Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3550: Fire pulp

At this time,

In the distance, there is this escape method,

Flying over here like lightning,

In an instant,

Flying from the horizon to this side,

Seeing flying past thousands of monks,

In an instant,

Falling towards this thousands of monks. {[}

"God master!"

Among thousands of monks,

Immediately there was a rule-fusion monk saying,

"God transforming power."

This monk,

Toward the wandering sword, Xuan Qianhe, and the sword that ran far away fell in front of him,

Wandering Knife, Xuan Qianhe, Raising Far Sword,

Hand over to this person,


This person,

It is Honolulu.

Tanshan said to the Wandering Knife, Xuan Qianhe, and Qianyuan Sword.

"If it can be opened here,

Come here. "

Wandering Knife said,

"This ancient adventure place,

The head cannot be opened. "

Tan Shan said,

"Can't open, today,

The Wuhuashen monks gather,

Come here and have a look. "

This ancient adventure place,

Commissioner Qian came,

Can not be opened.

Tan Shan said,

Dao Fa urges,


To the mountains,

Not far from the chairman of the plane committee,

Dao Fa urges,

Refining towards this mountain.

At this time, far away from the plane,

Thousands of miles away, there was singing,

There are monks coming, stepping out, five hundred miles,

Miles away.

It's like walking.

Came over here.

"The five gods gather,

I'll join in the fun,

nice. "

The monk said,

"True Zhentian, I haven't seen you for a thousand years."

The chairman of the sword fighting plane said.

"A lot of materials have been collected in Fangshi.

However, in the market,

Can't see the chairman. "

"The Zhentian man is here."

The monk in the flames of five hundred miles.

Said to the monk of the plane main hall.

"Shaking a real person, I don't see many in the market."

The Master of the Plane General Temple said,

Ten thousand volcanoes surround,

Zhentian real people urge Tao Fa,

Wanli mountains and rivers surround this rock,

The thunder fires on the rocks.

After three days,

This rock,

But blast away a hundred feet away,

At this time,

Then there was a voice.

"The six gods gather,

Here. Opened three thousand years,

At this time, it can be opened. "


Dao Fa urges,

The whirlpool appeared,


Six deep urges to initiate Taoism,

In an instant it turned into thousands of sparks and disappeared,

In the mountains,

Show up the hall,

In the main hall,

There are monks coming,

"Here is a collection material,

Those who want to take the Dao Fa will receive the materials on this jade slip. "


Zhentian said,

The lord of the plane's main hall, talked to the volcano monk,


The volcano monk said,

"So, you can go."

The chairman of the sword fighting plane said.

"This ancient adventure book is not easy to take."

Tan Hong said to Tan Shan,

"The ancient adventure place where the body and the shadow of the golden fruit go,

Half of it is so. "

Tan Shan said,


Tan Hong said, "Yes."

The monk waved,

With jade slips,

Flew towards each monk.

Tan Hong and Tan Shan took it,

"This is to produce the black stone plane,

It is not black stone,

These are precious materials. "

Tan Hong said,

"Pan Lei said,

These materials are produced in the cultivation place of the strong plane,

A monk much stronger than that cultivator Huo Xuan monk. "

Tan Shan said,


The monk in the main hall,

Between waving hands,

Urged the plane teleportation array.

The six Taoist monks urged to issue,

Speeding toward the teleportation array,

After a long time,


These six monks,

Out of the teleportation array.

Thousands of miles of mountains,

Extends to the horizon,

In the mountains,

With a river of flames,

On the mountains,

See the flames flowing,

"This flame looks like magma,

In fact,

More flames. "

The Master Palace Master of the Sword Fighting Plane said,

"This is the deep plane of the universe,

From the void,

There are a lot of flame materials,

This phenomenon occurs. "

The monk in the five hundred li volcano said,

"This face, you want to practice Huo Xuan,

Good here,

to me,

It is not very useful. "

This monk said,

"Cultivation here is good,

However, here to collect materials. "


Tan Shan said,

"This hall receives materials,

Go there,


But they have very strong cultivation skills. "

This said,

Zhentian real person came over,

"You have been to this noodle."

Zhentian said,

"There is a monk, I have been to this face."

This said,

The Chairman of the Plane Council spoke,

"Look there."

Talking with Zhentian Zhenren,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the distance,

Shaking innocent humanitarian law urged,

Flew towards the distance,

The lord of the plane's main hall nodded to the monk who came out of the five hundred li volcano,

The Master of the Plane General Hall and this monk,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the distance,

"This hall needs materials,

Collect the fire slurry,

Fire paste is worse than copper paste. but,

It is still legendary material. "

Tan Shan said,

"The main body and the Thundering Reality. Go to the Thunder Immortal plane

Xuanxuan fire plane.

The real person Hong Lei took out five hundred catties of fire pulp! "

Tan Hong said.

Commissioner Qian and Mr. Hong Lei went to the ancient adventure of Xuan Xuan Huo.

Get the Book of Crossing Tribulation from Xuanxuanhuo's Ancient Adventure,

really not easy,

Commissioner Qian talked with Jin Guozhi for a long time,

There are a lot of legendary-level materials produced by the real person.

Tan Shan and Tan Hong said,


Not very fast.

Flew thirty thousand miles.

In the air,

With profound and powerful spirit, Dao law fluctuates,

From thousands of miles away,

This mana fluctuation,

Flame Taoism occupies an important part,

Fusion with the mysterious,

Very mysterious,

Tan Hong said.

"Have a giant level."

Tan Tian said.

At this time,


In the thunderous sound.

