Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3580: Ordinary adventure

The flame urges,

Adventure team Dao Fa urges,

The formation made a roar like a huge thunder. ++++

The volcanic minefield method urged,

Thousands of miles in the volcano, blasting against the burning flames,

Thousands of miles of mountains,

Thunder was flying,

Comparable with this flame Taoism,

From the opinion of Chairman Qian,

The volcanic thunder method surpasses this flame method.

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Xuan'ao releases,

The flames hovered towards the mountains,

The mountains seemed to be surrounded by ripples.

Walked through three mountains,


Three guards appeared in the flames,

Dao Fa urges,

The sword tactics swept thousands of miles,

Slashed towards Commissioner Qian,

This sword came out,

The sword art is like electricity, blasting these three swords,

In the thunderous roar,

These guards retreated ten feet,

Like being bombarded by a huge thunder,

There was a huge shock and blood spurted out,

This is how Tao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the distance,

Commissioner Qian, volcano mine, adventure team formation,

To the mountains,

Seeing people practicing in the mountains,

There are so many changes,

Three hundred silhouettes,

It seems to have boundless mystery.

Formation monk, immediately urged by spirit,

Feeling towards this cultivating figure,

"Being here, I have gained something,

If you don't have old money,

These three guards,

I fought with that formation for a long time. "

Volcano Lei said.

Dao Fa urges.

Feeling towards the figure on the rock wall.

Member Qian Dao Fa urged.

Less than half a day,

Commissioner Qian urged Dao Fa,

Show the figure, urging the mysterious,

Ten days passed,

Volcano mine, the adventure team cultivator watched,

Commissioner Qian urged Dao Fa.

Three thousand monks appeared,

Each urges Dao Fa,

Three thousand monks, each with its own mystery,

After thirty days,

Three thousand monks, a combination of Dao and Fa,

Commissioner Qian urged Dao Fa, showing the profound mystery,

In an instant.

As if rushing to the sky.

Commissioner Qian originally deduced that mysterious fusion and rules fusion.

Inferred by myself,

I have been here for thirty days and have a greater understanding of the fusion of the profound and the rules.

At this moment, looking at the monk nearby,

The monks in the formation can only comprehend for three days,

Volcanic thunder, but for six days of comprehension,

At this time,

On the edge of the fire, showing the formation,

The formation urges, galloping over here,

In the flames,

A thunderous sword technique,

Blast towards this formation,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

The formation burst out thousands of thunder and fire,

All thunder and fire,

Burst out three hundred feet,

Still the three guards,

Less than half a tea time,

This formation, retreat to the edge of the fire,

To the overcoming passage,

Array around,

Showing thirty monks,

Looking at Commissioner Qian, Volcano Thunder, Adventure Team,

On which mountain to enlighten,

"There were monks on that mountain.

Can understand a lot. "

These monks said,

Seeing this commissioner, the volcano mine, the adventure team,

Speeding up the mountains further away,

But flying three hundred miles,

The volcano mine releases magic weapons,

This flame is more powerful,

Monks in the formation,

Said to the volcano mine,

"This flame is powerful."

At this time, the mountains in the formation,

Being bombarded by this flame, burst open.

Volcano Lei said,

"They have adventure treasures.

These monks, in these ancient adventure places,

It's been 300 years. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Towards this formation,

Reached out and grabbed at this flame,

Thousands of flames gathered in the hands of Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian Xuan Ao issued,

These thousands of flames,

Refined by these flames,

Turned into flowers, but thirtyfold,

Let go towards this formation,

The flowers fly above this formation,

Release thousands of mysteries,

The formation is moving forward,

Past the flames,

At this time,

The volcano mine released a magic treasure,

This will block the flame,

Volcano Lei said to Commissioner Qian,

"Just now the figure on the rock wall,

Have an insight into the fusion of rules,

Go inside and venture out,

There is a bit of Taoism, but a magic weapon can be obtained...

Here, the Taoism is not worse than the **** battle in the depths of the wasteland. "

Bloody battle in the depths of the wasteland,

Monks of the level of volcano mine all urge the formation of formations,

At this time,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

The six rules of volcano mine are fused,

But some deduction.

There is a courtyard in front,

It seems,

But ordinary,

There is a road, passing there,

On the road,

But there is a gathering of thunder and fire,

It seems that there are thousands of miles.

This thunder fire appeared,

Adventure team, volcano mine,

Discoloration of the face,

Member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Showing thousands of miles of mountains,

Very mysterious,

Walked towards this road,

Volcano mine, the adventure team followed,

Loud rumbling noise,

A huge thunder blasted over,

Over three thousand miles in an instant,

Chong Dao Qiang urged the tens of thousands of miles of mountains,

Commissioner Qian urged thousands of miles of mountains,

There are a dozen mountains,

Burst out,

This huge thunder blasted over,

It turned into thousands of thunder and fire,

These thousands of thunder and fire,

It slammed into the thunderbolt of Qian’s Committee,

But shooting Mars,

After ten steps,

A huge thunder blasted over.

This huge thunder blasted over.

Volcano Thunder is dark and serious.

This thunder is far more than the thunder and fire of transforming the gods,

Volcano Thunder has cultivated to this level,

Masters have survived the God-Transforming Heaven Tribulation, have seen,

After a hundred steps,

A huge thunder blasted away,

Here comes here.

