Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1056: Trading area

From the Legion District to the trading area, I suddenly felt a lot of fun. The layout of the entire trading area is completely different from the real area. The only difference is that the things sold are completely different. ?

Just take a look around, just look at the real shopping, look at it, just out of a few shops, Xiao Ran has already felt the difference between the trading area and the real area, the first is big Most shops sell more emphasis on versatility than real estate.

For example, the real system is like a universal interface, full of infinite transformation possibilities, any component, plug-in, weapon can be equipped to the real body through this universal interface, so that the real system The body has more capabilities to transform any part of the body.

The level of the body is more like a locked independent interface, only parts and weapons that meet the standards of this interface can be used on different levels of the body, and the variety is more dazzling, it is difficult to find not to say it is not necessarily Really buy a component weapon that is completely in line with the original body of the body, so the way to enhance the body is basically to use the more general-purpose components and weapons to use the plug-in method.

Of course, the melee weapons are basically common. For example, axe, hoe, big sword and the like are also sold in shops, and these melee weapons of low rank are almost all used as consumables. Fortunately, most of these equipments have different deformation capabilities. For example, a stick with a length of one will instantly become a long gun with a length of four when used, which is quite strange to Xiao Ran.

Therefore, even if such equipment is equipped with several equipment on the body, there will be basically no extra.

In addition, it is a long-range weapon, what is a boomerang, and there are also a lot of guns inside. No matter the size of the caliber, the weapon is consumed by live ammunition, and the energy consumption class only takes up a small amount. .

In addition, according to Xiao Ran's inquiry, the restoration of the props can be said to be the best seller. After all, the specificity of the level system is very large. It is very difficult to repair the body when the body is damaged when going to different worlds. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase the recovery items to make the body repair itself.

Just like the nano-repair robot that Xiao Ran once got, it can consume the energy-repairing props when the body is damaged, but it will become longer in the repair time, and it is still a one-time prop. If the body is forced to start, the repair will be interrupted, and the repair will still require certain conditions.

According to the time and extent of repair, it is divided into several different grades. It is classified like ordinary and elite by the same level. The lowest level of props repairing time is very long. It takes at least two or three days to repair a certain volume of the body. If it is a large body that is over 50 meters, there is no way to repair the body without two or three days or five.

Moreover, the general-level repairing props can only be repaired for the normal-level body. The elite level can only be repaired for the elite and below. The higher the level of the body, the higher the level of the repairing props required, and the cheapest common level. Fixing the props also requires a thousand battle points.

The most advanced repair items that can be bought are just the legendary level. It is a 20,000-point battle. If you are repairing a normal-level body, you only need such a legendary repair item to completely move the body within a few hours. Complete repair is complete.

If the cockpit of the body is damaged, the use of the exterior and the internal structure can only be repaired, and there is no way to repair the cockpit. Unless more advanced repair kits are used for targeted repair, the same level of repair items is used. There is no way at all.

If you want to change the energy system of the body to be destroyed, there is no way to use this kind of advanced repairing props. Because there is no energy support to repair the props, it is impossible to repair the body. It is necessary to solve this problem unless the body is replaced. An energy source or an energy source can be connected.

And the repair props like this are only two or three by the mode of opening the treasure chest. Although it is quite different from the repairing props sold by this piece, at least one thing can be surely determined, that is, the body There are no channels for selling the repair props in the real area.

Unless someone opens a treasure chest and then sells it, there is no way to buy such a repair item from anywhere in the real area.

So when I saw this kind of repairing props, Xiao Ran also had a little thought. It wasn’t that Xiao Ran was going to buy a lot of real estate to sell. This is not practical at all, so Xiao Ran also bought some for the purchase. They are kept as stocks. Otherwise, Puneto's participants in these districts can buy them, and there is no way to hand them to Xiaoran.

In addition to these, in the shops that Xiaoran has visited, there are also a lot of materials and armored modules for sale. The materials are only used to look at them and then recorded, but it is not necessary to buy them at this time. After all, there is no limit to Prometheus in terms of materials.

Luo looked at the data of several materials, and also pointed to Xiao Ran several times to remind Xiaoran that these materials are also very useful to them, such as materials with stronger energy transmission capacity, stronger and more robust materials. Or it is a material with a high price and self-healing ability, or a material that is equally expensive and has energy absorption.

The armor module is also a thing that is not unique in the real area but unique in the level. A module that is similar to the plug-in but separates from the plug-in and acts only on the body's own defense capability and structural strength. It is also the same for the level system. It can be regarded as another way to enhance the body.

After all, the more solid the anti-defense, the thicker the armor can be said to be stronger, the role of the armor module is to thicken the armor and then strengthen the body, a bit like Xiao Ran used to play equipment +1, +2, +3 That feeling.

Examples include beam-resistant armor modules, +1 beam-resistant armor, 2% improved beam resistance, +2 beam-resistant armor, 4% improved beam resistance, +1o beam-resistant armor, and enhanced beam Resistance increased to 20%.

