herbs planted on the edge of this hall.

When I arrived at the medicine field and turned around,

Seen from a distance,

A monk came over,

"Receive medicinal materials."


To the monk guarding the medicine garden,

Asking about some medicinal materials,

The monk guarding the medicine garden shook his head.

"These medicinal materials, this medicine garden is three thousand miles away,

Are relatively small. "

Member Qian heard,

This person needs medicinal herbs,

There are medicinal materials, Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

Received more than a thousand years,

Just received,

This monk needs these herbs,

But refining the mysterious technique.

Commissioner Qian walked over,

"You need these herbs, I have,

However, these herbs,

Degree is more mysterious and precious. "

This monk listened,

Looked over,

"I need thirty types of medicinal materials,

More than three thousand years of medicinal materials,

You have both. "

Speaking, I said thirty medicinal materials,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Bring out a jade box,

Open this jade box,

This monk took a look,

I need 30 types of medicinal materials,

All in this jade box,


He was talking to Commissioner Qian.

His prescription.

Most medicinal materials are available.

Need these 30 types of medicinal materials,

They are all more mysterious herbs.

"How many celestial stones are needed,

I have precious materials here. "

The monk said,

"I heard that there is an ancient adventure place here,

If you can get the treasures of the Ancient Adventure, it's good. "

Commissioner Qian said,

The monk took a look,

Bring out a jade medal,

Ban Yue took this jade medal and looked at it.

After a hundred days, the ancient hall appeared,

Take this jade token to go to the ancient hall.


Turned and flew towards the distance.

After a hundred days,

Summer evening,

Ban Yue Dao Fa urged,

Flying towards the distance,

But after flying three thousand miles,

This plane of labor,

On the mountains. The monastery’s house is everywhere,

Occupy the broad.

It can be seen everywhere.

To this mountain,

There is another courtyard,

The building is just a good boulder,

Among these monks, ordinary buildings.

Ban Yue walked towards this building,

There is a guard holding it.

Yuan Ying Peak guards.

Ban Yue took out the jade medal,

These guards have jade medals,

And said inward,

A monk came over,

Monk of God.

Holding the jade card, the law is urged.

"follow me."

The monk said.

Ban Yue and this monk,

Walked through three large courtyards,

Arriving in the hall,

Inside the hall,

There is a long table in front,

The monk sat at the long table,


There was a middle-aged monk standing,

Ban Yue comes over,

Seeing this monk,

The monk who returns to the illusion in the fighting beast ring,

Commissioner Qian saw this person,

There is a lot of gap with the stalactite giant,

Ban Yue saw this monk,

Xiu base and stalactite giant,

The difference is not very far.

In that white jade building,

Many mountains and rivers,

There is a level of transition period.

This cultivator gave the jade medal to the past,

The monk at the long table,

Looking at Ban Yue,

"How about plant cultivation?"

Ban Yue nodded.

"Not bad."

"There is a plane mission here,

Gather the mysterious planes and plant plants.

You and Huo Lei Kuang Dao are just ready to accept this task. "

The monk said,

This cultivator of Beast Fighting Return to Void is called Huo Lei Kuang Dao.

Ban Yue looked at the Fire Thunder Crazed Knife,

Fire Thunder Knife nodded,

"It's not bad that you are here,

The cultivation base is pretty good. "

It seems that

The Fire Thunder Knife took this task.

Banao nodded,

This hall is of a higher level than the fighting beasts,

The waiter on the side brought the jade slip,

The monk at the long table,

Dao Fa urges,

On the edge of the main hall,

The teleportation array appeared,

Banao and Huo Lei Kuang Dao,

Speeding toward the teleportation array,

In the teleportation array,

Dao Fa urges, speeding,

Banao took a look at the jade slip,

"Ten Zhang original plane?"

What this jade slip says,

The ten-zhang original plane has a country,

There are many mortals,

This country often has cosmic magical power,

Banao and Huo Lei Kuang Dao,

Arrived in this country,

This country has a law circle,

Banao and Huo Lei Kuang Dao,

To adjust this circle,

To transform this country Yamada,

This fruit mountain field,

The transformation is as high as Ueda in the ordinary plane,

Ban Ao and Huo Lei Kuang came back,

Promotes suitable for local plants,

It is even more indispensable.

"Have you been to the original plane of Shizhang?"

The Fire Thunder Knife said,

"Some monks have been there."

Banao said,

Talk about the general situation of the ten-zhang original plane.

"So, the plane created from the void."

The Fire Thunder Knife said,


Out of the teleportation array,

The ten-zhang original plane arrived,

"That country is three hundred thousand miles away from here."

With that said, Fire Thunder Knife Dao Fa urged,

Flew towards the distance,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

The Fire Thunder Knife didn't fly very fast.

Dao Fa urges.

Looking at the ten-zhang original plane.

This kind of cultivation,

Dao Fa urges,

There are thousands of miles in a radius, thousands of miles deep in the plane,

All appear in this monk’s Taoism,

Banao said,

"The whole country Yamada,

No material. Use cosmic mana to transform and refine,

This, that magic circle. "

The Fire Thunder Knife said,

"Say it when you arrive in that country."

Three hundred thousand miles,

Huo Lei Kuang Dao and Ban Ao Fei spent most of the day,

Watching the front,

Towns, villages,

The Fire Thunder Knife flew towards Yamada near the town,

The Fire Thunder Knife went to the side of Yamada.

This Yamada is better than Yamada on the ordinary plane.

