Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1052: Explanation

Leonard asked Xiao Ran if he wanted him to be a follower or a participant. If you say it, Xiaoran certainly hopes that Leonard can become a participant and then join the team. After all, the participants have the authority. Compared with the followers, it is still higher. It is already a great advantage to have a storage bin. After adding the evaluation rewards after the end of the mission, how can you get one or two? Said the gold treasure chest.

But in this case, when Leonard chooses to be a participant, it will become a participant of the super department, not a participant of the real department, so that Xiaoran can only join Renard to the super department. The branch army, only a group of ten people, can not really become his team members to work as a second technician.

So at this point, Xiao Ran hopes that Leonard will become his follower.

In fact, at this time when Leonard triggered the awakening task, the choice was no longer in Xiaoran's hand, and the active person became Leonard.

However, Xiao Ran thought about it and said to Leonard: "I can't deny that I certainly hope that you can be my follower. Just now you should hear that I belong to the participants in the real area, and once you become involved The person entering will be another super zone, so once you become a participant, we will not have the possibility to team up."

"But if you want to go back to the world again, then I suggest you better choose to be my follower."

Xiaoran Reinard pushed the wheelchair behind him, and Leonard stunned after hearing Xiaoran’s words, then nodded. “Understood, it seems that once I become a participant, there is no way to freely choose to come back to me. The world."

"It should be said that in addition to a special possibility, it should be impossible to have the possibility of returning to this world." Xiao Ran thought about it and said: "Unless you have a mission, you have entered this repeated parallel again. The world, but your identity at that time should be very strange. It is the more Leonard in the world, or the Leonard who replaced the world."

"Is it?" Leonard smiled and said, "So what is Prometheus?"

"A mysterious place, a gathering place for all the participants in the gap between the universe. The cultivation area after each mission is divided into three areas: real area, super area and fantasy area. Each area is like A huge city where you can find everything you want to find."

"All the participants are from the whole universe. In general, they are basically aliens. The Puente you know is also an alien. For me, I am."

"Different areas have different task execution rules. Similar to the real area I am in, the task is performed once a month, while the super area is executed at least once every three months, and up to six tasks per year."

"Every mission will go to different worlds. We call it the mission world. In each mission, we must complete three main missions. Even if the mission is completed, we can return to Prometheus. At most, there will be one. One hundred participants simultaneously entered a mission world."

"Participants' different positions will also lead to differences in the local forces and camps they join in the mission, which will eventually lead to different missions and confrontation. In the end, the winner will be rewarded with great rewards. If the losing party is lucky. If you don't die, you will suffer a little loss at most."

"As for why Prometheus has endlessly released the task, I haven't reached any conclusion yet, but I don't think this is definitely a boring behavior like God. Maybe it's because we don't Know the reason."

"Yes, once you become a participant, the passage of time will disappear in your body. People like me who have spent many years in Prometheus and the mission world have never been in the world. Half of the changes, and your body will be represented by data, some attributes will be marked numerically, and new skills can be learned to strengthen your body, gain other blood and so on."

"In short, Prometheus is definitely a place beyond imagination. It is also a mysterious place. If you want to know what Prometheus is, it is just that I said to you that you may not fully understand it. The best. The way is to look at it yourself."

Speaking, Xiao Ran suddenly patted his head and held a book in his hand, and placed it directly on Leonard’s knee: "This is the new collection of super districts, you also You can take a look at the above and introduce a lot about the Prometheus Super Zone."

Leonard looked at the book that suddenly appeared on his knee and stunned it. Then he turned his head and looked at Xiaoran, who seemed to be wondering where the book appeared from. Xiaoran looked at the expression of the other party and then slightly A smile: "It's just the ability of the participants to have the space to store. Once you become a participant, you will have this ability, but if you become a follower, you will be gone."

Leonard nodded, still couldn't see if he was more inclined to become a participant or a follower of Xiaoran. When he opened the book on his knee, he frowned slightly and then shook his head. : "I don't understand, I can't understand any of the words inside."

"Well?" Xiaoran heard some of Leonard’s words. He said: "I don't understand? Maybe you haven't officially become a participant, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, after twenty-four hours, you will I entered Prometheus myself."

Leonard nodded and exchanged the Super Zone Newcomer's book to Xiao Ran. "You can take this book back. Things like this should not be outflowed, otherwise they will be solved by the people of this world." The content should bring you a lot of trouble."

Xiaoran nodded with a smile and took back the newcomer's book, pushing Leonard to the car, and then drove to the research institute where the meeting was held.

When Xiao Ran arrived at the institute with Leonard, El Elf and Langba did not arrive, but Puente was waiting outside the gate. After seeing Xiao Ran and Leonard, I didn't feel that I had any uncomfortable face with Leonard, but I still nodded to Leonard with a surprised expression, and I found the Luo who was taking the time to adjust the body.

Puente said that he had known Leonard a lot of time. In his contact with Leonard, he felt that Renard was indeed called a genius. Many technologies that the world did not have were brought out by him. , Leonard can accept and find a way to use in the shortest possible time.

Just like the t-link system, it is the system that Puente can't use, even if the technology that made the system was learned in this world, but Leonard can know the technology. The two of you talked about my brainstorming, using t-link with λ-d day ver, successfully made the offensive way like the energy bird.

Even if this type of operation is not the real use of t-link, it has to be acknowledged that it also exerts a lot of power.

What even Puente did not expect was that he had just suddenly pulled out a whole task, saying that Leonard succeeded in reaching Prometheus’s awakening as a participant, and that Puente was almost chin. When he fell, he didn't know that there was such a thing.

But Puente is the kind of guy who is really silent, so even if he is surprised, he hasn’t expressed more to Leonard. Even if he knows Leonard’s long time, he’s just meeting now. nod.

In fact, even Xiao Ran did not expect that such a thing would happen. The aborigines evolved into a participant. This kind of thing has not been thought of. I really can only say that Prometheus does have it. Unlimited possibilities.

When I saw Luo, Luo Zheng took the technicians in the institute to adjust the body. After all, only the last twenty-four hours, who knows that this will happen suddenly, even if the main task is now three All over, in the final time, even Luo has slackened, pulling Puente to do experiments and discuss discussion techniques every day.

So even after such a thing happened, Luo was very surprised. Although there was only one day, it would be safe to say safety, but there is no way to know if there are other participants who have accepted the attack on Leonard. Mission, so quickly adjust the body becomes the most important job of Luo.

At present, the only body that can be used is only the warhead machine and the wolf-type machine of Langba. Luo’s fighting fist is broken. After the battle is over, the whole body has a big problem. Was sent to the Institute as a textbook to be directly removed, and Puente is no body can be used.

It is true that the participants who accept the killing task, Xiao Ran, can only play the warplanes, and adjust these bodies to the extent and habits that they can use, of course, it takes some time.

It wasn't until more than half an hour passed, and El Elf, Langba, came in a hurry with the thousand birds and Yani. When the two saw Leonard, they also looked at them with curiosity. This guy can actually touch the existence of Prometheus himself.

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