Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3665: Slate Book of Abyss Plane


On the plane of Jinsha River, Cambran’s manor, precious medicinal materials that are as tall as a person

Planters along the stone road, for so many years, the medicinal materials planted by Cambrian,

Compared to ordinary monks, it was pretty good.

The cultivation base was another twenty-five years later, and the level of the four elements' profound integration had not yet reached.

Cambran and Commissioner Qian were walking,

"We have been to the adjacent plane of the Abyss. A farmer found the stone book. There is a school who has already put those stone books.

Put it in the bag. "

Cambran said: "From the abyss plane we've been to, we took the plane teleportation circle, and it was easy to reach that plane."

"Then we go over."

As Chairman Qian said, the light cast their shadows on the shadow of the tree, and saw that both sides were gesticulating.

Teleportation Array of Iron Leaf Continental Plane,

Commissioner Qian and Cambran teleported out from the plane, and the airship,

Walked toward the plane channel.

After walking through the plane channel, Dao Fa urged, flew towards the distance,

After flying for more than 10,000 miles, I saw a few teleportation halls.

There are a thousand guards guarding,

When I arrived at the guard, I paid the immortal stone,

After a long time, the teleportation array started.

The space changes, and the teleportation array is out.

Cambran said with emotion: "You said, old Qian, is this the proximity of the Abyssal World and the Lord God's Plane?"

Commissioner Qian shook his head: "I don’t know, people face each other, they are close, there is a huge vision, the world is close,

It's really not that people of our level can understand. "

Motivated Dao Fa and galloped toward the distance.

After a few days,

In the middle of the mountain, I saw a building far away,

"It's here, I received the slate book."

Cambran said, watching a patrol team approach him.

The two of them dashed behind the tree, and in an instant, they merged with the branches and leaves and shadows of the trees.

It's the same as Cambran, the four elements of mysticism fusion cultivation base is extraordinary.

Coming to the last patrol member, Commissioner Qian swept away.

The patrol member has been caught in the bushes, the soul search Dafa has been urged, and he has reached out his hand towards this person.

In an instant, I already knew.

Said to Kambalan: "The burial site of the stone book that the farmer found,

All slate books, this school has been excavated, and all have been excavated,

A new Buddhist scripture building has been added, and the masters of the martial art are organizing and watching inside the Buddhist scripture building. "

Commissioner Qian said, pointing to a building in the heart of the building.

The lights are brilliant, and there are still many monks coming and going at night,

"Using Dao Fa."

Commissioner Qian said, the two human Dao law urged, all fell into the cloud.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, and a faint divine light radiated, spinning around the building.

Powerful breaking the formation and Dao Fa slam past it,

I want to deduce the correct way in from the formation,

With Qian, the committee can only deduct a tea time,

Look at Can Bulan, it's deduced.

"I have already pushed the show." Commissioner Qian said.

"Well, I'll follow you."

The two of them rushed into a thick fog, under the cover of night,

Walk towards the building complex.

Walking into the passage next to the building, a passage turning to the left soon appeared,

Turning to the left, a thick fog said, this way,

Another thick fog,

Walked 30 meters to the front, there was a fork in the front,

"Turn to the right."

The thick fog said again.

Two thick fog, walked towards the right,

An oncoming patrol came over,

After a pause, under the thick night, it was a reaction.

This is thick fog,

"Why is it foggy."

The patrol said,

The thick mist is like silk, rolling towards a dozen patrols,

Ten or so patrol members can't move.

After turning the corner, another patrol came,

The thick fog was like a thread, and it swooped at these patrol members.

In an instant, these monks could no longer move,

At this time, I walked in a straight path,

After passing this straight road, the Buddhist scripture pavilion where the slate books are placed has arrived.

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

A coil of silk thread, a few monks inside the main entrance,

He fell to the ground and entered the door. Some slate books were placed in the house.

Commissioner Qian and Cambran urged the thick fog to swirl, and they had already read around these slate books.

A slate book, one word has hundreds of strokes, hundreds of strokes,

The strokes are as vigorous as a horned dragon, and mysterious as the obscure antiquity, revealing the remoteness and vicissitudes of life.

The dense fog brushed towards the words, the words have been recorded,

Putting down the slate and moving towards the other slates, the two of them urged the thick fog and brushed it.

The storage bag has an extra pottery plate, which is lighter and stronger.

The pottery plate shows slate characters, and the strokes and depth are not bad at all.

Just recorded more than 30 slates,

"Hum, hum, hum-----" Someone has come downstairs.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and pointed a cloud of silk around.

This person can no longer move, nor can he speak.

This book comes from

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