Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1044: Duel

The Mithril troops coming from afar hovered over the air and watched the mushroom cloud rising from the ground and not scattered. The cracked ground around it could not imagine that it was only a few bodies fighting. The result, like the fact that a small equivalent nuclear bomb was launched here, the enormous power made people feel a fear.

Under the scene of this scene, no one made a sound and looked at this scene in such a dull manner. The members of Mithril are in a daze, which does not mean that Xiao Ran will follow the daze, directly press Under the squad communication button, he ordered with a slightly indifferent voice: "Liang Liangzong Jie left, El Elf took other people to confirm the safety of the Thousand Birds and Yani, met the enemy... Kill no amnesty."

"Understood." El Elf gave Xiao Ran a reply in the first time. He drove directly to the city where Chidori and Yanni were flying, and did not forget to remind them. Mithril members who are still in the horror: "Come on immediately."


"Roger that!"

The flustered voice rang in the team communication, and the morphing fighter plane hovering once again became a fighter plane and quickly followed the body of Air Elf, leaving only the one of Xiang Liangzong. The body remains in the form of a fortress and stays in the air.

Xiao Ran looked at some of the seemingly cute Xiangliang Zongsuke through the screen and said with a breath: "One of the two bodies of the other party has a λ-d day ver. If you want to cause real damage to the other party, you only rely on the same You have λ-d day ver, be careful, these two bodies are not what you have been exposed to."

"Oh." Xiang Liangzong nodded, even with the co-pilot behind him, also a good fighter driver from Mithril, the expression of the two is almost exactly the same, Xiang Liang Zongjie looked at the ground Finally, I reacted and took a sip of cool air. I said, "How did this happen? Is it not a nuclear bomb explosion but only two body battles?"

"The eyes must be more open." Xiaoran looked at the dark clouds that gradually spread out to the ground and rubbed his eyes. Through the power that just shattered the angels, Xiao Ran re-recognized the more infinite λ-d. Possibly, it does not mean the incredible power that turns impulsiveness into reality, but simply the power that can be used in combat.

Absolutely a kind of special system that is not weaker than the g series body. If it is put in the hands of the right person, let this person have the physical quality of the participants, more powerful spirit, and give this body more horrible energy. Like the energy bird used to destroy the angel, Xiao Ran has reason to believe that after giving all the conditions that can be provided, the power that will be emitted by λ-d will be greater than that of the current and the current energy bird. More horrible.

And thinking of this, Xiao Ran couldn't help but think of Liu Muye and her Camila. After using the power of magic, the fantasy body created a raging tornado that swept through everything in the universe. A super attack that is completely out of the limits of the body's evaluation, super or fantasy, may be broken, or the limit may be the limit.

For Renard, Xiao Ran also raised a stronger idea, wanting to let this person with the ability to fight, the same technical ability to join his own legion.

Just when Xiao Ran contrasted the difference between the super department, the fantasy department and the real department, there was some movement on the ground again. The black smoke shrouded on the ground began to rotate rapidly, surrounding the three points on the ground. The rotation formed three completely different scenes, and the three bodies on the ground once again appeared in Xiaoran's eyes.

Xiaoran first saw Luo’s fighting heresy. After the collision with the shattered angel, there were some broken appearances on the fighting heresy. There were even a few positions where the armor broke and sparked, but at this time. The fighting heresy has completely changed into a different color from the original, and a golden look looks like a golden giant.

The black smoke surrounding the fighting heresy began to spread out quickly with the body as the center, just like the ground has an invisible energy to blow away the black smoke.

And the angel was shattered, the propeller behind him was completely damaged, and a pair of arms appeared to have some irregular curvature like a huge pressure. The silver-white body has become dirty and looks ruined everywhere. It is a dent and a scratch. Standing on the ground, the surrounding black smoke turns into several tornadoes like a stream of air and then condenses together.

The fact that they are condensed together is not black smoke, but the power gathered by λ-d on the day of the black smoke becomes so.

