Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1006: attract

Mithra’s full-scale attack on amalgam was a long-awaited incident, and even he would push the attack on Mithril, and this is also the opportunity he has been waiting for. He has been waiting for Mithril to be The day when the amalgam attack was destroyed, even if it would make the Mithril suffer too much sacrifice and loss.

He never thought that he could receive the complete Mithril, and Mithril could never fall into his hands at the most powerful time, so Mithril must suffer a devastating blow, and countless deaths and injuries. It is also true that all the base teams have been eliminated, but as long as the son of Danu still exists, the Mithril Research Department and the important factory facilities that Xiao Ran needs are still intact, then he does not care about other things.

However, after he suffered a devastating blow by Mithril, he was able to gather all the secrets of the Mithril in the name of Tessa, and appeared in the miraculous servants who were caught in distress. The soldiers saved them in front of them, and they will certainly be grateful to these mercenaries, and eventually turn all these forces into their own things.

Among the entire Mithril, even if the power that can be left after being destroyed is still not too important for their intelligence system, the technical and technological level that leads the world for ten years is what is really needed. It is something that can really be transformed into strength.

Therefore, when I heard that Mithril was attacked, Xiao Ran’s heart was still quite happy. For the disaster caused by Mithril, Xiao Ran could only say two words and deserved it.

At the beginning, they were clearly reminded of them, and they also put forward several opinions that would keep Mithril from being destroyed. However, it is a pity that the top of Mithril did not regard his words as one thing. After all, although both sides are there. At the time, the cooperation was quite enjoyable, but it was only cooperation. Xiao Ran naturally had no way to influence the decision of Mithril.

After letting El Elf contact Danu’s son and confirm the situation there, Xiao Ran quickly confirmed his current coordinates, and soon he will be Langba, twin sisters and CL, several of the action teams. The captains all gathered up.

It’s been a few days since the departure of Xiao Ran, so even if there is still a period of time from the real target on the back, it will not affect the operation of transporting helicopters on the freighter.

When everyone was standing around, Xiao Ran took a map of everyone, and said: "The next goal is here, a factory in the Soviet Union. According to reliable information, this factory has a third-generation AS. The ability of the parts and the actual control of the amalgam."

"The normal defense force of the factory is less than a mixed group. It is less powerful than the base we have lastly captured. However, it should be noted that the bases that were last conquered actually have many enemy ASs not joined the battle. So there should be more in the AS."

"But I just got a message that most of the amalgam's power is concentrated and is being attacked by the Mithril side. That is to say, the defense force inside the amalgam has been reduced to the minimum extent. The defense of this factory. The same should be the power."

"So now is the best chance to attack this factory. The goal is to destroy all the defense forces, take as much as possible of the equipment we need and then completely blow up the factory. From the beginning of the battle, you have the most In fifteen minutes, if you don't have access to the equipment, you can get the information. Even if the information can't be obtained, you can directly evacuate the factory. Do you understand?"


"Okay." Xiaoran looked at the time and nodded. "This time I will take action with you. I will give you more attention and reduce the air threat to you. I will attack the nearby air base alone." Then I will go to other places to perform another action."

"So this action is by..." Xiao Ran looked at the people present. Langba is just a warrior. He wants him to lead a small team to do the given tasks. If you lead so many people to be the general commander, the ability is still slightly Not too late.

The two sisters of Yufang Yulan were too indifferent and not suitable to be commanders, so Xiao Ran put his eyes on the members of the action team and said: "The fifth team captain came to serve."

The fifth squad is the squad that found the nuclear bomb in the last mission, and all the squad leaders are carefully selected. The real warriors with rich experience, there is no problem in combat command, at least than Langba. It’s much more reliable.

"Yes." The captain of the fifth squad focused on the head, and the expression on his face did not change much.

"This attack will bring all the ASs on, all the six transport helicopters will be activated. The factory has the appropriate transport equipment, which can be robbed together with the transport equipment. If there is a large freight plane, it can be sent back directly to the country. If not, With the required equipment, the M6 ​​can be abandoned and blown up."

"Hurry up and prepare, go right away." Xiao Ran also took a clap and let everyone go on and prepare for action. He took out the communicator and saw one of the messages sent by El Elf.

"The son of Dannu is now XXX.XXX. Near the East Pacific coastline, he is rushing to the Mithril headquarters for support tasks. I hope to get our help after contacting the other party."

"Headquarters? Is it early to be prepared so that it is near the headquarters?" Xiaoran saw the information sent by El Elf also raised his eyebrows, and then replied with a message: "Promise her, but tell her not Determine the exact time of arrival, and let Luo organize a copy of the Mithril Research Department as soon as possible."

After the information was sent, Xiao Ran put the communicator in the battle suit and went to Gnaku. Gnacu was preparing for the attack. A transport helicopter was sent to the lift and shipped out. Then the six ASs driven by Langba and others went to the lifting platform.

The demon machine driven by Langba, the red **** king of Yulan, the blue-gray **** king driven by Yufang and CL, and the two M6s that were originally brought, six transport helicopters carrying a body and leaving the freighter After that, they flew toward the target of their designated operations.

While Xiao Ran entered the cockpit of the warplane and was sent out of Gennacu by the lifting platform, he also entered the coordinates of the Soviet air force base that he needed to attack, and kept the fortress form slowly rising. The deformation spurts two bright rays and moves quickly in the opposite direction to the Mithril headquarters.

It was only a few breaths of time-changing fighters that surpassed the six transport helicopters that had not long before the departure, and quickly disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Even if it is only a deformation fighter that cannot enter the universe, but under the impetus of two thermonuclear energy engines, it also explodes a terrible speed in the atmosphere. The deformation warfare is the body that appears in the interstellar warfare, flying. The speed is probably faster than the rocket, and it flew straight to the mission target under the direction of the computer.

All the way, Xiao Ran just operated the warplanes and rushed into the territory of the Soviet Union at an unbeatable speed, and did not want to conceal the trails using the ultra-low-altitude flight, even passing over the city. It is to use your own attention to attract attention, so that the following action teams can safely reach the mission target.

In this way, the deformation fighters will inevitably be discovered. A warplane that does not belong to the Soviet Union but flies in the Soviet airspace will also receive the attention of the Soviet side. Then it will send out fighters to pursue and destroy or force the warships.

The direction of the deformation fighter flight is not completely disguised. As long as the path of the deformation fighter is simply guessed, it is possible to determine where the final target of the deformation fighter is. Therefore, a fighter belonging to the Soviet Union began to take off and began to move toward the deformation fighter. Surrounded by the direction.

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