Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3569: War monster



Dao Fa urges,

All kinds of plants in the mountains,

In this monk's palace,

Flashing like lightning,

The plants flashed in the sacred mansion of the cultivating monk,

Showing various mysteries,

Such a big deduction,

Most of the day,

The mind of the monk

But it extends five hundred miles toward the mountain,


The medicinal materials cannot be detected,

The monster rushed over from the mountain,

Three hundred,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Over these monsters,

The mysterious flames appeared,

In an instant,


These monsters are refined,

Commissioner Qian knew that three thousand miles away,

There is a valley with monks in the temple,

Need medicinal materials, talking,

"Three thousand miles away from here, there is a hall that needs medicinal materials.

However, it's not the medicinal materials collected here. "

These monsters run around,

To produce everywhere,

There are quite a few probes.

With that, Dao Fa urged,

Speeding three thousand miles away,

Three thousand miles away,

There is a mountain col,

Falling towards the col,

Surrounded by formations,

Dao Fa urges,

The chairperson urged the formation of Leifa,

Thunder flashed past,


Thunder fire rushed three thousand feet!

This thunder, the formation blasted away,

Inside the formation.

Many monks walked.

Planting medicinal materials.

Seeing this thunder come,

This thunder blasted the formation away,

Here, fighting the monks outside,

Has a formation,

Can resist for ten days,

Seeing these monks walk over,

Guard not far away.

Dao Fa urges,

A hundred guards rushed over,

Tan Hong threw a fist,

There are thousands of mountains on the fist, and there are thousands of fires on the mountains.

A hundred guards were blasted out,

Madly blasted into the formation,

There was thunder on the formation,

Around these monks,

Boom like a huge thunder.

Monk Huashen walked here.

Dao Fa urges,

Collect this medicinal material.

Dao Fa urges. Flew towards the distance,

To the distant mountains,

Shaking innocent humanitarian law urged,

Bring out the wine and food,

The cultivator was eating and drinking.

After eating and drinking for a long time,

"Here, it's been thirty days, received medicinal materials,

Only this one. "

The chairman said,

"Old money, you said,

There is a huge beast here,

Look at the behemoth. "

Zhentian said,

The cultivator is here,

It has been thirty days,

These medicinal materials are difficult to harvest,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

After the cultivator had finished the banquet,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the distance,

The Taoism of the Transcendent Monk is urged,

The escape method swept across the entire sky.

After a long time,

Flew thirty thousand miles,


In the escape method,

Commissioner Qian said to the mountain.

Chairman Dao Fa urged,

Strong fluctuations,

Blasted towards the mountain,

At this time,

There are monks on the mountain,

Ran towards the hall,

After tea time,

In the main hall,

Only then came out of the monk,

The middle-aged man looks indifferent and majestic.

It was the monk who was at war with the Chief Qian.

Dao Fa urges,

Xuan'ao rushed into the sky.

Looking towards Committee Member Qian,

"This time, a lot of gods have come."


How powerful is it,

"Come here and see where these materials are."

Commissioner Qian said,

Dao Fa urges,

Showing that the main hall needs medicinal materials,

"These medicinal materials, five thousand years old, this one has relatively few noodles."

The monk said.

Commissioner Qian waved,

It showed medicinal herbs like mountains on the side,

On the side of the medicinal material, there is a mysterious saying about it,

"Look, these medicinal materials, which are more than five thousand years old, are suitable?"

This said,

The monk looked at these herbs,

After watching for a long time,

After talking about thirty herbs,

"Take these medicinal materials over and take a look."

Commissioner Qian waved,

These medicinal materials fly over,

This monk, took these herbs and ate them,

Dao Fa urges it to be triggered, and it is very mysterious,

Chairman of the Frontier Plane Committee,

Zhentian, Tan Hong looked at Daofa,

His eyes are like thunder and fire rolling by,

This monk has a high cultivation base.

After ten days,

The monk nodded,

"I have some of the medicinal materials you took out,

It's far inferior to you taking out these herbs,

So, these medicinal materials, take three hundred pills,

I will give you some flowers, grass and some materials. "

The monk said,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

The monk returned to the main hall,

come out,

Holding some flowers, materials,

This flower and this grass are just the materials needed by the hall,

However, these materials,

This monk brought out very little,

Commissioner Qian grows medicinal materials,

It showed that the mysterious is coming.

"These materials are very small."

The chairman said,

The monk looked at the chairman,

"These materials are more difficult to harvest than these flowers and grasses.

Not inferior to the legendary level material on the ordinary plane.

Go to a canyon, you can get this material,

However, there are strong ones there. "

The monk said,

This monk is a strong one.

Saying that there are strong people there.


This monk Taoism urges,

Speeding towards the hall,

Member Qian, Chairman, Tan Hong, Zhentian Zhenren,

Evacuate to urge, look towards the other party,

long time,

The chairman said,

"The Four Gods are here,

Where not to go? "

Zhentian nodded,

"Mountains that produce precious materials,

There are still relatively few guards from the strong. "

"With these transforming gods, ordinary Void Returning cultivators can fight."

Tan Hong said,

At this time, these cultivators,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the distance,

Ten thousand feet of mountains, deeper canyons,

The cultivator of God, Dao Fa urges,

The mysterious magic circle lingers,

Speeding towards the mountains,


Out of the mountains, monsters rushed out,

Slashing towards the lightning, towards the cultivator of the **** transformation,

The real thunder fire urged the sky,

Blow on these monsters,

Thunder fire exploded wildly,

Zhentian thought,

These thirty monsters,

Being bombarded by this thunder,

Turned into blood and blood splashing in the sky,

The monster is powerful, how can it be compared with the Taoism of the god-transforming monk,

Thunder exploded,

The flesh and blood of these monsters splashed,

Shouting wildly,

I caught the Huashen monk urging him on the mountains,

The cultivator of the gods urged Dao Fa,

Being swung by these monsters, like a huge thunder,

Caught the past,

The rocks splashed and flew towards these monsters,

It turned into a huge thunder and exploded,

"Boom, boom, boom----"

With monsters,

Three waves of thunder exploded,

This monster flashed away,

Beside the cultivator,

Three hundred feet of thunder fire blasted to the sky,

These monsters that come forward,

This is just broken.

"These are just ordinary monsters, so powerful?"

Walking towards the gorge, the cultivator of God,

Even Commissioner Qian’s face changed.

After thirty miles,

"Huh, huh, huh----"

There are monsters rushing out of the canyon,

Pounced at these monks,

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

Beside these monsters,

Showing the mountains,

On the mountains, the mysterious Taoism is released,

The monster stopped,

Dao Fa urges,

Spit out flames,

Grabbing toward these mountains,

Thirty monsters,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

Less than half a day,

Break through most of these mountains.

Tan Hong Dao Fa urged,

Turned into ten thousand swords,

Slash towards these monsters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wanjian urged,

These monsters screamed,

There was a sudden explosion.


On the mountains in the distance,

A flash of escape,

Booming on the mountain,


The mountains burst thirty times,

The sword art flashed on the mountains,

This figure went to the distance. (To be continued...)



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