On the side of Gulen Gast, the numerous gravel that had been concealed in Gulungast’s body suddenly collapsed into flying dust, so that it floated around Gulangast with some special electromagnetic energy. And Gulen Gast also burst into a blue light, also accumulating some kind of energy trying to make an earth-shattering attack.

"Liangliang Zongsuke, the enemy in front of Luo is handed over to you. He has taken away thousands of birds. If he does not want the Thousand Birds to have an accident, he will break him! The other party is using the power of λ-d, and I will be careful. You support it.” Xiao Ran said as he reached out and pushed the lever to the direction of Gulang Gast: “Luo, solve another body!”

The shattered angel has λ-d day ver, so even if the attack is launched, it is difficult to break through the defense of the angel to launch an effective attack. However, Gulang Gast is completely different and does not have λ. The power of the -d day ver, the power of the super department is more or less in the attack, so this is a suitable opponent for Xiaoran.

After hearing Xiaoran’s words, Xiang Liangzong’s original expression after seeing the abnormality of the three bodies suddenly sank again. After silently nodding his head, he told the first officer to keep the balance of the body, and the eyes of the eyes shot endless. The anger, as if to let Xiangliang Zongsuke burn himself up, mentions that there are things about the Thousand Birds, especially the Thousand Birds have met the danger. Xiang Liang Zongsuke often evokes the power that even Xiao Ran feels incredible.

Xiang Liangzong directly controlled his own weapon with the force of λ-d-day ver and gripped the weapon in his hand. A special type of beam gun with a beam of light and a live ammunition.

With the already fully skilled λ-d day ver started, a ray of light also began to condense in front of the muzzle of Xiang Liangzong's body. In the mind of Xiang Liangzong’s mind, only the other side was broken, and the other side was so simple. The only thought, the muzzle became more and more bright, and the deformation fighters also showed a brilliant light.

After Luo heard the instructions of Xiao Ran, he also slowly gave a low snoring sound. As the snoring became louder and louder, it completely turned into a golden fighting heresy and also burned the visible waves. A long knife was pulled out from behind, and in the moment of holding it, it burned a hot flame, a flame that was completely condensed by energy.

I saw the long sword in the fighting heresy, and the golden fighting heresy was also completely transformed into a ghost image that quickly galloped toward the ground and went to the ancient Gengaste, and that Gulun Gast The pilot also issued the first sentence from the beginning of the battle to the present: "Go to death! Bear my anger! Count the sword!"

Gulang Gasster suddenly popped a hilt behind him. After Gulen Gast took the hilt, he burst into a special force and jumped up from the ground. There was no such thing as a huge energy blade, and with the numerous swordsmanships of Gulanggarst waving, it began to shoot.

The swordsmanship that was swung out was like a long whip with hundreds of meters of energy, with traces of the ground and the air, and the propeller behind the Gulangast also burst into flames. The air began to push down the golden fighting heresy that was flying towards the ground and waved the energy sword in his hand.

Luo also gave his own answer: "I have no name, but now I have it, go! Chrysanthemum text!"

Xiao Ran, who is controlling the deformation fighter, just wandered around Gurungarst. After hearing Luo’s words, he almost didn’t squirt it out. This guy obviously felt that his move had no name and couldn’t press the other side, and then immediately compiled a name. .

However, although the name is quite casual, the power that comes out of it is not casual. The energy that is erupted in the golden form of combat fighting is also quite horrible. A red sword with a length of several hundred meters will follow. The fight of fighting heresy appeared directly, showing a crescent-shaped flight to Gulang Gast.

However, after wielding this sword, Xiao Ran clearly saw that the sword held in the fighting heresy began to break and the right arm began to break.

In the face of such a sword, Gulang Gast had to throw the sword in his hand in the middle of the air. The two different forces immediately smashed together, but different from before and shattered. The continuous explosion of the angels, the two men's attacks began to stalemate in the air at this moment, just as time is still with the same, both sides of the attack can not be in the slightest after the collision.

Losing the right arm but using it is indeed the fighting heresy of the offensive attack. In this case, there is obviously more advantage than the other side. The body bends slightly and suddenly, the fighting heresy bursts and the left hand crosses in front of the body. Luo also once again issued another trick: "Flash Palm!".


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