The combination of assassin and gun **** is very suitable for the female, but the cost is that such a combination is definitely not enough.

After all, assassins are physics, guns are gunpowder. If the whole body is equipped with physical equipment, then the four skills of the assassin have high damage, but the gun **** has no damage. If the whole body is gunpowder equipment, then the assassin's four skills will not hurt, mainly rely on the gun god.

As for the case of wearing half of physics and half of gunpowder, the physical damage of natural magic can only reach medium damage, no high damage, and no bottom damage.

"The three of us pulled away! Keep a safe distance," Xu Ruofei reminded.

Ye never gave up and nodded.

The three were separated by a few meters and were visible to each other.

Keep moving.


All five gathered together.

"They use assassins and gun gods, everyone pay attention. It's time we fight back!" Xu Ruofei whispered something.

Everyone nodded from time to time.


Xu Ruofei first entered the canteen area of ​​the factory, turned on the faucet, and washed his face.

Watching vigilantly.

Suddenly Xu Ruofei directly used a blade to force provocation.

An island player appears directly!

His pupils suddenly shrank: "How did you find me !?"

"You look underground!" Xu Ruofei smiled.

Assassins will reduce a lot of defense! And Xu Ruofei was not far away from the others, and the five of them directly shot and killed.

This is a corner area of ​​the cafeteria with no industrial high-rises across. Therefore, the attack can only be on flat ground. Five people turned on the faucet, and a lot of water was flowing on the ground.

Everyone could see traces of movement on the water surface and quickly attacked.

"They want to run!" There was a smile on the corner of Speed's secret mouth.

Xu Ruofei laughed: "Is it too late to run?"

Stealth doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just can't be seen. Then in addition to skills, some things can also find traces of assassins. For example, there is water on the ground, white powder on the ground, and even if it is a paint house, it can splash paint. This is naturally the most suitable for the factory.

Has been found, Fujiwara Miyoshi did not do two rest, and directly slaughtered with Xu Ruofei and others!

Four against five!

Xu Ruofei occupies an advantage in number, crushing strongly.

Fujiwara Miyoshi became furious: "Six wings have a heads-up!"

"Do you think you are qualified?" Xu Ruofei chuckled.

He pressed hard, and Xu Ruofei took it easy. In the twenty-seven fights, Xu Ruofei spotted a mistake by the other side and fiercely tried to kill each other!

The captain died!

The rest are less likely to be three enemies!

Soon, the rest were also solved!

The referee looked at all this on the screen and was stunned. It took a while to announce: "Huaxia! The Dynasty team wins!"


The audience cheered!

Kiki laughed: "Let's welcome the victory of the Dynasty! See a wonderful performance."

Glass explained: "Enter the factory from the beginning, and then find the other party's profession. You can seduce step by step, then use the environment to break the other party's profession. All in one go! Let us congratulate the Dynasty team for victory!

Applause rang all over the place.

Xu Ruofei and others broke away from the holographic world, bowed towards the audience, and returned to their seats.

"It was really shocking and unpredictable, it was so overcast. The combination of the assassin and the gun **** also thought of it." Ye never sighed.

Xu Ruofei laughed: "There are more overcast ones. I think the assassin adds poisonous snakes. But once the poisonous snakes don't trap each other, then it must be a sneak attack failure. The price must be death. Otherwise, the team in the island country just now will definitely use it. Viper. "

Kisala pushed her glasses: "Indeed. You are right. The gunman is in position, walks well, and can definitely kill the blood. He will die after being sniped several times in a row. For them, this is more stable. . "

"This battle gave me a vigilance." Qijie said.

The crowd asked, "What's on the alert?"

Seven sisters glanced at the screen: "Since it is a player from all over the world. There is no guarantee that assassins will not appear later. This time, assassins plus gun gods, then there are poisonous snakes or war gods ... we will be in a Very passive situation. Only terrain. If terrain can't help us, what should we do? "

After hearing that, everyone was thinking.

Xu Ruofei was the captain and the four looked at him.

After a pause, Xu Ruofei said: "Seven sisters are right. This time we can break, in case the terrain can't be broken next time. Since we are a five-member team, then the secret of your hero combination is fixed, there is a drama Poison heroes must be carried. Big tricks can break the invisibility. You can mix and match other heroes at random. No problem? "

"Rest assured. No problem." The secret of speed is very sure of his technology.

At the beginning of level 40, he dared to challenge 65 first mage, although he was abused. But it is not technically abused, but because of huge differences in attributes. So very confident in myself.

Discussed some tactical issues and watched several games.

That's it all day.

Many viewers are still interested.

Kiki stood up and smiled at all the audience members: "Today's game is over here. The game will continue tomorrow. On the left hand side of the exit is the food festival. On the right hand side we have a dedicated cafeteria. You can choose.

The glass waved: "Goodbye tomorrow!"

The two sorted out the manuscripts ~ ~ Let's eat together. "Glass said.

Kiki has no opinion.

The two left together.

He talked with her while walking.

Kiki asked, "Which team do you think has the chance to win?"

"I'm not sure."

"Which team do you think is most promising?"

"The tyrannosaurus of the Magnesium team, that is, Tyrannosaurus Rex. And the Korean team, I come from the stars. The stars team is also very strong. After all, it is a strong country in e-sports ...

"What do you think of the dynasty?"

"Hard to say."

"You can't say it well, it seems that you are quite sure of the dynasty."

The two came to a western restaurant.

Just sitting on the table next to Xu Ruofei. Both nodded slightly.

Ye never looked down and looked at the glass with disdainful eyes. Before speaking such a poisonous snake, Ye never said but failed. Qi Sara was okay and didn't particularly care. Xu Ruofei is also indifferent.

Don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba recitations.

This is probably the idea.

Xu Ruofei ordered food, and the price was a bit high. Originally, more than twenty vegetables were sold outside, and more than three hundred were sold here. Everyone still chose to order. The people in the imperial capital have a higher pace of life and higher wages. Similarly, housing prices are higher and the cost of living is also higher.

City-to-city wages cannot be measured by numbers, who is five thousand, who is eight thousand. It must be more comfortable than eight thousand. this is not right. For example, if the city where 5,000 is located is only 200, the rent for a city of 8,000 is 2,000. There is a big gap here. The same example is breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Just after Xu Ruofei and others ordered meals, a middle-aged man in a checkered suit walked towards the anchor with a handbag in his hand!

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