Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 467: Fly to Base Camp

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"So, if it can be found and rescued, then rescue.

If you can't rescue it after you find it, you will be within a hundred meters of the Voidwalker, thinking of Destroying Mantra.

Within a hundred meters, when the Voidwalker hears the mantra of destruction, it will completely explode, destroying all the crossing coordinates in his body.

The cross-coordinates in his body, even if they were captured by someone, it would take at least eight or sixty-four days for the other party to refine it.

In any case, you have to complete one of the above two tasks before this last time!

Finally, if the core that caused this earthly change can be destroyed, it must be destroyed!

You have to check it carefully--------Forget it, after so many years, it should be impossible. "

In the end, in the dazzling light, there is already an irresistible voice of supreme majesty!

However, you must be careful about what you are doing. This white light did not say anything, and naturally, there is no need to execute it.

"Yes, my lord! The subordinates must fulfill their mission!"

Three people in white stood in the front row. Kneel on one leg immediately. Place your right hand on your left chest. He respectfully salutes the dazzling white light.

Suddenly. More than nine hundred people behind. Bai Huhu fell to his knees for a large area.

Galiton's face was also respectful. But the eyeballs kept spinning.

Obviously. God-level powerhouse. Voidwalker has been captured. Galliton was shocked.

This Kazan continent. For the Church of the God of Justice. It is a wild land. therefore. To teach here. It is not as comfortable as preaching to those who have mature faith.

but. Similarly. To preach to such a place. Supervision from all sides. Also loosened a lot. There are not so many requests from mature parishes. A senior pastor made a small inspection for three days. A senior pastor came to inspect for four days.

Naturally, in this environment. People have been mixed for a long time, even if they are brainwashed and loyal, they will gradually become oily.

From the kind of fanaticism that I used to donate my blood to the Lord, I gradually became more thinking about myself.

Therefore, the ascetics under the Lord of Light generally practice asceticism for a long time in a hidden place, without contact with the outside world for a long time.

Only the mana cultivated in this way. Only pure and powerful.

Of course, they will be more loyal when they are desperately required.

Like Galiton, there are not a few of the 900 people whose eyes turn around.

The white light split into countless white light spots, which disappeared without a trace in an instant, obviously. This group of dazzling white light, like the old man in the golden clothes in the floating castle of the Blue Floating Army, is a projection that spans thousands of planes.

Just the projection, the dazzling degree, made it impossible for these monks with a successful cultivation base to look at each other with straight eyes.

If it is the body, it must be an unimaginable brightness!

The three white apostles in the first row turned around. Their faces no longer saw the slightest trace of respect and humility just now, and they were replaced with majestic and solemn faces.

The silver-haired monk in the middle spoke:

"Loyal apostles! It took me thirty years to get the Church of the Just Lord God to be as large as it is today.

Here, the local apostles of justice in Kassan mainland have now reached one hundred!

This is our achievement, the glory of the Lord God of Justice! "

Having said this, the silver-haired and silver-brow monk paused.

"The Lord God is eternal! The Lord God is eternal! Lord Bubai is as bright as the morning star, and as bright as the morning star!"

More than 900 monks immediately shouted in unison.

Morning Star. It is a big star that will never fall on the plane of the **** of justice.

Even the sun on the plane of justice. Can't hide the light of this star named "Morning Star".

The light is like a morning star, on the plane of the **** of justice. It is the eternal slogan that is second only to the main **** and is used to describe the long-term existence of one thing.

This slogan. They had already shouted tens of thousands of times on the Kassan Continent. At this time, they were extremely skilled. Obviously, the leader of the Apostle of Justice in Kassan was a person who likes to make a name and flatter.

"Now, it's time for us to dedicate ourselves to the Lord God. Crossing the coordinates is related to the safety of the Lord God plane! In order to ensure the safety of the Lord God plane, even if we all fight the light, we must complete this sacred task."

"The Lord God is eternal! The Lord God is eternal!"

The tree that looked like a piece of white ice suddenly stood up, and more than 900 right hands stood up at the same time, shouting with passion, swearing allegiance to the Lord God.

However, if you look closely, a small percentage of people have less enthusiasm in their eyes than their peers.

The same scene was staged in another location in the mainland of Kassan.

However, this time the protagonist is a reincarnation army dressed in black armor. The people who are giving them a lecture are simply three dragon heads growing on their heads, and each dragon head has three horns. However, the head in the middle is actually It had a human face, dressed in a crimson armor, and his face and exposed hands were covered with faint scales.

