Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3643: Rainfall medicine


Commissioner Qian already has hundreds of storage rings and storage bags in his hands. (WWW.VoDtw.coM)

For the aquarium, the materials that may be difficult to use.

Or a baby,

Otherwise, Commissioner Qian’s magic weapon suit will increase the speed by 40 kilometers per second,

This magic weapon suit that uses rules to fuse mana to urge the body can gain greater speed.

"Blue Star Sand" "Wu Bijin---"

Commissioner Qian looked at the materials in the storage ring.

I only saw the materials in more than one hundred storage rings, not only some useful precious medicinal materials,

There are some more useful alchemy herbs.

The communication circle sounded, and at first glance, it was an Ang Tian hammer.

"Blackwing comes from the super plane communication. Many of the materials we grow are purchased at a higher price.

Many medicinal materials can be exchanged for some older Taoist books. "

"Then you can send medicinal materials."

Commissioner Qian said excitedly,

"Tanshan, Tantian has already passed by with medicinal materials, and several rivers in this radius are already in the surrounding basin,

It takes a few rains, so that the medicinal materials of the medicinal garden, cultivated with the mysterious plane, can grow better. "

Ang Tianchui said,

"Of course." Committee Member Qian made a fist and nodded.

After Daofa urged, the water purification bottle had reached the valley empty.

Reach out a little, the cloud distribution function urges,

Clouds and mist sprayed around the water purification bottle until it covered the sky more than ten miles in radius.

Of course, the mist sprayed around the water purification bottle can cover a wider distance,

The sky is already windy,

Reach out,

In the sky more than twenty miles, the water purification bottle sprayed water, which turned into raindrops, and began to drain.

After half a cup of tea, I walked along the watershed towards Huoduiguan,

But after more than fifty miles, the water in the water purification bottle has all turned into rain.

Ang Tian hammer is here, this time the plants, medicines and even some special creatures in the sea in the storage ring,

They are brought back to Huoduiguan Manor for planting or breeding.

The Taoist book, watched and comprehended by Commissioner Qian, Commissioner Qian’s law is the highest,

It is suitable for understanding the connection between Taoism and advanced rules and laws.

After it rained, the water purification bottle flew as fast as lightning, and flew towards the original water collection site.

It will take at least ten rains, around a few medicinal gardens near Huoduiguan, this summer, it will be lush.

Only then can some of the medicinal materials in the medicinal garden be acquired at a price increase from the Beast’s Corridor.

To grow quickly.

The requirements for these medicinal materials in the Battle of Beasts Corridor start from 500 years. This acquisition requirement is to hang on the Beast Corridor for a long time.

It rained three more times, this is the fifth time to fetch water,

Just come to the water fetching place, "Boom-----"

A huge splash of water a few miles around rose,

There was a thunderous voice, and more than a dozen generals appeared around a golden armor general.

There are more than three thousand aquarium soldiers with pierced armor and more than three thousand people. They are all covered by the azure-blue Taoist shield. They are a foot thick. The flag palms and the drums are a big one. Battle.

"Stop taking water immediately!"

The golden armored general said, waving his hand,

More than a hundred long bows, one person high, were opened, but one person pulled the bow and one shot the arrow.

Daofa arrows are densely covered with palpitating symbols and faint brilliance,

The howling sound, like the roar of more than a hundred tigers,

More than five hundred arrows flew towards Committee Member Qian,

Each arrow is as high as a person, this is the arrow used by the Dragon Palace to siege the city.

"Yes, all your Taoist materials are okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Commissioner Qian said, waving his hand,

A ripple filled dozens of miles in an instant,

More than five hundred long arrows, one person high, stopped in the air,

"It's something with some legends."

Commissioner Qian said,

Finger flick,

The one-foot-thick azure-blue Taoist shield blasted a huge hole several meters in radius.

Commissioner Qian shook his body and he had already crossed ten miles.

Inside the Tao Fa shield,

This is the speed at which Commissioner Qian’s armor urges to reach,

The golden figure flashed, a long spear has turned into thousands of pear flowers,

Boomed over,

Shrouded in spears and flowers, the whole person is in a state of tens of thousands of water waves,

Ten thousand tons of water pressure shrouded, but most people can't move!

This is the real general of the Dragon Palace, the profound profound water he cultivated,

The single-line mystery is cultivated to a very high level or the second-line mysticism is cultivated to a very high level,

It has surpassed refining water like stone, and reached the realm of refining water like steel!

Commissioner Qian couldn't even save his sword, and with one punch, he had already hit a wave of water.

The mysterious ripples along the water waves, the spear, shook towards the golden armor general,

Thousands of spears immediately, this general's spear trembled,

"Boom-----" The body armor has been shattered!

A long spear, together with the storage ring on the body, has been in the hands of Chief Qian,

Jin Jia flew the whole person upside down. Committee Qian looked at the storage ring.

Sure enough, there are many Taoist books, even antique ones.

Good to have old books! Commissioner Qian sighed,

There was a long whip in his hand, left and right, hitting it for a while,

With a whip down, the generals stretched their swords to block, the long whip had already hit the body mysteriously.

This book comes from

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