Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3617: Fragrance

Walking in, the streets and houses are already made of stone,

The houses, carved beams and painted buildings, painted gold and silver, and the streets are all made of stone slabs one foot square, each foot thick,

The shop is neat and tidy. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

The style is similar to the architectural style of the behemoth plane.

Commissioner Qian saw that there was a barbecue restaurant on the side of the road.

Walked into the door of the rotisserie restaurant with a radius of thirty feet,

There are more than 30 tables inside, and someone is sitting at the table eating barbecue,

Commissioner Qian said to the host: "Ten skewers of roasted animal legs."

"The host said, fifty taels of silver."

With that, Commissioner Qian took out an ingot of silver to entertain, and the entertainer took the silver.

He shouted toward the kitchen: "Ten kebabs."

After a while, ten kebabs were delivered.

Commissioner Qian took out a jar from the storage ring with a rotating lid on it.

Open the lid, the honey red sticky juice inside,

An extremely strong fragrance floated over,

This is the condiment configured by the Chairman Qian,

After so many years of specializing in plant cultivation, the flavors and tastes of the seasonings prepared

It can be said that it is difficult to describe in words.

The rock giants of the whole rotisserie looked over,

Commissioner Qian took out a white jade-like brush and brushed it.

Carefully up and down, brush gently.

After brushing, I took a big bite, the hot and sour and the smell of meat merged,

This is not the beast leg of the behemoth plane.

A few bites in a row.

Some of the rock giants nearby are already drooling,

"You seasoning, can you give me some."

In the distance there is a bowl the size of a wooden barrel, for the giant,

Is still a small bowl,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

The three bowls were in the hands of Commissioner Qian,

I picked up the jar with the seasoning, poured a little seasoning into a bowl,

With a move of his hand, the three bowls have flown to the table where the stone giant sits next to him.

The stone giant also took out a small brush,

Turn over and brush the honey-red seasoning, then brush it on the barbecue,

One front leg is quickly finished,

For the stone giant, a skewer of barbecue is the front or even hind legs of a beast.

Put it into your mouth and chew, and sure enough, after quack and bounce chewed the barbecue to pieces,

"good to eat----"

They all looked over to see if the three-foot-tall stone giant turned into by Chairman Qian was still there.

"Recently, the cultivation base has stagnated, and I want to increase my cultivation base a little bit."

Commissioner Qian said,

"The Hall of Passing Gong passes the gong once every twenty years, or else go to other planes to see it,

Do you have a Taoist book for practicing qigong, otherwise, it is more difficult to improve. "

Sure enough, only Chuan Gong Temple has it,

Commissioner Qian smashed several stone giants, and naturally they had memories.

Here, if the stone giant wants to practice qigong, he can only go to the Palace of Transmission.

The stone giant is the guard here, as a kind of life,

With the teaching, you can also understand and advance.

The stone giant is the main force in the cultivation of this giant beast plane.

Commissioner Qian said.

Ten kebabs have been eaten, walk out of the kebab shop,

Walking on a very wide street,

Walked towards the distance,

After walking through a few streets, a hall appeared, with thick columns, wide, and one-stop vaults.

All of them explain the grandeur of this building.

This is the Palace of Chuan Gong,

Commissioner Qian walked into the Hall of Gong Gong,

There are five large altars standing inside the Chuan Gong Hall,

Commissioner Qian took out an iron plate and flashed it.

This is the iron plaque of the stone giant who was killed by Commissioner Qian,

A brilliance shot immediately from the altar,

Sweep towards the iron plate,

I can’t tell where it is from the altar.

Now, Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

A mysterious brilliance shot towards the altar,

In an instant, it has been shot into one of the altars,

The Guanghua Zhong projected by Chairman Qian,

Turned into thousands of words, began to wash a certain place in the altar,

Like a wave, like the sea, washing one part of the altar,

But one breathing time,

Went deeper,

The understanding and explanation of Taoism,

Immediately following the brilliance sent by Commissioner Qian, it spread to Commissioner Qian’s Shenfu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Soon, there were at least three thousand words, involving a deep understanding of rules and laws.

Only rock giants with very strong cultivation bases,

To get a part of this text and explain the practice,

Commissioner Qian copied all of them to his own palace,

After a few more breaths,

Commissioner Qian has copied 3,000 texts related to advanced rules and regulations,

A sword appeared in the hall,


There was a voice saying, on the sword, there seemed to be thousands of mysteries,

With the brilliance of huge mountains and big waves, he slashed towards Commissioner Qian.

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