Unlimited life

Chapter 076

On Monday morning, the news that Colin Creevey had been attacked and was now lying like a dead man in his hospital room spread through the school at once.

Suddenly, rumors flew in the school, and everyone was suspicious.

First-year students are now huddled in groups of threes and fives, as if fearing that if they acted alone, they would be attacked.

The Chamber of Secrets does exist and has been opened, and the successors of Slytherin, who control the monsters in the Chamber of Secrets, hide somewhere in the Academy, looking for an opportunity to attack.

The attackers remained uncaught, and the entire school was cast in the shadow of unease.

The Weasley brothers seized the opportunity and sold some amethyst amulets to students under the name of Bert to make a small profit.

The so-called amulet is just a spell of armor cast on the amethyst, and wearing it can bounce off a small evil spell. In fact, the so-called amulets are all disposable things.

However, because the Weasley brothers also cooperated with their friend Lee Jordan to play a scene, everyone was convinced of the effect of the so-called amulet!

Eddie took a step slower, and also took the opportunity to launch the exquisite talisman of the alchemy prop shop, which was welcomed by the majority of students.

Many students were exchanging their amulets with each other, a practice that quickly became popular in schools.

Neville Longbottom had bought almost every amulet, and the other boys told Neville that he wasn’t actually in danger: he was of pure blood and therefore could not be attacked.

Neville’s face was full of fear and said: “Everyone knows, I am almost a squib.” ”

Bert believed that Dumbledore had guessed what was going on, but the powerful wizard was hesitant, did he want to wait for the next victim to appear?

Dumbledore’s inaction disappointed Bert again, was he prepared to wait until the next victim appeared?

The basilisk’s gaze is deadly, and the death of Myrtle fifty years ago has proven it all.

The problem of the Animagus magic transformation could not be solved, which made Bert very annoyed. He has been able to complete the transformation of form, but he is always a phoenix with no magic power and no flight.

There is an essential difference between magical creatures and wizard magic, and they cannot be converted into each other, which is called unpredictable consequences.

During the Animagus transformation, Bert needs to spend a lot of physical strength and mana to maintain his form, and it only takes a few brief transformations to drain his entire body of mana and send him to the hospital again.

When he was almost about to give up, Bert suddenly thought of a way, with the help of some kind of prop, Burt initially thought of alchemy items, making a medium like a Philosopher’s Stone, acting as a magic conversion prop.

He had given up on Animagus for the time being. The heart was so caught up in the frenzy of making alchemy items that even Snape’s potions class was dropped.

The fruits of the week were worn on him, a golden-red ring, a magic converter made from phoenix feathers and blood and various precious alchemical materials.

Changed by Animagus. The wizard will transform the magic of the phoenix through the ring.

Everything was normal, Bert was relaxed, he flapped his wings, spreading his wings and flying under Professor McGonagall’s astonished gaze.

Hovered in the sky above Hogwarts, but this feeling of excitement did not last long, the ring on the phoenix’s paw could not withstand the transformation of magic power, split in half, and after the magic power was suppressed again, Bert instantly lost the power to fly and fell from mid-air, this scene frightened Professor McGonagall who was standing by the window and watching.

It’s so dangerous!

“What happened just now!” Professor McGonagall commanded the wand and let Bert land slowly, he hurried over and asked worriedly, “Mr. Wessex, are you okay, by the way, what happened just now, have you found a way to overcome the magical creatures?” ”

“The ring is cracked, no wonder!” Burt stared at the cracked ring on his finger and muttered, “I’ve used the most advanced materials at the moment, but I still can’t withstand the fluctuations of mana?” ”

“Rings?” Professor McGonagall looked at the cracked ring on Bert’s hand suspiciously, and suddenly asked, “What does the ring have to do with your successful use of the phoenix?” ”

“It’s a magical transformation!” Burt explained: “Animagus can only turn into ordinary animals, turning into magical creatures will cause problems, everyone knows that this is related to magic, wizard magic does not apply to magical creatures, so this thing is needed, magic converter.” ”

“For hundreds of years, countless wizards have been unable to find a solution to the problem.” Professor McGonagall shuddered, “You’ve done it, and I bet if you can perfect it thoroughly, you’ll get the Merlin Award.” Professor McGonagall looked relieved, proud of her students.

Several people were now able to master Transfiguration and Alchemy.

For most people, the effort it takes to master a magic is enough to choke.

Bert was silent, the current level of alchemy was not yet able to produce such a thing, at least in the short term, there would be no hope.

Niko, Niko must know how to solve this problem. The Nico couple spent a lifetime to make the Philosopher’s Stone, and Bert didn’t want to spend his whole life making this alchemy prop himself.

At night, Bert knocked on Dumbledore’s door and asked about Nico.

“Nico is gone!” Dumbledore said with a smile. “During this summer’s vacation, I personally saw them off! Before leaving, they had smiles on their faces, and I think they were both happy! ”

“Oh, what a shame!” Bert naturally did not believe such nonsense, he was sure that Nico might also, maybe use other means, to avoid Dumbledore, Bert was convinced that Nico was still alive.


“What the matter, Mr. Wessex!”

“No, nothing, bother sir!” When Bert got up to leave, Dumbledore stopped him from behind: “Mr. Wessex is also worried about the matter of the Chamber of Secrets?” ”

“There is always a basis for legend, Hogwarts does exist in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.” Wessex raised his head and said to Dumbledore, “The professor should already know that the Slytherin monster, which should not be called a basilisk, is swimming around the house at will, how dangerous this is for students, compared to finding the Chamber of Secrets, I think it is the most important thing to drive away or eliminate it and ensure the safety of students.” ”

The smile on Dumbledore’s face disappeared, and Bert continued: “Colin Creevey’s luck is good, but no one can guarantee that the next person who is attacked will have such luck, don’t forget how the fifty-year-old Miss Myrtle died!” ”

After that, Bert turned and left, leaving the stunned headmaster.

“I regret what happened at fifty years old Albus!” Armando. Dippet’s avatar appeared in the frame in vain, and said to Dumbledore: “Mr. Wessex is right, for a house, the safety of the students is the most important. And protecting the safety of students is the responsibility of professors, I hope you understand! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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