It’s less productive,

The ten-zhang original plane is vast,

Ordinary people grow Yamada,

But it needs water.

Fire Thunder Knife Dao Fa urges,

Covering half of the mountain, mysterious magic power is incomparable,

Start refining.

After thirty days,

Half a mountain, turned dark,

Banao walked over,

Take a look on this mountain,

Speaking towards the fiery thunder mad knife,

"Brother Huo Lei Kuang Dao, your profound magic,

These mountains, take some common materials, if Nangou reaches

What level, do irrigation,

This is Shangpintian. "

Banao said,

Fire Thunder Knife Knife listened,

Refining this Yamada with the reviving mana,

Still has shortcomings,

"How to practice?"

The Fire Thunder Knife said,

Banao said for a long time,

Fire Thunder Knife Knife listened,

What Banao said,

If you talk about magic power,

It's far inferior to the fire and thunder mad knife urging Dao Fa,

"It's easy to do this."

Fire Thunder Knife said,

Dao Fa urges,

Thousands of mysterious mana,

Around the mountains,

Less than half a day,

This mountain has changed slightly,

Banao reached out to urge the hair,

The rain drops towards this mountain,

After a cup of tea,

This mountain,

Ordinary people look over,

All feel,

This mountain,

More suitable for planting crops.

Huo Lei Dao is the mystery of humanity,

The plant standard is average.

Banao said.

"I practiced the emptiness with mana, after thirty days,

Only then refined half a mountain,

This country has a radius of thousands of miles,

How to finish it?

Refining with this magic circle.

Irrigation water,

There is a river to open here.

Irrigation arrangement of river water,

What is your level of Taoism in this respect? "

The Fire Thunder Knife said,

This country has a radius of 5,000 miles,

The Fire Thunder Knife Knife reached the border of the country,

In this country, Fire Thunder Knife Knife knows,

This is the strength of the Void Returning Master,

Fire Thunder Knife took out a jade medal,

This jade card,

Is the urging formation,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew three thousand miles,

To a mountain,

The mountains are lush,

The Fire Thunder Knife held the magic circle to urge it,

There is a lot of space on the mountain,

Wanzhong space,

walk over,

Wanzhong space is transformed into patterns, gems,

Fly towards the building,

Like ordinary buildings, with bright colors,

The Fire Thunder Knife arrived in the building,

Dao Fa urges,

The sky circle appeared,

A radius of five million square miles.

"Ten Zhangyuan is three million li,

This country, but a vast radius,

5 million square miles,

Looking over from the sky,

But not a big piece. "

Banao said with emotion,

Fire Thunder Knife Dao Fa urges,

The whole sky appears,

This is a million mana,

Gather towards this person,

The sky has cosmic mana blasting over,

Dao Fa urges,

Showing thunder,

Blasted out of space,

The mana of the universe was blown away,

This circle rotates,

The cosmic mana converges towards this circle,

"This magic circle mana, most of it, I use,

For you to use, but part of the mana. "

Banao nodded,

"I do my best, but open the river."


Dao Fa urges,

The map of the country is shown on this circle,

I want to get enough irrigation for most of the mountain fields,

This is not easy to deduct,

Banao said,

But it is Tao Fa urged,

The Zhoutian array rushed into the air,

Miles in a radius,

Banao deduced here,

After a hundred days,

In the Zhoutian formation, there is like a long river,

This long river converges into a pool.

There is a pool of water and a radius of thousands of miles!

"Your formation is good, more mysterious."

Huo Lei Kuang Dao said.

"In this country, five pools can be set up."

Banao said,

Reach out,

In the formation,

Show this country,

In this country, there are five pools of water,

The river flows by the edge of this pool,

Showing thirty rivers,

Different sizes.

Huo Lei Kuang Dao only watched for a long time,

"Your level is well arranged,

The water mysterious mana is urged, and it blends well with the plane mysterious,

Said for a long time. "

Banaoshui mana and plane mana merge,

Have improved a lot!

Fire Thunder Knife said,

This arrangement,

There are many improvements,

Ban Ao arched his hands at Huo Lei Kuang Dao,

"What you said, easy to do,


More mysterious,

Ordinary people can't use it at all. "

Talked to Huo Lei Kuang Dao for a long time,

The Fire Thunder Knife has been watching here for a long time,

More powerful than Banao deduction for half a year.

These five pools,

Set up location, river location, changed,

Like this,

Some rivers flow through places with few people.

Banao and Huo Lei Kuang Dao,

Deduced by refining the mysterious method,

After these rivers are laid out,

Mortals moved by themselves,

Regardless of these, Fire Thunder Knife and Banao,

I don’t know how to finish,

After ten days,

Fire Thunder Knife inspires formation,

"Boom and boom----"

In the loud noise,

Or in the mountains, or on the ground,

Prosperous mana urges,

Five waterholes appeared,

The water pools are thousands of miles away,

Fire Thunder Knife Sword urges Dao Fa,

Refining the mountains,

Banao Dao Fa urged,

Like a Tianhe,

The waterfall irrigated towards the pool,

Ten days passed,

Only then irrigated a water pool with a radius of thousands of miles.

Three thousand miles away,

This pool is beginning to irrigate,

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ only irrigated more than half of it.

In the Zhoutian Array,

Run out of water.

The universal mana,

Refined into water,

Inside the Banao Zhoutian Array,

Most of it is the Taoist method of transforming gods,

Almost a year,

But refining the water.

Banao Dao Fa urged,

This magic circle mana urges,

On the edge of this pool,

Start to open the river. (To be continued...) ()

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