Commissioner Qian urged the tens of thousands of miles of mountains,

Wanli Shanhua,

All kinds of colors are transformed in an instant,

The flame burned thousands of times,

This is the huge thunder that blasted over,

Commissioner Qian urged Dao Fa to be refined.

The thunder fire rushed up,

But rushed to three hundred feet,

"Such a huge thunder, on the plane,

It can be thunder and fire 30,000 feet.

It slammed into Committee Member Qian’s urging Dao Fa,

But three hundred feet of thunder fire.

Dao Fa mysterious. "

Adventure team monk,

Looking at the Giant Thunder Dao Fa,

Like the legend,

Volcano Thunder saw that Commissioner Qian’s level of Dharma was very mysterious.

This passage, but three miles,

There are ten thunders,

Walking through this passage,

Before arriving at the other yard,

Adventure team monk,

Bring out the magic weapon,

Dao Fa urges,

This magic weapon shows mystery,

Release towards this other courtyard,

After a long time,

The other courtyard opened,

Showing a table,

There was a monk sitting at the table,

Said to these monks,


These monks sat in the other courtyard,

The monk waved,

Everyone, bring more tea,

The monk looked at it, deep and mysterious,


The monk who came here,

Commissioner Qian, volcano mine, adventure team monk,

After drinking this tea,

The monk nodded and waved,

Next to the courtyard,

Showed the medicine garden,

The monk looked,

Next to this medicine garden,

Are all Wannian medicinal materials,

There are various precious medicinal materials,

"Here, there were three ways to block me.

Come over with this magic weapon,

There are Taoist books, magic weapons, medicinal materials,

You can choose one from them. "

The monk said,


Volcano Lei said,

"Book of elections."

The adventure team monk talked for a long time,

"Book of elections."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Choose and refine the profound magic power to return to the void."

This said,

The volcano mine was stunned: "Return to Void------

Old Qian, you have cultivated to this level. "

Commissioner Qian said to the cultivator of the adventure team,

"If I don't urge Dao Fa,

This repair is,

Can't get here. "

This adventure looked at the monk and nodded.

The monk looked at Commissioner Qian,

"Refining profound magic power, the cultivation is good."


Dao Fa urges,

Show this book,

"The content inside,

Refining mysterious magic power suitable for your cultivation,

It can be read ten times. "


Commissioner Qian said,

To the side of this law,

After watching for a long time,

Dao Fa reminds,

The world bead mana force is fully urged,

Flip through this book,

This time, Commissioner Qian moved towards the Dao Fa,

It’s flipping through five pages of Taoism,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

After half a day,

Commissioner Qian read this law,

Dao Fa urges, turn to Dao Fa,

This time, Commissioner Qian read less Dao Fa.

After half a day,

Dao Fa is fully urged,

Still flipping through this book,

After reading it ten times,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Five magic weapons were released,

Like a river of mana,

Blasted towards Committee Member Qian,

Dao Fa urges,

The monk on the side watched,

Commissioner Qian urged the law,

Like thousands of miles of mountains,


In the loud noise,

Tao Fa opened,

This time, Commissioner Qian read more than half of the Fa books.

"Not bad baby."

The monk nodded,

Received the Dao Fa books,

Dao Fa urges,

Commissioner Qian, this adventure team monk, Volcano Thunder,

I'm out of the mountains,

At this time,

Commissioner Qian said,

"Volcano Thunder, let me tell you about the six rules of fusion of Taoism."

Said three thousand words,

Volcano Thunder handed over,

"I got a lot of books about rules and fusion,

Commissioner Qian said this time,

The six rules merge,

This can be improved.

Commissioner Qian said this time,

The six rules merge,

Can be increased to half. "


Walk towards the adventurous pair,

In Red Wolf Town,

Adventures in various planes,

Volcano mine participated a lot,

The mystery rules that I got merged with Taoism,

There are many Taoist books that are not far from the level of the **** of transformation,

I've got volcano mines and skyrocket mines,

Practicing, the six rules merge,

It's all very slow.

After talking for a long time,

Take out three books of rules and Taoism, one hundred pills,

"This rule of law, the standard is relatively high.

This adventure team monk can apply these three rules,

Cultivation to a relatively high level, ordinary Yuanying Flower God is a master. "

The volcano mine said to the cultivator of the adventure team,

The standard of Taoism is not high,

The rules are integrated, and it is even more difficult to practice.

These monks said,

Can get three books,

Every monk in the adventure team can practice,

Not bad,

"Rule Dao Fa practiced to a higher level,

Come here,

Many monks,

But after comprehending the Taoism on the rock wall,

It can be said to be a master. "

The adventure team monk said,

Good harvest for this.

Adventure team Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the distance,

"Old money, go to the middle seat in Fang City."

Volcano Lei said,

On the edge of this mountain,

There are many shops,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew thousands of miles in an instant,

Arrived in Zuofang City.

The volcano thunder walked towards the best restaurant here,

When I arrived at the restaurant,

The waiter came,

Volcano Lei said:

"The best wine and food here."

The waiter nodded,

After a long time,

The best wine and food here,

Set the table~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Huo Lei talked to Commissioner Qian,

"Compared with Wanlishan Temple,

This is suitable for self-cultivation. "

Volcano Lei said,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Temple of Wanlishan, deducing the mystery of the formation,

When it comes to the formation, the various adventure places of the Wanlishan Temple,

A master on the transformation of God. "

Eating wine and food,

Speaking of an adventure place on the Bao Lei plane, (to be continued...)



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