Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1029: Sweeping

(In the past few days, only one chapter has been updated. The drunk mother is sick and needs care. I have to go to the hospital twice a day for infusion. It takes about three hours at a time, and I have to bring a doll. It’s really tired, just a few days and New Year’s Day. I am afraid there are some things. I will only update one chapter in a week, and resume after New Year's Day.)

The vf-171 flew out like an arrow from the string. At the same time as the air was deformed and flew toward the outer periphery of the territorial sea, a regular force that received the order also received an order to intercept the US fleet and slowly departed. On the calm sea, there were countless ripples in the ripples of the road, and they also sailed to the US fleet that had stopped.

Sitting in the new body, Xiao Ran feels that this vf-17 is completely different from the previous warplanes. It also shows a satisfactory look. Really driving this fighter to the sky, I know that this body is really like What Luo said is indeed a full version of the deformation fighter.

Leaping over the land, flying over the ocean, and leaving the fleet of the voyage far behind, quickly saw the three aircraft carrier fleet of at least thirty ships, scattered above the sea. About three or four submarines were parked, and the combat helicopters that were cruising near the fleet were seen, and the fighters hovering above the higher sky.

The vf-171 that Xiaoran drove was like a streamer. When the other party didn't have time to stop it, it fell directly into the front of the three aircraft carrier and became a fortress. The foot was sprayed with a bright fire. Stable to stay in the sky about fifty meters.

A helicopter seems to be reacting at this time, and it is quickly surrounded by the direction of the deformation fighter. More combat helicopters have also taken off from the three aircraft carriers and the remaining ships with shipboard capacity. The densely entangled warheads surrounded by steady hovering.

The ships above the sea also began to turn their turrets, a series of long-range strike weapons from the missile launchers, and began to aim and lock the deformed fighters that Xiaoran was driving.

Sitting in the cockpit of the Deformation Fighter, Xiao Ran saw several different types of combat helicopters rotating around himself, and even clearly saw the pilots with helmets and masks in the helicopter cockpit, one by one. They all showed dignity or serious eyes and expressions.

In terms of the driving conditions of Xiaoran and the speed of the warplane, in fact, the whole fleet can be launched at the beginning to make the whole fleet unable to resist and can cause them to lose a heavy assault. Xiaoran just chooses a kind of force like deterrence. In the same way, stop in front of the fleet and let the opponent's combat helicopter surround itself.

This is also because the countries that are now in fact controlled by him, in fact, and to some extent, have not participated in the chaos that has affected countless countries. As a neutral country, they have not entered themselves in other countries. In the case of territory, it is impossible to launch an attack directly without warning.

This will also allow other countries that might have become allies to feel that the country controlled by Xiao Ran seems too unruly, so that these countries refuse to associate with them and even give obstacles, although Xiao Ran is not worried about this kind of thing. It happened, but if things can be a little less then it is naturally a little better.

Therefore, even if Xiaoran feels a little troublesome, some scenes have to be said and then started, and this kind of thing is already a good way.

Gently coughed, Xiao Ran directly turned on the full-range broadcast, letting his voice pass to the fleet, and it was extremely strong at the opening: "Warning, you are about to enter the territorial waters of Japan, please turn now. Directions to leave, otherwise we will regard you as a hostile force that threatens us, and we will use force to forcefully suppress you. We will not be responsible for any losses caused."

Just as Xiao Ran’s voice rang on every ship in the fleet, the commander of the fleet, a middle-aged man who looked like a 40-year-old, knocked his hand on the table in front of him. Gritted teeth and anger looked at the deformed fighters in the sky, whispering: "Damn!"

The adjutant next to him, after seeing his commander, also showed an expression that was insulted. He said with a deep voice: "Sir, what should we do?"

"The intelligence is right. It is true that this country can't run with this kind of fighter. The secrets of Mithril are definitely in this country. We know that we also have the technology of Mithril. Why do we have no people?" Ways to copy this fighter!"

"Abominable! If anyone can make such a fighter, who else will be our opponent." The commander once again hit the desktop in front of him, angered: "And our energy system is definitely invalid. You can't escape with them, and now even the last resort can't be used. You can also understand the combat effectiveness of this kind of body. Just rely on some fighters to do what we do without ass!"

The adjutant also bit his teeth: "That now..."

"You can't walk, you can't go, but you can't beat it. The entire fleet has begun to show up feelings of uneasiness. I am afraid that as long as we have a little bit of action, our missiles have not been launched yet. We are first defeated by the body, and the live ammunition is invalid. The missiles are also ineffective. I don’t want to happen to our heads when they destroy several bases."

"What the above people are thinking about, and the war with the Soviet Union is no problem. For the Mithril, the Mithril people are ran away. The last nuclear bomb launch is also. This time the active attack is also, why should we erect? So many enemies, do you feel satisfied with turning the world into enemies?"

"Oh..." The commander sighed long and looked at the black-deformed fighter in the sky. He said humiliatingly: "Surprise... Our soldiers must not be so rebellious, no meaning to die here. This kind of responsibility, I have no way to explain it to the nationals."

"Just, it is because all of our nuclear powers have all failed. When did the country master this technology enough to seal nuclear energy, the world is going to change..."

"Should surrender..." The adjutant looked at the commander in a complicated way, and looked at his own complicated commander. He sighed helplessly and told the commander's decision.

When the fleet announced the surrender, Xiao Ran did not feel too many accidents. When the two aircraft carriers became targets, all the **** lost energy could not be started, and the carrier’s carrier aircraft could not be successfully ejected for combat. It relies only on some ships that can only serve as targets in the view of the warplanes, and it is impossible for some aircraft that have already taken off to deal with the deformation fighters.

