Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1066: Breakthrough Golden Mist Entangling

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Outside there was a sound like a flash flood.

This is the knights of the Knights of Saint Smail, moving furiously.

This intruder was too arrogant, and there were two successive invasions overnight.

Didn't the Knights of Saint Smee take care of it at all?

In the feeling of the old money, what is even more terrifying is that the vitality of the entire Saint Smyr Castle moves violently and orderly.

In an instant, layer after layer of elemental barriers with various destruction auras formed.

Sun, this is a full ban, and I am determined to keep myself here.

Old Qian now understands that in this Saint Smyr’s Castle, any torn space will be monitored even though the overlapping obstacles of the space cannot stop him, but he can definitely detect his entry into the space and escape into the space. location.

Although the main god’s car is only six golden swans, it is still quite predictable after all.

I underestimated them.


Vidona let out a mournful cry, still wanting to persuade one last time.

The old Qian grabbed Vidona’s hand tightly, and said helplessly to Vidona: "Nana, everyone has their own choices and their own difficulties. Don’t persuade you. Let’s go. Stay in the universe in his sleeves."

After that, the sleeves flicked, and a gust of wind started!

Vidona only felt that a flower in front of her, being captured by a huge force, had already involuntarily moved into another space.

"Sister-in-law, welcome to A Chou's house! Hehe."

The ugly and big head of A Chou, who hadn't seen it for a long time, appeared in front of Vidona with a grin.

Vidona just blushed, and then, her right fist was clenched, her **** bent forward, and she hit A Chou's messy head severely.


Old Qian smashed the colorful wall in front of him!

Rush out in front of you!

The light that restrained the shattering had not disappeared, and a group of figures rushed over.

More than a dozen sword lights of various colors have crossed and slashed strangely!

Where Jianguang passed, the entire space was condensed!

A crimson light lit up on the human flame!

This crimson light is so dazzling and so evil!

The dozen or so Saint Smail Knights masters all felt that the sword light spurred with all their strength suddenly stagnated, and the huge force from that scarlet sword light was shocked!

More than a dozen strangely whistling sword lights, it was impossible to control the moment when they were shocked to both sides.

More than a dozen people yelled in their hearts at the same time.

However, in this narrow space, a dozen people joined forces to attack with all their strength, and it is simply inevitable!

The crimson light drove straight in.

"Peng, Peng!"

A few people in line broke through the walls on both sides, but the people in front and in the middle were not so lucky.

Crimson sword light passed by like the sun, and a shower of blood stained the walls of a corridor red.

Ten people were cut in half at the same time.

A group of human-shaped flames instantly shuttled through the blood mist in the sky!

In the eyes of the survivors, it was like a blazing meteor.

However, the survivor's feet were weak and he lost the courage to chase away. Only when the red meteor smashed through several walls and disappeared from the field of vision, they shouted at the same time and chased them. Go up.

As soon as Old Qian broke through the wall of the castle, he saw the sky outside, already shining like rain.

The outside is loose and inside is tight, the hidden whistle of the Knights of Saint Smail has gathered in the air outside the castle.

There are dozens of sword lights, like raindrops, splattering toward the humanoid flames that rush out.

The crimson light that shook the sky without fear, cut into the dozens of sword rains, shaking, shaking!

Dozens of sword lights split from the middle, and the two sword lights have blasted above the human flame.

However, the sword light from these two hits did not seem to have a slight impact on this humanoid flame.

The red, bewitching, crimson light, like a sunrise in the clouds, a large circle cut with an incomparable angle, and with the domineering power of the world, another corpse cut in half fell in the sky like rain.

Pieces of sword light shot out, and the crimson rays of light, like the sky, rushed in without mercy, fearlessly!

Kill the knights of the Knights of Saint Smyrique who stood in the way, blood-stained the sky, torn apart, invincible all the way!

Above Saint Smyr’s Castle, countless platinum talisman sky showed signs, and countless platinum lightsabers formed under the restraint, and then it fell like a torrential rain.

Hundreds of millions of platinum lightsabers, with dazzling incomparable light, burst down, shrouding the entire city of Navor in a white-gold reflection.

Rao Qian’s sword light was extremely sharp, but he couldn’t handle this endless white lightsaber.

Turning over his left hand, a Wu Mengmeng mirror was already held in his hand, looking at the sky!

A cloud of dazzling brilliance rose to the sky, forming a cloud cover tens of meters high, like a black cloud tumbling there, exuding an infinite icy and biting mysterious atmosphere, surrounding the old Qian’s head, Securely guard.

