Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1062: Pseudo A, true A

Mind Link: A-level skill, in the GN particle dispersion range, unlimited communication with anyone, in the scope of GN-free particle dispersion, can communicate with others unilaterally within the scope of brain quantum wave dispersion, without GN particle dispersion In the spirit of the brain quantum wave, the mind power, the heart inspiration stress, etc., the ability to communicate within the bridging range.

The characteristics of the pilot: Class A features, instant burst (complete mastery).

Class A Universal Driving Technology: Proficiency? ? ?

Assault driving expertise: LV6. Specialized in driving the assault-type body, the hit increased by 14%, and the skill increased by 8%, reflecting an increase of 8%.

Firepower specialization: LV3. The firepower-specific driving fire-powered body can increase the hit by 8 percent and the endurance by 10 percent.

Quick lock: B-level skill, LV6, active effect, mental power, 3 points can lock any enemy on the radar in one second. The passive effect reflects a 10% increase, and the percentage of the body's locking speed against the enemy is fifty.

Cosmic Warfare Expert: LV6, C-level skill, spirit +5, reflecting +5, able to be proficient in the battle of the universe, greatly familiar with the sense of space, skilled use of special weapons for space warfare, and play the special battle for B-class and below The full performance of the weapon.

Fortunately: Class A skills, lucky value increases, gaining props may increase by 20%, 20% increase in probability to gain more rewards, and 10% increase in probability to gain reward quality improvement. Not upgradeable.

Waste Recycler: Class A skill, which can be used to destroy the recovered body and the battleship. It has a certain chance to decompose and recycle the plug-in, component fragments and complete components, and the probability of decomposition is broken. The D-class engine consumes 1000 points of work, the C-class body consumes 2000 points of work, the B-class body consumes 5000 points of work, the Class A body consumes 10,000 points of work, the S-class body consumes 20,000 points, and the battleship consumes 20,000 points. (not upgradeable)

Investigate and use the spirit of each time to investigate the basic information of the enemy units.

Hand speed burst: consumes 3 points of spirit, increases hand speed by 25%, lasts for 5 seconds, and cools for 1 minute.

The above attribute fixed plus layer has been included in the attribute value, and the percentage plus layer is not included in the attribute value.

The percentage plus layer value is 47% of the fixed plus layer hit, and the hit is 52 points; the skill is added 33%, and the skill is increased by 31 points; Thirteen, the promotion reflects 36 points; the spirit adds 45%, the spirit is 52 points; the constitution adds 33%, and the physical fitness is 31.

Temporary additions are not included in the attribute.

Xiao Ran quickly read all the values ​​on his own attributes, and the shocking expression on his face could not be calmed down. He just upgraded a pilot level and upgraded the blood level from a changer to a true pure breeder. In addition to the skill level, it is simply a whispering change.

The conditions that were originally promoted to become pure breeders under the illumination of the solar furnace were erased, and the improvement that has been achieved after becoming a true changer is simply the difference between heaven and earth, and there are several more awakening skills. Quantum impact, quantum assimilation, and the soul link seem to be so powerful.

The mind link looks like a simple connection skill, but it is quite horrible to unconditionally communicate with the spirit within the GN particle distribution. If you contact the enemy during the battle, keep squatting next to each other. That is simply adding a negative BUFF to the target.

Quantum impact is equivalent to a mental impact-like skill. To say that quantum shock can bring pain to the target, Xiao Ran definitely understands more than countless people, because when the 00 world is on the ELS, he is clear and clear. Really experienced the pain brought by the ELS quantum shock, almost interrupted the thinking of all thinking to interrupt the other side of the action.

Quantum assimilation is basically the ultimate trick. It consumes 100 points of mental power in exchange for the overall limitation of the solar furnace body and its own capabilities. The brain quantum wave completely covers the entire GN particle dispersion range, that is, the original GN particle The perceived ability is on the upper floor, completely controlling all the movements of the entire battlefield.

In addition to returning spirit and physique every minute, it basically means that the mental energy consumption and physical exertion of all persistent skills are completely offset, the unrestricted sustained mental explosion, the brain quantum wave burst, and the quantum burst three skills last forever. It is equal to the mandatory non-consumption of opening three skills, directly let yourself become the strongest degree in a moment.

The CD time of the week is doomed to the extent that this skill can be used frequently. At least in some cases, a battle that allows him to start quantum assimilation in a week can be said to be very ordinary, and the general battle is not at all. The need to open this skill.

The change in skills is so horrible, and the changes in the attributes are even more incredible.

After the pilot's promotion and bloodline upgrade, all the average attributes exceeded 100, but some of the 30 points of the bloodline attribute improvement were given by the original changer (true), and the actual promotion value is actually only half. But now because of the relationship of the last sentence, let Xiaoran know that the actual improvement is actually far more than 30 points.

This is simply because the increase in the attributes of the blood changes leading to physical changes is not included in any attributes, which means that Xiao Ran’s body has completely reached the level of qualitative change, and the roots have been separated from the human category. Become a truly pure changer.

The physical quality of pure breeders has surpassed ordinary humans in several grades. Under the original foundation of Xiaoran’s original physical quality, the evolution brought about by evolution is no less than 30% of the total property. To the extent that this promotion is one-off and fixed, changes in vital signs will make Xiaoran’s attributes so horrible.

In addition to the last sentence that appears, all the attributes are only counted as fixed plus, and the percentage plus layer is not calculated at all, so that in fact, after the promotion to become a pure breeder, how much increase has been achieved. Now the relationship between this attribute and the prompt, Xiao Ran does not know how to calculate.

