Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1059: Big purchase

Luo can't understand Xiao Ran's thoughts and thoughts: "What do you mean, that only the fine-level Gaeta is more valuable than the epic Gaeta? It is because that Gaitari has the kind called Gaeta. Ray-driven engine stuff?"

"Yes, the really expensive is the Gaeta Ray, but it is a pity that it is only a low-powered trial-type product." Xiao Ran shook his head and explained to Luo: "Gaita Ray is an evolutionary The beam is a very complicated thing, just one thing I know is that the Gaeta ray is a source of evolution to some extent or a worldview."

"This kind of ray can make almost everything evolve, let everything that has been irradiated evolve, let the metal gain unlimited ductility, softness and regenerative. In my opinion, the most important thing for us is these two. At the point, with Gaeta Ray, there is a basis for us to create the body that belongs to our super-system, and that only the elite Gaeta also has unlimited evolution possibilities."

"Of course there is good and bad. Gaeta ray seems to have its own will. From a point of view, the products that have evolved from it will be affected by it and then assimilated, but in Prometheus this big This is the least worrying thing in the environment. I think there should be no more will than Prometheus."

"Prometheus is absolutely impossible to allow any other impurities to come in the world under its jurisdiction. It can be recognized by Prometheus and appear in this place, and there is no suggestion in the data. The negative effects of ray, then it must be that all these negative effects have been removed."

"In short, the cover ray is a thing worthy of our study. I think this technical information. Since it is from a world, it is definitely the material used for the armor of the tower. Without the cover radiation, this technical drawing cannot be said to be complete, or even impossible to make the armor of the Gaeta. Is it possible that this technical drawing actually has some information about the Gaeta ray? If this is the case, it will be of great help to us to study the Gaeta Ray."

"As for the last Gaeta neo, you may not believe that this unit that does not use the Gaeta ray is a product that can be completely reproduced by the real technology. The opposite of the body you are driving is called Super For the real thing, there may be some restrictions on the armor module, but if you have the technical drawings of the armor material, as long as the Gaeta neo is resolved, we will get the possibility of mass production."

“The three things are worth 1.3 million points. People who don’t understand in this area may not seem worth it, but for any participant in the real area, this price is simply too cost-effective. This is especially true for people who understand, not to mention that one hundred and three hundred thousand, that is, two million, three million can get all three things are completely worthwhile."

Luo meditated and nodded slowly. "Since it is such an important thing, then you must study it carefully after going back. Then what else do you need to find here?"

"Blood serum, suitable blood serum, as long as it is a suitable blood serum can be purchased, especially for you and Basque, the super blood and your adaptability is better, and I need a copy I am reinforced in all aspects, and I can play a very powerful blood without relying on the solar furnace."

“There are other suitable technologies, materials, energy, special equipment, and complete body technology that can be considered, as long as the price is right.”

"Some special parts can be turned into the arm of a drill bit. If the price of a special weapon is appropriate, you can buy some."

"The last is the skill, especially the super skill of the super department. I think I should buy more and take it back. Although the real body does not need to consume energy, it is not suitable for everyone, at least me and Kruze. It’s totally unsuitable to use this skill. For us, that skill can only have a negative effect, but the increase brought by the increase in strength is definitely not to be underestimated.”

"You, Bassack, Graham are very suitable for the use of this pneumatic skill, all belong to the kind of guy who is getting more and more burning, just use this."

Luo nodded and said: "But you have to leave some combat points and buy enough long stay time in the camp territory."

"I know this." Xiao Ran stood up and twisted his head, stretched out and said: "Well, time is not too early, take a rest, and come back tomorrow to see."


There was nothing in the night. Someone slept very well this night, but some people stayed up all night. When Xiao Ran got up the next day, the two sisters Anji Anqi had already come to this side, and Puento was still sleeping. The sly Langba sat in the living room waiting for everyone to get up.

Al Elf was up very early, and Leonard’s dark circles proved that this guy not only did not sleep last night, but also seemed to be quite furious and very strong.

When I saw the situation of everyone, Xiao Ran also shook his head and ordered Leonard to stay in the living area to rest, so that Langba did not have to follow them, but only took Luo, Puente, Anji Anqi two sisters. A total of four people left the living area and once again traveled to the trading area to continue their wandering mission.

After a day of strolling yesterday, Xiao Ran is also a general understanding of the current trading situation in the super zone. The super department's things are somewhat strange compared to the real thing. Anyway, many things are available. The possibility of upgrading and advanced, of course, even the body can be upgraded through Prometheus, and it is not surprising that other things have these.

From the very beginning, everyone did not waste time directly to purchase twenty general skills of the super-zone with a price of 10,000 points. They are ready to take it back to the right people for use.

Other skills are not too suitable, and some of them are bought in the right place. The specific ones are also selected according to the versatility. For example, the crossbow, the phantom sniper, there is no limit to the body, only the conditions can be met. Skills to display.

Crossbow 4: Level skills, melee weapons are limited, not upgradeable. The mobilization energy gathers on the weapon and quickly swings out to attack to achieve a long-range attack. The price is 30,000, and this skill can be used by everyone, but it depends on who can use it.

