Unlimited Items Shop System

168 Karlos capturing Ye Kai and Miyu

Ye Kai thought a lot but he wasn't getting any lead or whatsoever, why the man took away Shao Ren, Yang Guifei, and Kirin?

"Auhhh... why did someone kidnapped them but not Ma Gong," Ye Kai sighed and looked at the food in front of him.

"Oh, Miyu tell me cultivation level of Ma Gong and Shao Ren and others," Ye Kai asked.

Miyu sat across from him, her mask obscuring her face and her eyes glimmering as she cradled an untouched cup of coffee in her hands, the steam snaking up around her as she stared at it, unmoving.

She looked at the coffee-black surface and spoke, "Shao Ren and others were Martial Art General but they have strength of Martial Art Commander, and Ma Gong is Martial Art GrandMaster High-Grade."

"Oh, this is what makes thing different between them," Ye Kai said, "But again, why? Why did man kidnapped them and where are they now?"

Ye Kai felt a headache and he sighed, "Well, let's eat first and then go out to find some kind of clues."

Miyu nodded and looked at her coffee's black surface and then saw Ye Kai eating the food without any worry, Miyu let out a long sigh and rubbed her tired eyes. She looked out the window, to the vast expanse of blue sky that seemed to stretch on forever.

Looking at the blue sky, Miyu remembered some sweet memories as she smiled, and then suddenly a silhouette of a hooded figure appeared atop the building across the street. Its cloak flapped gently in the breeze as it surveyed the area before silently slipping away into the darkness.

Miyu's heart raced as she quickly pushed her way through the restaurant, She burst out of the door and darted down the bustling street, weaving in and out of people and leaping onto a nearby building. With one final sprint, she reached the rooftop terrace where she the man.

Miyu looked around her but she didn't find anything, the rooftop was silent.

Miyu slowly raised her head, squinting at the vibrant blue sky. She bit her lip and exhaled a long sigh. "Was it my imagination?" she muttered to herself.

Just now she felt immense bloodlust from the man she just saw, but now coming here she doesn't sense anyone's presence as there was no one here before.

Miyu's shoulders sagged as she spun around, ready to head back to the restaurant. when she turned she saw a man's face.

This man's face was drawn and seemed almost skeletal, his eyes were slits of never-ending darkness that chilled her to the core. His lips were pulled back in a twisted grin, mocking and sinister. He was wearing a hood that seemed to cast an even darker shadow across his face. His expression was one of pure malice, yet his lips were quirked up in what could be mistaken for a sneer.

"Hehe... Miyu how are you?"

Miyu saw the man speak these words, and the "Brother," word escape from her lips.

Her eyes widened in shock as she felt the blade slash the soft tissue of her abdomen and a sudden, searing pain. his hand firmly gripping the handle of the dagger as he continued to thrust it into her. Blood spilled from the open wound, cascading down her stomach like a river, pooling around her feet on the floor.

The man leaned to Miyu's ears and spoke, "Farwell my dear little sister."

Miyu felt the cold metal of the man's knife press into her skin as he forced her backward. A desperate terror coursed through her body and she stumbled, landing hard on her knees. She looked up at the man, his face twisted in rage, the blade of the knife glinting dangerously in the light.

In the next second man disappeared.

Miyu struggled to keep her eyes open, her head pulsing with pain. A steady stream of blood trickled from the wound in her abdomen, soaking through her clothes and staining the ground beneath her. She was slowly losing consciousness and every ounce of energy she had left was devoted to staying awake.

"It was great idea bring your brother, man after eating that pill I don't have much strength to deal with you, so it was great you brother is hungry for your life."

Karlos suddenly leaped forward in front of Miyu out of nowhere, His broad grin curved up to his ears, eyes sparkling with amusement at his own antics. He exuded a childlike joy that seemed to come from the simple act of having caught Miyu.

Miyu's chest heaved and her heart pounded as if trying to burst from her ribcage. The warmth of her blood pooled around her, the scarlet liquid seeping through the dirt floor beneath her.

Despite the fire raging within her, Miyu wanted to do something; anything that would finally give her an outlet for all of the emotion building up inside of her. But eventually, she could feel herself fading, like a lightbulb slowly flickering out. Her eyes drooped shut and her lungs expelled one last breath as she collapsed into a heap on the ground.

"Haha, now... now just two more and I be king of this kingdom," Karlos laughed and looked at fallen Miyu.

"Hmmm... who are you? Are you the one who kidnapped Shao Ren and other two girls?" Ye Kai was behind Karlos he asked.

Karlos's smile become even brighter hearing Ye Kai's voice, he turned and looked at Ye Kai and spoke, "I was the one who kidnapped them, and you will also join them."

"Oh... really?" Ye Kai asked and looked at Miyu, and then he looked at Karlos and saw the smile that made him look like a creepy man, but suddenly Karlos disappeared and appeared in front of him, with a punch that hit Ye Kai's stomach.

Ye Kai's eyes widened and his mouth opened in a silent scream as he flew backward, smashing into the walls of the cabin with such force that splinters of wood rained down on him. His body careened into the broken wall, sending a cloud of dust billowing up around him.

"Haha, just as I thought, he is only Martial Art GrandMaster, no match for me," Karlos laughed as he was too happy to catch the six people out of seven.

The dense cloud of dust started to clear, revealing Ye Kai lying on the ground. Splotches of red pooled around his head where it hit a sharp rock and caused a deep gash. A cruel smile tugged at the corners of Karlos' mouth as he silently celebrated the victory.


The walls of the basement prison were cold, uninviting, and damp. The floor was made of hard-packed dirt and the walls were made of stone, with a single barred window looking out into the darkness. There was a faint smell of smoke and mold in the air, mixed with an occasional whiff of rotting food. The light from the window dimly illuminates an array of iron cages, each filled with a huddled figure. The only sound was that of muffled sobs coming from within the cages.

There was a boy around 16 years old, The boy lay on the ground, his pale skin contrasting sharply with the darkness of the prison. His limbs were bound in rusty iron chains that clinked and clanked as he struggled to break free.  His white hair had been darkened by days without a bath or proper hygiene. His clothes hung from his frail frame in tattered shreds, revealing where he had been recently maimed; two of his legs were missing. This boy was Shao Ren.

"It's hell," Shao Ren said.

From the moment he was caught he go through so much torture by a madman, that was enough to make anyone crazy. it's been a week since he was here.

"Enduring that torture was worth it, now is time to go out," Shao Ren muttered as chains bound to his hands broke apart.

Shao Ren looked at his hands, and then his eyes went to his missing legs as he sighed, "I will never let anyone cut my legs."

A faint shimmering outline materialized around Shao Ren, growing brighter and more solid until it was etched into his skin in thin black lines that twisted and twirled in complex patterns. As he glowed with a golden light, circular runes spun wildly in the air around him, their mysterious symbols glowing in an eerie blue hue.

Shao Ren's leg muscles tightened and then, like a million stars all coming alive at once, his thigh burst into an intense bright light that filled the room. His veins, tendons, and ligaments quickly wove themselves back together and he felt a warmth running through him as his legs began to regenerate.

"I didn't expect this ability will be this fast, well its good," Shao Ren muttered and then stand up on his legs, "It's time to save Guifei and Kirin," Saying he get out of the prison.

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