Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3563: Stronger beads

This monk used three magic weapons,

This blocked the thunder,

At this time, there was a thunderous explosion on the side. .

The heavy armored monk who came with this monk,

The shield in hand and these monks,

Being bombarded by flying lightning, the tens of thousands of mountains burst open.

Shields and battle armor splashed past.

Immediately turned into a huge fireball,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

The monk who followed this monk,

Less than half,

At this time,

"God transforming power."

The monk said.

This monk, Dao Fa urges,

Speeding past the passage,

Tan Hong Dao Fa reminded,

The super plane communication array is urged,

After a long time,

Commissioner Qian showed,

"Here is a nice bead."

Tan Hong said,

The pearl in the pond appeared,

Talked to Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"I'll come over."

"This cultivation is profound and profound."

Zhentian said,

Looking at Chairman Qian Daofa,

It is more mysterious than Tanhong Taoism,

Arched his hand towards Tan Hong,

"I'm back to the plane of sword fighting."

This baby belongs to Tan Hong,

Called a master to come,

Tan Hong nodded.

Shaking innocent humanitarian law urged,

Out of the channel,

In an instant, on the surface of the Ten Thousand Volcano Plane,

Release the spaceship out,

In the spaceship,

Dao Fa urges,

The flying fleet flew toward the plane of sword fighting,

At this time. Sword Fighting Plane General Hall.

There are flying ships. Dao Fa urges, like lightning,

Speeding over here,

The spaceship is wide and gorgeous,

There are monks standing, looking at the universe outside,

Dao Fa urges.

Real-life images of the volcano show,

"A magic weapon has emerged from the Ten Thousand Volcano Plane,

come and see. "

The monk said,

It is the Master of the Plane General Hall,

After three days,

The main hall of the plane has arrived on the plane of ten thousand volcanoes,

In the building complex,

Three hundred monks walked out,

Arched his hands towards the master of the plane's main hall,

"See the Lord."

The lord nodded. Walk towards the building,

Arrived in the hall.

Dao Fa urges,

Thousands of miles deep in the plane,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

Like an extra plane,

There is the universe above and mountains and rivers below,

The Dao Fa in the hall urged,

Around this face-like formation,

And the formation around,


Sound like a huge thunder.

"Strong array."

The Master of the Plane General Temple said,

Out of the main hall,

Dao Fa urges,

Ten thousand miles of volcanoes surround,

The plane mountains are three feet away from the volcano,

Separate to the side,

Thousands of miles deep into the plane,

Mercedes past,

Half a cup of tea,

The Master of the Plane General Hall arrived in front of the formation,

At this time,

Tan Hong urged Dao Fa,

Surround here,

It has a radius of five hundred miles.

Here can produce the treasure of World Pearl,

The mystery of the plane here,

Tan Hong enlightened,

"Hey baby, let me see."

The main hall of the plane said,

At this time, Tan Hong's voice came over,

"Hallmaster is here."


From the mountains and rivers of the universe,

One person walked out.

"Red Iron Mountain Lord Tan Hong?"

The Master of the Plane General Temple said,

"I heard that Tan Hong cultivated God,

Don't know how to do it? "

This said,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

Surrounded by thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Very mysterious,

The Master of the Plane Palace looked at,

His face changed,

"Xuanxuan cultivation base?"

Master of the Plane General Temple,

The cultivation base has embarked on the refining profound technique cultivation base,

Profound power, volcano real person, trembling real person,

The cultivation base is higher,

At this time,

Watching Tan Hong urge Dao Fa,

Tan Hong’s magical powers,

The lord of the plane's main hall felt mysterious.

"Not bad."

Tan Hong said,

Dao Fa reminds,

Thousands of mountains and rivers in the universe, gathering flying swords in their hands,

Flying sword turned into flames,

But there are thousands of miles,

Very mysterious.

The sword tactics urged, flew towards the surface of the sword fighting plane,

The main hall of the plane urged the host,

Thousands of volcanoes surround,

Fly toward the surface of Ten Thousand Volcanoes.

