Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3661: The iron leaf continent is facing each other

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Together with the flying ships, clouds and mist dodge a road,

Commissioner Qian drove over and got off the airship.

Cambran greeted him, the four elements merged, and Cambran was full of energy.

"Come to old money, sit down, feast-----"

Cambran said.

The waiter sent the banquet, pouring the green wine, the fragrance of the wine and the fragrance of the dishes overflowed.

The host and guest tasted the wine and dishes over and over again while talking about various anecdotes in the cultivation world.

"It has been more than two hundred years since the Iron Leaf Continent and the Abyss Realm have been connected to a continent.

Many people explore the abyss plane. "

Cambran mentioned one thing.

The Iron Leaf Continent and the Abyss Realm are connected to a continent plane space. This is a sensational event that has caused a lot of major **** planes

Commissioner Qian has certainly heard of it, and heard that the immortal came to deal with it as a senior figure.

After more than a hundred years, the spatial docking between the continents has still been maintained.

"There is an ancient temple site over there. I have obtained an ancient key. The pattern is somewhat similar to that of the temple on the abyss plane."

Cambran said,

"In the past, the cultivation base was low, and the two elements were fused, so I didn’t dare to go to any abyss plane.

It's been more than two hundred years, how? Come to that plane with me to see how. "

Commissioner Qian nodded and said, "Yes."

After eating the wine and food, Cambran picked up the storage ring and said to Commissioner Qian, "Go."

Out of the manor, the airship urged it to launch and galloped towards the distance.

On Iron Leaf Continent, Commissioner Qian and Cambran stepped out of the teleportation formation,

You can already see demons walking by,

After the airship, Daofa reminded him and walked towards a mountain range in the distance,

The spaceship flew three thousand miles and has reached that mountain range,

After getting off the airship, the airship received,

With a urge to escape, he flew towards the depths of the mountains,

When we arrived near a gorge, the monks of all races came and went, how lively,

This canyon is the entrance to the plane space channel,

Commissioner Qian and Cambran Dao Fa urged, clouds and mist,

Walk into this passage. The passageway seems to have a lot of thick glass accumulation,

Walking past, there are also verdant woods.

The spaceship did not urge the launch. Commissioner Qian and Cambran covered the gray cloak alone.

Flew forward along the ridge, after more than a hundred miles,

Suddenly the sword light on the back of the ridge, the blade light flashed, with a gray cloud,

Slash towards Commissioner Qian and Cambran,

"Leave the storage bag!" Ten monks appeared from the back of the ridge,

Shouted loudly,

Commissioner Qian’s flying sword twisted, like a Changhong shaking the sky, three monks were cut in two.

The other monks screamed and their voices changed.

Flying past to the side.

Commissioner Qian and Cambran, took the storage rings of these people,

At first glance, there are some books on the abyss world inside.

Put away the storage bag and walked for five thousand miles,

After a few hours, I saw a temple-like building,

The style is simple, the material seems to be built a hundred years ago, there are demon monks,

In and out here.

The two of them shook their bodies and had already crossed the wall and entered the temple.

Today, the temple has become a shelter for these monks.

After a few steps, a few demonic monks walked towards him.

Looking at these two people, "Where is this?"

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed, a cloud of mist rose out of thin air around these demons.

Surrounded by mist, these monks only felt pressured and could not move.

I want to shout, my voice is blocked by the fog, I can’t shout at all,

It was just the cloud and water fusing the mystery, these demon cultivators were immediately immobile.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand to catch, these monks have been stuffed under the altar table,

Walked through the hall, walked towards the side hall,

At first glance, there is a mural here,

Cambran stretched out his hand to point to a part of the mural, the surface texture,

It is similar to the Cambrian key,

The key Cambran obtained has been urged countless times.

Cambran looked at it for a long time, then posted the key to the mural one by one.

Commissioner Qian felt that this key seemed to have been drawn on this part.

Suddenly, this brilliance spread,

The murals show a line of words, which is exactly one way.

Commissioner Qian and Cambran watched, Commissioner Qian pointed out.

A cloud and mist enveloped the mural strictly.

"How is the light in the hall?"

The surprised voice of the demon monk came,

"It seems like there is a mural?"

With the sound, ten monks walked in,

At first glance, the location of the original mural is surrounded by clouds and mist,

"Someone is using Dao Fa."

There was a demon monk shouted in a deep voice,

This cloud rolled towards them and felt,

This cloud and mist weighed like a mountain, and these people were swept by this cloud and mist,

He couldn't even urge the hair, and was pulled out of this temple.

This book comes from

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