Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1011: Real wealth

The grip of the beam saber is continuously ejected enough to split the steel and melt all the energy. After piercing the face of the bull's head, the building has a dazzling glare, and the flying Mars is spattered everywhere, like a The hot, hot iron that burned was melted with ice without any difficulty, and although there was resistance, it was still in the forefront.

Until the bright beam saber all penetrated the face of the bull's head, and the hole broke out from the place where the face of the cow's head was broken, the flashing beam saber slowly extinguished, and the deformed fighter regained the left arm easily. Accommodate Gerry.

The right arm slid across the body of the cow's face, and the two sounds in the mind continued to make Xiaoran's mouth sway up. The left foot was pulled by the left hand, the right hand controlled the lever forward, and the deformation fighter was The moment leaped into a form of warplane and flew into the sky.

"Hey, kill one of the regular players, reward the battle point 500, and get the spoils x1."

“Hey, you used a skilled waste recycler and spent 2,000 points on the broken face to recover the broken face. You got a broken face.”

"Face noodle: Bull head type, severe damage. Ordinary super body, body skills: collision (can not be used), limited to the ground use, the strength of the force reached 50, each time the consumption of gas consumption value of five points."

In the case that the body was not broken, but the participants were killed because of the penetration of the beam saber, Xiaoran directly spent twice the battle points to recover the face of the bullhead, and finally got a relatively complete face. Although it is only a broken body, it is equally valuable to Xiao Ran.

According to the information obtained in the information, this cow's face also brings a very common body skill. Xiao Ran completely imagines how this skill is going through the name of this skill, and the pilot of the cow face is also For Xiao Ran actually showed a collision this skill.

Xiaoran, who flew into the sky, saw the military base on the ground that was destroyed by the battle, and did not have the idea of ​​completely destroying the last few enemies in the base. He smiled happily and manipulated. The deformation fighter quickly flew toward the east.

Suddenly there was such a bullhead face, although it was only the lowest level of junk, but after all, it was also a really super-super body. The research value is far greater than the actual use value. For Xiao Ran, it is already The harvest is not cheap, not to mention the fact that this action has directly increased the completion of the task to 13%, and completely achieved the goal of Xiao Ran.

In addition to the other side of the Langba, they have successfully harvested some of the most important cutting-edge equipment and technology in the manufacture of as parts, and have been smoothly evacuated, and both sides have achieved the goal of Xiaoran and there is no need to continue to stay.

What's more important is that through this recovered face, it is even more difficult for Xiao Ran to realize that what is really important in this world may not be λ-d, not the black technology that exists in the minds of whispers. It is the participants from the super department, the exclusive body carried by those participants.

These super-systems from different worlds are all ordinary-level. In terms of the number of participants surviving in the current mission, even if there are only 50 super-class ordinary-level bodies, it is also for Xiaoran. It is a huge fortune, and the technical meaning contained in these bodies is so great that Xiao Ran feels excited.

If you switch to other real-world participants, even if you see so many super-class-class bodies, even if they personally break them all, it will be of no use. After all, whether they will break the body, except for the rewards that should be won. I can't get any other things at all.

Xiaoran is different. He has a magical technique called waste recycler. Fortunately, with another skill, he only needs to spend some combat points to turn all these super-class ordinary bodies into his spoils. Disembarking the world of the ship, 0079 World, the best nutrients for the super body of the color ed world research.

Xiao Ran did not notice this before, but he has not been able to afford the super-class body of ordinary level. He has never really met the enemy participants who drove the super-system, so there is no such thing. I want to use skills to recycle these things.

What's more, Xiao Ran carries a large amount of combat points. After the end of the mission, he can still enter the super zone for a period of time. Xiao Ran thinks that it is directly spent on the merits to buy enough things in the super zone or even the body, but now Xiaoran It is a big mistake to understand that I thought at the beginning.

The battle points are indeed able to buy a lot of things, but each thing has a specific price, and it costs more to buy. After all, the battle points carried by Xiao Ran are limited. The limited merits will make Xiao Ran make limited choices at the time of purchase. It is always embarrassing to give up.

But if you switch to the exclusive body belonging to them from these newcomers, you can spend too much of your combat points in this mission, or even earn the battle points to get the bodies from different worlds. These machines can also resolve completely different super-system technologies, and can also save a lot of battle points to more meaningful uses.

For example, the purchase of special materials that exist only in the super zone, some advanced technology, complete advanced components, and even the purchase of more advanced super-systems, super-area mechanic equipment, etc., there is no need for low-level technology. And wasting a battle on the body.

"Wrongly wrong, I wanted to fork at the beginning. The most useful thing in this world is not λ-d, but the super-participants who have not yet left the newcomer. I didn’t expect them from the beginning. Get the super body in your hands to analyze the technology."

"But the main task is to limit the use of the body, so now is the time when the participants are dancing in the same way. It is not too late to start the action. So many newcomers, even if they can get half the body, It’s also a variety of things, not perfect but full.”

"At that time, you only need to purchase more useful things in the super zone. Then you can directly erect the super system technology, and combine the super technology with the real technology to create a more powerful body. Why didn’t you think about this at the time? It’s silly to prepare for the game. It’s silly.”

"Hey, Langba's wolf machine also has some meaning. The Sox mechanical beast with a special core is also a strange mechanical creature. I don't know if I can make a smart core like this. On the top of the man-machine, if you can't do it, you can improve the combat capability of the drone by several levels. The robotic beast of Langba seems to have not been transformed by the core, which means that it has the possibility of continuing to grow."

Xiao Ran’s eyes are full of light, and I can’t wait to start plundering the actors in the world immediately. It’s just the action of plundering equipment, technology and talents. From now on, it has become Xiaoran’s super-participant. Hunting and killing the treasure, killing all the participants with the power of one person, I am afraid that only the b-level pilot, and the characteristics of Xiaoran have this confidence.

And not only to treat the hostile camp, Xiao Ran even put his own goal on Langba, so in such a short and short time, Xiao Ran has a certain idea for the Sosbee mechanical beast of Langba. However, for the time being, Xiao Ran will not extend a greedy black hand to Langba.

After all, they are all members of a team. If the other participants in the world also have mechanical beasts, then the super-zone can buy mechanical beasts without core transformation, then Langba can escape Xiaoran’s pair of greed. Hand, if there isn't one, then only the two words can be given to Langba.

Of course, Xiao Ran will not let Langba give him the mechanics in vain, and some exchanges and compensations will be done by Xiao Ran.

After sending a message to the action team on the side of Langba, and let them immediately return to the ship, Xiao Ran directly controlled the warplanes and quickly rushed toward the place where the children of Tessa and Danu were currently located.

Langba was sitting in a transport helicopter playing a game at this time, but suddenly felt a chill in the vest, and this chill spread instantly to the head of Langba, and let him put down his hand. The game console, with a sharp look on the entire transport helicopter.

Then I ran to the cab and asked the driver of the transport plane if I found any unexpected situation. After I got everything, I found that the chill didn’t know when it had disappeared, which made him somewhat inexplicable. I grabbed my head and sat back again, but I didn’t have any thoughts to continue playing the game.

The team of transport helicopters left safely and returned to the freighter. During the whole process, they did not deliberately hide their traces. After entering the sea, they were out of sight of the Soviet side, but there was no such thing in the process. Intercepting them.

The reason is also because Xiao Ran’s movements have been too big and too big, and almost all of the fighters who have been able to catch up with them in the shortest time have been killed, and they have shown their horrible power so that they can’t chase them. When the Soviet side did not react, why did the deformed fighter have no reason to attack him, then it was an idiot. (To be continued.)

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