Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3610: in this way

When I arrived at Huo Dui Pass, the Wandering Knife had already arrived here from another medicine garden.

Commissioner Qian gave the three books to the past,

Talking about which part of the rules and assumptions that these three volumes might deduced. ? WWWW.suimeng.lā

Ang Tian Hammer and Wandering Knife looked at the three books,

Based on my own understanding of rules and laws,

Begin to deduct these three books,

It has been fifty days,

The preliminary deduction is completed,

Only then did you come up with all kinds of delicacies,

Made a meal,

Take out various fruit wines,

Pour into the jade cup and drink.


Ang Tianchui said, "The three-year medicine garden rises,

Use the plane mystery to plant the gathering, the plane of the magic circle,

It involves rule fusion,

The automatic magic circle cannot meet the needs of fine-tuning the rules,

Need their care,

In three years, it took these medicinal materials that have been in a considerable age,

The requirement to mature the monks on the plane of Xianshan to refine the mysterious medicine.

Only in exchange for three books,

After fifty days,

The Dao Fa in these three volumes, which part of the law is deduced,

This is just enough to get started.

Eat and drink and chat,

Immediately proceed with the deduction of the principles of Taoism described in these three Taoist books.

A reminder of the exercises,

Thousands of incomparably complex lines appeared around them, surrounding them.

This is a further deduction of the rules that have already been introduced.

This deduction, after another three years,

this is,

The lines around Commissioner Qian,

Suddenly gathered towards the middle,

Like collapse again,

Gather into a bigger fist,

With a bigger fist,

There are hundreds of millions of lines and thousands of lights that can illuminate everything.

It can’t be described in words, it suddenly merged into the body of the Qian chairman,

The back of Commissioner Qian’s head to his shoulders showed a round of light.

There are flames around,

The flames are so mysterious,

Ang Tian Hammer and Wandering Knife clapped and laughed.

"it is good----"

Commissioner Qian said,

The voice is like a jade chime, speaking of the principle of my practice this time,

Talked for three days,

This stopped,

Another month passed,

Ang Tian hammer and wandering knife from brain to shoulder,

There was also light, and the edge of the light was burning with flames.

The profoundness is so profound that it can also penetrate everything.

However, only two-thirds of the members of the Qian Committee are the largest.

Three people stand with one palm,

He made a bow and nodded slightly,

Said: "So, the law is only a small step forward."

This time the law deduction is completed,

All three are very tired.

On this day, the communication circle sounded,

Old money took a look,

It is the second son of Su Xingbang Su.

"Old Qian, I'm with Li Yaoshi. On the planetary plane."

The second son of Su Xingbang and Li Yaoshi got together,

Commissioner Qian pouted,

I remembered that Li Yaoshi had been in the Bifu Army.

Commissioner Qian walked out of the pharmacy,

Dao Fa urges,

Speeding towards the plane teleportation formation,

The teleportation array of the heavenly planet,

A group of people walked out of the teleportation array, or looked serious,

Or look around and walk across the planetary plane of the earth,

Commissioner Qian walked out with the crowd,

It’s been a long time since Tianyangxing,

Commissioner Qian looked at the woods opposite the teleportation array,

There are already ten people in the tree,

Under the big tree,

Many pavilions are arranged with stone tables and benches,

For pedestrians to rest and enjoy the cool here.

The second son of Su Xingbang, Li Yaoshi was sitting in a pale red pavilion,

On the stone table in front were fragrant tea, water wine and a few snacks.

Are talking about everyone,

Looks like a middle-aged scribe, a young boy in short dress,

The second son of Young Master Su changed into a gray-gold bracer today, and the other outfits remain unchanged.

Pharmacist Li smiled and waved at the old money.

Old Qian laughed,

A few steps, have reached the pavilion,

Pharmacist Li, Second Young Master Su, drinking tea,

Commissioner Qian poured himself a cup of tea,

Took a snack and ate the snack,

"Not bad, crunchy and delicious."

"A group of wizards appeared in the boulder wasteland. It may be ancient wizards who built a big city.

Let's go and take a look. "

Second Young Master Su did not speak.

Pharmacist Li said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Commissioner Qian opened his mouth,

"I heard that those wizards have penetrating swords that can easily swallow some Taoism.

Pharmacist, you haven't tried the smell of penetrating sword. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"I've heard of a large group of wizards in the boulder wasteland.

They are not only crowded, but Taoism is very mysterious. "

Boulder wasteland,

Commissioner Qian has been there many times, but he has not found any magical magic.

Look at these two valuable Taoist books, magic rumors, keys,

Otherwise, there are thousands of big planes under the world,

There is something in Xuan'ao Dao Fa.

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