Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3595: Ancient temple altar

"What did you do?"

A large indifferent mouth, showing some yellow canine teeth. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

Looking at the Qian committee member in front of him.

This is a wolf demon without a complete transformation.

Behind the wolf demon is a fairly tidy brick house, with Daofa runes carved on it.

The runes shone with yellow and dark red brilliance.

Earth and gold mana and defense are for monks in the foundation building period,

still alright.

Offensive mana is for the monk who built the summit,

With common magic weapons, you have to fight for a while.

Commissioner Qian took out a token,

The wolf demon took a look,

The hand stretched over is wearing a brace,

Shining silver, like a glacier on a snow-capped mountain,

It depicts pink, red, yellow, three-color flowers,

The flowers depicted are not only bright in color,

Sweet and green----this is normal,

This is a magic weapon,

The lines on the magic weapon,

Has a standard,

It can be said good,

Brother Jindan,

It’s very common to have magic weapons of this level.

The flowers flow faintly like water,

It turned out to give people a feeling like a galaxy. Here comes the power.

The wolf demon thought,

Several lords in this city,

The powerful magic weapon on the body,

I have never seen such a feeling.

The wolf demon nodded.

Commissioner Qian walked in along the road.

This is a city inhabited by demons on the plane of Ruixian.

Commissioner Qian, several big shadows of Jin Guo have all been here.

There are ancient temples and altars,

But these ancient temples and altars are on the plane of comprehension,

Including the various planes of cultivation, there are everywhere.

Commissioner Qian came this time,

There are a dozen jade slips,

It's about the ancient temple in this city.

Into the city,

A few bear monsters,

Holding mead wine,

I walked over while drinking and talking loudly.

Walked a few streets,

An ancient temple in the distance,

Already on the outskirts of this city.

By the ancient temple,

Two people are already standing,

One person is well-proportioned,

A red robe,

The face is square, it looks like,

But there is a turbulent cyan aura.

This is not Tao Lang?

Is Lao Taozi's subordinate?

Ten steps away from this person,

There is one person,

The whole person seems to be surrounded by faint clouds,

Ordinary face,

But the whole person seems to have the meaning of flying in the wind.


Guifang who entered the secret realm together back then?

It seems,

Baiyun has already been refined into the state of transformation,

White clouds linger,

Like a fairy wind.

"Tao Lang, it's me, Commissioner Qian."

Lao Qian greeted Tao Lang first.

The title in the world is of course Tao,

Tao Lang looked over,

A little unexpected,

"Old money, is it you?

Your pair of bracers is really good. "Click here to enter text.

The old money laughed,

"You really know the goods."

Then he greeted Guifang,

"Guifang, it's been a long time since I saw you, Baiyun Dao really has cultivated so much."

Old money can come out of that secret realm,

Others can come out naturally,

"It's really you, old money?|"

Guifang looked at Lao Qian for a long time.

"After so many years,

I can't see how great your cultivation is. "

The old money nodded and exchanged greetings.

That’s why I said to Tao Lang,

"Why, what kind of key is there."

Tao Lang laughed.

"The key is there, it has attracted a master, can you resist it?

I’m talking with this Guifang, he also has the key,

How to attract masters to resist. "

"I also have a key, I will participate in one,"

Old Qian said,

"Old money, ha, not seen for many years,

Very stylish,

I can’t refine your pair of bracers,

You bought it from that market. "

Tao Lang is already serious.

In the late Yuan Ying period of his cultivation,

For ordinary practitioners,

Already a great monk!

"This is not a joke,

If you open the ancient ruins,

The Yaozu master will come immediately. "

"I refined it myself, why? Not bad."

Tao Lang nodded.

Reach out,

A sword light,


Strong as red iron, verdant as March grass,

As if the light is thirty miles,

In an instant it was cut on the old money wristband,

The earth system and the wood system are merged, and the gold system mystery has been merged to talk about a branch mystery,

So it looks like red stone and red iron.

Old Qian’s thoughts moved,

Maybe one thousandth in an instant,

Above the wristband,

A flower is in full bloom, it is all pink,

Delicate and charming.

Just before this red sword light,

This sword light,

Can illuminate the sky for thirty miles,

Hit this flower,

The flowers flicked,

Bright red sword light,

Has become invisible.

As soon as the sword light came out,

Guifang looked over immediately,

In the white clouds,

As if shooting out two strange lights like cold iron,

Old money knows,

It must be Baiyun Mystery, that is, the mist mystery merged with the cold iron mystery.

Seeing the flowers shake,

Jianguang became invisible,

"Old money, the cultivation base has risen dramatically."

Then Guifang said to Tao Lang,

"I see, yes."

With that, the three of them communicated with each other,

After talking for a while,

The three of them stretched out their hands and pointed, and three radiances shot out.

In the ancient temple, the altar,

But there is an altar,

The material of the altar resembles gold and stone, and the patterns on it resemble vegetation and text.

Three brilliance,

It is lingering, but there are Xuanxuan runes inside.

The altar was photographed by these three runes,

With a pattern of brilliance,

With patterns,

The patterns that show the extremes of fineness and complexity,

"Rumble rumbling---"

A thunderous sound rang on the altar,

"This movement is not small--"

Tao Lang said with joy.

"Baby----I need a key!" The guard shouted loudly.

It turned out that there were ten guards on the edge of the altar,

Seeing Guifang surrounded by white clouds and Tao Lang all over,

Surrounded by azure cesium, I knew immediately,

The master is here,

Seeing this altar show thunder,

Immediately screamed and rushed to a place in the city.

At this time, in the middle of the altar,

It was originally made of gold-like stone material.

At this time, it turned into thousands of mountains, but there are hundreds of miles, thousands of miles away,

On the mountain, there are mysterious words shining,

There is sound again,

Explaining slowly.

Guifang clapped his hands: ‘Okay---a worthwhile trip. "

With a wave of his hand, the clouds and mist lingered,

Surround one third of the altar,

Commissioner Qian and Tao Lang clapped their hands.

"it is good"

Each of them shot a cloud,

Enclose two thirds of the altar.

Outside, shouts rang out, "The ancient temple is out of treasure"

"Which seat----"

Asked loudly from far and near.

This city has three ancient temples.

"That seat---"

The guard who ran out just now said,

At this moment, dozens of figures flashed,

Like an arrow, it flew toward here.

The figure has reached the entrance of the ancient temple, and the faint whistling sound like muffled thunder,

This was passed.

When I saw the clouds and mist around the altar,

Has three body shapes,

Like a triangle,

Standing outside the clouds,

Immediately there was a big man,

His face was indigo blue, his nose was like a big bear,

With a roar, a sword appeared in his hand,

The sword art was urged, the sword energy was 300, and it shot at the three of them.

Sword Qi is as red as lava and molten iron.

The number of people who entered the ancient temple at the same time was a figure,

There is a long knife like snow in his hand. Dark green long whip like a bamboo joint,

Sword Jue, a reminder of Law Jue,

The sky is like rain,

Flying towards the three people.

For ordinary monks,

This is the magic weapon of top grade and middle grade.

"Old money~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it's up to you to do it."

"That is."

Old Qian said, "Who will let me come later."

Reach out,

A verdant brilliance, unspeakable lightness, unspeakable anger,

Turned into ten radiances,

At an indescribable speed,

Around the ancient temple,


As if the same sound,

Everyone who enters this ancient temple with a magic weapon in their hands,

In addition to Tao Lang, Gui Fang, and Lao Qian,

The magic weapons and weapons in his hand were hit by this brilliance and turned into two pieces!

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