And this is believed that the other party is also very clear, and as far as the fleet's so-called last resort, the nuclear bomb carried on the nuclear submarine is also invalid, this offense has completely lost all meaning. In addition to surrender, there seems to be no more choice.

Just before the surrender of the fleet, several missiles were also launched on the country's homeland behind Xiaoran. In the shortest time, they rushed directly into the atmosphere and began to spread to the world. Different locations began to fly.

After all the planes in the fleet returned, and the entire fleet made a surrender, Xiao Ran did not leave the warheads in the first place, but watched the facts transmitted to the deformation fighters. All cases of carrying missiles.

During the flight of these missiles, two missiles were successfully intercepted by the Soviet Union and the United States, and the remaining warheads that were launched into unmanned areas, such as the ocean and the desert, fell smoothly in designated places. A neutron jammer flies out of the automatically disintegrated ballistics, adjusts the angle during the landing, and has started the drill bit to drill deeper into the ground before landing on the target site.

Until these neutron disrupters are activated, it means that the world's nuclear energy is officially sealed.

In a short period of time, all the operating a worlds in the world lost energy, and all the nuclear energy facilities stopped at the same time, all of which caused the world to fall into a completely contradictory mood of panic and relaxation. .

Many cities around the world have fallen into the dark, the cessation of nuclear power facilities, and the communication interference caused by the successful start of neutron jammers will naturally cause panic among most people. And relaxation is more for the civilians, the world's as all of a sudden can not be used, all the nuclear bombs can not be used, the shadow of the war seems to be slightly scattered, at least do not have to worry about the sudden appearance of On top of his own head, there will be no threat of a nuclear bomb suddenly exploding on top of his head.

In addition to Japan, most of the world’s national powers are also in chaos. The vigorous development of as has turned into a waste iron that cannot be used. How can this affect the war situation, military power, and defense? I am worried about whether I am caught in any conspiracy.

Until the fleets that started from the homeland succeeded in encircling the surrendered US fleet and began the process of receiving and disarming the surrender, Xiao Ran drove the squadron again and rushed to the sky, and the United States sent a few big gifts. Whether or not Xiaoran wants to return to courtesy is really not his character, so he is driving the deformation fighters all the way to the direction of the United States.

However, the target chosen this time is not the United States, but the best and fierce battlefield between the Soviet Union and the United States, the Bering Strait.

Both the United States and the Soviet Union were heavily squashed. It was also the place that had the greatest impact after the neutron jammer was activated. The units that were fighting at the two sides turned into scrap iron. At that time, the soldiers on both sides were shocked. There have also been countless losses, and for Xiao Ran, whether it is the Soviet Union or the United States, it is a hostile target controlled by the penetration of amalgam, so this time, Xiao Ran is really to cover the fear on their heads. On the top, thoroughly let the Bering Strait become a place where both sides are reluctant to stay.

Even Xiao Ran did not notice that after his successful neutron jammer was successfully launched, the completion of the main line task 2 soared until it soared to 80%. The thorough sealing of nuclear energy and the seal of the world’s largest main war weapon, as it is, can almost be said to have blocked the actions of hostile forces, development and planning, but also to stop the plan of amalgam to trigger a full-scale world war, so all of a sudden It is also normal to increase to 80%.

The speed of the full version of the deformation fighter is far from that of the original deformation fighter. It flies directly to the atmosphere and then flies into the earth. Ten minutes before and after, the deformation fighter has already appeared in the sky above the Bering Strait. The troops of both the United States and the Soviet Union were on the islands of the Straits. However, because of the relationship between the neutron jammers, the original fierce battle was stopped, and both sides were returning their own forces to make a defensive posture.

In this case, countless **** were directly abandoned, so scattered on different islands, some ships using nuclear energy were also abandoned, and countless soldiers took a boat to start a rapid evacuation, and in Xiaoran Where you can see, there is no body of another participant in it.

The war between the United States and the Soviet Union is clearly like a fire, but under such circumstances, no body belonging to the participants has joined such a battle, but several other participants have erupted in other places. The battle between them, and not all of them can be controlled by both the United States and the Soviet Union. It seems that this is not very common.

However, Xiao Ran’s purpose this time is also not the participants, but the frontline bases of the United States and the Soviet Union in the Bering Strait, thus completely curbing the war between the two sides.

Starting from the side close to the United States, Xiao Ran began to clean all the American bases that existed in the information. In the case that the United States can only use conventional weapons to deal with the deformation fighters, Xiao Ran did not make the kind of slaughter. Soldiers who resisted power, before they did not work in one place, Xiao Ran would give the other party a warning and leave the other party with a ten-minute evacuation time.

And ten minutes of time, if you don't give up the base, then if you really become an enemy for Xiaoran, you will directly cover the fire and destroy the entire base. How many people die will naturally not be Xiaoran. Anything.

However, until Xiaoran swept from the direction of the United States to the direction of the Soviet Union, neither side had any move that allowed Xiao Ran to make a massacre. The US side saw its soldiers more expensive, so the base from the beginning was good, and the base was good. Or the position is also good, they are obedient to choose to evacuate.

Even the United States has done this, and it has spread to the Soviet side. The Soviet Union naturally withdraws without even any slight pressure. Until a long time passed, many places in the entire Bering Strait have turned into a sea of ​​fire, and Xiao Ran is driving a deformation fighter. Returned to Japan.

In that place, meetings that have gathered countless reporters and important people are waiting for Xiaoran’s arrival. (To be continued.).


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