There are also physical resistance armor modules, flame resistance, ice resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. There are not more than a dozen, beam, physics, this is basically cheaper, but the basic price has also reached a battle point, each upgrade + The price of 1 battle point should be increased by 10,000, plus a few is tens of thousands.

The basic price of attribute resistance such as flame, ice, lightning, and corrosion is still doubled, +120,000, +24,000, and so on. Each body can only choose at most two resistance increments. It really has to be superimposed to 100%, and the amount of warfare points consumed is also very much.

At the same time, the physical armor module and the beam armor module can be used together, but if the two armor modules are used at the same time, they can only be upgraded to a maximum of 50% of the layer, and if the physical module is used first, the price of the beam module will be turned over. The opposite is true.

And only choose one to raise the layer to 100%. If you choose attribute resistance, if you choose flame resistance, then the cold resistance will be reduced, and the flame resistance will reach 100%. Icy resistance will also become a negative 50%, so you must be very cautious in choosing resistance.

Moreover, this armor module only armored a buff to the body. The armor that does not really represent the body will become stronger. The armor is still the armor of the previous one. There is no change except the attached buff. And because of the body's own armor material, if the original physical resistance is one, then the use of a hundred physical resistance modules is only to increase the armor resistance to three degrees, this kind of thing is fundamental for the low-level body. There is no point.

However, if you want to change to a high-level body, the role that this armor module can play is very obvious. If it is replaced by the dark sky that is now driving by Xiao Ran (this body, the avatar of the written page is also drunk. Black is, ugly.), Xiao Ran is willing to use more of this kind of thing for the body.

However, there is no way to strengthen the whole body with a single armor module. The reinforcement is related to the size and armor surface area of ​​the body. If the justice is similar to Xiaoran, it takes about five to perform an overall reinforcement. Otherwise, only Can simply strengthen the arm.

But according to Anji telling Xiao Ran, (the last chapter is also drunk, the younger sister is Anji, the older sister is An Qi, but the name is written when the introduction is written, and the back is correct.) Although the price of the armored reinforcement module is high, It is true that many middle- and high-level participants must work on a project, and each time they are hardened to a fixed number of layers, they will get new attribute additions.

For example, if you strengthen to 10, it is possible to get the body to get a 20% increase in physical strength, and perhaps a choice of 3 or 5 percent increase in armor strength. An attribute is added to the following to have these attributes attached, but in addition to specifically knowing that it is related to the category of the armor module, the specific attributes appear randomly in an interval.

Even the armor module is very important to the class participants. If a participant gets a normal-level body from the beginning, it is not available or highly adaptable to another body for various reasons. Then he must find ways to strengthen his body, let the body upgrade, from the ordinary level to the elite level, from the elite level to the epic level.

It is necessary to know that only the small-scale reconstruction conditions of the level system, if you want to upgrade the body, it is really convenient and simple without real area, the difficulty is more difficult than the manufacture of a new body, but also in the level The function of a real area.

The body is upgraded. Once the level of the body reaches certain restrictions, you can go to the industrial area to find the technician to upgrade your body level. From the ordinary level to the elite level, the performance of the body will be greatly improved. Even the appearance of some organisms will change, as will the body skills that can be used.

But the restrictions are different. Unless you really have the body, you don't have a way to know the special conditions that the body needs. Maybe you need a specific energy engine, maybe you need some kind of specified plug-in parts. Perhaps it is necessary to strengthen the armor module to the specified level, even with the above three conditions.

Angie is not a participant, although she has learned about these things, but the specific situation is not clear, and the technicians in the industrial area will not tell the body of the participants, even Anji. Knowing the physical condition of a certain participant, she will also not tell Xiaoran about this, just to say the basic things.

In addition to the armor module, Xiao Ran also saw something even more amazing, that is, parts, body parts.

There are also some differences between the body parts and the real area of ​​the grading system. The body parts of the real area are generally weapons, backpacks, or some functional equipment, such as the mirage system, multiple locking systems, level propellers, and energy.

The body parts of the class can really be completely regarded as parts. For example, something that Xiao Ran sees, the name is called the right arm of unknown origin, and has the ability to transform into a drill bit during attack, the elite body and Use the upper limit.

In addition, there are also parts that can attack the ray, the strength of the attack, and the number of parts that limit the body level. It is also a glimpse of Xiaoran.

After a day's time, Xiao Ran also saw a lot of weird things. Some things he can tell the source, but some things just feel like they know, but they can't tell where they are from, even Xiaoran. In the trading area, I saw some level bodies that I knew in animation or games. I saw that I was dazzled and restrained, but I didn’t start any machine.

For example, a pure white, without any painting, the price is full of 300,000 points of elite stone tower, one only elite level of Gaeta, but from the appearance is only the first version of Gaeta However, this is even if I only know Gaeta but I don’t know much about the world.

However, this kind of white cover tower can be seen as a mass production type at a glance, or it is a simple trial type. Xiao Ran also remembers the rhythm where he seems to have seen it, but only one such body, even if it is Gaita Xiaoran. There is also no idea to start. 8

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