It is a hundred miles away from Tanhong.

Tan Hong Jian Jue reminds me,

Slashed hundreds of miles in an instant,

Slash towards the main hall master,

Dao Fa urged by the main hall of the plane,

Wanli volcano, flying swords gathered in his hand,

On the flying sword,

Showing thousands of miles of volcanoes,

During the adventure of Jin Guo Zhi Ying, Commissioner Qian,

The masters I saw were different.

There are not many rivers and ordinary plants in Wanli volcanoes.

Still dominated by violent volcanoes,

Unlike the master craftsmen,

Wanli volcano triggered,

But there are river flowers,

And the flying sword in Tan Hong's hand,

Xuan'ao Mountains and Rivers and Wanli Volcano shot wildly.

Mana of the main hall,

Much stronger than the real volcano.

In less than ten moments,

Fight three hundred swords.

Tan Hong and the main hall master urged Dao Fa,

Ten thousand seats each burst.

The master of the main hall can get all kinds of mysterious Taoism,

Still somewhat mysterious.

The head of the main hall retreated ten feet,

Ten zhang, for the cultivator who refines Xuan Fa Hua Shen,

It's just a step,


Such high monks fought,

The main hall master is at a disadvantage,

The head of the main hall turned his face,

A warhammer appeared in his hand,

Dao Fa urges,

Bounced towards Tan Hong,

This warhammer is really like ten thousand volcanoes,


Bounced towards Tan Hong,

As if shaking the entire sky.

Tan Hong showed a shield in his hand,

Dao Fa urges,

Showing thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Very mysterious,

Blasted towards this warhammer,

Wanli mountains and tens of thousands of volcanoes blast,


Like a thunderous roar.

The lord of the main hall urged the warhammer,

Bounced suddenly thirty feet,

Urge Wanzhong Hongshan,

Three thousand bursts.

The main hall master refines magic weapons,

And Tan Hong refining magic weapons,

The gap is even greater.

This magic weapon is banging,

Dao Fa urged by the main hall,

Collect the magic weapon,

Speeding toward the building,

In the building,

Got on the airship,

Dao Fa reminds,

Towards the plane of sword fighting,

Speeding past like lightning.

After ten days,

The plane of Ruixian,

Commissioner Qian went to Xiadian,

Dao Fa urges,

Hyperplane Teleportation Array urges to send,

After a long time,

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the plane teleportation array,


Is Red Iron Mountain,

Dao Fa urges,

Commissioner Qian came to the plane of sword fighting.

Dao Fa urges,

The spaceship showed up,

Commissioner Qian got on the airship,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward the plane of ten thousand volcanoes.

Commissioner Qian’s flying ship,

It was lightning fast.

Less than three days,

Thousands of miles deep in the plane of ten thousand volcanoes,

Commissioner Qian came over,

Walked towards the thousands of miles of mountains,

Stepped on,

To the waterhole.

Commissioner Qian went around this pearl,

After watching for a long time,

Tan Hong said,

"how is it?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"More powerful than the world pearl,

However, it is more difficult to refine. "


The three World Beads that Chairman Qian has already urged to issue,

Grabbed it towards this bead.

Three World Jewels, the mana of Qian Yuan,

This bead slowly rises,

Seeing this world pearl,

Received in the gods,

Commissioner Qian’s mana, three world beads mana,

Can't move this bead a little,

"These three world beads, absorb and refine

Enough plane mysterious,

Can achieve such a power~www.wuxiaspot.com~Chairman Qian said,

"This pearl may have refined enough plane mana,

Cosmic mana,

It is so powerful. "

This said,

Dao Fa urges,

Began to refine this bead,

Tan Hong is urged by Taoism,

Mysterious on the plane of ten thousand volcanoes,

Converging towards the Zhoutian Great Array,

In the Zhoutian Great Array,

The mystery of the plane has changed extremely. (To be continued...)

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