Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3582: Good harvest

Talking, standing,

A flying sword appeared in his hand,

For these ancient adventurers,

The ordinary **** cultivator came over,

There is no need to take out the flying sword.

Able to take out the flying sword,

For Commissioner Qian,

This person,

Take Qian as a viable opponent,

Commissioner Qian Jianjue urged,

Slash towards this person,

The flying sword in this person's hand urged the hair

Beheaded towards Commissioner Qian,


And the flying sword in the hands of Commissioner Qian,

Member Qian’s flying sword released Wan Zhongshan,

Wan Chongshan burst out,

Commissioner Qian’s flying sword released thousands of rivers,

Thousands of great rivers burst, like,

Commissioner Qian Feijian,

Release a huge thunder,

Ten thousand thunders,

Burst out,

Like a normal flame and

Burst out,

But power,

"Boom Rumble"

In the loud noise,

Commissioner Qian retired,

Retreat to the edge of the main hall,

This will stand firm.

"Bùcuò, can block my sword,

Not being beaten out of the main hall, but returning to the void. "

The monk said,

Commissioner Qian Xiuwei,

From this monk's point of view,

But it can be practiced to return to the void,

The monk waved, in the hall,

Show the Taoism,

The monk said:

"The Dao Fa book on the very end, you can take the whole book,

Middle. You can turn it ten times.

The innermost. Can be turned three times,

However, this innermost one,

You can't open it. "

Commissioner Qian said, "What is the level of Dharma at the innermost level."

This said,

The monk said, "The innermost Taoism, the level of the monk who crosses the catastrophe."

This said.

This ancient adventure place is at the level of Bùcuò.

The fairy palace is hard to find,

Commissioner Qian’s World Pearl Mana urged,

Saying: "Look through the innermost book."

The monk looked at Commissioner Qian.


Commissioner Qian went to Dao Fa,

Mana urges,

Turn over to this law,

Like flipping through a giant mountain,

"Rumbled" loudly.

This method is opened, but a cup of tea.

And before reading the book on crossing the road. A lot easier,

Commissioner Qian said,

Dao Fa urges,

Turning to the Dao Fa,

This time I turned over more Dharma books,

Amidst the loud noise,

After half a day,

Commissioner Qian opened up this law,

Flipped through three times,

Commissioner Qian opened up a lot of Taoism,

The monk nodded: "The magic weapon Bùcuò."

Commissioner Qian gave his hand to the monk,

Dao Fa urges,

Towards the outside of the formation, rushed past like lightning.

Come here like ten thousand mountains,

Dao Fa urges, "Huh"

Lightning, out of the formation,

In front of me is a three-hundred-zhang plant extending far away,

This time Bùcuò,

Commissioner Qian was sitting,

Dao Fa urges the issuance, luck for a long time,

This is how Tao Fa urges,

Leap towards the distance,

Harvested Bùcuò,

This harvest, and the Qian’s Committee, the shadow of Jin Guo, originally

Compared with the Dao Fa,

Can be three,


Commissioner Qian flew to a plant,

Seeing a three-foot-high plant growing on the mountain,

With fruit,

This is a precious plant, there are in ancient books,

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo Zhiying Manor do not have it,

Commissioner Qian leaped towards the plant,


Giant thunder, with flying swords,

Slashed towards Commissioner Qian,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,


This thunderous sword,

Boom up to the mountains, a distance from the mountains,

In a bang,

Thunder fire rushed to thirty feet,

The mountains do not move,

The sword art was closed, showing a monk.

"Where are the adventurers."

The monk shouted,

This one has been around for five thousand years,

Natural growth is more precious.

Commissioner Qian waved,

This person urged thousands of miles of mountains,

Wanli Mountain and this monk flew towards the distance suddenly,

There was a thunderous noise.

Commissioner Qian is looking for some precious plants here, Bùcuò,

Dao Fa urges, leap towards the distance,

Flew thousands of miles,

On the mountains, there are rock walls,

There are thousands of monks here,

Ordinary monk. On the rock wall, there are exercises,

Commissioner Qian is here,

Looking towards the rock wall,

Commissioner Qian urged the tens of thousands of miles of mountains,

A monk appeared, deducing this technique,

After three days,

Commissioner Qian urged the tens of thousands of miles of mountains,

Thousands of monks appeared, deducing this technique,

The monk on the side looked at him, "Appear."

Thirty days passed,

Burst urges.

Outside the mountains, three thousand monks appeared,

"This harvest, get some medicinal materials."

The monk said,

"This time I went to the rock wall to comprehend the exercises.

The fusion of profound and mysterious has improved a lot. "


Walk towards the middle of the city,

When we arrived in the city, the wine and food were delivered,

The monk was eating wine and food,

"This time the adventure appears,

This mountain has the adventure of Bùcuò? "

Commissioner Qian said.

"This mountain appears, and there is still a Bùcuò adventure place."

Eating and drinking, talking about this noodle adventure.

After eating the feast,

Commissioner Qian is walking in this city,

Looking at Fangshi,

Commissioner Qian went outside Fang City,

Dao Fa urges,

Release the other hospital. In the other courtyard.

Take out the Dao Fa obtained this time. Comprehend.

Commissioner Qian and Jin Guozhiying deduced Dao Fa,

Commissioner Qian could not cultivate himself.

