Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3621: Regulate the bite of the dark cloud goshawk

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Commissioner Qian can still practice the Nine Layers of Jade City Gong,

Combining with the law of my own perception, a more profound change occurred.

Second Young Master Su and Li Yaoshi had no medicinal materials,

I talked to Commissioner Qian and practiced for nearly two years,

Nine layers of jade city skills have made a lot of progress, and you can set off to the boulder wasteland.

Rested for a few days,

Li Yaoshi walked in front with his head upright,

Second Young Master Su walked beside him with an iron face.

Commissioner Qian walked on the left side of Pharmacist Li, like an ordinary long-distance adventure.

"Woo--------" The wind and sand blew up fine stones and sand on the ground. Full of raging.

"The place where the wizards gather is over there."

Second Young Master Su said,

Reached out and released a floating airship.

There are thousands of rivers, thousands of mountains, and thousands of flowers. These are all methods of protection for airships.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

Flowers are so heavy that they cannot be as strong as steel. For so many years,

Second Young Master Su’s Taoism cannot reach this point.

The three of them entered the flotation ship of the second son of Su, and Daofa started,

Thousands of water and thousands of mountains, flowers lingering, turned into a 30-zhang brilliance, flying towards the distance.

After flying for most of the day, it was already afternoon,

Fly into a big city, a boulder wasteland, some are stones,

From a distance, this big city is like a cast of brass.

Coming and going, all kinds of flying ships surround the thunder-like Taoism,

Take off and land at the gate of this big city,

All kinds of races, all kinds of skins came in and out of this city gate.

The air at the gate of the city seemed to be distorted.

Thousands of rivers and mountains, the airship surrounded by flowers stopped,

The three people came out of the airship,

I walked into this city wall and took a look. Indeed, every brick is a refined metal.

The seal carving is full of mysterious Taoism, and the entire city forms a complex formation.

It really is a powerful castle,

At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds and light rain began to fall.

"Looking at the dark clouds in the sky, whirling within a hundred and fifty miles,

This array of weather control is large enough. "

Second Young Master Su said.

The Boulder Plane, the weather in most places,

Similar to the weather outside the plane teleportation array, flying sand and rocks,

The dark clouds in a radius of one hundred and fifty miles are actually a large formation for adjusting the weather.

It can be seen that from the copper-cast city wall, there are clouds of smoke,

Straight like a wolf smoke, straight into the sky five hundred meters,

The incoming party Wuyun,

The rain falls from the dark clouds and falls on the big city and the fields around the big city,

The dark clouds did not see any decrease.

Entering the city, Second Young Master Su turned aside.

"Old money, we are cultivating the Nine Layers of Jade City Gong, and the time has come for us to use it.

We are high in your skill, and when you arrive in the tavern, there are many tests,

It is possible to get some treasures and exchange them for what you need. "

Pharmacist Li looked at Commissioner Qian, Shen Shen said.

Commissioner Qian nodded: "Don't worry."

Street, a few pedestrians came,

A crow looked at them,

"Where to go, traveler?"

As he said, the crow stopped on a man's shoulder, this man was tall and dressed in battle armor.

Commissioner Qian saw that this tall man was deformed by a floating spaceship.

"Cha Cha Tavern."

Second Young Master Su quickly smiled and said this.

"There is good wine in the tavern, hahahaha------"

The crow smiled,

"Kara--" With a cry,

The tall man turned into a floating airship,

The crow, together with his successor, flashed into the airship,

Has entered the airship, the airship rose quickly,

Flew towards the distance.

"That crow is also a wizard. I often see it in Cha Cha Tavern, and the man in gray with him is also Cha Cha Tavern.

A wizard who often goes to drink. "

Second Young Master Su said,

Pharmacist Li nodded and said yes.

Walked three more streets,

A pub stands,

However, the three-story building gives people a sense of grandeur as if it is flying straight into the sky.

Looking at the area, it is as big as a dozen basketball courts.

Walk into the door,

The tavern waiter glanced over here and chatted without coming over.


Dozens of miniature goshawks came over here,

Goshawks are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, and come in various colors.

The eyes of the goshawk shone like flowing metal.

In an instant, the three people's body protection methods have been rushed,

The normal flying swordsmanship attack, touched by the three bodyguards,

There will be a violent explosion, or bounce or break open the bodyguard to enter,


These dozens of goshawks pounced on the bodyguard,

Open the olecranon, but inside the olecranon is full of fangs.

To bite down towards the Tao Fa,

With a click, like a muffled thunder, the sound of a huge thunder sounded.

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