Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3587: Dafeihuashen

Bloody battle against the wasteland mines,

Become harder,

Hundreds of days passed,

With formations, banging towards the rock wall,

"Boom----" Amidst the loud noise,

Thirty-zhang pit was opened on the rock wall,

The formation urged, and now the **** battle on the wasteland rock wall,

However, it is possible to open a pit with a radius of 30 feet.

The mine extends thirty miles,

Extending towards the larger mine,

This thunder blasted out,

"Mysterious lines."

The lines on the pit wall,

Became quite mysterious,

"I have been mining in this mine for three years,

Only then did you see the mysterious lines. "

The monk said, mining mysterious patterns,

May produce top grade rough stones,

At this time,

Strong and mysterious spirit,

Come over here,

Immediately, the formation came,

Dao Fa urges,

Blasted towards these monks,

Thousands of swords and thousands of thunder shots,

Formation urges,

Boom at the other side,

Thunder fire and thunder fire blew and exploded,

The entire mine is filled with this fireball,

The formation is against the bomb,

On the mine,

But there were some small holes,

far away,

Thousands of thunder and fire blasted toward this side,

Blasted at both sides of the war.

"Xuan'ao pattern, you won't see it for a hundred years."

Thousands of miles of mountains, formation urges.

Flying towards this side from the mine pit far away,


In the mine. The thunder fire kept detonating.

Dao Fa urges,

There are monks galloping over here,

Through the thunder and fire.

Blasted towards the formation.


Wan Lei is booming.

Thousands of thunder and fire appeared throughout the formation,

Toward the formation urges to shoot up the mountains.

The formation rolls along the pit,

Rolled out ten miles,


The whole formation exploded,

At this time, this monk's Taoism urged,

When it comes to the side formation,

The warhammer flicked.

Blasted into the formation,

This hammer blew past,

Thousands of thunder and fire immediately appeared on the formation,


Roll towards the distance,

The monk from the mining pit watched,

"This is an old money master,

This **** famine is less than a hundred years,

Taoism is so high,

There are masters of transformation in the Wasteland of Blood War,

Urge a single hammer.

Can't blast the entire formation. "


Commissioner Qian doesn't need to come here.

Formation urges,

Speeding towards the distance,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Blast towards this mine,

The huge thunder blasted towards the mine,

The huge thunder is like ten thousand mountains, but it is extremely mysterious.


The formation revealed a Baizhang mine,

The texture becomes more mysterious,

Commissioner Qian looked towards the mine,

Dao Fa urges,

Bounced towards the edge of the mine,

Blasted three mines in a row,

A rough stone appeared,

Committee member Qian Shijiezhu urged,

Urged towards this rough stone,

Not far from the top grade rough stones,

This rough stone has been harvested well this time.


Commissioner Qian collected the rough stone,

Turned around,

Looking into the distance,

At this time,

In the mine, a figure came over,

Step out,

It is as heavy as ten thousand mountains, but it is proud as a petal,

On the flying sword in his hand,

With thousands of miles of mountains and rivers rotating,

Stepping out and spinning with this person,

Extremely powerful,

Commissioner Qian,

Three hundred years ago, I fought in a mine pit for the emergence of mysterious patterns.

That time,

Fought three hundred swords,

"Dao Fa has improved a lot,

Refining profound magic power. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Yes, you three hundred years ago,

Refined profound magic power.

Try it today. "

This monk said,

To this Red Wolf Town,

Able to get a lot of plane adventures,


Able to mine mysterious rough stones,

Three hundred years have passed,

This person refined profound magic power,

Commissioner Qian shook his warhammer,

The opponent's swordsmanship urges,

Thousands of swords slashed over,


Like thousands of mountains,

Spinning in this pit,

Thousands of mountains, fast as lightning,

Commissioner Qian’s warhammer urged the rotation,

Boom over ten thousand swords,

Fight against this warhammer,

"Huh, huh, huh-----"

Wan Jian flew towards the rock wall,

Against the rock wall,

This detonated like a huge thunder,

This monk has cold eyes,

This person cultivated God to refine magic power

Sword Jue urges,

Ordinary plane mountains, Dao Sword Art can be shattered,

Banged against Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian did not rotate the warhammer,

Urge to issue ten thousand swords,

It is not a detonation.

Commissioner Qian’s warhammer flashed,

Bounced towards the monk,

This monk’s sword tactics urged

Slash towards this warhammer,


Thunder fire appeared on the warhammer,

With thunder and fire, it blasted from this man’s flying sword in an instant,

Blasted onto this man’s armor,

At this time,

This man flies a sword and urges Dao Fa,

Only then did thunder and fire burst out,


The whole person flew out soon,


The magic weapon of the Taoist monk,

Put the whole pit,

Blasted a big hole.

This person feels

Commissioner Qian on the warhammer,

Thunder fire,

But it is like thousands of thunder and fire.


Thunder fire shot at this man,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Slashed towards the mine,

At this time,

People walked out of the edge,

Wearing a bronze armor,

The monks in this mine,

Dao Fa is fully urged,

Thousands of mountains and rivers revolve,

Only then came out of the mine,

The monk wearing a bronze armor said,

"This old money is powerful,

Why is it so big? "

"This old money has not been at war for 300 years,

Dao Fa is so powerful,

Compared with some guards at the Ancient Adventure, ‘

Dao Fa is more powerful! "

Talking to the monk who was fighting with Committee Member Qian,

After ten days,

Councillor Qian said nothing,


Outside the Baizhang mine,

Showing ordinary lines,

This kind of ordinary texture,

Ordinary rough stones are difficult to mine,

This mysterious pattern,

Commissioner Qian mined top-grade rough stones,

The rough stone not far from the top-grade rough stone,

Stronger than ordinary rough stones,

Good harvest,

Dao Fa urges,

Slashed towards the distance,

"Old money, transforming gods, defeat them with three tricks!"

Xuan Huolei said,

Only after practicing the six profound fusions,

Not bad,

"With this cultivation level, you can go to the ancient temple."

Xuan Huolei said,

Some mysterious places in the ancient temple,

Master level,

Commissioner Qian is not far away.

Half a year later,

Commissioner Qian and Xuan Huolei,

Out of this mine,

This mine,

Almost mined,

"What good ancient temple is there."

Commissioner Qian said,

"Ancient temple, the cultivation base is higher,

The magic weapon is more mysterious, you can go. "

Xuan Huolei said,

Xuan Huolei from the ancient temple,

I got a lot of rules to integrate Taoism,

At this time, he wanted to cultivate God.

Commissioner Qian thought,

Many ancient temples, You need magic weapons to get there,

In ancient temples, no magic treasure can be explored,

Those ancient temples that I and the shadow of Jin Guo have visited,

It can be said to be a good harvest.

To Red Wolf Town,

Commissioner Qian went to the other courtyard,

Dao Fa urges ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ mysteriously revolving,

At this time,

Commissioner Qian was fused in his profound practice,

Requirement for the place where the mystical gathering of the plane,

Not very high.

After a year and a half,

Cultivation base, but slightly progressed,

This is because the level of cultivation and refining mysterious magic power is relatively high.

Xuan Huolei came over,

Bloody battle in the depths of the wasteland,

It has a good mine. (To be continued...)



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