Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3667: Petrochemical Hall


After Daofa reminded him, a stone in the mountain's belly was burned by the flame.

Crackling, after half a tea time, a door appeared,

The style is simple and simple, not gold or jade. There are water waves and flower patterns.

Everyone in the Celestial Star Committee was stunned.

They can be said to be Dao Fa, Divine Mind, and magic weapons here. They did not find that this stone is a gate.

Commissioner Qian let out a green flame and burned, revealing the door.

"Rumble ------"

The door opened and Commissioner Qian shook his body. He has entered the door, but it is a wide hall.

I saw a desk inside with a set of Taoist books and ten books on it.

Commissioner Qian's figure is rolled up, and Dao Fa urges it to issue.

I have already rolled this book into my storage ring.

This is when everyone from the Celestial Planetary Plane Committee entered,

At first glance, there is a fire dragon stand next to it, the whole body is bronze,

Surrounded by fire dragons, with a helmet, a flying sword, and a suit of battle armor,

A shield,

Otherwise, there is nothing else in the hall.

"Old Qian, I didn't expect you to have a profound and profound way-found a treasure."

Liu Sisi said,

"My skill, but it's a little longer."

Commissioner Qian said, took a look at the armor,

Looking at this armor, the level is no longer as good as the armor and magic weapon that I refined.

"Flying sword, armor, how about I choose one?"

Commissioner Qian said, although the level of these magic weapons is no longer as good as the armor he refined,

However, the array patterns and refining methods of the magic weapon still have merits.

I realized that I had blown away this restriction, flying sword battle armor, these magic weapons, I had at least one set.

This is the black flame, flashing in the distant sky,

Arrived at this mountain like lightning,

"There are ancient treasures. These ancient treasures are all mine."

As he said, a knife of the black flame slashed towards a subordinate of the Celestial Star Committee,

This subordinate's magic weapon flying sword urged, and the black sword light touched,

With a bang, the flying sword turned into fragments and burst into pieces,

Seeing the knife light cut towards him,

A scream of surprise, still in his throat,

A deep blue sword light flashed,

This black knife light only feels that there are thousands of waves, heavy as a mountain,

Passing from the deep blue sword light, the black sword light suddenly bounced.

At this time, this subordinate of the Celestial Planetary Commission,

Only then did he feel the pressure that Daoguang had brought to himself like a mountain.


The escape method is full of urging, and it has reached the side of Li Yaoshi,

"Chairman, there are a lot of masters in this abyss."

He said to Li Yaoshi with a dry smile,

In the Celestial Planetary Commission, it is said that the level of the pharmacist is the highest,

The man’s black knife was bounced off, black flames,

A pair of eyes were revealed, looking at Committee Member Qian's eyes, it was as cold as a mountain.

Commissioner Qian urged his sword art, the cyan mist rolled towards the black flame like lightning, and slashed towards this person.

This humanitarian law urged the sword to soar into the sky,

At the volume of the blue mist, there was a loud rumbling, and the blue mist turned into three thousand swords.

The black flame, together with the power of the sword light,

By these three thousand swords, it was slashed like a volcanic eruption.

There are three thunderous sounds, this human body has three more blood holes,

A scream,

Dao Fa urged it and flew past like lightning in the distance,

"It's still a little wise---no wonder you can pick me up."

Commissioner Qian said.

There are three thousand swords in one move, and this person can't beat three swords. For Committee Member Qian,

It's already a little wise.

"Old money, the cultivation base has greatly increased, admire."

Gao Yu said.

"Where, your cultivation base is not bad, and the task of mastering the gods is here."

Commissioner Qian chose the War Armor and watched that the War Armor could urge three Dao Fa guards.

Sword, Commissioner Qian has already refined the mystery.

"Go to the Iron Leaf Continent, and we have established a villa on the Iron Leaf Continent."

Kun Mihui said,

When this black flame monk made a move,

A few of them discussed, except Li Yaoshi and Gao Yu can fight for a while,

Others attacked this black flame-covered monk, and they would all be defeated soon.

The complexions of several people changed.

I want to go to Iron Leaf Continent at this time,

The villa built by the Celestial Star Committee itself.

Commissioner Qian knew about this,

However, this matter will be handled by Li Yaoshi.

Introduced Cambran to the Celestial Star Committee,

Walking towards the plane teleportation array on the purple jade plane,

A few miles away from the river,

A mountain col and a few mountain slopes are surrounded by clouds,

This is the magic circle arranged by Li Yaoshi himself.

Pharmacist Li took out a magic weapon, stretched out his hand, and the clouds spread out a passage.

Everyone walked into this passage,

A few medicinal fields and a few mountain cols, this is a mountain village established by the Celestial Star Management Committee,

When I got to the villa, I caught chicken heads, sheep, a pig, and some fish.

The seasoning is naturally brought out by the Chief Qian,

Soon a two-table banquet was made, and a few people took out the spirit wine and drank.

After a few words, Commissioner Qian asked about this mission.

I don't know what kind of ancient ruins have been explored in the temple on the Ziyu plane.

This book comes from

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