Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3359: Wanzhangshi

Tan Hong bowed his hand at the monk,

Return to the imaginary mana mysterious. —Top—Point—Fiction ww.{2}{3}{w}{x}]"

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo,

During the adventure,

I fought with the Void Rebirth monks many times,

Taoist Book of Transforming God Peak, Taoist Book of Returning to Void,

Got a lot,

This method of returning to the Void cannot be refined.

Commissioner Qian refined the profound magic power cultivation base,

Quite high.

Distance to the peak of Huashen,

All have a considerable distance,

The Taoism of the Transcendent Monk is urged,

Thousands of mountains blasted over, and three thousand rushed over,

Thousands of miles of clouds lingered, thousands of dollars of thunder and fire came,

The cultivator of the gods urges mana,

Very mysterious,

This monk,

Dao Fa urges,

Jianshan is burning with mysterious flames,


Mountains and rivers, clouds and thunder burst out loudly,

Sword Jue urges,

The flame slashed towards this Tan Hong,

This is not a flame,

This is like an extension of a flying sword,

Void-returning monk urges the flame of Taoism,

Like a boulder.

The shield urges thousands of miles of mountains,

In the mountains,

There is an incomparable formation to urge it,

Urge to emit mana,

This formation is right,


This Flame Sword Art,

Boomed over,

The shield urges thousands of miles of mountains,

It turned into thunder and fire,

Commissioner Qian kept his shield,

Feijian urged,

Profound, revolving, like thunder and fire.

Towards this Jian Jue.

Even boom ten swords.

Boom onto this sword art,

Tan Hong Feijian,

With the gathering of thousands of thunder,

The opponent blasted this sword art,

But there are some ripples.

Tan Hong felt that his sword,

Boom like a thousand li mountains.


This sword art,

Only then did it explode.

At this time, urge the Taoist monks to transform the gods,

This monk, each issued a sword,

Amidst the loud noise,

The shields in the hands of the volcanoes and the shaking hands burst open,

To urge the swordsmanship,

Slashing towards the blasting sword art,

This exploded the blasting sword art.

The three cultivators on the side,

Boom the Void Returning Monk's sword art.

The shield in his hand, the flying sword burst open.

Thunder spatters on the armor!

Three monks of the gods,

Battle round,


"These three people are not up to the level of refining the mysterious technique.

Can't even stop this Void Returning Monk's sword art? "

Zhentian Zhenren opened his eyes,

This rebirth monk,

Urge everyone to issue swordsmanship,

And these cultivators,

From the entrance of the ancient adventure,

Rush over,

Facing the integration of the three rules of Taoism,

Rule fusion guard,

Thousands of swords and swords are almost the same,

Compared with the urging of the Huashen monk to send the Wanjian Sword Art,

This rebirth monk,

To urge the swordsmanship,

Might be tougher,

Ordinary **** monk,

Can't even Sword Jue stop?

Fight against this Void Rebirth monk,

It’s just a sword art,

The result is better than those three rules,

The rule fusion monk is stronger,

The shield shattered,

Thunder bursts from the armor.

"So, it stopped me,

Here, the ancient Xuan'ao stars have been comprehending for ten days. "

This said,

The cultivator Huashen said,

"It's not a Taoist book, then the ancient mystery here,

Very difficult to comprehend,

Can you comprehend the profound in ten days? "

These cultivators came to this ten thousand zhang stone plane to be longer,

The monks can get all kinds of Taoist books, mysterious,

I have learned a lot,

"Block me for ten days,

Block me three ways, and comprehend for 30 days. "

The monk said,

At this time,

Zhentian said,


The cultivators on the side said,

"This monk is tough."

Talking, nodding,

These monks,

Walked towards the hall,

This monk,

Walked to the side hall,

Dao Fa urges,

The hall opens,

In the main hall,

There is profoundness, and there is a cultivator seat on the side,

There are three hundred seats,

This mystery, like a thousand fire,


"This is Xuanhuo?"

The real volcano said,

The monk rolled his eyes,

"Xuan Huo? The cultivator here can't stop a fluctuation."


In the formation, the monk stepped out of the formation,

Dao Fa urges,



While he was enlightened, he tried his best to urge the formation,

After a long time,

The cultivator of the **** urged the formation,

Thousands of miles of thunder and fire passed,

Wan Lei rang,

The rule-fusion monk watched,

These rules blend the monks,

Dao Fa is fully urged,

But it is far inferior to these transformation **** monks.

"It's just to comprehend Taoism,

These monks of the gods,

With such power! "

Yo this monk in red armor said,

"The ancient mystery here is the most profound,

look here,

It was originally a training place for ancient monks,

Taoist cultivation is profound,

Learn more here. "

"Hushen cultivating always urges Dao Fa,

It's like a river running three hundred miles wide and thirty thousand miles long,

Rule fusion monks urge Dao Fa,

It is three miles wide and a thousand miles long. "

The monk of Rules said with emotion.

The Taoist method of the god-transforming monk, the formation is more powerful,

After the day,


Turned into thousands of thunder and fire,

Profound magic power,

Going around the ancient mystery,

Ten days,

For the rule-fusion monks,


this day,

The monk came over,

Rule fusion monk,

Daofa accepted,

Arched his hand to this monk,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding to the outside of the hall,

"Ten days have passed, and the cultivators of the gods urged Dao Fa,

Similar to the more powerful level, the magic circle urges Dao Fa. "

The rule fusion monk said,

"With the cultivator of the gods, the Dao Fa is the most mysterious.

The universe manifested, 130,000 miles. "

This person is Tan Hong.

"I have ten thousand years of medicinal materials here,

Can you comprehend for a few days. "

Tan Hong said,

This said,

The monk nodded,

"This ten thousand-foot stone plane,

Planting medicinal materials is quite common.

Take a look at Wannian medicinal materials. "

This said,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

Mountain-like herbs,

Appeared in the lobby,

This monk Taoism urges,

Take some herbs and eat,

Dao Fa urges,

this time,

After a long time,

This monk, looking at some herbs,

These medicinal materials, nine thousand years old,

Thirty each,

it's here,

Can comprehend for three days. "

this is,

On the edge of the Huashen monk,

Zhentian real person, volcano real person,

Take out the respective herbs,

The monk looked,

"You take out the medicinal materials,

Far less mysterious than this man,

Bring me some herbs,

Can comprehend for a long time. "

These monks have been here for ten days,

Can comprehend for a long time,

Taoism improves,

It's a lot,


This monk collected the medicinal materials,

The disciple of the god-transforming monk,

Dao Fa urges,


Three days passed,

Tan Hong collects power,


Arched his hand to this monk,

Out of the main hall,

Speeding past the passage,


Dao Fa urges,

Thousands of swords shot,

After a long time, I left the adventure place,

At this time, Zhentian real person, Volcano real person,

come over,

"Go to Fangshi, and practice this time."

Tan Hong said,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards Fangshi Zhongbieyuan,

In the other courtyard,


Dao Fa urges and cultivates,

After three years,

Tan Hong, the real person of Zhentian~www.wuxiaspot.com~the real person of Volcano,

This is the end of the work,

At this time,

A preliminary understanding of the ancient mysterious,

Sanhua God,

I feel almost.

Take out their respective books,

Dao Fa urges,

Towards the writing on the Taoist book,

What is written is the structure of thousands of strokes!

After thirty days,

Monk of Sanhua God,

Write this insight.

"This harvest is not bad."

Said the real volcano. (To be continued...)

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