Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1025: come down

The nuclear bomb explosion and high heat only took a short time to swallow up the deformation fighter, so that the whole world that Xiao Ran’s eyes saw seemed to have turned white, and the dazzling light also made Xiao Ran could not help but close his eyes until The light-sensitive system on the screen and the helmet reflects the layering of the glare that blocks the glare and slowly opens the eyes.

At this time, a variety of alarm sounds sounded from the ear, and the reminder consisting entirely of different lengths of humming sounds is a red light flashing reminding the Xiaoran deformation fighters of the bad situation at this time.

The energy consumption is accelerated, the engine is overheated and damaged, the temperature of the whole machine is increased, the body is subjected to strong impact, and the capacity of the PS armor reaches the limit...

All the tips are reminding that the Xiaoran Deformation Fighter is in an extremely dangerous situation. Such a bad situation can be said to be one of the most dangerous situations that Xiao Ran has encountered.

Faced with such a situation, Xiao Ran’s face did not change slightly. He maintained the indifference and reason in the state of change. He did not check the alarm at all, but only kept the fastest speed of the warplane. Continue to fall down.

However, after a few seconds, Xiao Ran also extended his hand and gently stroked the control panel, and selected several options. With the action on Xiaoran's finger, the components made up of heavy armored backpacks began to fall off from the deformation fuselage. The first place to fall off was the four missile pods in the legs, followed by the front and back sides of the body. Heavy armor.

A piece of falling off parts spread out and was thrown behind by the deformed fighter. Then there was a burst of explosions, and several large and small fireballs were blown up again by high heat and white light. Only two additional thrusters on the wing were left.

After giving up the backpack, the alarm sound in the cabin seemed to be weaker, and the speed of the deformation fighter seemed to speed up a few points. The acceleration of the straight line crashed in the strength of the deformation fighter itself. A light took only a short time to rush out of the scope of the nuclear explosion.

But what Xiaoran needs to face next is the high heat generated by the deformation fighter and the atmosphere friction at high speed, which directly turns the outer layer of the whole body into red and burns the flame.

One hand controls the deformation fighter to start slowly turning direction, while the other hand quickly hits the control panel quickly, one by one to check the body's most detailed real-time situation feedback, when you see a few completely The red feedback message Xiaoran’s indifferent expression also showed a bit of a dilemma.

However, after seeing that the deformation structure is still intact, the embarrassment on Xiaoran’s face has also dissipated a lot, and he has begun to determine his current accurate position, confirm the angle of the deformation fighter into the atmosphere, etc., and start to find the most suitable fall location for himself. .

“Report... all signals disappeared and a nuclear explosion response was detected.”

The bridge personnel whispered to the current situation in the direction of Tessa, while Tessa looked at the picture of the disappearance of the light spot on the screen, and it seemed that he did not hear what the bridge personnel said.

Richard saw Tessa's expression, but also slightly pulled down his hat, and said with a blank expression: "Captain, please give orders."

"Well?" Tessa turned her head and looked at Richard with her eyes. After rubbing her tears with her hands, she sat down like a whole body, and pinched her fist and said: "To find out the signal of the deformation fighter, analyze the action made by the deformation fighter at the last time, and the angle of the shot, and inform Mr. Luo about this matter."


Every few minutes, Luo and El Elf walked into the bridge in a hurry, and the two felt the low atmosphere in the bridge and nodded, Aier Erf went straight to one of the workbench around the bridge, letting the original staff let him sit up.

Luo went to the side of Tessa and watched the logo on the big screen in front of it replaying the ten-second mark before the nuclear bomb explosion. After waiting for the detailed two times, Luo also exhaled a long breath: "Return Ok, the distance is not too close, just within the maximum range of fire coverage, I know that the guy will definitely not come."

After saying this, Luo turned to look at El Elf and said: "Aer Elf, can you determine his current position?"

"No, the interference is too serious to search for his current signal." El Elf shook his head, but said: "It can be determined that the first time the nuclear explosion began, the deformation fighter made a steering action. I need a few minutes to determine the specific area where I might land."