From three thousand miles away,


The thunder fire rushed to the sky,

"Let's take a look."

Tan Shan said,

Dao Fa urges,

Fly away like lightning to the distance.

Three thousand miles,

Tanshan and Tanhong arrived in a blink of an eye.


The lord of the main hall of the plane and the volcano monk,

Dao Fa urges,

Turned into thousands of swords,

Among thousands of swords, there are thousands of volcanoes,

Slash towards the other monk,

The other monk,

Dao Fa urges,

Showing a flame volcano,

But it is very profound,

Like extending to the plane of the universe,

Honolulu and Tanhong,

To urge thousands of swords,

Boom to the opponent to urge Dao Fa,

On the other side,

Thousands of fireballs exploded,

Each fireball has a radius of five hundred miles, thousands of miles,

Such a powerful slash,

The other party urged Dao Fa,

Like a thousand thunders bursting out, rushing to a thousand feet,

Rocks splashing,

Rushed into the sky,

The other party urged Dao Fa,

Wide continent,

Still relatively stable,

"The Master of the Plane General Hall and the volcano monk,

Against this person,

It's just a tie. "

Tan Shan and Tan Hong were shocked,

"Hall Master, got precious materials?"

Tan Shan said,

Sound travels three hundred miles,

"There is no precious material, come here,

Have such a master. "

Wandao volcano splashing,

The volcano monk said.

Saying this is a lot slower,

"This person is a giant."

Tan Shan said,

The Giant Law,

Commissioner Qian said a lot to Honolulu,

The volcano monk just finished speaking,

With a flame sword,

Like flying out of the sky,


The volcano monk urged the sword to send three thousand shots,

Volcano Giant Sword Art reminder,

Slash at this sword for thirty consecutive swords,

The huge thunder struck,

Back three miles away,

This blasted away the sword of the opposing monk.

Tanshan and Tanhong, Dao Fa urges,

Extend towards the distance,

Mountains here,

In the Dao Fa of Tanshan and Tanhong,


Thousands of miles away,

Has a hall,

This is the cultivation of this monk.

Outside the main hall, the Dao Fa of Tanshan and Tanhong stretched over.

Dao Fa urges three thousand li,

"There is a place, very mysterious." But Fangyuan is too long,

Three hundred feet deep. "

Tan Shan said,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the distance,

In an instant,

The sword art flashed,

Booming towards Honolulu,

This sword art slashed towards Tanshan,

Honolulu felt that

As heavy as a huge mountain, mysterious as a river of thousands of miles,

It shoots like a fireball and the sword expands 30,000 miles.

Tanshan Sword Jue urges to issue,

Blasted towards this sword,

Battle sword,

Honolulu felt like a thunderstorm,

Back ten steps,

This slashed over this sword,

But it shot a part,

The Tanshan Sword Jue made every effort to urge it,

Five swords in a row,

This sword burst out suddenly,

The Dao Fa of Honolulu urged,

The sword is like a giant mountain,

Slash towards the opponent,


This man's sword art urged,

But a shield appeared in his hand,

Shield issuance,

Ten thousand volcanoes,

This blocked Tanshan's urge to send the sword art.

This person has a high cultivation base,


Master of the Plane General Temple, volcano monk,

Tanshan tried his best to urge the sword tactics boom cut,

This man took three steps back,

The cultivation base is similar to that of a giant,

Giants are not returning to the illusion,

At this time, Tan Hong was on the mountains three thousand miles away,

Seeing there is a mountain,

Walked into the valley,

There are mysterious buildings inside,

This formation,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urges to send, not tea,

Deduced this formation,

Towards this formation,

Profound incomparable urging method,

Three hundred tactics in a row,

The formation rumbling,

Separate to the side,

Here is the formation,

Xuan'ao is not as good as Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhi in deducing the formation,

If you talk about mana,

But it is much stronger than the Qian Yuan committee and Jin Guo's shadow formation.

Tan Hong played these three hundred tricks,

All feel,

More laborious.

this is,


In the valley,

With jade water,

Fire element, like red jade,

Detected by Honolulu,

The radius is too long,

Three hundred feet deep. "

It means this jade water,

This jade water,

There are lighter colors, one after another,

This ninety fire pulp,

Fire pulp color,

Better than this jade water,



The effect is more than 30 times stronger.

Tan Hong opened this formation,


The monk, "Aw----"


Dao Fa urges,

Very mysterious,

Like thousands of miles of mountains rushing into the sky,

Three swords in a row, there are thousands of changes,

Honolulu, Lord of the Plane General Hall, volcano monk,

And this sword blasted,

It is like three hundred thousand giant thunders slashed, and like ten thousand giant rivers.

Very mysterious,

Honolulu, Lord of the Plane General Hall, volcano monk,

All took a step back,

This monk,

It’s a full blow,

Honolulu, Lord of the Plane General Hall, volcano monk,

The flame shook wildly,


The monk arrived at the edge of the jade liquid,

At this time,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

I just received the ignition paste,

This monk has arrived,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

The warhammer appeared,

Profound as thousands of mountains,

Slash at the monk,


In the loud noise,

The power of this warhammer,

The cultivation of this monk,

All urged to send a sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ blasted the past,


This warhammer, hit this turn and fly into the sky,

Tan Hong collected some jade pulp,

With thirty catties,

At this time,

This monk urged the sword art,

Boom cut over.

At this time,

Three hundred miles away,

Profound and incomparable sword art,

Slash towards this monk

Fast as electricity and as heavy as a mountain. (To be continued...) ()

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