Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3593: Xuan'ao Training Center

There are many precious plants growing here,

Commissioner Qian is here,

Here, the law-like material has.

Commissioner Qian urged,

The mystery of the plane,

Converge towards here,


The rocks separate,

Walked towards here,

Commissioner Qian urged thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to rotate,

There is a rock next to this monster,

Turned into a big hand,

Bounced towards this monster,

"Bùcuò's rock method."

The monster said,

Fight with this monster in the mountains,

This kind of rock method,

This monster has been bombarded thousands of times.

Dao Fa urges,

There are thousands in the giant claws,

Boom towards this big hand,


This monster blasted out its giant claws,

The whole was bombed into the rock,

After a long time, this monster,

Just climbed out of the rock,

Dao Fa urges,

Fly away towards the distance,

Commissioner Qian has been here for ten days.

It can’t be compared with the host villa,


The plane here is mysterious, more mysterious,

Member Qian Dao Fa urged,

The formation is released,

The pulp is surrounded by mountains in a radius of hundreds of miles,

The formation is released,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand to play the tricks in this formation,

Zhou Tian Dazhen,

By itself,

Ban Xuan walked over from the formation,

"In the mountain villa, suitable for precious.

Only then will each be planted. "

Banxuan said.

Commissioner Qian said: "Bùcuò here."

Talked about Xuan'ao here.

Ban Xuan said, "This kind of place, the shadow of the golden fruit

There are many planes in the manor,

However, a training place of this level, on an ordinary plane,

Martial art. Cultivators, the Plane Master Hall has.

The Ruixian Plane, the Garden Wave Plane, these villas,

If you look at the current level of Taoism,

Relatively poor. "

Yuanbo Plane Villa is useful,

Nowadays, it is a cultivator with a poorer cultivation base,

The villa is not as good as the shield villa.

"I will transplant the medicinal materials of Sledgehammer Villa here.

Shield Villa is a place where planes and mysteries gather.

Sledgehammer Villa did not even have a place where the planes and mysteries gathered. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Ban Ju nodded: "Talk to Tan Tian."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

The various planting facilities here are organized,

It’s still a giant,

Commissioner Qian stepped out of the circle,

Along the mountains,

Walked towards the distance,

On this day, half a year has passed,

There are thousands of swords, shields urge the mountains,

Blasted towards Commissioner Qian,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Urged thunder to blast past,

This thunder fire, but Zhang Kuan,

In an instant,

Wan Dao Jian Jue,

Wanzhong Mountain was blasted through,


This monk urged Dao Fa,

It was bombed like a volcanic eruption,

Rolled out ten miles,

For a long time, I stood here,

Dao Fa urged it to flee towards the distance.

Here, looking towards the mountains on the side,

Commissioner Qian Xiuwei,

It's like transpiring mysteriously,

Here, fifty miles in radius,

Not worse than Banxuan Mountain Villa,

Compared with Banxuan Villa, it is more mysterious.

Real place,

Commissioner Qian is here,

The whole plane has traveled,

Dao Fa urges,

The formation expanded towards the side,

Three hundred miles around the edge,

When Ban Ju came over, Commissioner Qian and Ban Ju said,

The plane is mysterious here,

Commissioner Qian can understand,

Commissioner Qian’s communication array rang,

Open the communication circle,

The sword jue thunder fire, as if burning the entire sky.


"Commissioner Qian, Zhenghe Huashen master,

come and see. "

Sky Thunder said,

Commissioner Qian looked at,

Soaring thunder, thunder, volcano thunder, and a five-rule fusion monk beside him,

It was the monk who gave the news to the committee member Qian,

"How did you get here?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"There are adventure places on the Profound Plane, there are everywhere,

No, come here and have a look,

With mysterious materials, collect some materials,

It has the source of Bùcuò's practice, even more Bùcuò. "

Sky Thunder said,

Be able to collect some mysterious materials on the surface,

For a monk such as Sky Thunder, ‘

Still Bùcuò,

At this level of cultivation,

Looking for a more mysterious place for cultivation,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Flew towards the distance,

Commissioner Qian’s law,

Less than,

Flew thirty thousand miles,

Seeing that there is a radius of one hundred zhang,

Thousands of swords blasted towards the formation,

The mountains show up in the formation,

But it's not as good as this ten thousand swords urging,

"Boom Rumble"

This thunder,

Blasted into the formation,

Burst open,

The shout of volcanic thunder came over,

"This cultivator of God is powerful,

And the cultivators of the wasteland,

Dao Fa is comparable. "

This is exactly the formation of people like Sky Thunder,

These monks,

To urge the formation, thousands of mountains emerge,

With this cultivator for a long time,

This cultivator urged the sword to blast the formation,

However, monks like volcanic thunder and sky-thunder,

The level of Taoism is relatively high,

Sword Art of the Huashen Monk,

Red broken through ten thousand mountains,

Power is reduced a lot,

Most of the formations are still urging.

Surrounded by mysterious mana,

The sword of the cultivator blasted over,

Soaring Thunder makes every effort to urge the method,

Hundreds of swords,

The sword that the cultivator blasted over was exploded.

This monk has a serious face,

"The rules are merged with the monk, the cultivation base is Bùcuò."


Soaring thunder, volcano thunder, and Xuanhuo thunder got the book of rule Dao Fazhen Bùcuò

To practice this Dao Fa,

The cultivating monk, can't cultivate,

Skyrocketing Thunder, Volcanic Thunder, and Profound Fire Thunder have improved a lot.

This cultivator of God, Dao Fa urges,

Thousands of mysteries, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers,

Gathered towards this monk,

Sword Jue urges,

The sword is like thunder,

These people urged the formation to blast towards the sky thunder,

Soaring thunder, volcano thunder, and mysterious fire thunder urge the formation,

Thousands of swords and thunder fire,

Bounced towards this person,

The formation urges the sword tactics thunder fire,

And this person urged the sword to thunder and fire,

The formation urged the sword tactics thunder and fire to explode,


The formation urges the sword tactics thunder fire,

Thousands of swords, like burning the entire sky,

"Boom Rumble"

In the loud noise,

The cultivator blasted over this sword,

Repeatedly reminded,

For the cultivator,

There are a lot of swords,

The thunder board roared,

Thousands of miles of mountains were blown away,

"Issuing the shield!"

Sky Thunder said,

Soaring thunder, volcanic thunder, mysterious fire thunder,

Slash the thunder sword, take out the shield,

Thousands of miles of mountains appeared,

Slash towards the sword art of this cultivator,

"Boom Rumble"

Wan Lei shot,

The sword of the cultivator,

But it can't blast through the soaring thunder, volcano thunder, profound fire thunder, and thunder sword shield.

This monk, the sword art collection,

Speaking towards the formation,

"Bùcuò's rules merge with monks."

This said, the sound was like a huge thunder,

The sword tactic urges to send out, is more powerful than thousands of miles of mountains, and gathers the flying sword in hand,

At this time,

, Boom Zhan over Jian Jue~www.wuxiaspot.com~In an instant,

Like flying across the sky,

The monk felt that he was being bombarded by the entire ten thousand li mountains,

Sword Jue urges,

Slashed towards this sword,

Amidst the rumbling noise,

This person takes ten steps back!

The man's face changed,

Monks in the formation,

Even more serious,

This is a god,

Sword Jue flies, collect,

The Qian Qian committee was shown. (To be continued...)

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