When Tesha heard the conversation between the two men, she raised her head fiercely, using surprises, cravings, and looking forward to the entangled eyes, looking at Luo, a slightly trembling hand covering her mouth, incredulously asked: "What do you mean, is he still safe now? Is that a nuclear bomb?"

Whether Xiao Ran is still alive, Luo and El Elf, the two followers, are of course the clearest. However, if Xiaoran hangs, they have already received the system prompt of Prometheus in the first time. But now they obviously did not receive such a reminder, but still maintain the identity of the participants of Xiao Ran. This is obviously a clear indication of Xiao Ran's current situation.

However, Luo and El Elf had no way to tell Tessa. Luo looked at Tessa’s look. He smiled and scratched his hair. He nodded and said, “Reassure, that guy is not so easy to hang. It’s said that there is a body that I made for him. As long as it is not destroyed in the first place because of the nuclear explosion, the shock wave after the electromagnetic shock interferes with what can be shot down.”

"As long as the body is operational, it is sure to find a safe landing in terms of his ability. Now we only need to determine his approximate area and then rush over, and wait for him to contact us to pick him up."

After Luo said this, he smiled at Tessa. In fact, even if the body was really broken in the nuclear bomb explosion, Xiao Ran would certainly not have any problems, because the moment the body was broken, it would be safe. Directly transmitted back to their position in Japan, the escape device purchased by 100,000 points of war was used as insurance, enough to keep Xiaoran's life in any situation where the body was fighting.

Escape devices are things that have been purchased long time ago. Each time they enter a different mission world, they will be bound in the right place. As long as the escape device is not used, it can be bound multiple times until it is successfully used. So far, if there is no driving body, then this escape device can not be used at all.

Luo couldn't tell Tessa about these real situations, but Tessa was slightly relieved after hearing Luo's words and raised a hope. The real thing that should be most worried about Xiaoran's safety is Luo and El Elf. The calm and calm attitude of the two made Taisha calm down.

Xiao Ran’s dangerous thing stopped in the bridge and did not continue to spread. Even the Danu’s son quietly changed his direction, and no one knows it. After more than an hour of investigation, he finally found it. The messenger that existed in the son of Danu also grabbed the person who brought the messenger to the son of Dannu, perhaps who had already been bought.

On an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean, the dense woods were torn open with long traces. Countless trees were knocked over and overwhelmed. The soil on the ground was opened, and the soil and trees were burnt black everywhere. There are also a lot of burning places, and the whole traces are constantly burning white or black smoke.

Along the traces to the end, scattered pieces of various shapes were scattered. A black lacquered plane was lying quietly on the ground, and several broken trees were also pressed on the plane. . And Xiao Ran was sitting under a big tree about ten meters from the plane, watching the deformation fighters that were braving white smoke.

At this time, the wings of the deformed warplane have disappeared, the nose of the machine is ragged, and the bottom of the fuselage is full of tears, but it still barely preserves the approximate shape and integrity of the body, but wants to continue It is also impossible to use it.

With the tired face of Xiao Ran under the big tree, the helmet was taken off and placed beside him, and the corner of the mouth could clearly see a dark red blood stain that had dried up, but it seemed that there was no problem.

It’s quite helpless to make it look like this. The original four propellers should be able to support him to land safely, but who knows that the most vulnerable wing has experienced a nuclear explosion, high temperature, and turned itself after tearing. In desperation, Xiao Ran can only give up the two propellers to detonate, and only use the remaining two propellers to land.

But who knows that it has not completely fallen on the island, the two thrusters in the leg have a small explosion because of the high heat, so that the body completely lost the propulsion ability and directly lost control, hit the island, a series of impacts Xiao Ran also suffered a lot of shocks. He was shocked by the big tree near the cockpit. Even with his current physical fitness, he was also slightly hurt and spit out a blood.

After a short break, Xiao Ran also exhaled a heavy breath and stood up. He looked into the deformed fighter that was no longer usable. He also screamed hard and patted his head hard: "It’s really a day to fight Yan. Yan Yan, actually will be yin once, this is really ... Oh."

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