Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3669: The saber-toothed deer defeated the ancient battlefield


The sabertooth deer walked to the martial arts field in front of the hall,

The whole person turned into a violent wind,

The wind blows, howling like lightning, with thousands of gusts of wind, as hard as a rock,

Ordinary Golden Core cultivator, with a sword cut to this gust of wind, the sword technique may be rebounded back.

This gust of wind is made up of the mystery of the wind system, the mysticism of the earth system, the mysticism of the water system, the combination of the mysticism of the plant system and the mysticism of the gold system.

The plant and gold elements are weaker, and the other elements are stronger.

This saber-toothed deer is friends with Lord Tree, and plants are more or less mysterious,

It has also achieved integration, which is pretty good.

Commissioner Qian quickly saw the Dao Fa turned into a violent wind, where his true body was.

Earth, water, fire and wind, the wind made by this saber-toothed deer is also a kind of wind,

A master of the wind system, Commissioner Qian has had a lot of contact,

The essence is the flow of air and water vapor. Masters cultivate the mystery of wind, which is different.

Although it shows the fusion of the five elements, but,

The power of the wind of the fusion of the five elements of mysticism has been displayed by Cambran much greater.

Cambrian could see.

This kind of power, even Iron Leaf Continent, if you meet such a master, you can’t pass it.

Not to mention the purple jade plane.

Commissioner Qian urged his sword tactics, and the cyan fog bloomed like lightning, rushing toward the gust of wind.

Turned into three thousand swords, slashed towards the direction of the saber-toothed deer,

The saber-toothed deer saw that the flying sword transformed by the cyan fog slashed towards him.

Dao Fa flashed,

Feijian urged, he cultivated the mystery of the wind. Fusion of other mysteries,

Flying swords are naturally a hand-to-hand weapon.

Like lightning, one block towards a sword shadow,

I feel that the weight of this sword shadow is as heavy as a mountain,

This person is not as fast as I am, so why is the sword so heavy?

The saber-toothed deer urged Dao Fa, and the power like a mountain spread from the body.

What is revealed is that the five elements of mysticism are merged, and the origin of Taoism has been cultivated to perfection.

Like a powerful core of power,

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom-------"

Every sword touch makes a loud noise like a thunderstorm.

The saber-toothed tiger still incorporates the mystery of the thunder system,

Six elements of mystery fusion!

After receiving fifty swords, the arms of the saber-toothed deer were sour.

The saber-toothed deer yelled: "Wait a minute----"

The figure has jumped out of the battle circle,

It really deserves to be a saber-toothed deer. Committee member Qian sighed with emotion.

The speed of cultivating this mysterious wind has reached extremely fast.

Commissioner Qian estimated that the speed could take a thousand swords from the monk who was burning with black flames.

"It's not an opponent, I took fifty swords, each of which was as heavy as a mountain, then took a few more swords, and the flying sword slashed over."

Lord Tree beckoned to the saber-toothed deer, the saber-toothed deer walked over,

"I see, the monk is burning with black flames, and I have a high cultivation base."

Lord Tree said,

"I think it is imperative for the ancient battlefield to be a party."

Lord Tiger said,

"The ten masters of the old money just told him to go to the ancient battlefield together to see if he had any gains.

It happens to be able to withstand the treasure hunting masters in the ancient battlefield. "

Commissioner Qian defeated the saber-toothed deer with fifty swords. In addition to Li Yaoshi,

The other monks opened their mouths,

Then he sipped the wine,

"Unexpectedly, Chairman Qian's Taoism is so high."

"In our place, apart from the Alchemist, Panaga and the saber-toothed deer can fight each other."

As soon as Commissioner Qian heard, Panagar was repaired in the Celestial Star Committee,

It has slightly surpassed Gao Yu, and he played against Gao Yu,

Fight three thousand moves to get a little wind.

Already vaguely in the Celestial Star Committee, ranking second.

The members said.

The three monster races discussed there for a long time,

Said to the Li Yaoshi: "The master, the old Qian, happened to be on the plane of Ziyu,

Knowing that there is an ancient battlefield, there is even a half-position face-to-face, how about going to explore it? "

Lord Shu spoke, and the three were headed by Lord Shu.

"It seems that the purple jade plane is full of black flame masters, which gives you a lot of pressure."

The pharmacist Li said,

"Our cultivation base is the fusion of the five elements, the six elements, the half plane,

You can go. You don't need a flying spaceship, you can escape. "

The members of the Celestial Star Committee, at least cultivated to the fusion of the five elements and the six elements.

Cambran has only cultivated the four elements of mystery fusion in recent decades.

Meet the members of the Celestial Plane Committee,

It is a lot behind.

After practicing to the fusion of the five elements and the six elements, we must continue to move towards the deep.

The difference is big.

Pharmacist Li looked towards the others,

"What do you think?"

Commissioner Qian nodded: "I think you can go."

Panaga nodded: "I practice the profound mystery, but I didn't expect that the saber-toothed tiger can only receive fifty swords from the commissioner!

I think you can go to the ancient battlefield to see if there are any opportunities. "

The overall mystery of the saber-toothed tiger is biased towards the wind of rapid movement, the overall mystery of Panaga,

Lean towards the mountains.

"You are going, then go have a look." Gao Yu and Kun Mi Huidu nodded.

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