Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3537: Law material

After ten days,

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the plane teleportation array,

This is the plane of participation,

There are many stone mountains on the plane of participation,

Similar to the Heavenly Pavilion Adventure, the stone mountain plane that I went to,


Far inferior to the mystery of the stone mountain plane.

The shadow of the golden fruit has survived a lot of Yuanying's catastrophe here.

Commissioner Qian went out of the plane teleportation array,

Dao Fa urges,

Towards the distance,

Speeding past like lightning,

Flew thirty thousand miles,

See a mountain,

Mostly stone,

Has a thousand feet,

It extends for 30,000 miles.

This is the largest mountain range on the Participating Plane,

Produced, a place for monks to practice,

All are ordinary.

Look over,

Here is the monk’s house,

On a mountain col with soil,

Come here to gather herbs and practice monks,

Are relatively small.

Commissioner Qian went to the valley,

The valley is wide,

The mountains are surrounded by clouds,

Commissioner Qian walked along this valley towards the depths of the valley,

In the mountains,

This mountain,

But it became good,

Commissioner Qian,

Bring out the magic weapon,

Towards the mountain Dao Fa,

Monsters burst out of the mountains,

Thirty feet long,

Blasted towards Committee Member Qian,

A huge thunder appeared in the claws,

Five thousand miles long.

Five rules fusion monster,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Show the father-in-law,

But there are thousands of miles of rivers and mountains,

These five thousand miles of thunder fire,

Blasted onto these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains,


The mountains fluctuate,

Absorb these five thousand miles of thunder and fire,

At this time,

On the mountains,

There is a big rock apart.

Show the gate of the temple,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

The material of the passage in the ancient temple is almost the same.

The temples opened,

Commissioner Qian took the magic weapon to the hall,

Walked through the passage, for thirty years,

Look at the square ahead.

on the square,

There are monks making alchemy.

By the square,

Ten halls, other courtyards,

Far away from the other courtyard,

There are hundreds of mountains,

A hundred mountains,

Compared with the ancient adventure place where Commissioner Qian went,

Really less.

But a thousand miles,

Commissioner Qian watched.

Herbs are grown on this mountain,

Has half,

There is no mountain flower plane,

Shanhua plane, the shadow of Jin Guo

Plant medicinal herbs,

Here are some.

In the Golden Fruit Shadow Manor,

Plant medicinal herbs,

The petals reach ten petals,

Here medicinal herbs,

The petals reach sixteen.

This medicinal material,

The petals were originally five petals.

The shadow of golden fruit in the medicine garden.

The medicinal materials reach ten petals,

Grow for three thousand years,

Shadow of Golden Fruit,

I want to increase the petals of this medicinal material,

It's not easy.

There are herbs on the side,

With fruit,

These fruits.

It looks like jade outside,

Inside the jade, there is a juice like juice.

Commissioner Qian looked at,

if we assume,

In the Golden Fruit Shadow Manor,

Plant medicinal materials in the ordinary city,

It can be said to be more mysterious,

Here medicinal herbs,

It can be said that

Legendary level.

A waiter came over,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the hall,

But walked to the side hall,

In the main hall,

There is a pill furnace.

There are monks,

Pill alchemy here,

"Why are you here?"

The monk said,

Commissioner Qian,

The flame in the furnace,

Very mysterious,

This flame surpassed Qian's cultivation base!

This monk, transforming the gods into cultivation,

Made by this monk,

Law Dan!

"Come and see if there are any higher-level botanical books."

When this monk heard,

Monks of this level,

"Comparatively higher plant book?"

Take a medicinal material and give it to Commissioner Qian.

"Tell me, this medicinal material is mysterious."

Commissioner Qian looked at this medicinal material,

This medicinal material is mysterious,

If Commissioner Qian said that the standard is not high,

This is a relatively high-level botanical book,

Commissioner Qian didn't need to think about it.

Commissioner Qian refined Xuan Fa Dao Fa to urge the issue,


After a long time,

"This medicinal material, from the ordinary golden pill to the function of the cultivator of the gods ---"

Commissioner Qian began to say,

After talking for a long time,

This monk,

This is when I looked from the side of Dan furnace,

Mountain fire sword,

Refining the rule of pill,

It took five years.

This monk refines the law pill,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

This law Dan,

Less than half is refined.

"The level of plant Taoism is good.

Dao Fa, the cultivation base of refining Xuan Fa, has a fairly high level. "

The monk said,

"In my case, Daoshu has upper, middle and lower."

The monk said,

Ordinary books,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

The common medicinal herbs here,

It’s not as good as in Jin Guo Zhiying Medicine Garden,

Planted medicinal herbs.

This ordinary book in the past,

Commissioner Qian used to talk to Li Yaoshi about the integration of the six rules of Taoism.

"You Law Dan, if you add these materials,

Would be better. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian said,

Come up with three types of materials,

For this elixir of law,

After talking for a long time,

These three types of materials,

How to put it, how to refine,

Mountain Flower Plane, Commissioner Qian,

Shadow of Golden Fruit,

After searching so many books,

The Book of Xuan'ao Dao, in the jade slip,

Speaking of the refining of law pill,

There are many,


Law material,

It's really hard to collect.

Commissioner Qian said that

For masters of refining Xuan Fa,

It’s still normal,

Law Dan,

Commissioner Qian is not available,


Commissioner Qian himself is planting and refining pill,

After comprehending the mountain fire sword to refine the law pill,

It’s a lot of money.

After a few years of comprehension,

The monk looked over,

"Well said."


Looking at the materials brought out by Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian took out this material,

It was collected in situ tenzhang,

There is a certain distance from the law material,


On the ordinary plane, the market, the big chamber of commerce,

These materials,

It can't be received at all.

Dao Fa urges,

This person, return to imaginary repair for,

Return to repair

Dao Fa urges,

In the furnace,

Refining most of the medicinal materials,

Separate parts,

Commissioner Qian took out this material,

Put it in the pill furnace,

These materials are refined,

Commissioner Bi Qian refined the pill.

Xuanao is very,

But in thirty days,

Commissioner Qian watched this person refine the pill,

Refining Xuan Fa Dao Fa,

Have improved a bit,

This humanitarian law urges,


In the furnace,

With the sound of thunder,

Refining this material,

Turned into a pill and flew out of the pill furnace,

This person took the pill and used it.

After ten days,

This man opened his eyes,

Thunder and fire flashed across my eyes,

"The real law material is hard to find,

How much do you have these materials? "

This man said,

These rebirth powers at the ancient adventure,

True law material,

Not easy to find,

Member Qian said with emotion,

A hundred years from Banyue to Shizhang's original plane,

This is the law material,

There is a certain gap material,

Ban Yue from the original noodle market of Shizhang,

Received a lot.

Commissioner Qian took out some materials that were collected in ten zhangs.

Commissioner Qian received one third of the original materials in Shizhang,

The monk took the materials and looked at it,

"On this ordinary plane,

These materials are pretty good. "


Take out this book,

Commissioner Qian took the aisle book and looked at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s not bad, the Dao Fa inside, half of the Dao Fa,

It surpassed the plant Taoism practiced by Chairman Qian.

Commissioner Qian gave his hand to the monk,

The monk nodded,

The waiter came over,

Bringing Commissioner Qian to walk out of the square,

Walk towards the passage.

Out of thirty miles,

Commissioner Qian walked out of the hall,

It took only thirty steps,

The hall is missing,

This is a mountain. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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