On the faint scales, there was a layer of juice-like blue light flowing.

And the number of these Samsara Army is only more than 600, far less than the number of the Bifu Army, the Apostle of Justice.

"You must pay attention to searching for the two captured Void, one belongs to the **** of justice, the other belongs to the **** of giant rock earth.

You are most likely to achieve these two goals.

In addition, you must find a way to figure out whether the power of the fire disaster was absorbed by something. If it is absorbed by something, you only need to find out what it is, but , Don’t interfere with it, let him develop, hehe---"

The cultivator with the three dragon heads in the human body said behind him, and even smirked twice.

Then, the monk with the three dragon heads in the human body also turned into countless cyan light spots at the same time, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

Three extremely strong ones. Almost at the same time, across thousands of planes, one's own projection was sent, but the tasks and goals explained were different.

Over the residence of the steel temple tribe, a splendid ray of light, like a cloud, stays over the village where the scale has expanded to a mixed settlement of 3,000 people of various races.

Escape in the light. It was all the cultivators of the Bifu Army who came to Kassan to perform missionary tasks this time.

Kakawei also had a cold face, standing far away from Qian Xing.

Kakawi now has two pairs of wings.

His newly-grown wings, located at the top of his shoulders, turned out to be faint silver with purple spots scattered among the silver.

The appearance of this wing can be known at a glance. It's better than the original wings, and definitely more powerful than the original wings!

However, the size of this pair of silver wings was only one-third the size of the original pair of wings.

This is also one of the reasons why Kakawei has always been cold on Qian Xing.

His second pupalization, because "Infant God Liquid" was too little, only less than half succeeded!

Qian Xing secretly swept away the "Infant God Liquid" in the warehouse, which made Galiton. Jones, Kakaway and others, were so angry!

If Qian Xing secretly took away the batch of Ying Shen Ye and gave him some more, his second pupation might be completely successful.

but now. The process of the second pupalization has been completed, and it is useless to say anything. If you want to pupate three times, the "Baby God Liquid" needed is an astronomical number.

Kakawei estimated that Qian Xing's inventory of infant **** liquid must not be so large, even if there are so many. It is impossible to give it to yourself.

simply. Turn a blind eye to Qian Xinglai.

In the very far sky, a small spot of green ground appeared. But then, this little green dot. At an incredible speed, it quickly flew towards the residence of the steel temples.

The distance of this little green dot was thousands of miles away from the residence of the steel temple clan when it first appeared.

In front of the small green dot, there was a sharp white fold. The small green dot flew closer. The monks saw that this sharp white fold was actually a single piece, which could only be seen when the object was flying at high speed. Shockwave!

This little green dot has become a green cylinder with the size of a fist. On both sides of the cylinder, there are two rows of wing-like things. The two rows of things are constantly flapping. The cylinder, in Qian Xing's eyes, became one point bigger.

Every time it gets bigger, the distance is more than a thousand miles closer!

In other words, this thing can travel a distance of more than a thousand miles with one wing!

"Ah---it's a floating castle! The floating castle has flown over, and they are all here!"

The two messengers of the head of Ronali cried out in surprise!

After a short while, this cyan behemoth has hovered in front of Qian Xing and others.

Qian Xing and the others were even more stunned, looking at this behemoth, showing his flying posture for the first time.

The huge dark green behemoth in front of me is 600 meters high, cylindrical, and 300 meters in diameter. The top tip is wide and the bottom is wide. The dark green exterior is covered with mottled and rough bark. The texture and holes look like a huge stump.

Six pairs of green wings, each of which is two hundred meters long and one hundred meters wide. The style is similar to the fleshy wings of a flying dragon. However, the skeletons on the wings are huge green vines, and the thin film of the wings. It is even more than ten meters thick, translucent leaf-like things.

These six huge wings are now all unfolded, and a layer of cyan clouds appeared on the surface of each wing. This layer of clouds, condensed but not scattered, just supports this huge mountain-like monster, hovering over it. In front of Qian Xing and others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's too much, the base camp is dispatched!

What on earth is this north, worth it


A small door opened above the floating castle.

A soldier of the Bifu Army leaned forward and shouted to the people who were greeted in the light cloud: "The commander has an order! Except for the priest, all the others are coming up!"

Kaitriniu and other pastors were immediately overjoyed!

Staying with these mortal believers, the chance of survival is much greater!

"What? They didn't go? Sun, why are they going to die every time."

Soldiers filed into the small door of the floating castle plane, and almost every soldier was cursing it!

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