Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3585: petal

"Three thousand years, can't reach the top of the mountain?"

Amidst the rumbling noise,

The adventurer, the **** monk,

The sword art urged, the monster burst open,

come over,

"The Taoism on the mountains is very powerful."

The guard in this level said,

At this time,

There are cultivators who come over,

It's the guard who shuts down here,

The standard here is still relatively strong.

The cultivator said,

These monks of the gods,

Rushed towards the top of the mountain,


The Taoism of the Transcendent Monk is urged,

Speeding towards the distance,

Rushed a hundred miles away,

A monster rushed over,

The cultivator's sword art urged to cut the past,

This monster thunder fire charged up,

Burst half of his body,

Still fleeing towards the distance,

The Sword Art of the Monk Huashen urged,

Thousands of miles of mountains, big rivers, thunder and fire,

Blasted towards these monsters,

Amidst the roar of the giant thunder board,

There was a scream not far away,

These monsters are quite powerful,

These rules blend the monks,

Urged the formation, the magic weapon was blown away,

With giant claws,

Passing through the monk's body like lightning,


The monster rushed on,

The formation blasted over,

Thousands of swords are urged,

The rushing behemoth waved its claws,

Thousands of swords burst open,

At this time,

On the side of the channel,

A mysterious figure appeared,


Adventurer. Ordinary monk in this level.

Urge Dao Fa.

Speeding over there,

"The figure on the rock wall is more mysterious.

This is pretty good to understand. "

Brother Guanli said,

The adventurer watched Hua Shen rushing towards the distance,

Dao Fa, the formation is fully urged,

Rushed towards the distance,

But rushed out thirty miles.

In the adventurer's urging formation,

It was like a huge thunder explosion.

Ordinary monk,

Adventurer, monk here.

And thunder,

It burst out loudly,

A dozen formations reached the side of the rock,

Prompt the sword tactics thunder fire, like burning the entire sky,

At this moment, rushed to the monster.

This is the thunder and fire of thousands of swords,

Make a tie.

At this time,

Monk Huashen rushed to the middle of the mountain,


Urge the formation, but the radius is thirty feet,

But there are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

A huge thunder blasted over,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers collapsed.

Transforming God Dao Fa, but blocking the thunder blasting over.

In the distance, on the rock face of the mountain,

There are mysterious figures,

Compared with the enlightenment of ordinary monks,

Much tougher,

However, the cultivator of God,

Still urges the magic circle,

Running wildly towards the top of the mountain.

The cultivator of the gods urged Dao Fa,

Thousands of miles of mountains exploded,

In the boulder splashing,

Thousands of miles of mountains suddenly appeared,

A huge thunder came from the crack,

The speed of the **** of transformation is slower,

The distance to the top of the mountain is relatively close,

At this time,

On the hilltop hall,

Growing flowers,

With flowers,

The petals are flying,

Flew towards the cultivator,

Monks of various gods,

But to a petal,

Adventurer Zhonghua,

This monk of Huashen Guanli,

Dao Fa urges,

Towards this petal,



Thunder fire blasted through thousands of miles of mountains in an instant,

Booming to the cultivator of God Huashen to urge Dao Fa,

"Boom Rumble"

There are four gods rushing up,

On the three gods,

Thunder burst out,

Fighting the monk with Commissioner Qian,

Burst of thunder,

But relatively few.

The God of Sanhua couldn't retreat by ten feet,

But his face was shocked,

Seeing Commissioner Qian and the petals blast,

In the thunderous roar,

The distance of retreat is less than these three cultivators,

Urge thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Boom with this petal,

There are still three thousand miles of mountains,

Thunder fire,

It is spinning.

"These stone patterns on the side are nice,

Can have a look. "

Talking to the cultivator of the **** of war with the Commissioner Qian,

These boulders,

Refining materials,

Used for planting medicinal materials, building materials for flower gardens,

These monks of the gods,

Each has a medicine garden,

The materials in these flower beds,

Are all built by waiters,

These cultivators disdain to look at it.

These materials here are mysterious like thousands of miles,

The cultivator said,

Urge Dao Fa,

And thunder and fire,

Walk towards the medicinal material garden,

To the flower garden,

A huge thunder came, a thunder,

Thousands of miles of mountains burst,

The cultivator urged to issue the shield,

Showed a pit,

The shield of the **** cultivator,

The refiner level is ordinary,

Refined by the method of the gods, it is very mysterious,

This thunder came,

The power is much less.

Dao Fa urges it to wind around these materials,

These materials,

Comparing with Qian Yuan, the refining materials of Golden Fruit Shadow,

Much tougher,


Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Walked towards the hall,

At this time,

With petals,

Flew over towards Committee Member Qian,

The petals are more vivid and mysterious,

Commissioner Qian tried his best to urge the issuance of the shield,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers appear,

Boom towards this petal,

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, Commissioner Qian urged three thousand miles of mountains and rivers,

Burst out loudly,

Commissioner Qian burst into thunder on his shield,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Blow over this petal,

Looks like petals,

Commissioner Qian’s heavy sword hit the petals,

Just like an ordinary monk blasted onto this huge mountain,

10 swords in a row,

The petals exploded,

Commissioner Qian Mana,

Rushing like a river of thousands of miles,

Commissioner Qian retired,

Compared with the three cultivators who have enlightened the flower garden,

Retreated further,

At this time,

With the petals, as fast as lightning,

Flew over to Commissioner Qian,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Blast towards the petals,

this time,

Commissioner Qian Feijian,

I can’t hit this petal,

It sputtered suddenly,

At this time, a figure appeared,

Open your hand towards the petals,

The petals flew toward this, swirling,

Like falling flowers,


Commissioner Qian said,

Looking at the monk,

This figure is misty,

Like an ordinary scribe.

this is not,

The strongest in the Immortal Palace of the Ruixian Plane,

Commissioner Qian gave his hand to this person,

"See my lord."

The man nodded,

Speaking to Commissioner Qian,

"Sit down in this hall."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Walked towards the hall,

The strongest person in the Immortal Palace on the Ruixian plane is everywhere,

Thunder is gone,

In the main hall,

With waiters,

In the hall, there are monks drinking tea,


In the Immortal Palace on the plane of Ruixian,

The strongest is here,

"This time it was just an ordinary plane.

Why come here. "

The strongest person on this Ruixian plane sits,

Let Commissioner Qian sit down,

The waiter serves tea,

Commissioner Qian drank,

"How about enlightenment?"

The monk said,

"The distance is really immortal, it doesn't look too far,

It is very far away. "

Really immortal.

Commissioner Qian’s eyes widened, 1


This tea is really good,

Said the strongest person on the Ruixian plane,

"Originally I came here and talked to you about the depths of the universe,

This person has a magic weapon, can open up the fairy law,

Let him open the fairy law,

Explore the depths of the universe with less effort. "

Said the strongest person on the Ruixian plane,

This monk,

I just looked over here,

"So it can be turned over"

Speaking of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I said those parts of the fairy law.

These powerhouses,

I have seen all kinds of magic weapons,

Can open the fairy calligraphy treasure,

For these monks,

But it’s pretty good,

The monk said,

Dao Fa urges,

In the fairy palace,

Show the fairy book,

He Ruixian plane fairy book,

Commissioner Qian has been to the fairy hall in the fairy book. (To be continued...)



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