The infinite white golden lightsaber plunged into this dark cloud, like a clay cow into the sea, without news.

This cloud cover of Wumengmeng looks like ordinary dark clouds, which will disperse with one blow, but it is like a giant Wumengmeng sponge, sucking countless white golden lightsabers, not even a single ripple.

Even the flying swords of the Saints Maid's knights hit the brilliance of the Wumeng Meng rising into the sky, and it was nothing more than a ripple!

"What a strong baby! And it just restrains the light and fire spells."

All the knights who attacked the brilliance of this group of Wommeng, felt the deep coldness in this group of brilliance!

The scarlet sword light cut open a piece of blood mist with a long, immortal trajectory.

A piece of corpse flew up, and a centaur with a panicked expression appeared in front of Scarlet Jianguang.

It was in front of Audrey, Poros who questioned the role of Nan Batian played by Old Qian.

Seeing this humanoid flame attack power is so terrifying, the sword art operation is so exquisite.

Poros understood that he was not an opponent.

"Where is the Light Guardian!"

Poros roared!

Three first-born double horns, spiral-shaped monsters with a tiger-like face and a monitor lizard, standing at a height of six meters, instantly appeared beside this centaur.

The extremely strong body is just like the eternal ancient giant with an incomparable evil spirit.

Strips of golden smoke surrounded the three monsters.

Each monster holds a six-meter long weapon covered with gleaming barbs!

Three pairs of green eyes the size of copper bells, looking at the centaur Maboros' eyes, were full of anger!

Seeing Poros pointed towards the red light, these three six-meter-high monsters stood still on the spot.

"Hurry up!"

The golden-eyed centaur was angry, and stretched out his hand!

Strips of golden smoke are tight!

On the three extremely strong and hideous bodies, protrusions suddenly bulged, and the blood inside the bodies boiled! The thick bones creaked.


The three monsters uttered earth-shaking screams at the same time, and with endless anger, they swooped at the old money!

The old Qian's spirit scans instantly, and these three huge monsters are not spirits, their bodies are all entities.

However, there is a breath similar to that of zombies.

These golden smoke locked their souls in their bodies forever.

"Golden mist entwined."

Light spells similar to death spells.

Whether it is a light spell or a dark spell, as long as it is used properly, it can also achieve the effect of confining the soul and manipulating the body.

Three monsters, raising huge weapons, swept like a frenzy in the ocean of storms.

However, the crimson light of the sun in the sky, first of all, the color changes, there is a pure red color, and it becomes black, red, black and red.

"Hellfire? No"

The three monsters wailed at the same time.

However, they could not control their forward footsteps.

Seeing the black, red, black and red sword light, like a snake plucking a grass, suddenly accelerated, and suddenly accelerated, before the three huge strange swords fell on the humanoid flames, they were already on the three monsters. I ordered a little in a row.

The golden mist was broken in an instant, and three black and red flames had penetrated into the bodies of the three monsters.


Where three black and red flames fell, the extremely strong body suddenly burned like dry wood.


Amidst the horrifying screams that covered the audience in science, three odd-shaped weapon blades were already on the empty ground. In the dust raised like a volcanic eruption, a huge deep pit suddenly appeared. .

"Poros, are you going to die? Get out!"

Camas appeared in the distance with an anxious look, and the stern sound of scolding suddenly reached Poros' ears.

Seeing the heavy casualties of the knight under him, Camas felt a little anxious.

Why doesn't this guy know how to save his strength, why is his head so unusable?

Poros saw his master stare, and he was simply wronged.

Who knew this guy was so powerful?

Who made this guy have to come at me?


The centaur kicked a pair of horseshoes, and the man was already several tens of meters away, and the tactics were moving, preparing to take away the three light protectors.

However, endless black flames spewed out from the three giant bodies!

Not only was it burning, even the souls in detention began to burn.

In the cruel burning as depicted in the epic, the human figure shrouded in the clouds of Wommen finally came close to the edge of the towering city wall.

The half-golden-eyed centaur greeted the master staring fiercely!

"You idiot!"

Camas, with blue hair, could hardly wait to kick his stupid servant.

However, there are too many secrets between them, even though they are dissatisfied with the servant's ability to preserve oneself, in the public, it is absolutely impossible to do so.

The runes engraved on the entire city wall were all aroused, and in an instant, the entire periphery of Saint Smyr's Castle became a sea of ​​golden fire!

However, this wide-reaching spell obviously does not have much restraint power on this humanoid flame.


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