And if you count the attributes obtained by adding layers, after the promotion of the A-level pilot and the upgrade of the blood level, the increase that the individual has gained is only doubled. This is the purpose that is difficult to achieve at the cost of the battle. Just because the level of the pilot and the increase in blood level have fallen on Xiaoran's head.

If you calculate the attribute added separately after being promoted to become a Class A pilot, then the current attribute of Xiaoran is even more terrifying. It is simply the rhythm of the attribute completely breaking through 100, and the spiritual value is as high as 167. In addition to the temporary reinforcement of the opening skills, the mental value alone has exceeded 200 degrees, and it has been a skyrocketing change.

And this is the strength of the A-class pilot who has the A-level blood. It really has the terror strength of the complete A-class pilot who has mastered the characteristics. From the promotion to the real A-class pilot, it has already entered. The other world has become a truly strategic level of existence, a new step that can despise all the A-level pilots, even if there is no strength, this skill can compete with the super-machine mechanic.

Even if Xiaoran does not really drive a body to fight, but he has the kind of illusion that I can turn over the original dozens of people just by driving the right body. And Xiao Ran also realized in a moment that a complete A-level pilot is not only looking at driving skills, but also looking at the A-class body, but the blood, characteristics, skills, driving skills, and the complete integration of the body.

Only if you really achieve the indescribable degree of integration can you be called a true A-level pilot, and the real A-level pilot upgrade will be enormous, otherwise you will master the feature promotion. Class A, that can only be regarded as a pseudo-A-level pilot, like Kira, like Aslan.

The adjuster's blood is not bad, the perfect adjuster's own awakening skill spirit is also very good, but in fact, Kira and Aslan's blood is simply not a true A-class lineage. Even if the growth rate to some extent is greater than Xiaoran, the special ability Xiaoran has already made up for it.

If these two people come to Prometheus, at most they will be able to improve with a special evaluation of A-level, but the blood of Xiaoran wants to improve again. What is needed is not just a S-level special evaluation. Now, you need the enemy that was confronted in the 00 world, the kind of race cell that can assimilate everything, ELS.

Well, because of the attitude of holding research, Luo also got a lot of ELS samples to take back, so Xiaoran’s current bloodline has no obstacles to advance again. The only thing that blocks his blood promotion is only the S level. The only condition for the pilot.

After the A level, the proficiency has become three question marks. It is no longer the proficiency to advance to the S-level pilot. How to become a S-class pilot, Xiao Ran only gets a self-exploration information, so To be promoted is not just a matter of time, but an opportunity and luck.

On the blood side, although Luo has no blood, the inheritance of the undefeated stream in the East can also be regarded as a blood-like ability, just different from the normal blood of the real area, and become a kind of cultivation and growth. The bloodline ability is enough for Luo to rely on the unbeaten inheritance of the East and be promoted to a true A-class pilot with Bassac.

But another B-class pilot, Kruze, with the blood of his low-level adjusters, also needs to upgrade his blood to make him a real A-class pilot like Xiao Ran, Graham, Ji Gusi, two bloodless People can't grow into A-class pilots, as long as the human blood in them evolves and become a higher-level human race, they can also become true A-class pilots.

For example, perfect humans, such as bronze, silver, gold and human blood, of course, the name is Xiaoran himself, but the human blood has the same ability to grow.

The blood of human beings is also a kind of blood. Since it is blood, it can also be promoted. But first of all, it must really let the two dig out the special awakening ability that belongs to human blood, and truly develop human blood. Otherwise, everything will be everything. It is also no good.

After being promoted to become a Class A pilot, Xiao Ran naturally acquired this knowledge and information, as if he had known it before, without any sudden and wrong, and this knowledge will become the rest of the team. The guiding light of evolution.

After digesting all these changes, Xiao Ran directly upgraded the skills that can be upgraded again. The assault-type specialization was upgraded to the ninth level, the fire-powered specialization was upgraded to the sixth level, and the quick lock was upgraded to the ninth level. It has also been upgraded to the ninth level, so that the added layer attribute has increased a lot.

In addition to improving his skills, Xiao Ran also took out some of the skills purchased from the Super Zone, and gathered the C-level skills to blast the skills that can enhance the energy efficiency of the attack during the attack, and the only one is directly Learning, both skills are non-upgradable skills.

In addition to these two skills, the strength of the four upgrades in addition to the spiritual improvement, Xiao Ran also all studied, although there is no fixed strength value, but with the intention of war, this ignoring conditions to increase the strength of the existence of power, hidden Sexual strength values ​​can also be improved. Skills, hits, reactions, and physiques are all upgraded to nine levels, and the attributes of the skills are increased from one percent to ten percent, directly becoming ten. Eight to thirty.

The same is the beginning of the 100-power, but the highest pneumatic threshold has increased to the level of two hundred and fifty, but as long as the strength of one hundred, the effect of 18% is still very obvious.

Until all this was done, all the skills were upgraded, and Xiao Ran once again consumed a million battle points, making himself a stronger fighter with a higher endurance, coupled with quantum assimilation. Division, a pilot who relies solely on driving skills and an infinite number of outbreaks.

From the room of reinforcement, all the people waiting outside put their eyes directly on Xiaoran. From the eyes of everyone, they can see the different flavors revealed by Xiaoran and the previous Xiaoran. One can't tell the truth, but it seems more introverted.

Kruze’s eyes looked at Xiao Ran, and Basque immediately rushed to Xiao Ran to ask about the changes after Xiao Ran’s promotion. However, Xiao Ran smiled slightly and brought everyone to the training room again. Half an hour later, Kruze, Luo, Bassac, Graham, Nalo, Jigus, 咲, El Elf, Reinard all went out of the training room again, the face was shocked. The expressions are also hanging on everyone's face.

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