Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1015: pressing

(Low-level system, the lower-level body of the world, not completely belong to the hierarchy. ok~ About the qq group, I haven’t been in the qq for a long time. I have never been to it since that incident. Anyway, I don't want to open qq.

Noticing these, Xiao Ran did not worry about the direction of the warehouse in the first time, but frowned and used his own eyes to scan the entire Mithril headquarters again.

Today's situation is not good for Xiao Ran. Perhaps all the Mithril members who survived are all held in the warehouse. There is no self-protection ability at all. As long as a missile or an **** can It is easy to let all the Mithril members in the warehouse hang up, so it is extremely important to kill the enemies around the warehouse.

More crucially, Xiao Ran did not see the three bodies with unknown power mentioned in the intelligence, that is, the level bodies owned by the participants.

"Where are the bodies of the three participants?" Xiao Ran looked around very quickly, and once again familiarized the situation inside the entire Mithril base until Xiao Ran saw three giant objects covered by linoleum cloth. At the time, my eyes narrowed slightly: "Where?"

The three giant mascara covered most of the giants, but also exposed some steel shells, but because these linoleum cloth basically covers the majority of the body, Xiaoran has no way to recognize these in the first time. What is the body in the end.

However, the shape of the three bodies can be roughly determined by the shape after the cover. One of them is lying on a large freight car. The whole body should be less than 20 meters in shape, revealing black armor and blue. The color of the stripes, the place under the feet is more exposed, but it is not the big body of the conventional body, but similar to the shape of a circular arc.

The other is so located on the ground, thick and bloated, about 10 meters in height, it seems to be a large body.

The last piece of the body was carefully looked at. The body covered on the body was not actually a piece of linoleum cloth, but a huge piece of skin, completely covering the whole body.

Taking the situation in the entire base to the bottom of the scene and finding the three bodies, in fact, did not spend too much time, but it is only a few seconds.

After seeing the three bodies placed in the room, Xiao Ran did not think about it. He pulled the lever to control the deformation fighter and turned the direction. Six missiles under the wing that were re-supplied in the Danuzi number were shot instantly. So with the sound of whistling, he flew to the three bodies that were not far apart.

Xiao Ran is eager to wait until the three bodies start fighting and then kill the mechanic to recover the body. But the current situation does not allow Xiao Ran to do something unnecessary. The members of Mithril who are being held are the top priority. Matters, so Xiaoran chose to directly break the three or unmanned bodies directly.

After shooting all the missiles, Xiao Ran did not look at it and then transferred the body to the strictly guarded warehouse. The deformation fighters also broke the three destroyers and also gave them to the base. The enemy reflected enough time, and countless bullets suddenly flew in the direction of the deformed fighter.

In the middle of the entire Mithril headquarters, there was a loud sound of gunfire. Facing the bullets that flew toward him, Xiao Ran did not evade as he attacked the Soviet base before, but completely ignored it. The attack that flew to him directly rushed to the warehouse, and rushed to the front of the warehouse where the muzzle had been raised.

In terms of the performance of ps armor, even if the body itself can not support continuous attacks for a long time, it can not be in the way to bear all the attacks in a short time. The battle in the Soviet base has been chosen to avoid the way. The battle is entirely because the other party is prepared too well. What kind of air defense firepower is added to the ground, and it is indeed a bit embarrassing to attack those attacks.

Xiao Ran is not worried about ps armor, but the worry is that this semi-finished product's deformation warfare can't withstand the endless impact and fall apart. Although resisting the attack does not mean that the vibration of the body can be completely offset, the vibration has reached a certain level. To the extent of the material grade of this deformed fighter, it is really unclear what will happen.

But at this time, the deformation fighters need to face only some as attacks. Although there are more than 30 ass, at this time, the number of **** that some people are attacking against the deformation fighter may be less than half, and the real need is top. The live is also a few **** that are attacking in front of the warehouse. Such an attack is enough to make Xiao Ran completely relieved.

A continuous bullet hit the warhead, except that there was some vibration in the warhead, and there was no use at all. Even the sudden progress of the warplane did not slow down a bit, and the countless Mars bounced countless The bullets fell in front of the warehouse between the blinks.

