Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3589: Tengai Mountain

The entire tens of thousands of miles of mountains, shimmering in colors like flowers,

This monk,

Daofa banged like a huge thunder,

Not a mountain,

It is mysterious, strong, and extremely tough,

"Boom Rumble"

Commissioner Qian urged thousands of miles of mountains,

But the detonation went thousands of miles,

Member Qian Fei Jianshan,

Bounced towards the monk,

This man Feijian urged,

Flies a sword toward the committee member Qian to stop him,

Fought against Member Qian Feijian,

Like the blast of thousands of mountains,

This man took ten steps back,

Qian Daofa’s Jian Jue urged,

Boom like this,

This man Feijian slashed towards Commissioner Qian Feijian,


This man's flying sword bounced wildly,


Urge thousands of miles of mountains,

Fei Jian blasted towards Member Qian,

Commissioner Qian’s sword slammed into the mountains,

Rumble, as if ten thousand came over.

Thousands of miles of mountains burst out, and a hole suddenly appeared in the shield.

This monk has a serious face,

Transform God's cultivation base, urge the issuance of shields,

But to block the three swords of Chairman Qian,

At this time, on the edge of the war circle,

The monk He Huashen came over, the monk widened his eyes,

The cultivation base of this monk,

These monks, but Zhīdào,

Can't stop the Three Swords of Qian,

These monks, and, volcanic thunder, thunder,

Sky thunder, volcano thunder. Xuan Huo Lei. Retreat.

At this time,

The cultivator said,

These monks,

Converged on the edge of the cultivator of the **** of transformation. Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward the distance.

Commissioner Qian, soaring thunder, volcano thunder, and mysterious fire thunder released Taoism.


After half a year,

Xuan Huolei said to Sky Thunder,

"Commissioner Qian Dao Fa has become more mysterious."

Soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

Looking at Commissioner Qian,

Qian Dao Fa has become like mountains on the plane,

Compared with the mountains on the plane.

It is more profound and firm.

Commissioner Qian, soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

Practiced for three years,

The mystery of the five-thousand-mile radius, gathered towards this side,

This is urged by Commissioner Qian,

There are a lot of soaring thunder, volcano thunder, and profound fire thunder.

On this day, these monks,

Tao Fa received,

"Come here to practice Bùcuò."

Commissioner Qian said to Xuan Huolei,

"Xuanhuolei Temple, indeed Bùcuò.

It's really different to come here with a magic weapon. "

Volcano Lei said,

Three years have passed,

Gathered the mystery of the five-thousand-mile plane.

These growths, some changes,


Compared with the year that ancient adventure places on the plane needed medicinal materials,

The gap is far,

Member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Feijian appeared three thousand feet,

Commissioner Qian, Feijian,

Like a giant mountain.

To release Dao Fa towards here,


Baili mountain range,

Rising slowly,

Commissioner Qian, however, rounded this area around the Baili Mountains,

Cast mana,

Collect it from your own magic weapon,

Skyrocketing thunder, volcano thunder, and mysterious fire thunder looked at,

"Commissioner Qian has great mana."

Xuan Huolei said,

"Our mana,

Three mountains can be collected,

Receiving a radius of Baili Mountain,

Doesn't have this mana. These herbs,

Grow in this face,

This face, plane,

If you don’t close the Baili Mountains,

Take this warm,

Put it on the ordinary plane,

The growth effect of these herbs,

Far inferior to this face. "

Volcano Lei said,

The six rules of these people merge,

Participated in many plane adventures,

All kinds of magic weapons,, have seen,

This warm valley,

These six rules merge monks,

Can be received,

To this warm valley,

Put it on the ordinary plane,

The effect Kěnéng is left,

Commissioner Qian accepted this Wenrun,

These monks,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding toward the distance.

Said it was flying past,

And ordinary monks to collect medicinal herbs on the mountain,

Sùdù can't be much faster,

Walked three thousand miles,

Seeing this mountain col,

With medicinal materials,

These monks walked over,


There are monks,

Sword Jue urges,

Slash towards this side,

The skyrocketing thunder method urged,

Thousands of swords were cut out in an instant,

This slash came and the sword art was collected,

Turned into thousands of miles of mountains,

Slashing with this ten thousand Dao.

Whole thing,

Showing the medicinal materials on the side of the formation,

Sky Thunder fought this monk for a long time,

Rushed into the air far away,


The monk shouted,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding away like lightning,

"In this valley, medicinal materials Bùcuò."

Sky Thunder said,

Dao Fa urges,

From this valley, medicinal materials,

The monk has mined Chinese medicinal materials in this valley,

Out of ten thousand miles,

This face, and compare,

Three hundred thousand miles,

Similar to the plane,

The volcano thunder was talking,

"This time mining material Bùcuò."

Where precious materials are produced,

With monks guarding,

Sky Thunder these people shot,

Most of the opponents,

There is a level and a master who is not far from the cultivator,

Commissioner Qian waved,

The opponent blocks this trick,

Was bombed for ten miles,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the distance.

Materials collected from the plane of Rainbow Mountain,

These monks collected a lot,

far away,

There is an escape method,

As if burning the entire sky,

Speeding over here,

Falling in front of the members of Committee Qian,

Fifteen monks appeared,

In the monk's handing over to Commissioner Qian,

The cultivation base is close to the cultivating **** level monk,

There are three people.

The volcano mine looked at,

These monks,

Most of the monks have fought these adventurers,

"Adventurous, this journey has been thousands of miles,

Ah, these materials,

In this face, there are relatively few. "

The cultivator who was not far away from the cultivator of the God of God said.

With that said, Dao Fa reminded,

Slash towards the sky with thunder,

Soaring to the sky thunder Dao Fa urged, a flying sword shield appeared in his hand

Slash towards this sword art,

Xuanhuo Lei Dao Fa urged,

To release the formation,

The soaring thunder shield urges thousands of miles of mountains,

Shot by this ten thousand swords,

Jue fully urged,

Thousands of swords blasted towards the opponent,

A huge thunder shot,

The soaring thunder is like being struck by a huge thunder,

Back madly,

In the formation,

this is,

Soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

In the formation,

Wan Lei shot,

Throughout the formation, thunder and fire skyrocketed.


Wan Lei blasted towards Committee Member Qian,

To urge the cultivator of the thunder, fire and flying sword,


Ten Thousand Ways of Sword Art Thunder blasted,

From the thunder and fire, rushed out of the Dao Jian Jue,

Like flying mountains outside the sky,

Passing these monks in an instant,

Thirty miles away,

At this time,

These monks paused,

"Boom Rumble"

A monk exploded,

"Fight against this person, this person's rules are integrated and more powerful."

Xuan Huolei said,

Xuan Huo Lei and this detonation came to the monk,

It took less than half a day to fight~www.wuxiaspot.com~Xuanhuolei is not an opponent,

Commissioner Qian Jianjue urged,

Thousands of miles of mountains,

Feijian gathered towards Committee Member Qian.

Blasted three swords,

The cultivator blasted towards this cultivation base not far from the **** transformation,

The sword tactics are not far from these three cultivation bases and the cultivators,

With a distance of one hundred feet,

These three monks,

Feeling tens of thousands of mountains rushing over,

Urge Dao Fa Sùdù,

Drop immediately. (To be continued...)

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