Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3619: 9 Shigetama Castle Isao

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"Xuan Qianhe, come here. http://%77%77%77%2e%6c%6e%77%6f%77%2e%6e%65%74"

Commissioner Qian said.

Xuan Qianhe came over from the medicine garden,

"There are a lot of breakthroughs in the principle of cultivation, but I can call other Golden Fruit Shadows to say."

Commissioner Qian said,

After five days, the vast jungle at Huduiguan,

One after another, the light arrived quickly.

The shadows of the big golden fruits of the Qian members walked into the vast jungle,

The medicinal materials are growing in the forest and the flowers are different,

A continuous manor is unfolding before us,

The style of the manor is fresh, walking into the manor, with white jade railings,

The hall has been filled with all kinds of flowers, exotic fruits and delicacies.

The shadow of Jin Guo took the seat, listening to Committee Member Qian, while talking about his understanding of the higher rules, the principles of Taoism.

I said this for fifty days,

Each body's five-color divine light changes, Taoism, rules and attainments have different progress.

Now, as soon as the Dao Fa of Commissioner Qian and Jin Guo's Shadow is running, they all show a five-color light.

The five-color light also showed red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

"The color of Taoism, let alone the endless changes, five hundred changes, can't be achieved, the practice law has progress,

There are many ruins, it is impossible to get in and get big benefits. "

Tan Tian said with emotion.

"It is rumored that there are many changes in Dao Fa, and the color of our Dao Fa is less than five hundred."

Tantong shook his head straight.

"The colors of Dao Fa have changed a lot. That is a person who can be regarded as the master of Taoism."

Everyone was talking.

"First refining fertilizer, refining better fertilizer, and refining better fertilizer, then go to the boulder wasteland,

Heli Pharmacist, Su Xingbang, and Second Young Master Su looked at the group of wizards. "

Wandering Knife said,

Everyone nodded,

Speaking of how to make better fertilizer,

After talking for five days, I came up with a new fertilizer plan.

After a day, the refining is successful,

Crystal clear, with five-colored clouds. The five-colored clouds are the embodiment of fertility.

The shadows of each golden fruit came out of Huoduiguan Villa,

Walked towards the plane teleportation array.

"The fertilizer was successfully refined in one day."

Commissioner Qian said, took out the pill furnace,

With a finger, there are certain grades of materials,

The tide is average,

Flew towards the pill furnace.

In five days, it was crystal clear, with five-colored clouds of fertilizer piled up into mountains.

Fertilize each medicinal material tree by tree.

After applying fertilizer, carefully adjust each medicinal material, and another ten days have passed.

Then, go to the place where the planes gather,

Comprehend the mystery of the laws of the plane,

This perception is five years later,

The liquid Taoist core harvested from the rock giant,

Has been refined into three mysterious pills,

There is also one old money, one for each of Ang Tian Hammer and Wandering Knife.

When Ang Tianchui arrived at the medicine garden, he took a look at this trip.

The various medicinal materials needed by the pharmacist and the second son of Su, such as gold thread, silver,

The white lines and red lines have all grown up.

Smell it, the medicine smells tangy.

Ang Tianchui gave a voice message to Committee Member Qian: "The medicinal materials have grown enough years to be picked."

As he said, his figure shook, and Commissioner Qian appeared in the pharmacy.

Started picking medicinal materials,

For most of the day, all the medicinal materials needed by the boulder wasteland were picked.

Bottles and cans made of jade can fill the entire cart,

Commissioner Qian waved, these medicinal materials entered the storage ring, and then walked toward the plane teleportation formation.

The teleportation front of the planetary planet,

In the pavilion next to the tree, Commissioner Qian came over.

The crimson paint is still gleaming, everything is as if it was just set up yesterday.

Commissioner Qian walked into the pavilion, still the same as it was nearly ten years ago.

Sitting in the pavilion, two tea-drinkers, Li Yaoshi and Second Young Master Su,

The face is the same, but a little more vicissitudes of life.

Commissioner Qian and the shadow of Jin Guo, specially deduced the mystery and planting methods of plants,

It took nearly ten years to make up the necessary two thousand years of medicinal materials.

This is still the shadow of the Qian Da Committee and Jin Guo. For common medicinal materials,

Good medicinal materials, many precious medicinal materials have been collected,

Only then can we get so many kinds of 2,000-year-old medicinal materials so quickly.

Commissioner Qian walked over and greeted him.

Take out the jade bottle,

Pharmacist Li, Second Young Master Su opened the jade bottle and examined each of the medicinal materials.

The second son of Su was beaming.

"Old money, it's not bad to collect so much in less than ten years. Your medicinal planting technique is really mysterious."

Member Qian smiled.

Second Young Master Su took out a jade slip to the committee member Qian,

This is the nine-fold jade city power and pill.

"Go to my manor to make medicine."

The pharmacist Li said,

The three put away their tea sets and walked out of the long pavilion.

Dao Fa urged, followed Li Yao Master, flew towards the distance,

After a long time, I arrived at a villa, a villa,

Clouds and mists swirl around.

Pharmacist Li stretched out his hand, the cloud opened, and the three members of the Qian Da Committee walked in.

In the hall, there is a huge pill furnace.

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