Phantom sniper 5: level skills, melee weapons limited, can not be upgraded. The mobilization energy gathers on the weapon to quickly slam the enemy and achieve the maximum number of attacks. A price of 30,000 points of merit, like the above skills, is also a skill to see people play.

Gathering blasting 2: level skills, not upgradeable. The mobilized energy blasts when it touches an enemy after an attack, giving the target more additional damage. The price is 40,000, and it is only a level skill. However, Xiao Ran feels that this skill can be used by himself.

These skills are not required to be looked at, but in fact, it depends on whether the body driven by the skill user supports this skill. It is impossible to use this skill by airplane. The weapon without energy transmission and aggregation is also the same. It is a no-brainer, and this is clearly known as a senior.

Bottom force 3: level skill, lv1, with the damage of the body state, the full attribute is improved by 1% to 10%. The price is 5 and 2 points. This skill is quite familiar, and many of the skills that appear in the battle are basically a short version of Graham's brave skills, but it can be upgraded to some point.

Warfare 1: b-level skills, can not be upgraded, the strength of each minute after the start of the battle is increased by three points, the lifting limit is determined according to the pilot level. The price is 200,000 points. A b-level skill is also the most expensive skill to buy. Unconditionally, you only need to fight every minute to improve your strength. No matter who you use it, you can count it as a magical skill. Even Xiaoran feels quite suitable for this skill.

Pneumatic lifting response 3: level skill, lv1, with the increase in the strength of the reaction, the property is improved by 1% to 10%, one hundred pneumatic forces begin to work, and the highest pneumatic threshold is one hundred and fifty.

Pneumatic improvement hits 6: level skill, lv1, with the increase in strength, the hit attribute is increased by 1% to 10%, 100 power starts to work, and the highest power threshold is 150.

Pneumatic strength 2: level skills, lv1, with the strength of the strength of the hand to improve by 1% to 10%, one hundred strength began to work, the highest strength threshold of one hundred and fifty.

Pneumatic strength physique 1: level skill, lv1, with the strength of physical fitness increased by 1% to 10%, one hundred strength began to work, the highest strength threshold is one hundred and fifty.

All of the above four skills are based on strength-related skills, and all of them are skills that can be upgraded. The most expensive is the ability to improve your skills. The price is as high as 60,000 points. Although it is only a level of skill, it seems The skill prices of all the elevated attributes in the Super Zone seem to be somewhat high.

The cheapest is the increase in strength, only need 20,000 battle points to buy a book, the physique and the reflected price are around 30,000, all these skills bought and spent Xiaoran 360,000 battle points.

As for other skills, Xiao Ran is not buying more, some real areas can also be bought, or it is absolutely useless. All the evaluations in terms of skills are all in the same level as the Xiaoran real area, so it can be seen at a glance.

The body also spent less than 100,000 combat points to buy two ordinary Sox mechanical beasts, the same thing that is more meaningful than the meaning of use, a wolf-shaped wolf-shaped, want to buy better I didn’t see it at all, and Xiao Ran didn’t know whether the two Soss mechanical beasts were transformed through combat. If so, then Xiaoran still had to convert the wild langba’s wild to the mechanical body of the exclusive body for comparison. .

With Gaeta, with the mechanical beast, plus the Gulang Gast, λ-d day ver, in the absence of the body that I feel more familiar and suitable, and those really good body prices are too high In this case, Xiao Ran is not buying more bodies, and this is now enough.

Parts such as the head that Xiao Ran has seen that can emit a beam of light, these things are really not very interesting, so I have not continued to purchase those messy super body parts, and some expensive parts have their own Skills, these things Xiaoran even brought back to the real area, and are not sure whether they can be used, so they only bought two more representative things.

A breastplate that can emit heat rays: a graded component that can emit a level of heat ray attack, requiring energy consumption. The price is 80,000 points, and the super is a classic breastplate.

An unknown arm that can be deformed into a drill bit: a graded component that can be deformed into a drill bit to launch an attack, allowing the body to obtain ground shuttle capability. The price is 80,000 points, and the super is a classic drill.

The blood is really something that is really not seen. A good blood is not so easy to obtain, and I am afraid that it will have been bought by other people once it appears. In short, Xiao Ran has not seen him for several days. The right blood is used, and the blood that completely turns itself into a completely non-human is not the choice of Xiaoran. Until the end of the last day, Xiaoran did not find a satisfactory blood.

Before the end of the detention period, Xiao Ran also left Puente with a million points of merit, which he used to develop the Legion, enhance the strength of Langba, and if the body did not repair Gulangaste afterwards, He needs to use his own million points to buy a suitable body.

Langba’s wolf-type machine was finally left to be taken by Xiao Ran. The body either waited until the time of going to the camp territory, or bought it in the trading area, and Langba’s meaning was that he would wait until he went to the camp territory. .

However, the entire trading area of ​​a general-grade body is everywhere, and the number of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands is so numerous. Anyway, if Langba wants to buy, he can buy one with that one million points, and if he chooses to If the camp territory is made, it will actually be more suitable for Langba, at least for his driving and advantages.

When the end of the stagnant world ended, Prometheus sent a brief reminder to Xiao Ran, Luo, El Elf, and Leonard to the real area. Just opened their eyes, Xiao Ran I saw a figure rushing towards myself with a fragrant wind. (To be continued...)

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