Cultivation as the shadow of the golden fruit, Kěnéng practice three,

Can't practice,

in this way,

Commissioner Qian doesn’t need to deduct immediately,

Look here. There is Bùcuò adventurous place,

Go here to see,

Commissioner Qian practiced here for the New Year,

The exercises on the rock wall,

Commissioner Qian deduced a lot,

This came out,

Walk towards the middle of the city,

At this time, in the market,

There are stalls and monks everywhere.

"Take it from the Ancient Adventure,

It's not that the rules are not changed. "

A monk said.

In the city, there are monks everywhere shouting,

However, there are not many ways to change the rules,

Monks on ordinary planes,

After practicing the rules and Dao Fa, the level of Yuan Ying is up.

Commissioner Qian walked over,

At this time,

In front of the booth, people circled around.

There are magic weapons on it,

"Looking at the magic weapon, the rule monk uses the magic weapon,

Similar to this magic weapon,

It's not bad to change this rule. "

The stall owner said,

The stall owner has five monks,

"Rule Dao Fa, Yuan Ying monk practice,

After practicing, master,

This magic weapon,

It is comparable to rules and Taoism. "

A monk on the side said,

"Take this rule and doctrine, baby in this stall,

Optional three pieces.

This is a thousand-year adventure to this point of ancient adventure. "

These monks said,

Commissioner Qian watched for half a year,

Here is the baby Bùcuò,

Come up with this Taoism,

The rule of law, the most common,

To the past,

"Look, how?"

These monks looked,

"Bùcuò, with this method,

You can practice rules and Taoism. "

The rules are practiced,

These monks can be deduced,

Commissioner Qian took the magic weapon the monk said,

From this booth,

A total of three Bùcuò magic weapons were selected,

Then I walked towards the distance,

After five years,

Commissioner Qian has deduced a lot of this law.

this day,

Many monks gathered in the square city,

"There is an ancient adventure place."

At this time,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa to accept it.

Five years of cultivation, but slightly improved,

Walk towards the middle of the city,

When we arrived in the city,

The monk said,

"This time the adventurous place appears, which is more mysterious."

They said,

"This time the adventure is still three hundred years old.

However, there is no Taoist book, there are hundreds of days,

If you want to comprehend Taoism, comprehend it yourself. "

These monks said,

"This time, I can only go by urging the formation."

The monk said,

Commissioner Qian listened,

This time, I went to the ancient adventure place,

Dao Fa is very powerful,

After ten days,

Many monks,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew towards the depths of the mountain,

Member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Flew towards the depths of the mountain,

Flew thousands of miles away,

The formations on the mountains show up,

The monks gathered towards the formation of foreign exchange,

At this moment

Outside the formation, there was an extremely powerful spirit,

To urge the monks of formation,

There was a thunderous roar from the formation,

There are monks,

Urge the formation, burst open,

The blood spurted out and retreated towards the distance,

"You don't have to come here if your cultivation base is poor,

This time it was to a distant plane. "

This spirit said,

This divine thought seemed far away, mysterious and mysterious.

At this time,

There is a formation, Dao Fa urges,

Flying towards the formation,

"Receive materials from a distant plane."

The monk came over and said,

Cultivation as a powerful monk,

This urges the formation,

Fly towards this ancient adventure place,

To this ancient adventure place,

The mysterious and mysterious voice came over,

"This time the material,

A master of transforming gods, urging godly thoughts,

The search distance is only thirty miles,

The cultivation base is not able to transform the **** monk,

Within three miles of this material,

Can be seen with divine mind. "


Some materials appeared in the ancient adventure place,

The monk at this ancient adventure place,

Spiritual urges,

These materials are really mysterious,

A monk said,

Only by urging the formation can we realize the difference in these materials,

Poor repair,

To urge spiritual thoughts,

This material cannot be detected at all.

At this time,

Plane urges,

Monk Taoism urged,

Flew towards the teleportation array,

Speeding for half a day,


The magma jets at a thousand feet high,

Blasted towards these monks,

Urged Dao Fa, formation,

The magma hit this formation, Dao,

There was a thunderous roar.

"Huh, huh, huh"

To the monk at the Ancient Adventure,

Flew out from the plane teleportation array,

"There are volcanoes everywhere"

A monk said,

Here, the mountains extend to the horizon,

Flame magma, extending to the horizon,

There are volcanoes everywhere,

"These materials, this face,

It's not easy to find a cultivator of God. "

These monks said,

Dao Fa urges,

Fly towards the edge of the volcano,

At this time,

There are monks,

Dao Fa urges,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers revolve,

In the magma, a piece of material was turned over,

"It's the material you're looking for."

The monk on the side said,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

This monk,

Master of rules fusion,

To urge the materials to urge spiritual thoughts and Taoism,

Detection distance,

But Sanli,

This sprayed magma on the side,

There is this material,

Commissioner Qian’s spirit urged Dao Fa,

Within thirty miles,

Magma, volcano,

When it came to the great committee member Qian, it appeared in the spirit,

Walking forward,

Three hundred miles away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wanli mountains and rivers revolve,

Thirty miles away on the volcano,

There is a piece of material,

Flew over to Commissioner Qian,

At this time,

There are monks walking far away,

It’s just going out a hundred miles,

The cultivator is a spiritual teacher,

Detect this material,

But far away,

There are huge thunderous volcanoes everywhere,

These monks,

Inspire Dao Fa, formation, step by step. (To be continued...)

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