In the case that it has not yet landed, it only saw the red light of the deformation fighter, the right hand waved an arc, the left hand sprayed a myriad of formation beams, and one was cut in the time of a wrong deformation. It became two halves, and the chest of another as was turned into a honeycomb and fell to the ground.

Then I stood on the front of the warehouse, and started to shoot with the laser green madness. The attack on the surrounding enemies will not evade, but will actively greet them. Countless bullets will only hit the deformation fighters. Numerous Mars, but can not bring any traces to the deformation fighter, enough to make the deformation fighter become the most solid giant shield in front of the warehouse.

Because Laser Green is not a projectile, there is no need to worry about ammunition. Under the premise of limiting single power, the degree of laser Greenheat can be suppressed to the lowest degree. The intensity of the attack frequency, as well as the terrorist penetration of the beam attack, makes the deformation fighter the most powerful firepower point.

Xiao Ran controls the deformation fighter to attack. The flying wing that is already in the leg also continuously injects countless beams. Compared with the fire suppression of the laser green, the single-shot beam is more accurate, and the laser green is in the It is not important to be able to break the enemy toward the enemy who dares to take the lead. It is important to bring about tremendous destruction and chaos, and to kill those who have no movement at all.

The single beam gun is a spot shot. As long as those enemies have a gap, the beam will be accurately drilled into the exposed gap, and then a spark or black smoke will burst, even the target that will hit directly. Break it.

In a short time, the laser green was sprayed back and forth several times, making the entire Mithril base become soaking in black smoke, and there was a circle of flames that burned together to form a block in front of the deformed fighter and the enemy. The flame barrier and the explosion sounded from time to time in the base, and the shock waves generated by the explosion spread quickly.

Xiao Ran, who stood in front of the warehouse, also sent an attack command to the follow-up troops. Now the enemy in the entire base has been almost completely attracted by him. At this time, if the follow-up troops start attacking, they will be able to And the front and rear of the warhead will enclose all the enemies.

Xiao Ran also noticed that the warehouse behind him also had some noisy sounds at the beginning of the chaos. Even more gunshots sounded, reminding him to ask about the situation inside the warehouse through the loudspeakers of the body: "Warehouse Inside is the Mithril member! Here is the reinforcements from Colonel Tessa of the Western Pacific team."

After Xiao Ran’s voice fell, Tessa, who had been keeping her eyes closed, opened her eyes again, and then saw the warehouse door that slowly opened a gap through the rear monitor of the body, and saw a half of her arms exposed. A member of the Mithril team.

There was a surprise smile on Tessa’s face. She said happily to Xiao Ran: "It’s them, the Mithril headquarters!"

"I know, the follow-up troops will arrive in a minute." Xiaoran nodded his eyes but did not leave the screen, and controlled the whole body to destroy everything that he could see. He also passed his voice through the loudspeaker again. Going out: "The people inside are paying attention to hiding, and soon someone will come to rescue you."

The guy who showed his half-body with his arm bent and heard the sound of Xiao Ran also showed an expression of excitement and joy. He nodded heavily and then drilled into the warehouse again, and closed the warehouse door again.

And Xiao Ran began to control the deformation fighters to move forward step by step, stepping on the ground and also a heavy but orderly buzz, hidden in the enemy with flames, bunkers and black clouds, not dare to face the situation of laser Green Next, Xiao Ran chose to take the initiative to kill those hidden enemies.

A minute passed quickly, but it seemed to be very slow for those Mithril members who were hiding in the warehouse. There was a deafening whistling sound in the sky. How did the two fighters go from afar? The sky rushed in, and after dropping a few missiles, it pulled up and quickly disappeared over the headquarters of the Mithril headquarters.

Several missiles landed in the chaotic Mithril headquarters, and there were several loud bangs and explosions. Even Xiao Ran, a deformed fighter that was covered by black fog, was almost given a missile. Entangled in the scope of the explosion, the flames and shocks of the explosion were so smashed from the deformation fuselage, but did not have the slightest impact on the deformation fighter.

After the flight of the fighter plane, several transport helicopters flew in with the rumble. Several **** descended directly from the transport helicopter under the leader of the strong squadron, and the action of falling down opened the parachute. The air began to attack the ground. (To be continued.) 8

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